Download screenshots (or other build artefacts) out of AppCenter - visual-studio-app-center

I'm running Detox through where I generate screenshots of my app. Where should I write those screenshots, and how can I download them from AppCenter? Ditto for if I generate a HTML report, I'd like to download that artefact too


Images not preview from run the public folder in Gatsby

I'm beginner stage in Gatsby. As per Gatsby tuts, I did the develop and build the my first app in Gatsby. Also successfully generated public folder. All the preview render well in "http://localhost:8000/" as expected. But, when I directly run the index.html file from public folder, in the browser(using with/without localhost) it's not preview the images. Could anyone tell me why? Any help would be much appreciated.
In "localhost:8000" preview render well with images. But Just I tried
to run directly index.html file from the public folder. But, It's
appear layout without images, Only HTML/CSS renders.
When you access localhost:8000 you are accessing the index.html of your compiled project, but you can't take that file isolated because you have a bunch of bundled assets (JavaScript, images, CSS, etc).
When you run gatsby build you are compiling and bundling all your assets (React components, third-party dependencies, Gatsby's core dependencies, images, and their processing, etc) via webpack. All this bundle, surrounded by React's code, is outputted in the /public folder.
From the documentation:
gatsby build creates a version of your site with production-ready
optimizations like packaging up your site’s config, data, and code,
and creating all the static HTML pages that eventually get rehydrated
into a React application.
What do you get from a successful build?
When a Gatsby build is successfully completed, everything you need to
deploy your site ends up in the public folder at the root of the site.
The build includes minified files, transformed images, JSON files with
information and data for each page, static HTML for each page, and
The final build is just static files so it can now be deployed.
You can run gatsby serve to test the output from compilation. If you
make any new changes to the source code that you want to preview, you
will have to rebuild the site and run gatsby serve again.
So, you can run directly the index.html file because you will be missing some assets, keys to the good operation of the project.
You also have a section in the docs related to Deployment and Hosting as well as some related blog posts (Deployment and Hosting respectively).
gatsby serve, on the other hand, just opens the port in your local browser.
Which file I need to share/upload in server to give others view/demo?
All the /public folder.
run: gatsby build or gatsby serve and then try to open your website after running that command. Don't worry you can still work on it as usual after running build or serve commands.

Uploading split apk files using google api client edits method in python

Does anybody have any insight on whether or not the Google Play Publishing API will allow an upload with split APKs? I know there is a bundle method for app bundles, but my developer hasn't switched to this format yet.
Split APKs are only uploadable within app bundles (whether via the API or via the console UI).
However, if you don't mean "split APKs" but actually mean Multi-APK (having more than one variant of your APK sharded by eg native code ABI) then this is available via the API or UI, and the help page is here.

Resources to start building my own mozilla

I am trying to learn and build my own version of mozilla with customizations. But I have no idea where to start and how to proceed. Can someone enlighten me in the following aspects:
1.Where to clone the latest open source code for mozilla
2.Where to learn the browser architecture and file structure(For linux/Ubuntu) So that I can customize the codes and add my own custom
3.How to debug and build the browser for Linux.
I heard its purely HTML,CSS and javascript. I have a low level expertise in all of this but no idea where to put together all of these. Please enlighten me with any resources. Basically I need a kickstart. Googling didn't gives me any such basic tutorials. I hope someone here would have tried these things before :) Any help is much appreciated.
There's a very handy guide on how to build Mozilla Firefox on MDN. Here's an outline of the steps:
Install the build prerequisite for Linux as described here - wget -q -O && python
Clone the repository locally using mercurial - hg clone
Change the current working directory to mozilla-central and then issue the ./mach build command. This will produce a vanilla version of Firefox, unbranded (aka developer build).
Once building is complete, you can run your copy using ./mach build or package it using ./mach package.
In order to customize your build, you need to both change the code and the building options. The latter can be done by creating a .mozconfig file in the mozilla-central directory and adding the desired build options there.
Where to learn the browser architecture and file structure(For
linux/Ubuntu) So that I can customize the codes and add my own custom
To understand a bit more about the structure of the Firefox source code, you can have a look at this nice overview. Basically, each top directory represents a component of the browser (e.g. dom, browser, toolkit, ...). Depending on what you need, you have to change the code in the related directory. When you're lost and trying to find what to change, DXR can come to the rescue: it's the official Mozilla code search engine.
You mentioned addons: I'm not sure what's your objective, but if you just need to develop an addon, then you don't really need to build Firefox from scratch. There's a lot of documentation about how to create addons, if needed.
How to debug and build the browser for Linux.
The first part of this answers explains how to build. In order to debug, once you've built Firefox, simply run it with the command ./mach run --debugger. This will allow you to debug the C++ core of Firefox. However, for most of the front end code (which lives in browser/*), that's not needed: you can simply run Firefox and use the Browser Toolbox.

