Is the possibility to change a format address in Substrate? - rust

My question is based on this topic and it seems to doesn't work.
I'm looking for any information on how I can change the address format from ss58 to bech32?
Do I need to implement?
impl AddressMapping

I'd have a look at as they are a btc polkadot bridge, so might have covered this ground.


NFC Scanner/Data Collecter & NFC Tags - How do I capture the tags data?

I apologise if this question seems a bit vague but i will try explain what I require to the best of my ability.
I'm looking for a solution that involves either BarCode or NFC Scanners. These Barcode/NFC scanners will be assigned to a person and they will then need to tap/scan other tags to tell me where they are or what they're doing.
Ideally I need the following scans to gather the correct information:
A form of UserID (the colleagues I work with have access cards which have their NFC details on. There is no issue adding a barcode on the back of these that has the same detail)
A location scan (these barcodes/NFC tags would be planted on walls around the place so we can identify where they are).
These would need time stamps against them.
An example would be:
Username: Bob Marley | Location: Café | TimeStamp: 24/05/2022 11:36:23
Username: Bob Marley | TimeStamp: 24/05/2022 11:36:23
Location: Café | TimeStamp: 24/05/2022 11:36:35
Does anyone know of piece of hardware/software that would be able to work to collect this information? I really appreciate the support.
Thank you
Something like this would be ideal but with the capability of adding time stamps after each scan: Link
It sort of sounds like you are after a complete solution rather than to interface and collate the data into a specific format. I have used various barcode scanners and RFID readers and they generally have two types of interface with the computer.
The more common type of interface, at least for barcode scanners I have used would be for the data to be transferred as if it was being typed from a keyboard. This would require the software to look for keyboard input from the user. You could then validate the input and match a location and user scan and pass out the current date/time.
The second interface I regularly come across is a serial connection, either a physical COM port or a virtual USB-COM port. The RFID scanners I have used fall into this category. One advantage that I find here is that you can send a trigger command if you only want to scan after an external event has occured.
Doesn't really answer your question but maybe you can knock up some code to capture the two items of data and format them with the date stamp. Excel could be configured to accept keyboard entries and format them into cells.

Stripe: what is the exact functionality of transfer_group?

I am familiar with the documentation on Stripe's website about the transfer_group property here: Transfer Options. However, I find this documentation rather limited and I'm still not sure what it does exactly.
One of the things that I'd expect to happen, is that the charge and associated transfer(s) are somehow grouped together on the Stripe Dashboard. But this appears to not be the case.
My question thus is, what does the transfer_group property do exactly and why would one use it?
I found some use for it now. It can be used in the following way:
const transfers = await stripe.transfers.list({
transfer_group: bookingId
This returns all the transfers associated with that transfer_group. Their id's can then be used to create transfer_reversals for example.
Note that the reason I'm not considering this finding as an answer, is because there must be more to it to this (I think).
It associates Charges with Transfers for use in Separate Charges and Transfers.

Is it possible to share my position to another device (secured)?

I try to share my position to another secured device like my second phone. I use MapBox and AndroidStudio and I'm able to see my position but only from my phone. I try to find a solution that helps me in my problem. So I want to know if it's possible to do that.
Sincerely, Tony
I see that you are new here. I would recommend you not to ask questions about problems that you have not yet properly researched on your own.
It would help if you could share at least your thoughts on how you would approach this task. Also, make sure to answer specific questions. Otherwise you will get unspecific answers, like the one below.
Now to your problem:
This definitely is possible and there are many ways to accomplish this. The approaches to accomplish this depend on means to your disposal. Do you have a webserver that you can utilize? Or would you like to transmit the position directly from one device to another?
Via Webserver:
Create Webserver side script that listens to HTTP POST requests and writes the POST parameter (your position) to a database/file.
Create a second script that will answer a request for this position.
Call script 1 with Device 1, that wants to share its position.
Call script 2 with Device 2, that wants to read position.
Display position on map in application on Device 2.
Direct, one device to another:
You could even send your position via text message, and make your mobile application read the message, then display the position on a map.

What is the best practice to create a Q&A Alexa app?

