Elasticsearch NodeJS client shows inaccessible node as alive - node.js

I have a simple function in NodeJS which creates an Elasticsearch client with a cluster of nodes and returns one of the node URLs that is active:
// Elastic cluster nodes
async function getElasticsearchUrl() {
const { Client } = require('#elastic/elasticsearch');
const client = new Client({
sniffOnStart: true,
sniffOnConnectionFail: true,
snifferTimeout: 60,
auth: {
username: 'username',
password: 'password'
// Return the first alive connection URL.
return (await client).connectionPool.connections.find((connection) => {
return connection.status === "alive";
exports.getElasticsearchUrl = getElasticsearchUrl;
node1 is currently down. The expectation is that the client will sniff the hosts and return only 2 nodes that are alive - node2 and node3.
However, the client returns all 3 nodes as alive:
"connections": [
"url": "http://node1.domain.com:9200/",
"id": "http://node1.domain.com:9200/",
"headers": {},
"deadCount": 0,
"resurrectTimeout": 0,
"_openRequests": 1,
"status": "alive",
"roles": {
"master": true,
"data": true,
"ingest": true,
"ml": false
"url": "http://node2.domain.com:9200/",
"id": "http://node2.domain.com:9200/",
"headers": {},
"deadCount": 0,
"resurrectTimeout": 0,
"_openRequests": 0,
"status": "alive",
"roles": {
"master": true,
"data": true,
"ingest": true,
"ml": false
"url": "http://node3.domain.com:9200/",
"id": "http://node3.domain.com:9200/",
"headers": {},
"deadCount": 0,
"resurrectTimeout": 0,
"_openRequests": 0,
"status": "alive",
"roles": {
"master": true,
"data": true,
"ingest": true,
"ml": false
This causes the application to use node1's URL which is inaccessible, resulting in the application breaking. I cross-checked with the _nodes API which accurately returns 2 nodes as being alive:
"_nodes": {
"total": 2,
"successful": 2,
"failed": 0
"cluster_name": "my-cluster",
"nodes": {
"OcQeD7-cgRV_rMEkw21oAm": {
"name": "node3",
"transport_address": "xx.xxx.xx.100:9300",
"host": "xx.xxx.xx.100",
"ip": "xx.xxx.xx.100",
"version": "7.13.0",
"build_flavor": "default",
"build_type": "rpm",
"build_hash": "528ef91cc5cba6855f0a35386d966390ec1b20c5",
"roles": [
"attributes": {
"ml.machine_memory": "8201256960",
"ml.max_open_jobs": "512",
"xpack.installed": "true",
"ml.max_jvm_size": "4102029312",
"transform.node": "true"
"http": {
"bound_address": [
"publish_address": "xx.xxx.xx.100:9200",
"max_content_length_in_bytes": 104857600
"N--DVxaQzbvDQqkUju9-Uu": {
"name": "node2",
"transport_address": "xx.xxx.xx.99:9300",
"host": "xx.xxx.xx.99",
"ip": "xx.xxx.xx.99",
"version": "7.13.0",
"build_flavor": "default",
"build_type": "rpm",
"build_hash": "3169552cdbce523538ec0f1fc98a6a665cb98500",
"roles": [
"attributes": {
"ml.machine_memory": "8201273344",
"xpack.installed": "true",
"transform.node": "true",
"ml.max_open_jobs": "512",
"ml.max_jvm_size": "4102029312"
"http": {
"bound_address": [
"publish_address": "xx.xxx.xx.99:9200",
"max_content_length_in_bytes": 104857600
Is there anything wrong with the code or the logic to fetch the first available working Elasticsearch node URL? Any information on this would be really helpful.
Note: All sensitive info has been obfuscated.


Netflix Conductor not retrying failed HTTP call?

