Spark external jars and files on hdfs - apache-spark

I have a spark job that I run using the spark-submit command.
The jar that I use is hosted on hdfs and I call it from there directly in the spark-submit query using its hdfs file path.
With this same logic, I'm trying to do the same when for the --jars options, the files options and also the extraClassPath option (in the spark.conf) but it seems that there is an issue with the fact that it point to a hdfs file path.
My command looks like this:
spark-submit \
--class Main \
--jars 'hdfs://path/externalLib.jar' \
--files 'hdfs://path/log4j.xml' \
--properties-file './spark.conf' \
So not only when I call a method that refers the externalLib.jar, spark raises an exception telling me that it doesn't find the method but also from the starts I have the warning logs:
Source and destination file systems are the same. Not copying externalLib.jar
Source and destination file systems are the same. Not copying log4j.xml
It must come from the fact that I precise a hdfs path because it works flawlessly when I refers to those jar in the local file system.
Maybe it isn't possible ? What can I do ?

Related prints empty result while in hdfs it is not empty

I have a pyspark application which is submitted to yarn with multiple nodes and it also reads parquet from hdfs
in my code, i have a dataframe which is read directly from hdfs:
df ="hdfs://path/to/file")
when i use directly in my code after the above code, it outputs:
But when i manually go to the hdfs path, data is not empty.
What i have tried?
1- at first i thought that i may have used few cores and memory for my executor and driver, so i doubled them and nothing changed.
2- then i thought that the path may be wrong, so i gave it an wrong hdfs path and it throwed error that this path does not exist
What i am assuming?
1- i think this may have something to do with drivers and executors
2- it may i have something to do with yarn
3- configs provided when using spark-submit
current config:
spark-submit \
--master yarn \
--queue my_queue_name \
--deploy-mode cluster \
--jars some_jars \
--conf spark.yarn.dist.files some_files \
--conf spark.sql.catalogImplementation=in-memory \
--properties-file some_zip_file \
--py-files some_py_files \
What i am sure
data is not empty. the same hdfs path is provided in another project which is working fine.
So the problem was with the jar files i was providing
The hadoop version was 2.7.2 and i changed it to 3.2.0 and it's working fine

How to access external property file in spark-submit job?

