How do I get my Shopify App from my local dev server to their server? - node.js

First off, I'm really, really sorry if this has been asked before, but I did not find a satisfying answer. This step seems missing / unthreatened in literally all explanations and tutorials out there.
I've read literally everything about making a Shopify App and I've built one and it works. I'm in the stage of submitting it, but I discovered the project directory is about 40k+ files large. When debugging the App, I ran the test server over ngrok over my local laptop, but it's kind of self explaining that I won't keep it running there 24/7 for the next 50 years.
After reading all guides, I still lack in one important information.
How is my app being pushed/pulled/deployed to their server? What exactly do I do to achieve this, and furthermore, how do I update bugfixes afterwards?
I am aware there is a review process and everything, the question is, when and how does my local app version move over to their servers. exactly?
I was really not able to find satisfying answers to this.
Help greatly appreciated.

You have to host your application on your own server be it a Public app or Custom app.
Public APP
They will review the approach not the code, they can't see your code,
it's deployed on your server.
In shopify developer account open create public app form, add your app urls.
Submit your app for approval.
Custom APP
They won't review anything, just deploy your app on your server and
add your links in the custom app form.


How to deploy a React + Express app on a local network?

This is my first post here, let me know if I do it wrong. I would like to start by mentioning that I'm kind of a beginner developer. I've had a bunch of classes, but it's also my first time working on something of my own, from beginning to end (emphasis on "end").
I'm working on a relatively simple app, for user management (CRUD, with different levels of authorizations) and shop management. I was given the choice of the tools, framework, language, etc, to use, with the only constraints that 1/ the main device to use it will be a tablet most of the times 2/ nothing should be hosted online. I wanted to get more familiar with Javascript so I went with creating a React app (front) with Express Nodejs (back) and a MySQL database I access via Sequelize.
Development is going fine (for the most part thanks to many great posts here on SO), but I just got hit by the reality that I have never tried to build the app and see if it runs the way I intend. And I do not know how to do it. I should have researched that earlier.
So far, in development I always tested everything on PC and phone by running npm start (front end) and node server.js (back end), and the client runs in a browser (when using a phone I access the IP adress and port, like 192.168.x.x:3000). Backend listens to the 8080 port no prob, access to the MySQL database works as intended thanks to Sequelize. Frontend listens to port 3000 to display the user interface on the browser, and React makes it easy to develop features in front, and quickly troubleshoot them. Everything works fine, and as expected, anyone in the same network (and with a web browser) can access and use the app that way.
This is the behavior I want to replicate with a production build : having a computer host the build, and run the "server" so that the app is available to any device in the local network. So I guess I need to somehow make my build in a way to make it possible to turn on and off the "server" at will, maybe via a .exe ? Or turn it on at the same time as the computer ?
I know I should have researched that earlier and not doing so was a mistake. All I know is I'll have to use npm run build, to get the build folder, but I don't know what to do from there. Could you help me figure it out ? Among many things I'm not sure of, is whether or not the host computer (not mine) needs to have node.js installed ? Does it also have to have MySQL installed ? Do I make a single build that incorporates the backend and the frontend, or do I build both separately ? If so, how ?
Let me know if you need to see part of the code. Thanks in advance and have a great day.
EDIT : App was created using create react app
There are options to deploy on cloud like Cloud Servers. But I think you're looking for hosting the application on the local machine. You need to create a service, bundle the application and serve whenever you want.
Following link might be helpful

500 error when I try to deploy nextjs ssg application with incremental-static-generation

I have NextJS app with SSG. This functionality was added recently and according to it I should do next-export after next-build to get static files. But after appearing in 9.4 of Incremental Static Regeneration I need to keep server on by npm-start command (in my case I use custom server file with next-express functionality). It works good locally and It works good when I get artifact from Azure. But It doesn't work globally when it will be deployed finally. Help please
Through my attempts, I found that it is impossible to install globally or use next in Azure Web App. That is, it cannot be deployed through Github.Deploying using other methods such as FTP cannot run successfully. It should be related to the azure node environment.
But the method provided in this post says that it can be processed by adding web.config. I think it should be useful and helpful to you. Please read it carefully and try it.
You also can read this document, maybe it useful to you.

