Shuffle and unscramble a string (Lua) - string

I have a function to shuffle strings from another article adapted to reorder the characters with a table of predefined numbers. It works perfectly, so I also needed a function to unscramble this string using the number table, but I have no idea how to do this, especially after having tried and failed several times.
Shuffle function:
randomValues = {}
for i = 1, 60 do
table.insert(randomValues, 1, math.random())
function shuffle(str)
local letters = {}
local idx = 0
for letter in str:gmatch'.[\128-\191]*' do
idx = idx + 1
table.insert(letters, {letter = letter, rnd = randomValues[idx]})
table.sort(letters, function(a, b) return a.rnd < b.rnd end)
for i, v in ipairs(letters) do
letters[i] = v.letter
return table.concat(letters)
Any tips?

I will assume, that all you're trying to do is:
Split a string into unicode characters.
Shuffle these characters.
Restore the characters to their original position.
I have separated the splitting up of unicode characters and doing the actual shuffle, to make it a bit easier to follow.
1. Splitting the characters
Starting off with the splitting of characters:
-- Splits a string into a table of unicode characters.
local function splitLetters(str)
local letters = {}
for letter in str:gmatch'.[\128-\191]*' do
table.insert(letters, letter)
return letters
This is mostly copied from the first part of your function.
2. Shuffling the table of characters
Now that we have a nice table of characters, that we can work with, it's time to shuffle them. Shuffling a list can be done by going through each character in order and swapping it with a randomly chosen (but still unshuffled) item. While we do that, we also keep a table of all indices that got swapped, which I call swapTable here.
-- Shuffles in place and returns a table, which can be used to unshuffle.
local function shuffle(items)
local swapTable = {}
for i = 1, #items - 1 do
-- Swap the first item with a random item (including itself).
local j = math.random(i, #items)
items[i], items[j] = items[j], items[i]
-- Keep track of each swap so we can undo it.
table.insert(swapTable, j)
-- Everything up to i is now random.
-- The last iteration can be skipped, as it would always swap with itself.
-- See #items - 1 at the top of the loop.
return swapTable
3. Restoring the letters to their original positions
Using this swapTable, it is now pretty straightforward to just do the whole shuffle again, but in reverse.
-- Restores a previous shuffle in place.
local function unshuffle(items, swapTable)
-- Go through the swap table backwards, as we need to do everything in reverse.
for i = #swapTable, 1, -1 do
-- Do the same as before, but using the swap table.
local j = swapTable[i]
items[i], items[j] = items[j], items[i]
A full example using all those functions
Using those few functions (and table.concat to build up the list of letters into a string again) we can do everything you want:
-- Make our output reproducible
-- Split our test string into a table of unicode characters
local letters = splitLetters("Hellö Wörld! Höw are yoü?")
-- Shuffle them in-place, while also getting the swapTable
local swapTable = shuffle(letters)
-- Print out the shuffled string
print(table.concat(letters)) --> " rH?doröWüle Hl lwa eyöö!"
-- Unshuffle them in-place using the swapTable
unshuffle(letters, swapTable)
-- And we're back to the original string
print(table.concat(letters)) --> "Hellö Wörld! Höw are yoü?"
Creating the swapTable upfront
In your example, you generate the swapTable upfront (and it also works slightly different for you). You can of course split that part out and have your shuffle function work similar to how unshuffle is currently implemented. Tell me, if you want me to elaborate on that.


How to remove several substring within a string in matlab?

I'm trying to implement in a different way what I can already do implementing some custom matlab functions. Let us suppose to have this string 'AAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTsssssssssssTTTTTTTTTT' I know to remove each lowercase sub strings with
regexprep(String, '[a-z]*', '')
But since I want to understand how to take indexes of these substrings and using them to check them and remove them maybe with a for loop I'm investigating about how to do it.
Regexp give the indexes :
[Start,End] = regexp(Seq,'[a-z]{1,}');
but i'm not succeeding in figuring out how to use them to check these sequences and eliminate them.
With the indexing approach you get several start and end indices (two in your example), so you need a loop to remove the corresponding sections from the string. You should remove them from last to first, otherwise indices that haven't been used yet will become invalid as you remove sections:
x = 'AAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTsssssssssssTTTTTTTTTT'; % input
y = x; % initiallize result
[Start, End] = regexp(x, '[a-z]{1,}');
for k = numel(Start):-1:1 % note: from last to first
y(Start(k):End(k)) = []; % remove section

How to efficiently find identical substrings of a specified length in a collection of strings?

