Reflect metadata design:paramtypes return an array with unfedined element - node.js

I'm trying to obtain the constructor arguments for some class but the <> get an array with a undefined element.
For the test I work with services Example2Services and ExampleService
import { ExampleService } from './example.service';
export class Example2Service {
constructor(private es1: ExampleService) {}
getValue() {
return "some value2";
import { Example2Service } from './example2.service';
export class ExampleService {
constructor(private es2: Example2Service) { }
getValue() {
return this.es2.getValue();
getString() {
return "1"
In this function I send a Example2Service
private resolve(target: Type): Object | Function {
let tokens = Reflect.getMetadata('design:paramtypes', target)
debugging the code, I get this for the token variable
trying to understand the behavior, I try to obtain the args directly from some classes
import {Example2Service} from '../../exaple2.service.ts';
import {ExampleService} from '../../exaple.service.ts';
private resolve(target: Type): Object | Function {
let tokensA = Reflect.getMetadata('design:paramtypes', Example2Service)
let tokensB = Reflect.getMetadata('design:paramtypes', ExampleService);
let tokens = Reflect.getMetadata('design:paramtypes', target);
debuging this case I get this, sending a Example2Service to resolve function. Now tokens is an array with an Class inside. Note that when importing the Example2Service and ExampleService this happened, but when changing the import order the behavior changes
I found out that this occurs when there is circularity between dependencies


Get filename of derived class from base class in typescript running on node.js?

I'm looking for a way to get the filename of a derived class from a base class in typescript running on node.js. An example of this would be:
export abstract class Foo {
constructor() { }
name() { return (__filename); }
print() { console.log(; }
import { Foo } from './Foo';
export class Bar extends Foo {
constructor() { super(); }
import { Bar } from './Bar';
let bar = new Bar();
bar.print(); // should yield the location of Bar.ts
Due to the number of files involved and just cleanliness I'd like this to be confined to the Foo class rather than having an override of the name() function in each derived class.
I was able to sort-of solve this with the code:
private getDerivedFilePath(): string {
let errorStack: string[] = new Error().stack.split('\n');
let ret: string = __filename;
let baseClass: any = ThreadPoolThreadBase;
for (let i: number = 3; i < errorStack.length; i++) {
let filename: string = errorStack[i].slice(
errorStack[i].lastIndexOf('(') + 1,
Math.max(errorStack[i].lastIndexOf('.js'), errorStack[i].lastIndexOf('.ts')) + 3
let other: any = require(filename);
if (other.__proto__ === baseClass) {
ret = filename;
baseClass = other;
} else {
return (ret || '');
Added to Foo, which will work when called from the constructor to set a private _filename property, for inheritance chains beyond the example above so long as the files are structured with a default export of the class being used. There may also be a caveat that if a base class from which a derived object is inheriting directly is initialized as a separate instance within the constructor of any member of the inheritance chain it could get confused and jump to another independent derived class - so it's a bit of a hacky work-around and I'd be interested if someone comes up with something better, but wanted to post this in case someone stumbles across this question and it works for them.
You can use require.cache to get all cached NodeModule objects and filter it to find your module.
class ClassA {
public static getFilePath():string{
const nodeModule = this.getNodeModule();
return (nodeModule) ? nodeModule.filename : "";
public static getNodeModule(): NodeModule | undefined{
const nodeModule = Object.values(require.cache)
.filter((chl) => chl?.children.includes(module))
.filter((mn)=> mn?.filename.includes(
return nodeModule;
class ClassB extends ClassA {
const pathA = ClassA.getFilePath(); //Must return the absolute path of ClassA
const pathB = ClassB.getFilePath(); //Must return the absolute path of ClassB