What type of web hosting do I need if I want to run a Node.js app

I want to build a web app with React for frontend and Node.js for backend. The problem comes when choosing the type of hosting I need. I know that for static files(eg. html with css and js) it's enough to have a standard web hosting, but if I want to have a server running Node.js app, do I need a dedicated server or VPS? Why?
I believe you can have either. Are you trying to do this professionally for a client or for a side project?
Personally, I use services like Heroku or Netlify (others here: They run builds of node for your app and are free initially.
You can host your app and publish it for no cost at the beginning. However, on something like Heroku, if you don't pay, it takes 5 seconds for your website to wake up. But, this is great for prototyping. It gives you a URL so others can see it. They are basically version control systems that publish what you currently have. So you can just live push your project at any time and it updates your site.
If your prototype is working and you want it to be a fully dedicated app, then you can either pay or find services that host it. I would recommend prototyping first regardless and wouldn't pay until you need to.

How do I properly upload a localhost website online?

I have a ReactJS project for my Front and a NodeJS project/server using Express for my back. My Front depends on my Back because for example in the Login part, I ask the server if the user is already in our database.
To execute my project, I just open 2 terminals and do npm start in each Front and Back.
I know that in order to upload a website with a personal domain name, I should:
Buy a domain name
Pay a subscription to a web-hosting website like GoDaddy, Bluehost, Hostgator etc.
If I pay a subscription to some web-hosting website, will I be able to put my Front AND Back? I have seen some tutorials online and people just make a simple HTML/CSS/JS website and upload it. I never see anyone uploading their own Server and making requests to it.
I'm not asking to merge both my Front and Back. I want to know how do people upload online their React front and Node Server online, for them to be always executed and talking to each other. I just can't see the relationship and explanation on how uploading both.
Your react frontend doesn't really need a server, you'd need to build a release bundle and that can be served from any static filehoster. For your backend though you need a node.js hoster like AWS or heroku, follow their tutorials to upload your project.
You could also then serve both from the same hoster and read into connecting frontend and backend like mentioned by #FedeSc
An easy solution for your use case could be digitalocean or any similar site that offers a whole virtual system to operate with. You can then ssh into the server as it was your computer and use the terminal there. It is cheaper than Heroku if you wish to make your site available without 30 seconds waiting time (that is what Heroku does in a serverless fashion if you are on a free plan). There are dozens of sites like this but I had good experience with digitalocean and a basic plan is $5/mo.

Node.Js app cannot be deployed to Heroku successfully

There's this tutorial which has a working chat app. You can find the chat app on GitHub.
I'm trying to deploy the git code to Heroku without success.
The GitHub is separated to client/server architecture so it requires to start node server and ng serve to client. Do I need 2 dynos for it? Do I need to edit the Procfile? The server is using process.env.PORT but the client one is hardcoded.
I'm very new to Heroku and Node.js so any help is meaningful to me.
The GitHub project that you ask about is pretty complex and it doesn't seem to have ane Heroku deployment instructions, without knowing the project it's hard to give you any concrete solution, but I'll try to answer in general how such applications are usually deployed and hopefully it will help you solve your problems.
For applications like this it is common to split the backend and the frontend part and have it deployed and hosted separately, either as two separate dynos if you want to host both on Heroku, or e.g. hosting the backend part on Heroku and the frontend part on Netlify or a similar service.
Another option could be to make the backend serve the frontend e.g. on the / path while having all of the backend endpoints available as /api/* or something similar (or on a different port but this is not possible on Heroku). Having it on the same host and port but with a prefix for the api has the advantage of simplifying the CORS related matters, as the origin is the same so no cross-origin issues arise.
If you're using WebSockets then it is slightly more complicated - make sure to read:
but either way you can still move your frontend to Netlify or something similar and keep the backend on Heroku if you want.
It's hard to give you any more specific answer to this question. I see that you are new here, so next time try to write a more specific question and narrow down the problem so that you can show a small code example that people could actually read and help you.