I have a collection S, typically containing 10-50 long strings. For illustrative purposes, suppose the length of each string ranges between 1000 and 10000 characters.
I would like to find strings of specified length k (typically in the range of 5 to 20) that are substrings of every string in S. This can obviously be done using a naive approach - enumerating every k-length substring in S[0] and checking if they exist in every other element of S.
Are there more efficient ways of approaching the problem? As far as I can tell, there are some similarities between this and the longest common subsequence problem, but my understanding of LCS is limited and I'm not sure how it could be adapted to the situation where we bound the desired common substring length to k, or if subsequence techniques can be applied to finding substrings.
Here's one fairly simple algorithm, which should be reasonably fast.
Using a rolling hash as in the Rabin-Karp string search algorithm, construct a hash table H0 of all the |S0|-k+1 length k substrings of S0. That's roughly O(|S0|) since each hash is computed in O(1) from the previous hash, but it will take longer if there are collisions or duplicate substrings. Using a better hash will help you with collisions but if there are a lot of k-length duplicate substrings in S0 then you could end up using O(k|S0|).
Now use the same rolling hash on S1. This time, look each substring up in H0 and if you find it, remove it from H0 and insert it into a new table H1. Again, this should be around O(|S1|) unless you have some pathological case, like both S0 and S1 are just long repetitions of the same character. (It's also going to be suboptimal if S0 and S0 are the same string, or have lots of overlapping pieces.)
Repeat step 2 for each Si, each time creating a new hash table. (At the end of each iteration of step 2, you can delete the hash table from the previous step.)
At the end, the last hash table will contain all the common k-length substrings.
The total run time should be about O(Σ|Si|) but in the worst case it could be O(kΣ|Si|). Even so, with the problem size as described, it should run in acceptable time.
Some thoughts (N is number of strings, M is average length, K is needed substring size):
Approach 1:
Walk through all strings, computing rolling hash for k-length strings and storing these hashes in the map (store tuple {key: hash; string_num; position})
time O(NxM), space O(NxM)
Extract groups with equal hash, check step-by-step:
1) that size of group >= number of strings
2) all strings are represented in this group 3
3) thorough checking of real substrings for equality (sometimes hashes of distinct substrings might coincide)
Approach 2:
Build suffix array for every string
time O(N x MlogM) space O(N x M)
Find intersection of suffix arrays for the first string pair, using merge-like approach (suffixes are sorted), considering only part of suffixes of length k, then continue with the next string and so on
I would treat each long string as a collection of overlapped short strings, so ABCDEFGHI becomes ABCDE, BCDEF, CDEFG, DEFGH, EFGHI. You can represent each short string as a pair of indexes, one specifying the long string and one the starting offset in that string (if this strikes you as naive, skip to the end).
I would then sort each collection into ascending order.
Now you can find the short strings common to the first two collection by merging the sorted lists of indexes, keeping only those from the first collection which are also present in the second collection. Check the survivors of this against the third collection, and so on and the survivors at the end correspond to those short strings which are present in all long strings.
(Alternatively you could maintain a set of pointers into each sorted list and repeatedly look to see if every pointer points at short strings with the same text, then advancing the pointer which points at the smallest short string).
Time is O(n log n) for the initial sort, which dominates. In the worst case - e.g. when every string is AAAAAAAA..AA - there is a factor of k on top of this, because all string compares check all characters and take time k. Hopefully, there is a clever way round this with which allows you to sort in time O(n) rather than O(nk log n) and the, which should allow you to skip some characters when comparing substrings from different suffix arrays.
Thinking about this again, I think the usual suffix array trick of concatenating all of the strings in question, separated by a character not found in any of them, works here. If you look at the LCP of the resulting suffix array you can split it into sections, splitting at points where where the difference between suffixes occurs less than k characters in. Now each offset in any particular section starts with the same k characters. Now look at the offsets in each section and check to see if there is at least one offset from every possible starting string. If so, this k-character sequence occurs in all starting strings, but not otherwise. (There are suffix array constructions which work with arbitrarily large alphabets so you can always expand your alphabet to produce a character not in any string, if necessary).
I would try a simple method using HashSets:
Build a HashSet for each long string in S with all its k-strings.
Sort the sets by number of elements.
Scan the first set.
Lookup the term in the other sets.
The first step takes care of repetitions in each long string.
The second ensures the minimum number of comparisons.
let getHashSet k (lstr:string) =
let strs = System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<string>()
for i in 0..lstr.Length - k do
strs.Add lstr.[i..i + k - 1] |> ignore
let getCommons k lstrs =
let strss = lstrs |> (getHashSet k) |> Seq.sortBy (fun strs -> strs.Count)
match strss |> Seq.tryHead with
| None -> [||]
| Some h ->
let rest = Seq.tail strss |> Seq.toArray
[| for s in h do
if rest |> Array.forall (fun strs -> strs.Contains s) then yield s
let random = System.Random System.DateTime.Now.Millisecond
let generateString n =
[| for i in 1..n do
yield random.Next 20 |> (+) 65 |> System.Convert.ToByte
|] |> System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString
[ for i in 1..3 do yield generateString 10000 ]
|> getCommons 4
|> fun l -> printfn "found %d\n %A" l.Length l
found 40
[|"PPTD"; "KLNN"; "FTSR"; "CNBM"; "SSHG"; "SHGO"; "LEHS"; "BBPD"; "LKQP"; "PFPH";
"NHGH"; "EARK"; "ELNF"; "ADKE"; "DQCC"; "GKJA"; "ASME"; "KFGM"; "AMKE"; "JJLJ"|]
Here it is in fiddle:

Sort letters in string alphabetically- SAS

I would like to sort the letters in a string alphabetically.
'apple' = 'aelpp'
The only function I have seen that is somewhat similar is SORTC, but I would like to avoid splitting each word into an array of letters if possible.
Joe's right - there is no built-in function that does this. You have two options here that I can see:
Split your string into an array and sort the array using call sortc. You can do this fairly painlessly using call pokelong provided that you have first defined an array of sufficient length.
Implement a sorting algorithm of your choice. If you choose to go down this route, I would suggest using substr on the left of the = sign to change individual characters without rewriting the whole string.
Here's an example of how you might do #1. #2 would be much more work.
data _null_;
myword = 'apple';
array letters[5] $1;
call pokelong(myword,addrlong(letters1),5); /*Limit # of chars to copy to the length of array*/
call sortc(of letters[*]);
myword = cat(of letters[*]);
putlog _all_;
N.B. for an array of length 5 as used here, make sure you only write the first 5 characters of the string into memory at the start of the array when using call pokelong in order to avoid overflowing past the end of the array - otherwise you could overwrite some other arbitrary section of memory when processing longer values of myword. This could cause undesirable side effects, e.g. application / system crashes. Also, this technique for populating the array will not work in SAS University Edition - if you're using that, you'll need to use a do-loop instead.
I did a little test of this - sorting 2m random words of length 100 consisting of characters chosen from the whole ASCII printable range took about 15 seconds using a single CPU of a several-years-old PC - slightly less time than it took to create the test dataset.
data have;
length myword $100;
do i = 1 to 2000000;
do j = 1 to 100;
substr(myword,j,1) = byte(32 + int(ranuni(1) * (126 - 32)));
drop i j;
data want;
set have;
array letters[100] $1;
call pokelong(myword,addrlong(letters1),100); /*Limit # of chars to copy to the length of array*/
call sortc(of letters[*]);
myword = cat(of letters[*]);
drop letters:;