I have a conductor workflow which makes an HTTP call to a service. When the service is completely down (not started), conductor just set the task and the workflow states to FAILED. I have added retry parameters to the HTTP task and am expecting the tool to retry the call 5 times before failing. I am doing anything wrong?
I am running conductor locally using docker.
Here is my workflow:
"createTime": 1674599429945,
"updateTime": 1674599615808,
"accessPolicy": {},
"name": "make_api_call",
"description": "A workflow that makes an api call",
"version": 2,
"tasks": [
"name": "make_call",
"taskReferenceName": "make_call_ref",
"inputParameters": {
"http_request": {
"uri": "${workflow.input.API_ENDPOINT}",
"method": "POST",
"headers": {
"Authorization": "Bearer ${workflow.input.token}"
"body": {
"email": "${workflow.input.email}"
"connectionTimeOut": 5000,
"readTimeOut": 5000
"type": "HTTP",
"startDelay": 0,
"optional": false,
"asyncComplete": false,
"retryCount": 5,
"timeoutSeconds": 30,
"timeoutPolicy": "RETRY"
"inputParameters": [],
"outputParameters": {
"data": {
"response": "${make_call_ref.output.response.body}"
"schemaVersion": 2,
"restartable": true,
"workflowStatusListenerEnabled": true,
"ownerEmail": "example#email.com",
"timeoutPolicy": "TIME_OUT_WF",
"timeoutSeconds": 5000,
"variables": {},
"inputTemplate": {}
and the input json:
"API_ENDPOINT": "http://host.docker.internal:4555/v1/users",
"token": "xxx",
"email": "johndoe#my-app.com"

Filter nested result inside a nested object with elasticsearch

I'm trying to filter a nested object and sort by the result, however, I tried some things without success, I'll leave my initial attempt and it works partially, it just filters according to what I have in my search variable, but all the results come of this nested object as it is inside the 'root' which is another nested object
Elastic version: 7.13.0 with NodeJS
using #elastic/elasticsearch official package from npm
let params: RequestParams.Search = {
index: index,
body: {
size: 30,
query: {
bool: {
must: [
nested: {
path: "profile",
query: {
bool: {
must: [
match: {
"profile.id": profileId,
filter: [
nested: {
path: "profile.following",
ignore_unmapped: true,
query: {
query_string: {
fields: [
query: searchWord + "*",
I need it to be this specific 'profile.id' that is passed by parameter in the function, so the result is only 1 profile with N people that it follows
the document is mapped as follows, I left only the fields relevant to the question:
"mappings": {
"_doc": {
"properties": {
"id": {
"type": "integer"
"phone": {
"type": "text"
"profile": {
"type": "nested",
"properties": {
"id": {
"type": "integer"
"username": {
"type": "text"
"following": {
"type": "nested",
"properties": {
"id": {
"type": "integer"
"isAwaitingApproval": {
"type": "boolean"
"name": {
"type": "text"
"profilePicURL": {
"type": "text"
"username": {
"type": "text"
an example of a current result is:
with the following parameters (profileId:141, searchWord: "para" )
"res": [
"profilePicURL": "localimage",
"name": "donor donor",
"id": 140,
"username": "victorTesteElastic2",
"isAwaitingApproval": false
"profilePicURL": "localimage",
"name": "para ser seguido",
"id": 142,
"username": "victorprivate",
"isAwaitingApproval": true
the desired result is:
"res": [
"profilePicURL": "localimage",
"name": "para ser seguido",
"id": 142,
"username": "victorprivate",
"isAwaitingApproval": true
with some more research I got what I needed, I'll leave the answer here in case anyone needs it too
let params: RequestParams.Search = {
index: index,
body: {
size: 30,
query: {
bool: {
must: [
nested: {
path: "profile",
query: {
bool: {
must: [
match: {
"profile.id": profileId,
nested: {
path: "profile",
inner_hits: {
name: "profile",
query: {
nested: {
path: "profile.following",
inner_hits: {
name: "following",
ignore_unmapped: true,
query: {
query_string: {
fields: [
query: searchWord + "*",
I basically put in must what was in the filter, mapped the nested object from above, in this case the profile, and put the tag inner_hits for profile and inner_hits for followings, that's the only way it worked
the answer I need was returned here:
below is an example of the answer:
"res": [
"_index": "donor",
"_type": "_doc",
"_id": "P3VWNnsB4coAEhD-F3fF",
"_nested": {
"field": "profile",
"offset": 0,
"_nested": {
"field": "following",
"offset": 0
"_score": 1,
"_source": {
"profilePicURL": "localimage",
"name": "donor donor",
"id": 140,
"username": "victorTesteElastic2",
"isAwaitingApproval": false
"_index": "donor",
"_type": "_doc",
"_id": "P3VWNnsB4coAEhD-F3fF",
"_nested": {
"field": "profile",
"offset": 0,
"_nested": {
"field": "following",
"offset": 1
"_score": 1,
"_source": {
"profilePicURL": "localimage",
"name": "para ser seguido",
"id": 142,
"username": "victorprivate",
"isAwaitingApproval": true
the filtered data I really need that have been matched in must is in this array, where I need to iterate and look at _source which is the data that is indexed

