How can I make a struct which may or may not have a field defined? - struct

I'm working on an implementation of polynomials which uses a C library in the case of integer coefficients. However, I want to define a different implementation when coefficients come from some other ring. When we will be using the C library we need to handle some underlying values which we pass to C, grouped in a struct. Otherwise, there is no need for these values to be defined. How can I implement this? Here is a mock up of what I want:
pub struct Poly<T> {
coeff_type: T,
c_value: StructDependingOnT, // only needs to be defined when T is an integer for example
My thought was to have a trait specifying when a coefficient type means we will be using the C library:
pub struct Poly<T> {
coeff_type: T,
pub trait UsesC<T> { // T is the underlying c_value needed above
fn get_c_value(&self) -> T;
impl UsesC<StructDependingOnT> for Poly<CoefficientType> {
fn get_c_value(&self) -> StructDependingOnT {
// ??
The issue here is c_value is not a field of the struct. Is there a way to have a field defined only sometimes, like when it implements a certain trait? Defining an associated constant for UsesC is close to what I want, but it would need to be mutable.

You can't cause the field to disappear, but you can use a zero-sized type.
It requires a bit of trickery using a new trait with an associated type for each T you want to support.
fn main() {
let p1: Poly<f32> = Poly::default();
let p2: Poly<i32> = Poly::default();
println!("p1 = {:?}", p1); // "p1 = Poly { coeff_type: 0.0, c_value: () }"
println!("p2 = {:?}", p2); // "p2 = Poly { coeff_type: 0, c_value: IntRing }"
use core::fmt::Debug;
pub trait Polyable {
type Extra: Default + Debug;
#[derive(Default, Debug)]
pub struct Poly<T: Polyable> {
coeff_type: T,
c_value: <T as Polyable>::Extra,
#[derive(Default, Debug)]
pub struct IntRing {}
impl Polyable for i32 {
type Extra = IntRing;
impl Polyable for f32 {
type Extra = ();


Late type in Rust

I'm working with two crates: A and B. I control both. I'd like to create a struct in A that has a field whose type is known only to B (i.e., A is independent of B, but B is dependent on A).
pub struct Thing {
pub foo: i32,
pub bar: *const i32,
impl Thing {
fn new(x: i32) -> Self {
Thing { foo: x, bar: &0 }
struct Value {};
fn func1() {
let mut x = A::Thing::new(1);
let y = Value {}; = &y as *const Value as *const i32;
fn func2() {
let y = unsafe { &*( as *const Value) };
This works, but it doesn't feel very "rusty". Is there a cleaner way to do this? I thought about using a trait object, but ran into issues with Clone.
Note: My reason for splitting these out is that the dependencies in B make compilation very slow. Value above is actually from llvm_sys. I'd rather not leak that into A, which has no other dependency on llvm.
The standard way to implement something like this is with generics, which are kind of like type variables: they can be "assigned" a particular type, possibly within some constraints. This is how the standard library can provide types like Vec that work with types that you declare in your crate.
Basically, generics allow Thing to be defined in terms of "some unknown type that will become known later when this type is actually used."
Given the example in your code, it looks like Thing's bar field may or may not be set, which suggests that the built-in Option enum should be used. All you have to do is put a type parameter on Thing and pass that through to Option, like so:
pub mod A {
pub struct Thing<T> {
pub foo: i32,
pub bar: Option<T>,
impl<T> Thing<T> {
pub fn new(x: i32) -> Self {
Thing { foo: x, bar: None }
pub mod B {
use crate::A;
struct Value;
fn func1() {
let mut x = A::Thing::new(1);
let y = Value; = Some(y);
// ...
fn func2(x: &A::Thing<Value>) {
// ...
let y: &Value =;
// ...
Here, the x in B::func1() has the type Thing<Value>. You can see with this syntax how Value is substituted for T, which makes the bar field Option<Value>.
If Thing's bar isn't actually supposed to be optional, just write pub bar: T instead, and accept a T in Thing::new() to initialize it:
pub mod A {
pub struct Thing<T> {
pub foo: i32,
pub bar: T,
impl<T> Thing<T> {
pub fn new(x: i32, y: T) -> Self {
Thing { foo: x, bar: y }
pub mod B {
use crate::A;
struct Value;
fn func1() {
let mut x = A::Thing::new(1, Value);
// ...
fn func2(x: &A::Thing<Value>) {
// ...
let y: &Value = &;
// ...
Note that the definition of Thing in both of these cases doesn't actually require that T implement Clone; however, Thing<T> will only implement Clone if T also does. #[derive(Clone)] will generate an implementation like:
impl<T> Clone for Thing<T> where T: Clone { /* ... */ }
This can allow your type to be more flexible -- it can now be used in contexts that don't require T to implement Clone, while also being cloneable when T does implement Clone. You get the best of both worlds this way.