Integrating YUI tests with CruiseControl

I am using YUI to test my JavaScript app, and want to integrate the test results into my CruiseControl build system. How can I use CruiseControl to run the tests? I initially thought about using the JUnit plugin to drive the tests, but that is a no go.
Does anyone else have this working?
(Please note: Changing either YUI or CruiseControl isn't an option for me.)
We have YUI Tests integrated with Hudson for our CI builds. The process should be pretty identical for CC, since we kick off the testing through a Java task in ANT.
We have a selenium driver (a java impl - we're working on making it public) which talks to a SeleniumRC instance, pointing it to the HTML files in build workspace to run tests.
You could take a stab at writing your own selenium driver:
The driver code talks to a SeleniumRC instance, and asks it kick off a browser pointing to the YUI Test based HTML test files from the build.
The HTML files run YUI Test Runner on load, and the driver injects code on page load, to pick up test results from YUI Test Runner when it's done running, and store them as files for Hudson to parse.
YUI Team
My solution, in the end, is a bit of a hack.
I modified our test runner HTML page to post the test results (the entire XML object that it creates) to a PHP page, then to close itself.
I added a PHP page to the build server (with a PHP processor attached to an Apache HTTPD instance) to accept the posted XML document and save it to disk.
The unit tests are now run by a 'test driver', which fires up a browser with the test runner HTML page, and waits for the browser process to end.
This gets the output of the tests onto the local disk of the build server. I then merge the output file into the CC log by adding the following to the project configuration:
<merge file="path_to_file" />
There are a few drawbacks, but are (currently) willing to live with them:
Had to introduce a test runner app to the infrastructure
Had to add an Apache server and PHP processor to the build machine
Because only IE will allow a browser page to close itself without a user prompt, the build server must be a Windows machine.

How do I deploy an OpenLaszlo solo application?

I have been looking at OpenLaszlo. I could not find how to deploy a solo application..
What do I have to copy or what programs do I have to run?
I know the deployment type can be dhtml or flash...
Thanks in advance.
For SOLO mode, you take the OpenLaszlo .lzx source "program" (expressed in XML format) and "compile" it into an Adobe Flash .swf file using the lzc utility.
For example, a hello.lzx source would be compiled as follows
lzc hello.lzx
into a Flash application called
Then you simply embed the .swf into an HTML page as you would any other Flash content. The client browser must have the Adobe Flash Player version 8 or version 9 to play the .swf Flash application.
To see the Flash application work right off the disk of your development machine, just point your browser directly at the local .swf file and it should show up in the browser.
The OpenLaszlo documentation contains a section with some information on how to deploy an application:
There's another section in the docs describing the SOLO and proxied deployment mode.
The documentation can be a bit confusing, since it has not been updated over the past years.
The simplest way to deploy an application is to use the developer console, which is displayed below the OpenLaszlo application in the browser. You'll see a "SOLO" button in the console, which will start the process of generating an embedding HTML page for you OpenLaszlo application, bundle up all static resources into a ZIP file, which can be processed by automated build scripts to generate a new version of your software.
All the compilation and deployment steps can be run from the command line using the "lzc" command for compilation, and the "lzdeploy" command to generate the deployment ZIP file. Both tools can be integrated into Ant. The commands can be found in folder
Check this blog post in the OpenLaszlo project blog for more information on the lzdeploy tool (which does not seem to be documented in the official documentation):
There has been a similar question regarding automated builds of an OpenLaszlo SOLO application using Apache Ant. The answer contains a full build script to compile either an SWF or DHTML/HTML5 application, including all required resources. The discussion can be found here:
How to build an OpenLaszlo DHTML application using Apache Ant