Replace multiple substrings using strrep in Matlab

I have a big string (around 25M characters) where I need to replace multiple substrings of a specific pattern in it.
Frame 1
Frame 2
Frame 7670
The substring I need to remove is the 'Frame #' and it occurs around 7670 times. I can give multiple search strings in strrep, using a cell array
strrep(text,{'Frame 1','Frame 2',..,'Frame 7670'},';')
However that returns a cell array, where in each cell, I have the original string with the corresponding substring of one of my input cell changed.
Is there a way to replace multiple substrings from a string, other than using regexprep? I noticed that it is considerably slower than strrep, that's why I am trying to avoid it.
With regexprep it would be:
regexprep(text,'Frame \d*',';')
and for a string of 25MB it takes around 47 seconds to replace all the instances.
EDIT 1: added the equivalent regexprep command
EDIT 2: added size of the string for reference, number of occurences for the substring and timing of execution for the regexprep
Ok, in the end I found a way to go around the problem. Instead of using regexprep to change the substring, I remove the 'Frame ' substring (including whitespace, but not the number)
rawData = strrep(text,'Frame ','');
This results in something like this:
Then, I change all the commas (,) and newline characters (\n) into a semicolon (;), using again strrep, and I create a big vector with all the numbers
rawData = strrep(rawData,sprintf('\r\n'),';');
rawData = strrep(rawData,';;',';');
rawData = strrep(rawData,';;',';');
rawData = strrep(rawData,',',';');
rawData = textscan(rawData,'%f','Delimiter',';');
then I remove the unnecessary numbers (1,2,...,7670), since they are located at a specific point in the array (each frame contains a specific amount of numbers).
And then I go on with my manipulations. It seems that the additional strrep and removal of the values from the array is much much faster than the equivalent regexprep. With a string of 25M chars with regexprep I can do the whole operation in about 47", while with this workaround it takes only 5"!
Hope this helps somehow.
I think that this can be done using only textscan, which is known to be very fast. Be specifying a 'CommentStyle' the 'Frame #' lines are stripped out. This may only work because these 'Frame #' lines are on their own lines. This code returns the raw data as one big vector:
s = textscan(text,'%f','CommentStyle','Frame','Delimiter',',');
s = s{:}
You may want to know how many elements are in each frame or even reshape the data into a matrix. You can use textscan again (or before the above) to get just the data for the first frame:
f1 = textscan(text,'%f','CommentStyle','Frame 1','Delimiter',',');
f1 = s{:}
In fact, if you just want the elements from the first line, you can use this:
l1 = textscan(text,'%f,','CommentStyle','Frame 1')
l1 = l1{:}
However, the other nice thing about textscan is that you can use it to read in the file directly (it looks like you may be using some other means currently) using just fopen to get an FID. Thus the string data text doesn't have to be in memory.
Using regular expressions:
result = regexprep(text,'Frame [0-9]+','');
It's possible to avoid regular expressions as follows. I use strrep with suitable replacement strings that act as masks. The obtained strings are equal-length and are assured to be aligned, and can thus be combined into the final result using the masks. I've also included the ; you want. I don't know if it will be faster than regexprep or not, but it's definitely more fun :-)
% Data
text = 'Hello Frame 1 test string Frame 22 end of Frame 2 this'; %//example text
rep_orig = {'Frame 1','Frame 2','Frame 22'}; %//strings to be replaced.
%//May be of different lengths
% Computations
rep_dest = cellfun(#(s) char(zeros(1,length(s))), rep_orig, 'uni', false);
%//series of char(0) of same length as strings to be replaced (to be used as mask)
aux = cell2mat(strrep(text,rep_orig.',rep_dest.'));
ind_keep = all(double(aux)); %//keep characters according to mask
ind_semicolon = diff(ind_keep)==1; %//where to insert ';'
ind_keep = ind_keep | [ind_semicolon 0]; %// semicolons will also be kept
result = aux(1,:); %//for now
result(ind_semicolon) = ';'; %//include `;`
result = result(ind_keep); %//remove unwanted characters
With these example data:
>> text
text =
Hello Frame 1 test string Frame 22 end of Frame 2 this
>> result
result =
Hello ; test string ; end of ; this

Groovy split without final trim

I'm parsing a CVS file like the following:
The thing is that when using a script like this:
file.eachLine{ line ->
items = line.split(",")
println items.length
The result is like the following:
Which makes me thing that the split function removes a final values. I need it to have all the items even if they are empty. Any idea?
I think you want to do:
items = line.split(',', -1)
to make sure you get all the tokens
(according to the javadoc):
The limit parameter controls the
number of times the pattern is applied
and therefore affects the length of
the resulting array. If the limit n is
greater than zero then the pattern
will be applied at most n - 1 times,
the array's length will be no greater
than n, and the array's last entry
will contain all input beyond the last
matched delimiter. If n is
non-positive then the pattern will be
applied as many times as possible and
the array can have any length. If n is
zero then the pattern will be applied
as many times as possible, the array
can have any length, and trailing
empty strings will be discarded.