Can a Rust enum use methods implemented on one of its variants?

I think I misunderstand the purpose of enums.
I am looking to implement the XML DOM for practice. DOM nodes all have a list of methods associated with them, but some nodes (such as the document node) have additional methods not available on other nodes.
I was hoping to have all the main methods set up on the enum and then the variants would have the methods specific to them, but it seems like the method variants are not callable on an enum, but continue to be callable on the parameter.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Copy)]
enum MyEnum {
impl MyEnum {
pub fn do_a_thing(&self) -> i32 {
// Some code here
return 1;
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Copy)]
pub struct MyType {}
impl MyType {
pub fn do_another_thing(self) -> i32 {
// Some more code here
return 2;
fn main() {
let x = MyEnum::MyType(MyType {});
println!("{:?}", x);
println!("I can call do_a_thing, it is {}", x.do_a_thing());
"Why can't I call do_another_thing? {}",
This works fine, but my gut tells me I am going the wrong way about things:
impl MyEnum {
pub fn do_a_thing(&self) -> i32 {
// Some code here
return 1;
pub fn do_another_thing(self) -> i32 {
match self {
MyEnum::MyType(MT) => MT.do_another_thing(),
How should I implement this?
You are using an enum, so it's likely you're going to add more variants at some point (otherwise, why would you use enums, right?).
When Rust sees a value whose type is an enum, at compile-time it assumes the value could be any of the enum's variants, so it won't let you call a method on any variant until you check its type.
To do that is easy, as you've already shown in your question:
match self {
MyEnum::MyType(t) => t.do_another_thing()
You might be interested to know there's also if let in case you only want to check a single variant:
let x = MyEnum::MyType(MyType{});
if let MyEnum::MyType(t) = x {
You might want to have methods that are callable on ALL variants as well, in which case you'll need to either implement the method directly on the enum as you've done above, or use a trait that is implemented by the enum, which perhaps makes your code look more polymorphic as in most other languages (where there would be an interface for the nodes).
That will make your code in main work.
It might look like this:
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Copy)]
enum MyEnum {
impl MyEnum {
pub fn do_a_thing(&self) -> i32{
// Some code here
return 1
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Copy)]
pub struct MyType {
trait MyTrait {
fn do_another_thing(&self) -> i32;
impl MyTrait for MyEnum {
fn do_another_thing(&self) -> i32 {
// Some more code here
return 2
fn main() {
let x = MyEnum::MyType(MyType{});
println!("I can call do_a_thing, it is {}", x.do_a_thing());
println!("Why can't I call do_another_thing? {}", x.do_another_thing());

Why must the associated type be specified in a collection of trait object references?

