I don't understand the logic of the following terraform code, and not sure, but I guess it might be me, but would appreciate some help with this.
So there's the following module https://github.com/gettek/terraform-azurerm-policy-as-code/blob/main/modules/definition/main.tf
resource azurerm_policy_definition def {
name = local.policy_name
display_name = local.display_name
description = local.description
policy_type = "Custom"
mode = var.policy_mode
management_group_id = var.management_group_id
metadata = jsonencode(local.metadata)
parameters = length(local.parameters) > 0 ? jsonencode(local.parameters) : null
policy_rule = jsonencode(local.policy_rule)
lifecycle {
create_before_destroy = true
timeouts {
read = "10m"
and https://github.com/gettek/terraform-azurerm-policy-as-code/blob/main/modules/definition/variables.tf
variable management_group_id {
type = string
description = "The management group scope at which the policy will be defined. Defaults to current Subscription if omitted. Changing this forces a new resource to be created."
default = null
variable policy_name {
type = string
description = "Name to be used for this policy, when using the module library this should correspond to the correct category folder under /policies/policy_category/policy_name. Changing this forces a new resource to be created."
default = ""
validation {
condition = length(var.policy_name) <= 64
error_message = "Definition names have a maximum 64 character limit, ensure this matches the filename within the local policies library."
variable display_name {
type = string
description = "Display Name to be used for this policy"
default = ""
validation {
condition = length(var.display_name) <= 128
error_message = "Definition display names have a maximum 128 character limit."
variable policy_description {
type = string
description = "Policy definition description"
default = ""
validation {
condition = length(var.policy_description) <= 512
error_message = "Definition descriptions have a maximum 512 character limit."
variable policy_mode {
type = string
description = "The policy mode that allows you to specify which resource types will be evaluated, defaults to All. Possible values are All and Indexed"
default = "All"
validation {
condition = var.policy_mode == "All" || var.policy_mode == "Indexed" || var.policy_mode == "Microsoft.Kubernetes.Data"
error_message = "Policy mode possible values are: All, Indexed or Microsoft.Kubernetes.Data (In Preview). Other modes are only allowed in built-in policy definitions, these include Microsoft.ContainerService.Data, Microsoft.CustomerLockbox.Data, Microsoft.DataCatalog.Data, Microsoft.KeyVault.Data, Microsoft.MachineLearningServices.Data, Microsoft.Network.Data and Microsoft.Synapse.Data"
variable policy_category {
type = string
description = "The category of the policy, when using the module library this should correspond to the correct category folder under /policies/var.policy_category"
default = null
variable policy_version {
type = string
description = "The version for this policy, if different from the one stored in the definition metadata, defaults to 1.0.0"
default = null
variable policy_rule {
type = any
description = "The policy rule for the policy definition. This is a JSON object representing the rule that contains an if and a then block. Omitting this assumes the rules are located in /policies/var.policy_category/var.policy_name.json"
default = null
variable policy_parameters {
type = any
description = "Parameters for the policy definition. This field is a JSON object that allows you to parameterise your policy definition. Omitting this assumes the parameters are located in /policies/var.policy_category/var.policy_name.json"
default = null
variable policy_metadata {
type = any
description = "The metadata for the policy definition. This is a JSON object representing additional metadata that should be stored with the policy definition. Omitting this will fallback to meta in the definition or merge var.policy_category and var.policy_version"
default = null
variable file_path {
type = any
description = "The filepath to the custom policy. Omitting this assumes the policy is located in the module library"
default = null
locals {
# import the custom policy object from a library or specified file path
policy_object = jsondecode(coalesce(try(
# fallbacks
title = title(replace(local.policy_name, "/-|_|\\s/", " "))
category = coalesce(var.policy_category, try((local.policy_object).properties.metadata.category, "General"))
version = coalesce(var.policy_version, try((local.policy_object).properties.metadata.version, "1.0.0"))
# use local library attributes if runtime inputs are omitted
policy_name = coalesce(var.policy_name, try((local.policy_object).name, null))
display_name = coalesce(var.display_name, try((local.policy_object).properties.displayName, local.title))
description = coalesce(var.policy_description, try((local.policy_object).properties.description, local.title))
metadata = coalesce(var.policy_metadata, try((local.policy_object).properties.metadata, merge({ category = local.category },{ version = local.version })))
parameters = coalesce(var.policy_parameters, try((local.policy_object).properties.parameters, null))
policy_rule = coalesce(var.policy_rule, try((local.policy_object).properties.policyRule, null))
# manually generate the definition Id to prevent "Invalid for_each argument" on set_assignment plan/apply
definition_id = var.management_group_id != null ? "${var.management_group_id}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions/${local.policy_name}" : azurerm_policy_definition.def.id
and an example how to use the module https://github.com/gettek/terraform-azurerm-policy-as-code/blob/main/examples/definitions.tf
module "deny_resource_types" {
source = "..//modules/definition"
policy_name = "deny_resource_types"
display_name = "Deny Azure Resource types"
policy_category = "General"
management_group_id = data.azurerm_management_group.org.id
From how I see it (might be wrrong) a variable can be used as a default value to the local in a Terraform script. So how is the value for the variable policy_name used when main.tf references local.policy_name instead of var.policy_name. The variable policy_name is also not having a default value.
