Keyboard Long Key Press in Android WebVIew - keyboard

Anyone have any ideas how to handle a long press of a keyboard key in Android WebView. I had assumed I would simply be able to use the KeyboardEvent repeat property ( but when I tested it with the following code, the repeat property returned is always false, despite holding a key down.
document.addEventListener('keydown', logKey);
function logKey(event) {
The above code works as expected on a desktop browser and returns false once, then true repeatedly, while a key is held down. However in Android WebView, it repeatedly returns false.
Any ideas what the issue is, or an alternative way to handle a long keyboard key press?
To clarify, I'm trying to bind to the long press key event rather than ignore it. I want to trigger a function if a key is held down for a duration of time.


XPages: possible bug with enableModifiedFlag in Release 9.0.1FP3 HF241, and workaround

I have a page where I wanted to use the "enableModifiedFlag" property, to let users know that their edit was not saved if they want to leave a page before saving.
I also have a search box in that page, and when I set the field to the static value "true", the message was popping because the search box was considered part of the page, and the field was modified. This all makes sense.
Since the "enableModifiedFlag" property can be computed, I decieded to set it to true only if the document was in edit mode, as the search box is not available at that time. The behaviour I got was that the message was not appearing anymore. I then tested with returning true as the value of the property, and it didn't change anything: the message was just gone. I then used the static values and set it to true, and the message was then appearing.
My conclusion is that there is a bug that prevents any computed value to be considered for that property.
So I had to find a workaround to prevent the message from popping up when users used the serach box. Here is the solution I came up with.
On the client side, we have access to the XSP object. One of its method is XSP._setDirty(). you can either set it to true or false, and it will affect if the page diplays the popup message or not. So in my search button, I added this code on the onclick event, on the client side:
XSP._setDirty(false,""); //so we don't get the "do you want to leave this page" message
showStandBy(); //show standby in case search is long or slow
return true;
That way, I tell my page not to show the message and the popup is not displayed.
It's still a shame you can't use the computed value for that property, but at least we have a workaround. Hope this will be useful to somebody!!!
This is what I have now, that controls teh flag:
I would rather use the document1.isEditable() function, but I wasn't successful with it so far, neither computed dynamically nor on page load.
At leaset I have something that seems to be working. Time to submit that code to the end users!

XSP.partialRefresh does not fire after XSP.confirm

Short overview of my issue: I have a large form with several fields, one of them is a xe:djFilteringSelect and one a xp:combobox. The xp:combobox is computet depending on the value selected in the filtering select. Now my customers want that if they change the value of the filtering select of a already saved docoument they should be prompted with a warning. So i want to add a confirm message to the onChange event of the djfilteringselect to cancel it's SSJS code wich changes the combobox.
Prompting the user with a confirm ("change value?...") box is no big deal but reseting the value back (on ClientSide) if the users selects "no" gives me a lot of trouble.
What i have already tryed:
If i use a simple confirm action all further onChange actions get canceled but the djFilteringSelect field keeps it's user selected value. So if i fire a partial refresh on the filtering select the original value form the document is displayed but i don't know where to add it because there is no onCancel or did i miss something here?
I also tried it from the CSJS with window.confirm and XSP.confirm and reset the value manual with a XSP.partialrefreshGet() if the user selects 'no' but in this case the partial refresh does not work:
onStart: function () {console.log("start");},
onComplete: function () {console.log("finish");},
onError: function () {console.log("error");}
return false;
If i move the partial refresh to a function and call it from e.g. firebug it works fine but if i call it inside the if(confirm){} it does nothing at all. The return false does work the SSJS does not get executed. The value in the document is not changed (as intended), but the djFilteringSelect keeps the selected value on the ClientSide.
I also tried Mark Leusink´s dojo-style Confirm but same Problem with the partial refresh here.
If i set the value back manual instead of using a partial refresh with dijit.byId(item).setValue it will resoult in another onChange Event... loop. Update: If i use dijit.byId(item).set("value",newVal,false) the onChange does not fire direct it changes the value as intended but then the onChange fires when the filtering select looses ist ??focus!?!? ...
So my questions:
Is there a ways to execute any Code after the confirm action if the user selects "no".
Why is the partial refresh in my CSJS not working (i dont see any traffic in firebug and i dont get any errors not even the onError of the refresh gets fired).
Does anyone know a different approach to my problem?
My current 'solution' is to use window.location.reload() instead of the XSP.partialRefresh to reload the site. But this solution does not really satisfy me, because in IE the whole page is flickering.. in firfox i can live with it.