Here is an offending example (Playground):
// Some traits
trait Behaviour {
type Sub: SubBehaviour;
trait SubBehaviour {}
// Some implementations of these traits
struct A;
impl Behaviour for A {
type Sub = B;
struct B;
impl SubBehaviour for B {}
// Struct that holds a collection of these traits.
struct Example<'a> {
behaviours: Vec<&'a dyn Behaviour>,
impl<'a> Example<'a> {
fn add_behaviour<T: Behaviour>(&mut self, b: &'a T) {
fn main() {
let b = A;
let mut e = Example {
behaviours: Vec::new(),
I get:
error[E0191]: the value of the associated type `Sub` (from trait `Behaviour`) must be specified
--> src/
3 | type Sub: SubBehaviour;
| ----------------------- `Sub` defined here
17 | behaviours: Vec<&'a dyn Behaviour>,
| ^^^^^^^^^ help: specify the associated type: `Behaviour<Sub = Type>`
Why must this type must be specified, particularly in this case where we are only storing a reference to the object? How can I get this code to work?
All types must be statically known at compile time. If Rust would allow different associated types for elements of a Vec, type information could depend on indices which are only known at runtime.
I find it helpful to consider a smaller example:
trait Behaviour {
type T;
fn make_t(&self) -> T;
fn foo(my_vec: Vec<&dyn Behaviour>, index: usize) {
let t = my_vec[index].make_t(); //Type of t depends on index
You were on the right track to fixing this though. I assume you introduced the SubBehaviour trait because you realized you need to put restrictions of what T can be. The thing is, in that case you don't need an associated type anymore.
trait SubBehaviour {}
trait Behaviour {
fn make_t(&self) -> Box<dyn SubBehaviour>;
fn ref_t(&self) -> &dyn SubBehaviour; // also fine
fn some_function(my_vec: Vec<&dyn Behaviour>, index: usize) {
let t1 = my_vec[index].make_t();
The only limitation is that in your definition of Behaviour you can not do anything which would depend on the size of T, (like allocating it on the stack or moving it) since the size of T can not be specified by the SubBehaviour trait.
You need to specify the associated type of the trait (i.e. Behavior<Sub = ???>).
When adding the associated type at all places, it compiles:
struct Example<'a, S: SubBehaviour + 'a> {
behaviours: Vec<&'a Behaviour<Sub = S>>,
impl<'a, S: SubBehaviour> Example<'a, S> {
fn add_behaviour<T: Behaviour<Sub = S>>(&mut self, b: &'a T) {
See this in action on the Playground
So the answer to your first question is covered by Tim's answer and is correct, you might not want your Example to be generic. In that case, you need to use some sort of type erasure:
// Some traits
trait Behaviour {
type Sub: SubBehaviour;
trait SubBehaviour {}
// Some implementations of these traits
struct A;
impl Behaviour for A {
type Sub = B;
struct B;
impl SubBehaviour for B {}
struct AnyBehaviour {
closure: Box<Fn()>,
impl AnyBehaviour {
fn new<U: SubBehaviour, T: Behaviour<Sub = U>>(b: &T) -> Self {
let closure = || {
//let sub = T::Sub::new();
println!("Can use T here");
AnyBehaviour {
closure: Box::new(closure),
// Struct that holds a collection of these traits.
struct Example {
behaviours: Vec<AnyBehaviour>,
impl Example {
fn add_behaviour<U: SubBehaviour, T: Behaviour<Sub = U>>(&mut self, b: &T) {
fn main() {
let b = A;
let mut e = Example {
behaviours: Vec::new(),
Within the closure, you have access to all the types needed call the traits functions with whatever subtype needed.
Why this happens, is mostly because you actually need a definition of the associated type in order for the trait to be "complete" so the compiler can work with it. Tim's answer answers that by the definition to be higher up in the chain (outside of Example) instead of inside.

What's the Rust idiom to define a field pointing to a C opaque pointer?

