how to install snap on amazon linux 2 - amazon

How can I install snap on my amazon linux 2?
I've gone through a few links on the web:
I can't seem to find correct instructions to install snap on my amazon linux 2 machine. I've done it before, but I forgot how I did it.
rebuild workspace and instructions work


How to install Octave on rhel fedora based Amazon EC2 instance?

How to install Octave on Amazon EC2 instance? The configuration of the EC2 instance is as follows:
First, I created a tmp directory and downloaded the EPEL rpm in the tmp directory and installed the EPEL repository with the commands:
I tried to use the following command (please see the following website for more details about this command link for more details of the command) to install Octave, but it was not working (see the following result):
Also, I tried to enable the package by changing "enabled = 0" to "enabled = 1" in the file "/etc/yum.repos.d", and used yum to install octave, but it was still not working. The error message is as follows:
I tried to use the command to test it (see below for more details):
I am not sure if some package management tools (e.g., subscription-manager, dnf) to handle the dependency issues. Thanks!
Amazon Linux is based on RHEL and Fedora, but is not RHEL or Fedora. Fedora EPEL is made on RHEL and will also work on CentOS and other rebuilds which aim to be just like RHEL. It looks like you are hitting an area where Amazon Linux is different. Your options are:
Rebuild all of those missing packages on Amazon Linux
Install Octave and all dependencies from source rather than RPM
Use RHEL, Fedora, or CentOS

How to install node.js, nvm, npm on QNAP (NAS)

in QNAP APP center has node.js 4.x and 0.8.X version
However, these two versions are too old, I hope we can install a newer version.
I try to login linux system installed through the command
nas seems to have removed some of the command, I checked it is Ubuntu but no apt-get, I can not install node.js through these comman
cat /proc/version
Linux version 3.4.6 (root#BuildServer36) (gcc version 4.1.3 20070929 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.1.2-16ubuntu2)) #1 SMP Thu Oct 26 11:01:49 CST 2017
like this
sudo apt-get install nodejs npm
-sh: sudo: command not found
apt-get install nodejs npm
apt-get: command not found
I have not tried to install the mongodb should have a similar problem
My nas model is TS-439 Pro ii
Or just go to a repository of “unofficial apps” - download it and install through the GUI in app center...
You have to select accept third party apps and you should be good to go..
I was straggling with the same issue on mine QNAP.
I found this tutorial: written by Sergei Dorogin.
Highly recommend you to install pm2 which is production manager for node.js
It took me around 3hours to set up everything, because I'm not good with Linux
I haven't played with this yet, but it seems like using Container Station to install an official Node.js Docker image is the way to go. This gives you a complete preconfigured Linux environment to run Node in.

How to install packages required for Caffe on Amazon Linux AMI

I'm trying to install caffe on a Amazon Linux AMI. It has "yum" package manager. When I look at requirements, I see that, I have to run the following command:
sudo yum install gflags-devel glog-devel lmdb-devel
However, when I do this, I always get the following error:
No package gflags-devel available.
No package glog-devel available.
No package lmdb-devel available.
So, this command is from the official web page of caffe and therefore I believe there is no mistake in the installation command. My question is how can I fix the problem ? I'm a newbie on this issues and therefore sorry if my question is so simple.
Note : I know that there is a pre-installed caffe AMI available but I need to install it on my own instance.
The only thing I could find is the that instance is Linux AMI 2016.03 Release.
I was able to install the aforamentioned packages by enabling other repositories as explained here and here.
As a final step I have to install opencv-devel package but guess what? Thanks to Amazon Linux AMI it does not exist too! So, if is there anyone who could tell me how could I solve this new problem, I'd be very appreciate.
You have to install opencv from source.
Linux AMI is based on cent OS. Here is a guide while wil help you to install opencv from source.

Jenkins Installation Wizard Error

I've tried installing Jenkins on AWS & DigitalOcean instances/droplets without any luck.
For EC2 instances used the latest Amazon Linux AMI (ami-f9dd458a) & Ubuntu 14.04 (ami-ed82e39e). On DigitalOcean I tried using Ubuntu 14.04 & 16.04. I've also attempted to install jenkins using jdk-7 & jdk-8 following Debian based installation or Red-Hat distribution installation instructions (even tried to install LTS version).
For all of the above the installation runs smoothly but after unlocking with the initialAdminPassword and selecting either option in the wizard ("Install suggested plugins" or "Select plugins to install") I face a connection (?) error:
I copied the logs from /var/log/jenkins/jenkins.log and they are in this gist.
Could this be a dumb mistake I did along the way? I've used Jenkins from a docker container but kinda need to install natively now for. Thanks for the help.
Solved: Install on an instance with more RAM.
For some reason I had no problems installing in a smaller machine using the docker image. Oh well :)

Installing NodeJS on Linux RHEL(Release 6.6(Santiago)?

I'm trying to Install NodeJS on Linux RHEL(Release 6.6(Santiago)? Nothing seems to work. I download and extract the file(v.6.3.1). The I try to install with the command sudo yum install package_name. Nothing I try is working.
Red Hat packages a number of technologies via "Software Collections" including node.js 0.10 and 4.4. Details are here:
Also, these are part of the RHEL subscription.