TypeScript - Repository pattern with Sequelize

I'm converting my Express API Template to TypeScript and I'm having some issues with the repositories.
With JavaScript, I would do something like this:
export default class BaseRepository {
async all() {
return this.model.findAll();
// other common methods
import BaseRepository from './BaseRepository';
import { User } from '../Models';
export default class UserRepository extends BaseRepository {
constructor() {
this.model = User;
async findByEmail(email) {
return this.model.findOne({
where: {
// other methods
Now, with TypeScript, the problem is that it doesn't know the type of this.model, and I can't pass a concrete model to BaseRepository, because, well, it is an abstraction. I've found that sequelize-typescript exports a ModelCtor which declares all the static model methods like findAll, create, etc., and I also could use another sequelize-typescript export which is Model to properly annotate the return type.
So, I ended up doing this:
import { Model, ModelCtor } from 'sequelize-typescript';
export default abstract class BaseRepository {
protected model: ModelCtor;
constructor(model: ModelCtor) {
this.model = model;
public async all(): Promise<Model[]> {
return this.model.findAll();
// other common methods
import { Model } from 'sequelize-typescript';
import BaseRepository from './BaseRepository';
import { User } from '../Models';
export default class UserRepository extends BaseRepository {
constructor() {
public async findByEmail(email: string): Promise<Model | null> {
return this.model.findOne({
where: {
// other methods
Ok, this works, TypeScript doesn't complain about methods like findOne or create not existing, but that generates another problem.
Now, for example, whenever I get a User from the repository, if I try to access one of its properties, like, TypeScript will complain that this property does not exist. Of course, because the type Model does not know about the specifics of each model.
Ok, it's treason generics then.
Now BaseRepository uses a generic Model type which the methods also use:
export default abstract class BaseRepository<Model> {
public async all(): Promise<Model[]> {
return Model.findAll();
// other common methods
And the concrete classes pass the appropriate model to the generic type:
import BaseRepository from './BaseRepository';
import { User } from '../Models';
export default class UserRepository extends BaseRepository<User> {
public async findByEmail(email: string): Promise<User | null> {
return User.findOne({
where: {
// other methods
Now IntelliSense lights up correctly, it shows both abstract and concrete classes methods and the model properties (e.g.
But, as you have imagined, that leads to more problems.
Inside BaseRepository, where the methods use the Model generic type, TypeScript complains that 'Model' only refers to a type, but is being used as a value here. Not only that, but TypeScript also doesn't know (again) that the static methods from the model exist, like findAll, create, etc.
Another problem is that in both abstract and concrete classes, as the methods don't use this anymore, ESLint expects the methods to be static: Expected 'this' to be used by class async method 'all'. Ok, I can just ignore this rule in the whole file and the error is gone. It would be even nicer to have all the methods set to static, so I don't have to instantiate the repository, but maybe I'm dreaming too much.
Worth mentioning that although I can just silence those errors with // #ts-ignore, when I execute this, it doesn't work: TypeError: Cannot read property 'create' of undefined\n at UserRepository.<anonymous>
I researched a lot, tried to make all methods static, but static methods can't reference the generic type (because it is considered an instance property), tried some workarounds, tried to pass the concrete model in the constructor of BaseRepository along with the class using the generic type, but nothing seems to work so far.
In case you want to check the code:
Found this: Sequelize-Typescript typeof model
Ok, I removed some unnecessary code from that post and that kinda works:
import { Model } from 'sequelize-typescript';
export default abstract class BaseRepository<M extends Model> {
constructor(protected model: typeof Model) {}
public async all(attributes?: string[]): Promise<M[]> {
// Type 'Model<{}, {}>[]' is not assignable to type 'M[]'.
// Type 'Model<{}, {}>' is not assignable to type 'M'.
// 'Model<{}, {}>' is assignable to the constraint of type 'M', but 'M' could be instantiated with a different subtype of constraint 'Model<any, any>'.
return this.model.findAll({
import BaseRepository from './BaseRepository';
import { User } from '../Models';
export default class UserRepository extends BaseRepository<User> {
constructor() {
I mean, if I put some // #ts-ignore it at least executes, and IntelliSense lights up perfectly, but TypeScript complains.
We faced the same problem. The solution was to declare returning types with an interface that an abstract repository class implements.
Code for the interface:
export type RepoResult<M> = Promise<Result<M | undefined, RepoError | undefined>>;
export interface IRepo<M> {
save(model: M): RepoResult<M>;
findById(id: string): RepoResult<M>;
search(parameterName: string, parameterValue: string, sortBy: string, order: number, pageSize: number, pageNumber: number): RepoResult<M[]>;
getAll(): RepoResult<M[]>;
deleteById(id: string): RepoResult<M>;
findByIds(ids: string[]): RepoResult<M[]>;
deleteByIds(ids: string[]): RepoResult<any>;
Code for the abstract class:
export abstract class Repo<M extends sequelize.Model> implements IRepo<M> {
protected Model!: sequelize.ModelCtor<M>;
constructor(Model: sequelize.ModelCtor<M>) {
this.Model = Model;
public async save(doc: M) {
try {
const savedDoc = await;
return Result.ok(savedDoc);
} catch (ex: any) {
return RepoError(ex.message, 500));
public async findById(id: string) {
try {
const doc = await this.Model.findOne({where: {
id: id
if (!doc) {
return RepoError('Not found', 404));
return Result.ok(doc);
} catch (ex: any) {
return RepoError(ex.message, 500));
Hope it helps. Have a nice day:)
Result is a class that looks like this:
export class Result<V, E> {
public isSuccess: boolean;
public isFailure: boolean;
private error: E;
private value: V;
private constructor(isSuccess: boolean, value: V, error: E) {
if (isSuccess && error) {
throw new Error('Successful result must not contain an error');
} else if (!isSuccess && value) {
throw new Error('Unsuccessful error must not contain a value');
this.isSuccess = isSuccess;
this.isFailure = !isSuccess;
this.value = value;
this.error = error;
public static ok<V>(value: V): Result<V, undefined> {
return new Result(true, value, undefined);
public static fail<E>(error: E): Result<undefined, E> {
return new Result(false, undefined, error);
public getError(): E {
if (this.isSuccess) {
throw new Error('Successful result does not contain an error');
return this.error;
public getValue(): V {
if (this.isFailure) {
throw new Error('Unsuccessful result does not contain a value');
return this.value;
RepoError class:
type RepoErrorCode = 404 | 500;
export class RepoError extends Error {
public code: RepoErrorCode;
constructor(message: string, code: RepoErrorCode) {
this.code = code;
RepoResult type:
export type RepoResult<M> = Promise<Result<M | undefined, RepoError | undefined>>;
You can find more info on the pattern at the link below:

How to stub a private method of a class written in typescript using sinon

I am writing unit tests for a public method which is, in turn, calling a private method of the class written in typescript (Node JS).
Sample Code
class A {
constructor() {
public method1() {
if(this.method2()) {
// Do something
} else {
// Do something else
private method2() {
return true;
Now to test method1() I need to stub method2() which is a private method.
here what I am trying :
sinon.stub(A.prototype, "method2");
Typescript is throwing the error :
Argument of type '"method2"' is not assignable to parameter of type '"method1"'
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank You
The problem is that the definition for sinon uses the following definition for the stub function :
interface SinonStubStatic { <T>(obj: T, method: keyof T): SinonStub; }
This means that the second parameter must be the name of a member (a public one) of the T type. This is probably a good restriction generally, but in this case it is a bit too restrictive.
You can get around it by casting to any:
sinon.stub(A.prototype, <any>"method2");
Sometimes when the complexity of code and tests is more significant I prefer to "externalize" private methods. You can do that, that either with a (partial) class or a (partial) interface.
it('private methods test', async () => {
// original class
class A{
public method1():string{
if(this.method2()) {
// Do something
return "true";
} else {
// Do something else
return "false";
// with private method
private method2():boolean{
return true;
// interface that makes the private method public
interface IAExternalized{
// class that makes the private method public
class APrivate implements IAExternalized{
// with public method
return true;
// test before mocking
let test:A = new A();
let result:string = test.method1();"true");
// let's mock the private method, but with typechecking available
let stubMethod2:sinon.SinonStub = sinon.stub(<IAExternalized><unknown>(A.prototype), "method2").returns(false);
result = test.method1();"true");"false");
// access private method of an object through public-interface
let testPrivate:IAExternalized = <IAExternalized><unknown>test;
let result2:boolean = testPrivate.method2();;;
NOTE: If you control the code you are testing, you do not need to double code, prone to mistakes, but you can make your class implement the interface. To convert standard (without private) interface into "externalized" you can extend it with public methods.
export interface IAExternalized extends IAPrivate {

