Choosing container for Azure Function EventHubb Trigger - azure

By default the Azure Function of type Eventhub Trigger stores the offsets in a container inside a Storage Account named azure-webjobs-eventhub. Is there any possibility to specify another container? maybe playing with the AzureWebJobsStorage property?
Thank you very much

Choosing container for Azure Function EventHubb Trigger
As Event trigger extension by default creates a checkpoint you cannot create change the container
For further information you can check Event Trigger


Is there any way to know the storage account name when ADF pipeline is triggered using ADF Storage Event Trigger

I am trying to create a ADF Pipeline which gets triggered as soon as a file in uploaded into a storage account. After triggering some operations are performed. I am able to get folder path and file name of the uploaded file. I also wanted to get the storage account name as it is useful in the future processes. Is there any way to extract that.
Currently, there is no option to fetch the storage account name directly from storage event triggers.
As a workaround, you can create a pipeline parameter to store the storage account name and pass the value from the event trigger when creating it.
Creating event trigger:
Here as we are selecting the storage name manually, pass the same
storage name value to the parameter.
Here, in the value option provide the storage account name.
Create a parameter in the pipeline to pull the storage name from the trigger.
Use the Set variable activity to show the parameter value which is passed from the trigger.

Azure Function Storage Container Blob Trigger

Azure Function Storage Account Blob Container Trigger
In one of our use case, i am looking for Azure function trigger for any activity in Storage account containers with following conditions
Container with a specific naming convention (name like xxxx-input)
It should automatically detect if a new container(with specific naming convention) is created
Currently, the following events are supported at the moment, per the documentation:
DirectoryCreated(Data lake Gen2)
DirectoryRenamed(Data lake Gen2)
DirectoryDeleted(Data lake Gen2)
This means that it is not possible to create such event, but you can try to change the approach(if feasible for your use-case) from 'push' to 'pull'.
I suggest to write a time-triggered function that checks whether container with the given schemes were created. You can leverage the Blob Storage v12 SDK for this task, and get list of the containers.
Save the list to some database(for example CosmosDB), and every time the function gets triggered, you can compare the current state, with the last saved state from the db.
If there is a difference, you can push the message to the EventHub, that triggers another function that actually reacts on this 'new event-type'.
you should use the Azure Event Grid subscribing to the Resource group of your storage account and use for example, the advanced filtering for

Does EventGridTrigger wors in App service plan and ASE?

I have an Event Grid Trigger Azure function deployed to a function app which is in an ASE. I have created an event grid subscription with this function as an end point. The purpose of this subscription is to call this function once a blob file is created.
When I placed the file in the location, the event is supposed to call the function but I see the event is undelivered.
How can I resolve the issue?
I found this in Azure documents :
" When your function app runs in either an App Service plan or an App Service Environment, you can use non-HTTP trigger functions. For your functions to get triggered correctly, you must be connected to a virtual network with access to the resource defined in the trigger connection. "
Maybe you can refer to this article.enter link description here
I have created an eventgrid subscription that writes the event to a queue whenever a file is created in blob. I have modified exiting EvenGridTrigger function to QueueTrigger function. Both storage account and function app are in same vnet.

EventProcessorHost method - Do I need an azure blob storage and lease container for event hub?

I'm using the EventProcessorHost() method in the Microsoft.Azure.EventHubs.Processor library and it seems that in addition to an event hub library, I need to specify a storage connection string and a lease container name - as parameters.
Do I need to create an azure blob storage and also - where can I find the lease container name?
Yes, you need a storage account, and lease container name is your actual container name.
So create a container within your blob storage, and specify that container name as your lease container name in constructor of EventProcessorHost.
Yes , you need Azure storage container to maintain leaser checker for your application. You just need to provide connection string of storage account and you have to provide container name in your application , your application will create storage container in blob automatically.

Azure Data Factory: event not starting pipeline

I've set up a Azure Data Factory pipeline containing a copy activity. For testing purposes both source and sink are Azure Blob Storages.
I wan't to execute the pipeline as soon as a new file is created on the source Azure Blob Storage.
I've created a trigger of type BlovEventsTrigger. Blob path begins with has been set to //
I use Cloud Storage Explorer to upload files but it doesn't trigger my pipeline. To get an idea of what is wrong, how can I check if the event is fired? Any idea what could be wrong?
Reiterating what others have stated:
Must be using a V2 Storage Account
Trigger name must only contain letters, numbers and the '-' character (this restriction will soon be removed)
Must have registered subscription with Event Grid resource provider (this will be done for you via the UX soon)
Trigger makes the following properties available #triggerBody().folderPath and #triggerBody().fileName. To use these in your pipeline your must map them to pipeline paramaters and use them as such: #pipeline().parameters.paramaetername.
Finally, based on your configuration setting blob path begins with to // will not match any blob event. The UX will actually show you an error message saying that that value is not valid. Please refer to the Event Based Trigger documentation for examples of valid configuration.
Please reference this. First, it needs to be a v2 storage. Second, you need register it with event grid.
There seems to be a bug with Blob storage trigger, if you have more than one trigger is allocated to the same blob container, none of the triggers will fire.
For some reasons (another bug, but this time in Data factories?), if you edit several times your trigger in the data factory windows, the data factory seems to loose track of the triggers it creates, and your single trigger may end up creating multiple duplicate triggers on the blob storage. This condition activates the first bug discussed above: the blob storage trigger doesn't trigger anymore.
To fix this, delete the duplicate triggers. For that, navigate to your blob storage resource in the Azure portal. Go to the Events blade. From there you'll see all the triggers that the data factories added to your blob storage. Delete the duplicates.
And now, on 20.06.2021, same for me: event trigger is not working, though when editing it's definition in DF, it shows all my files in folder, that matches. But when i add new file to that folder, nothing happens!
If you're creating your trigger via arm template, make sure you're aware of this bug. The "runtimeState" (aka "Activated") property of the trigger can only be set as "Stopped" via arm template. The trigger will need to be activated via powershell or the ADF portal.
An event grid resource provider needs to have been registered, within the specific azure subscription.
Also if you use Synapse Studio pipelines instead of Data Factory (like me) make sure the Data Factory resource provider is also registered.
Finally, the user should have both 'owner' and 'storage blob data contributor' on the storage account.