I am using spark 2.4.1 version and java8.
I am trying to load external property file while submitting my spark job using spark-submit.
As I am using below TypeSafe to load my property file.
In my code I am using
public static Config loadEnvProperties(String environment) {
Config appConf = ConfigFactory.load(); // loads my "resouces" folder "" file
return appConf.getConfig(environment);
To externalize this "" file I tried this as suggested by an expert while spark-submit as below
spark-submit \
--master yarn \
--deploy-mode cluster \
--name Extractor \
--jars "/local/apps/jars/*.jar" \
--files /local/apps/ \
--files /local/apps/ \
--class Driver \
--conf spark.driver.extraJavaOptions=-Dconfig.file=./ \
--conf spark.executor.extraJavaOptions=-Dconfig.file=./ \
--conf \
--conf \
--conf spark.driver.extraJavaOptions=-Dlog4j.debug \
--conf spark.driver.extraClassPath=. \
migration-0.0.1.jar sit
I placed "" & "" files same folder where I am running my spark-submit.
1) In the above shell script if I keep
--files /local/apps/, /local/apps/ \
Error :
Exception in thread "main" org.apache.spark.SparkException: Cannot load main class from JAR file:/local/apps//
at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmitArguments.error(SparkSubmitArguments.scala:657)
So what is wrong here ?
2) Then i changed above script like shown i.e.
--files /local/apps/ \
--files /local/apps/ \
when I run spark job then I will get following error.
19/08/02 14:19:09 INFO yarn.ApplicationMaster: Final app status: FAILED, exitCode: 13, (reason: User class threw exception: com.typesafe.config.ConfigException$Missing: No configuration setting found for key 'sit'
at com.typesafe.config.impl.SimpleConfig.findKeyOrNull(
So what is wrong here ? why not loading the file ?
3) When I debugged it as below
i.e. printed "config.file"
String ss = System.getProperty("config.file");
logger.error ("config.file : {}" , ss);
Error :
19/08/02 14:19:09 ERROR Driver: config.file : null
19/08/02 14:19:09 ERROR yarn.ApplicationMaster: User class threw exception: com.typesafe.config.ConfigException$Missing: No configuration setting found for key 'sit'
So how to set "config.file" option from spark-submit ?
How to fix above errors and load properties from external file ?
The proper way to list files for the --files, --jars and other similar arguments is via a comma without any spaces (this is a crucial thing, and you see the exception about invalid main class precisely because of this):
--files /local/apps/,/local/apps/
If file names themselves have spaces in it, you should use quotes to escape these spaces:
--files "/some/path with/,/another path with/"
Another issue is that you specify the same property twice:
--conf spark.driver.extraJavaOptions=-Dconfig.file=./ \
--conf \
There is no way for spark-submit to know how to merge these values, therefore only one of them is used. This is the reason why you see null for the config.file system property: it's just the second --conf argument takes priority and overrides the extraJavaOptions property with a single path to the log4j config file. Thus, the correct way is to specify all these values as one property:
--conf spark.driver.extraJavaOptions="-Dlog4j.configuration=file:./ -Dconfig.file=./"
Note that because of quotes, the entire spark.driver.extraJavaOptions="..." is one command line argument rather than several, which is very important for spark-submit to pass these arguments to the driver/executor JVM correctly.
(I also changed the file to use a proper URI instead of a file. I recall that without this path being a URI it might not work, but you can try either way and check for sure.)
--files and SparkFiles.get
With --files you should access the resource using SparkFiles.get as follows:
$ ./bin/spark-shell --files
scala> import org.apache.spark._
import org.apache.spark._
scala> SparkFiles.get("")
res0: String = /private/var/folders/0w/kb0d3rqn4zb9fcc91pxhgn8w0000gn/T/spark-f0b16df1-fba6-4462-b956-fc14ee6c675a/userFiles-eef6d900-cd79-4364-a4a2-dd177b4841d2/
In other words, Spark will distribute the --files to executors, but the only way to know the path of the files is to use SparkFiles utility.
getResourceAsStream(resourceFile) and InputStream
The other option would be to package all resource files into a jar file and bundle it together with the other jar files (either as a single uber-jar or simply as part of CLASSPATH of the Spark app) and use the following trick:
With that, regardless of the jar file the resourceFile is in, as long as it's on the CLASSPATH, it should be available to the application.
I'm pretty sure any decent framework or library that uses resource files for configuration, e.g. Typesafe Config, accepts InputStream as the way to read resource files.
You could also include the --files as part of a jar file that is part of the CLASSPATH of the executors, but that'd be obviously less flexible (as every time you'd like to submit your Spark app with a different file, you'd have to recreate the jar).

Spark Streaming reading from local file gives NullPointerException

Using Spark 2.2.0 on OS X High Sierra. I'm running a Spark Streaming application to read a local file:
val lines = ssc.textFileStream("file:///Users/userName/Documents/Notes/MoreNotes/sampleFile")
This gives me
org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.FileInputDStream logWarning - Error finding new files
at scala.collection.mutable.ArrayOps$ofRef$.length$extension(ArrayOps.scala:192)
The file exists, and I am able to read it using SparkContext (sc) from spark-shell on the terminal. For some reason going through the Intellij application and Spark Streaming is not working. Any ideas appreciated!
Quoting the doc comments of textFileStream:
Create an input stream that monitors a Hadoop-compatible filesystem
for new files and reads them as text files (using key as LongWritable, value
as Text and input format as TextInputFormat). Files must be written to the
monitored directory by "moving" them from another location within the same
file system. File names starting with . are ignored.
#param directory HDFS directory to monitor for new file
So, the method expects the path to a directory in the parameter.
So I believe this should avoid that error:
Spark streaming will not read old files, so first run the spark-submit command and then create the local file in the specified directory. Make sure in the spark-submit command, you give only directory name and not the file name. Below is a sample command. Here, I am passing the directory name through the spark command as my first parameter. You can specify this path in your Scala program as well.
spark-submit --class com.spark.streaming.streamingexample.HdfsWordCount --jars /home/cloudera/pramod/kafka_2.12-1.0.1/libs/kafka-clients-1.0.1.jar--master local[4] /home/cloudera/pramod/streamingexample-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar /pramod/hdfswordcount.txt