What am I missing ?
Thank you !
Thank you, very clear explanation. I think I understand it better now. So basically, when I’m calling the definition module Terraform essentially load and process that module’s configuration files (including variables.tf). I was confused to see name = local.policy_name instead of for example mode = var.policy_mode. But the way I understand it now, is that when calling this module, I can set the value for the variable policy_name, which is then further processed inside the locals section, and result is what is actual provided to the name argument required by azurerm_policy_definition https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/azurerm/latest/docs/resources/policy_definition. Could you please confirm that my understanding is correct?
Thank you !
policy_name does have default value, but the value is empty.
default = ""
Empty value can be default value. Terraform expects module inputs only when there is no default attribute set in the input field.
OK, so there are two scenarios at play here.
When the policy_name isn't provided to the module, it takes on its default behaviour of empty string
When a value is provided to the policy_name, the locals section transforms that value and then uses it in the code as local.policy_name for the resources. L103
policy_name = coalesce(var.policy_name, try((local.policy_object).name, null))
If you look for the coalesce function, its purpose is to return the first element that is not null/empty.
Although, I don't see the point of that logic since if both cases are null it is supposed to return null. Could've used a simple condition instead.
I hope this clarifies things more.
Ps: an empty string (""), Terraform consider as a value.
I'm just starting with the terraform, The below is my terraform code. From the below Cors is an Optional block, where it has the property of allowed origins which is list of strings(URL or *)
resource "azurerm_signalr_service" "signalr_service" {
location = "${var.resource_location}"
resource_group_name = "${var.resource_group_name}"
sku {
name = "${var.sku_name}"
capacity = "${var.sku_capacity}"
#Cors is an optional block
cors {
allowed_origins = "${var.cors_allowed_origins}"
variable "allowed_origins" {
type = "list"
description = "A list of origins which should be able to make cross-origin calls. * can be used to allow all calls"
default = []
Users may/maynot provide the allowed_origns , if they provide there is no problem, but if they don't provide
Default as an empty list[]: when I pass the empty list the allowed_origns it fails saying that not a valid URL
Default as an null: If I pass as null, allowed_origin alone gets null and cors is passing as an empty block i.e,cors{} which also fails due to property missing error
Now my question is how to make the entire cors block to ignore if the user doesn't provide any values to the allowed_origins and what would be the default I should use ?
You can use dynamic blocks to make CORS block optional:
resource "azurerm_signalr_service" "signalr_service" {
location = "${var.resource_location}"
resource_group_name = "${var.resource_group_name}"
sku {
name = "${var.sku_name}"
capacity = "${var.sku_capacity}"
dynamic "cors" {
for_each = length(var.cors_allowed_origins) > 0 ? [1] : []
content {
allowed_origins = "${var.cors_allowed_origins}"
Default value of [] is fine.
I'm passing my modules a list and it's going to create EC2 instances and eips and attach.
I'm using for_each so users can reorder the list and Terraform won't try to destroy anything.
But how do I use conditional resources now? Do I still use count? If so how, because you can't use count with for_each?
This is my module now:
variable "mylist" {
type = set(string)
description = "Name used for tagging, AD, and chef"
variable "createip" {
type = bool
default = true
resource "aws_instance" "sdfsdfsdfsdf" {
for_each = var.mylist
user_data = data.template_file.user_data[each.key].rendered
tags = each.value
#conditional for EIP
resource "aws_eip" "public-ip" {
for_each = var.mylist
// I can't use this anymore!