Onkeypress canceling event javascript

I have a textbox that I would like to prevent the user from entering any letters in. They need to be able to enter numbers.
The textbox has an onkeypressed event already set, and I'm adding logic so that if the user enters a letter, nothing is shown.
Regardless of what I do (cancelbubble, stop propogation, return false), the letter is still getting entered in the text box. I've watched the debugger go over these and still the letter is being entered, its like it is taking place after the fact of the event.
The event handler hook you are looking for is onkeydown:
yourInput.onkeydown = function(e){
var char = String.fromCharCode(e.which); // get the char
return /[0-9]/.test(char); //assert it's a number
working demo
Returning false from an event handler attached directly (rather than attachEvent) cancels the event.
Actually once I got home to test onkeydown was doing the same thing, when I edited what was in the text box, it would still add the non-numeric character at the end.
Ended up using onkeyup, that appears to be far enough down the line that it will wipe out what is in the textbox.
I was really looking for the ajax filtered textbox functionality, but couldn't use that because we aren't using actual ajax controls in the application.

using BeginReceivingRemoteControlEvents in Monotouch

I've made my app play music in the background, I also successfully made it become the media player by calling BeginReceivingRemoteControlEvents. however, the RemoteControlReceived method never gets called. the same logic in Objective C is working fine. Any samples or guidelines appreciated.
You need to ensure it is placed on the First responder view, and if not, the event needs to be passed up along the chain of responders until it reaches your remote events. Try to imagine remote control events the same as keypresses on the keyboard. For example, If the app is focused on a button, and you press some keyboard keys, nothing will happen, as a button isn't listening for key presses.
A similar situation is occurring in your code. Try to create a basic, single viewed project with the BeginReceivingRemoteControlEvents and the method override to receive the event (cant remember what it is, RemoteEventReceived() or something similar.) This should get fired when you press a remote button.
(sorry I cant give sample code, not in front of mac at the minute)
You might want to try using a later mechanism to listen for remote control events. For example, if you want to listen to the headset button:
MPRemoteCommandCenter *commandCenter = [MPRemoteCommandCenter sharedCommandCenter];
[commandCenter.togglePlayPauseCommand addTargetWithHandler:^MPRemoteCommandHandlerStatus(MPRemoteCommandEvent * _Nonnull event) {
NSLog(#"toggle button pressed");
return MPRemoteCommandHandlerStatusSuccess;
or, if you prefer to use a method instead of a block:
[commandCenter.togglePlayPauseCommand addTarget:self action:#selector(toggleButtonAction)];
To stop:
[commandCenter.togglePlayPauseCommand removeTarget:self];
[commandCenter.togglePlayPauseCommand removeTarget:self action:#selector(toggleButtonAction)];
You'll need to add this to the includes area of your file:
#import MediaPlayer;
This works in the background, ONLY if you are an audio app playing in the background (i.e. you have to set that background mode in your app capabilities).

How to get menu item selected event in Carbon

I'm trying to handle events related to clicking on or pressing enter on a menu item using the Carbon API in OSX (Cocoa is not an option).
I know about EventTypeSpec and kEventClassMenu and i've dug through the header files looking for the relevant kind constant to use, but i'm still a bit confused as to how I respond to the selection of a menu item. Do I need to handle a key down or mouse down event at the same time as a kEventMenuTargetItem? Do I need to handle kEventMenuMatchKey separately for the enter key?
I'm an idiot.. Events caused by menu items are handled by class command. So:
eventTypes[0].eventClass = kEventClassCommand;
eventTypes[0].eventKind = kEventCommandProcess;
will handle menu events.