No signature of method: is applicable for argument types error in Groovy

I am quite new to groovy and getting following error when running the below method. I am trying to pass xml file name and Map
Given(~'^input currency "([^"]*)"$') { String baseCurr ->
fromCurr = baseCurr
When(~'^insert end Currency "([^"]*)"$') { String tragetCurr ->
toCurr = tragetCurr
Then(~'^get the expected end currency value "([^"]*)"$') { String result ->
assert result == currCon(fromCurr, toCurr)
private currCon(fromCurr, toCurr)
def binding = ["fromCurr": fromCurr, "toCurr": toCurr]
response = Consumer.currConvert("request/CurrencyConvert.xml",binding) --> This is line 119
assert 200 == response.status
package abc.api.member
import abc.util.Log
import abc.util.TemplateUtil
import abc.api.RestClient
class ClassA extends ClassB{
ClassA(RestClient restClient) {
def currConvert(String xmlFilename, Map binding) {
return currencyConvertRequest(TemplateUtil.xmlFromTemplate(xmlFilename, binding))
def currencyConvertRequest(xmlString) {
def params = [path : 'CurrencyConvertor.asmx',
headers: globeHeaders(),
body: xmlString]
package abc.api.member
import geb.Browser
import org.apache.http.client.utils.URIBuilder
import abc.api.RestClient
import abc.browser.member.Admin
class Consumer {
Browser browser
String token
String userId
private ClassA classA
Consumer(url) {
browser = new Browser()
browser.baseUrl = baseUrl(url)
restClient = new RestClient(url)
classA = new ClassA(restClient)
private baseUrl(url) {
URI uri = URI.create(url)
URIBuilder builder = new URIBuilder()
URI result =builder.setHost( //
setPath(uri.path). //
setPort(uri.port). //
setUserInfo("Cons", "pbiCons").build()
return result.toURL().toString()
groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: abc.api.consumer.Consumer.currConvert() is applicable for argument types: (org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.GStringImpl, java.util.LinkedHashMap) values: [request/globe/CurrencyConvert.xml, [fromCurr:AUD, ...]]
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.ScriptBytecodeAdapter.unwrap(
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.CallSiteArray.defaultCall(
at RD.currCon(RD.groovy:119)
After searching the issue it turned out its a common issue. Couldn't figure out though. Because all solutions are subjective.
Just curious where I am doing wrong
currConvert is an instance method, but it's being called as if it was a static method.
I had a similar problem like this :
class Example {
static void main (String [] args) {
def printMessage(obj) {
I was getting the same exception at printMessage(obj).
It got fixed after changing it to like this :
class Example {
static void main (String [] args) {
new Example().printMessage(obj)
def printMessage(obj) {

Type of 'return this' in a Groovy #Mixin

I have a mixin class that bundles functionality for different types that do not share a common heritage. The mixing is applied using the #Mixin annotation, so it is handled at compile time.
Some of the mixin methods return this as the result of a method call. The problem is that the this is of the mixing type and not the type of the base class. When I want to work typed in the rest of the application a ClassCastException is thrown saying that the mixing type can not be cast to the base type.
In the example code below return this returns an object of type AMixin instead of an Object of type BaseClass.
How can I have return this return an object of type BaseClass instead of an object of type AMixin?
class AMixin {
def getWhatIWant(){
return this
} else {
def getChildWhatIWant(){
for (def child in childred) {
def whatIWant = child.getWhatIWant()
if (whatIWant) {
return whatIWant
return null
class BaseClass {
boolean isWhatiWant
List<baseClass> children
I just ran into this same situation. I solved it by setting 'this' from the concrete class into a private variable 'me' inside the concrete class and return 'me' in the Mixin classes. For example:
class MyMixin {
def mixinMethod() {
// do stuff
return me
class MyConcreteClass {
private MyConcreteClass me
MyConcreteClass() {
me = this
I feel like it's a bit kludgy, but I think it's a lot simpler than this other solution. I personally need the ability to use the same Mixin in multiple classes, and it sounds like this other proposed solution would not allow for that if you cannot assign multiple Categories to a single Mixin class.
I created the class Base added the category to the AMixin Class and the BaseClass extends from Base.....(
Executed this in GroovyConsole I get
class Base {
boolean isWhatIwant
List<BaseClass> children
class AMixin {
def getWhatIWant(){
return this
} else {
def getChildWhatIWant(){
for (def child in children) {
def whatIWant = child.getWhatIWant()
if (whatIWant) {
return whatIWant
return null
public class BaseClass extends Base {
def b = new BaseClass(isWhatIwant:true)
println b.getWhatIWant()
EDIT just a DummyClass. I know it's very awkward that It works....I'm sure Guillaume Laforge could answer how this works...
class DummyClass {
class AMixin {
def getWhatIWant(){
return this
} else {
def getChildWhatIWant(){
for (def child in children) {
def whatIWant = child.getWhatIWant()
if (whatIWant) {
return whatIWant
return null
public class BaseClass extends DummyClass {
boolean isWhatIwant
List<BaseClass> children
def b = new BaseClass(isWhatIwant:true)
println b.getWhatIWant()