I want to make a simple Q&A Alexa app similar to Alexa's custom Q&A blueprint app. I don't want to use blueprints because I need additional functionality. What is the best practice for creating the Alexa app? Should I create a separate intent for each question or should I somehow use utterances?
The best way depends upon what the questions are and how it will be asked.
1. If the questions has a simple structure
Consider these examples:
what is a black hole
define supernova
tell me about milkyway
what is a dwarf star
then it can be configured like this in an intent:
what is a {space}
define {space}
tell me about {space}
and the slot {space} -> black hole, supernova, milkyway, dwarf star.
From the slot value, you can understand what the question is and respond. Since Alexa will also fill slots with values other than those configured, you will be able to accommodate more questions which follows this sentence structure.
2. If the question structure is little complex
what is the temperature of sun
temperature to boil water
number of eyes of a spider
what is the weight of an elephant
then it can be configured like this in an intent:
what is the {unit} of {item}
{unit} to boil {item}
{unit} of eyes of a {item}
what is the {unit} of an {item}
{unit} -> temperature, number, weight, height etc.
{item} -> sun, moon, water, spider etc
With proper validation of slots you will be able to provide the right answer to the user.
Also, you will be able to provide suggestions if the user asks a question partially.
user: what is the temperature
[slots filled: "unit"="temperature","item":""]
Now, you know that the user asked about temperature but the item is missing, so you respond back with a suggestion like this
"Sorry I didn't understand. Do you want to know the temperature of the sun?"
3. If the questions has totally different structure
How to deal with an annoying neighbor
What are the types of man made debris in space
Recommend few good Nickelback songs
Can I jump out of a running train
If your questions are like this, with total random structure, you can focus on certain keywords or crust of the question and group them. Even if you can't group them, find out the required fields or mandatory words.
IntentA: How to deal with an annoying {person}
IntentB: What are the types of man made {item} in {place}
IntentC: Recommend few good {person} songs
IntentD: Can I {action} out of a running {vehicle}
The advantage of using slots here is that even if the user asks a partial question and an associated intent is triggered, you will be able to identify it and respond back with an answer/suggestion or error message.
user: what are the types of man made mangoes in space
[IntentB will be triggered]
If you have configured this without a mandatory slot, your backend will be focusing on the intent triggered and will respond with the right answer (man made debris in space), which in this case won't make any sense to the user.
Now, with proper usage of slots and validation you can find that instead of debris your backend received "mangoes" which is not valid. And therefore you can respond back with a suggestion or error message like
"Sorry, I don't know that. Do you want to know about the man made debris found in space"
Grouping questions will help you to add other similar questions later with ease. You can use one intent per question if it is too difficult to group. But remember to validate it with a slot if you want to avoid the situation mentioned right above.
While naming question-intents use a prefix. This might help you to group handlers in your backend code depending on your backend design. This is not mandatory, just a suggestion.
Group questions with similar structure.
Use slots appropriately and validate them.
Use predefined slots wherever possible.
Don't just depend on intents alone, because intents can be mapped if its the closest match. But the question might be entirely different or might not make any sense. So use slots appropriately and validate them.
If possible provide suggestion for partial questions.
Test thoroughly and make sure it wont break your interaction model.
You should check Alexa Dialog Interface that allow you to make Q/A or QUIZZ.

How does one find non-conformance to a spec when both the RTL'ers and the verification engineers miss a particular spec feature?

I have some questions regarding IP verification.
Suppose if a particular design/functionality from an IP specification is missed both in the RTL and the verification plan (Coverage points), how would you identify this bug?
Since it hasn't been implemented in RTL(missed from SPEC), we cannot identify from code coverage.
Please throw some light on this.
Someone should be comparing the verification plan against the top-level IP specification. For each point in the spec, the question "how do we show we met this requirement?" needs a good answer.
(If the feature in question is not in there, then the top-level spec needs fixing!)
You could create a feature list and write your tests against that.
The design and testplan reviews generally involve the comparison of the IP specification to said designs and testplans. The IP spec writer is usually present, as well, and can identify points in the spec that are not covered.