// how can I say if true create else don't create
#count = var.createip ? 0 : length(tolist(var.mylist))
instance = aws_instance.aws-vm[each.key].id
vpc = true
tags = each.value
I also need to get the value of the mylist item for eip too because I use that to tag the eip. So I think I need to index into the foreach loop somehow and also be able to use count or another list to determine if it's created or not - is that correct?
I think I got it but I don't want to accept until it's confirmed this is not the wrong way (not as a matter of opinion but improper usage that will cause actual problems).
variable "mylist" {
type = set(string)
description = "Name used for tagging, AD, and chef"
variable "createip" {
type = bool
default = true
locals {
// set will-create-public-ip to empty array if false
// otherwise use same mylist which module uses for creating instances
will-create-public-ip = var.createip ? var.mylist : []
resource "aws_instance" "sdfsdfsdfsdf" {
for_each = var.mylist
user_data = data.template_file.user_data[each.key].rendered
tags = each.value
resource "aws_eip" "public-ip" {
// will-create-public-ip set to mylist or empty to skip this resource creatation
for_each = will-create-public-ip
instance = aws_instance.aws-vm[each.key].id
vpc = true
tags = each.value
I want to create GCS bucket with versioning.
I created sub-module.
resource "google_storage_bucket" "cloud_storage" {
project = "${var.project}"
name = "${var.storage_name}"
location = "${var.location}"
storage_class = "${var.storage_class}"
versioning = "${var.versioning}"
As per Terraform doc, I can pass versioning arguments to configure versioning.
I don't know what kind of data versioning argument accepts. I tried passing bool (true), map and list as follow.
variable "versioning" {
type = list
default = {
generation = true,
metageneration = true
variable "versioning" {
type = list
default = [
description = "Enable versioning on Bucket"
I tried this after reading this GCP Doc
error I am getting it as below.
Error: Unsupported argument
on ../modules/storage/main.tf line 6, in resource "google_storage_bucket" "cloud_storage":
6: versioning = "${var.versioning}"
An argument named "versioning" is not expected here. Did you mean to define a
block of type "versioning"?
The module works fine, if I don't use versioning arguments. But, I want to create module which can configure versioning too.
Please let me know if I am going in wrong direction.
Any help would be appreciated.
The error message is indicating that the versioning argument is a block (not a map), thus including the '=' confuses Terraform.
resource "google_storage_bucket" "foo" {
versioning {
enabled = true
resource "google_storage_bucket" "foo" {
versioning = {
enabled = true
I am trying to create a terraform module that creates a compute instance. I want the resource to have an attached disk if and only if I have a variable attached_disk_enabled set to true during module invocation. I have this:
resource "google_compute_disk" "my-disk" {
name = "data"
type = "pd-ssd"
size = 20
count = var.attached_disks_enabled ? 1 : 0
resource "google_compute_instance" "computer" {
name = "computer"
boot_disk {
// How do I make this disappear if attached_disk_enabled == false?
attached_disk {
source = "${google_compute_disk.my-disk.self_link}"
device_name = "computer-disk"
mode = "READ_WRITE"
Variables have been declared for the module in vars.tf. Module invocation is like this:
module "main" {
source = "../modules/computer"
attached_disk_enabled = false
I know about dynamic blocks and how to use for loop to iterate over a list and set multiple blocks, but I'm not sure how to exclude a block from a resource using this method:
dynamic "attached-disk" {
for_each in var.disk_list
content {
source = "${google_compute_disk.my-disk.*.self_link}"
device_name = "computer-disk-${count.index}"
mode = "READ_WRITE"
I want if in place of for_each. Is there a way to do this?
$ terraform version
Terraform v0.12.0
Because your disk resource already has the conditional attached to it, you can use the result of that resource as your iterator and thus avoid specifying the conditional again:
dynamic "attached_disk" {
for_each = google_compute_disk.my-disk
content {
source = attached_disk.value.self_link
device_name = "computer-disk-${attached_disk.key}"
mode = "READ_WRITE"
To answer the general question: if you do need a conditional block, the answer is to write a conditional expression that returns either a single-item list or an empty list:
dynamic "attached_disk" {
for_each = var.attached_disk_enabled ? [google_compute_disk.my-disk[0].self_link] : []
content {
source = attached_disk.value
device_name = "computer-disk-${attached_disk.key}"
mode = "READ_WRITE"
However, in your specific situation I'd prefer the former because it describes the intent ("attach each of the disks") more directly.