Spark-shell vs Spark-submit adding jar to classpath issue

I'm able to run CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION testFunc using jar 'myJar.jar' query in hiveContext via spark-shell --jars myJar.jar -i some_script.scala, but I'm not able to run such command via spark-submit --class --jars myJar.jar target.jar.
Am I doing something wrong?
If you are using local file system, the Jar must be in the same location on all nodes.
So you have 2 options:
place jar on all nodes in the same directory, for example in /home/spark/my.jar and then use this directory in --jars option.
use distributed file system like HDFS

Pyspark - Load file: Path does not exist

I am a newbie to Spark. I'm trying to read a local csv file within an EMR cluster. The file is located in: /home/hadoop/. The script that I'm using is this one:
spark = SparkSession \
.builder \
.appName("Protob Conversion to Parquet") \
.config("spark.some.config.option", "some-value") \
df ='/home/hadoop/observations_temp.csv, header=True)
When I run the script raises the following error message:
pyspark.sql.utils.AnalysisException: u'Path does not exist:
Then, I found out that I have to add file:// in the file path so it can read the file locally:
df ='file:///home/hadoop/observations_temp.csv, header=True)
But this time, the above approach raised a different error:
Lost task 0.3 in stage 0.0 (TID 3,, executor 1): File
file:/home/hadoop/observations_temp.csv does not exist
I think is because the file// extension just read the file locally and it does not distribute the file across the other nodes.
Do you know how can I read the csv file and make it available to all the other nodes?
You are right about the fact that your file is missing from your worker nodes thus that raises the error you got.
Here is the official documentation Ref. External Datasets.
If using a path on the local filesystem, the file must also be accessible at the same path on worker nodes. Either copy the file to all workers or use a network-mounted shared file system.
So basically you have two solutions :
You copy your file into each worker before starting the job;
Or you'll upload in HDFS with something like : (recommended solution)
hadoop fs -put localfile /user/hadoop/hadoopfile.csv
Now you can read it with :
df ='/user/hadoop/hadoopfile.csv', header=True)
It seems that you are also using AWS S3. You can always try to read it directly from S3 without downloading it. (with the proper credentials of course)
Some suggest that the --files tag provided with spark-submit uploads the files to the execution directories. I don't recommend this approach unless your csv file is very small but then you won't need Spark.
Alternatively, I would stick with HDFS (or any distributed file system).
I think what you are missing is explicitly setting the master node while initializing the SparkSession, try something like this
spark = SparkSession \
.builder \
.master("local") \
.appName("Protob Conversion to Parquet") \
.config("spark.some.config.option", "some-value") \
and then read the file in the same way you have been doing
df ='file:///home/hadoop/observations_temp.csv')
this should solve the problem...
Might be useful for someone running zeppelin on mac using Docker.
Copy files to custom folder : /Users/my_user/zeppspark/myjson.txt
docker run -p 8080:8080 -v /Users/my_user/zeppspark:/zeppelin/notebook --rm --name zeppelin apache/zeppelin:0.9.0
On Zeppelin you can run this to get your file:
json_data = sc.textFile('/zeppelin/notebook/myjson.txt')