Given a struct:
pub struct User {
pub name: *const c_char,
pub age: u8,
pub ctx: ??,
the field ctx would only be manipulated by C code; it's a pointer to a C struct UserAttr.
According to the Rust FFI documentation, the choice would be defined as an opaque type pub enum UserAttr {}. However, I found that Rust is unable to copy its value, e.g. why does the address of an object change across methods.
What's the right way in Rust to define such an opaque pointer, so that its value (as a pointer) gets copied across methods?
The future
RFC 1861 introduced the concept of an extern type. While implemented, it is not yet stabilized. Once it is, it will become the preferred implementation:
extern "C" {
type Foo;
type FooPtr = *mut Foo;
The documentation states:
To do this in Rust, let’s create our own opaque types:
#[repr(C)] pub struct Foo { private: [u8; 0] }
#[repr(C)] pub struct Bar { private: [u8; 0] }
extern "C" {
pub fn foo(arg: *mut Foo);
pub fn bar(arg: *mut Bar);
By including a private field and no constructor, we create an opaque
type that we can’t instantiate outside of this module. An empty array
is both zero-size and compatible with #[repr(C)]. But because our
Foo and Bar types are different, we’ll get type safety between the
two of them, so we cannot accidentally pass a pointer to Foo to
An opaque pointer is created such that there's no normal way of creating such a type; you can only create pointers to it.
mod ffi {
use std::ptr;
pub struct MyTypeFromC { _private: [u8; 0] }
pub fn constructor() -> *mut MyTypeFromC {
pub fn something(_thing: *mut MyTypeFromC) {
println!("Doing a thing");
use ffi::*;
struct MyRustType {
score: u8,
the_c_thing: *mut MyTypeFromC,
impl MyRustType {
fn new() -> MyRustType {
MyRustType {
score: 42,
the_c_thing: constructor(),
fn something(&mut self) {
println!("My score is {}", self.score);
self.score += 1;
fn main() {
let mut my_thing = MyRustType::new();
Breaking it down a bit:
// opaque -----V~~~~~~~~~V
*mut MyTypeFromC
// ^~~^ ------------ pointer
Thus it's an opaque pointer. Moving the struct MyRustType will not change the value of the pointer.
The past
Previous iterations of this answer and the documentation suggested using an empty enum (enum MyTypeFromC {}). An enum with no variants is semantically equivalent to the never type (!), which is a type that cannot exist. There were concerns that using such a construct could lead to undefined behavior, so moving to an empty array was deemed safer.

How to share functionality in Rust?

struct Vector {
data: [f32; 2]
impl Vector {
//many methods
Now I want to create a Normal which will almost behave exactly like a Vector but I need to differentiate the type. Because for example transforming a normal is different than transforming a vector. You need to transform it with the tranposed(inverse) matrix for example.
Now I could do it like this:
struct Normal {
v: Vector
And then reimplement all the functionality
impl Normal {
fn dot(self, other: Normal) -> f32 {
Vector::dot(self.v, other.v)
I think I could also do it with PhantomData
struct VectorType;
struct NormalType;
struct PointType;
struct Vector<T = VectorType> {
data: [f32; 2],
_type: PhantomData<T>,
type Normal = Vector<NormalType>;
But then I also need a way to implement functionality for specific types.
It should be easy to implement for example add for everything so that it is possible to add point + vector.
Or functionality specific to some type
impl Vector<NormalType> {..} // Normal specific stuff
Not sure how I would implement functionality for a subrange. For example maybe the dot product only makes sense for normals and vectors but not points.
Is it possible to express boolean expression for trait bounds?
trait NormalTrait;
trait VectorTrait;
impl NormalTrait for NormalType {}
impl VectorTrait for VectorType {}
impl<T: PointTrait or VectorTrait> for Vector<T> {
fn dot(self, other: Vector<T>) -> f32 {..}
What are my alternatives?
Your question is pretty broad and touches many topics. But your PhantomData idea could be a good solution. You can write different impl blocks for different generic types. I added a few things to your code:
struct VectorType;
struct NormalType;
struct PointType;
struct Vector<T = VectorType> {
data: [f32; 2],
_type: PhantomData<T>,
type Normal = Vector<NormalType>;
type Point = Vector<PointType>;
// --- above this line is old code --------------------
trait Pointy {}
impl Pointy for VectorType {}
impl Pointy for PointType {}
// implement for all vector types
impl<T> Vector<T> {
fn new() -> Self {
Vector {
data: [0.0, 0.0],
_type: PhantomData,
// impl for 'pointy' vector types
impl<T: Pointy> Vector<T> {
fn add<R>(&mut self, other: Vector<R>) {}
fn transform(&mut self) { /* standard matrix multiplication */ }
// impl for normals
impl Vector<NormalType> {
fn transform(&mut self) { /* tranposed inversed matrix stuff */ }
fn main() {
let mut n = Normal::new();
let mut p = Point::new();
// n.add(Normal::new()); // ERROR:
// no method named `add` found for type `Vector<NormalType>` in the current scope
Is it possible to express boolean expression for trait bounds?
No (not yet). But you can solve it in this case as shown above: you create a new trait (Pointy) and implement it for the types in your "or"-condition. Then you bound with that trait.