How do one should set a custom agent pool in DevOps release definition?

I create release definitions using DevOps REST APIs. Due to lack of documentation I used to capture HTTP requests and examine JSON payload.
I'm able to set a release using Azure agent pools. It follows only the relevant node:
"deploymentInput": {
"parallelExecution": {
"parallelExecutionType": 0
"agentSpecification": {
"identifier": "windows-2019"
"skipArtifactsDownload": false,
"artifactsDownloadInput": {},
"queueId": 749,
"demands": [],
"enableAccessToken": false,
"timeoutInMinutes": 0,
"jobCancelTimeoutInMinutes": 1,
"condition": "succeeded()",
"overrideInputs": {},
"dependencies": []
I want to set a custom defined agent pool, but if I try to capture the request I still can't undertand how to set it. This is the full JSON of an empty release with custom agent set:
"id": 0,
"name": "New release pipeline",
"source": 2,
"comment": "",
"createdOn": "2020-10-31T10:02:19.034Z",
"createdBy": null,
"modifiedBy": null,
"modifiedOn": "2020-10-31T10:02:19.034Z",
"environments": [
"id": -1,
"name": "Stage 1",
"rank": 1,
"variables": {},
"variableGroups": [],
"preDeployApprovals": {
"approvals": [
"rank": 1,
"isAutomated": true,
"isNotificationOn": false,
"id": 0
"approvalOptions": {
"executionOrder": 1
"deployStep": {
"tasks": [],
"id": 0
"postDeployApprovals": {
"approvals": [
"rank": 1,
"isAutomated": true,
"isNotificationOn": false,
"id": 0
"approvalOptions": {
"executionOrder": 2
"deployPhases": [
"deploymentInput": {
"parallelExecution": {
"parallelExecutionType": 0
"agentSpecification": null,
"skipArtifactsDownload": false,
"artifactsDownloadInput": {},
"queueId": 1039,
"demands": [],
"enableAccessToken": false,
"timeoutInMinutes": 0,
"jobCancelTimeoutInMinutes": 1,
"condition": "succeeded()",
"overrideInputs": {},
"dependencies": []
"rank": 1,
"phaseType": 1,
"name": "Agent job",
"refName": null,
"workflowTasks": [],
"phaseInputs": {
"phaseinput_artifactdownloadinput": {
"artifactsDownloadInput": {},
"skipArtifactsDownload": false
"runOptions": {},
"environmentOptions": {
"emailNotificationType": "OnlyOnFailure",
"emailRecipients": "release.environment.owner;release.creator",
"skipArtifactsDownload": false,
"timeoutInMinutes": 0,
"enableAccessToken": false,
"publishDeploymentStatus": true,
"badgeEnabled": false,
"autoLinkWorkItems": false,
"pullRequestDeploymentEnabled": false
"demands": [],
"conditions": [
"conditionType": 1,
"name": "ReleaseStarted",
"value": ""
"executionPolicy": {
"concurrencyCount": 1,
"queueDepthCount": 0
"schedules": [],
"properties": {
"LinkBoardsWorkItems": false,
"BoardsEnvironmentType": "unmapped"
"preDeploymentGates": {
"id": 0,
"gatesOptions": null,
"gates": []
"postDeploymentGates": {
"id": 0,
"gatesOptions": null,
"gates": []
"environmentTriggers": [],
"owner": {
"displayName": "Giacomo Stelluti Scala",
"id": "3617734a-1751-66f2-8343-c71c1398b5e6",
"isAadIdentity": true,
"isContainer": false,
"uniqueName": "giacomo.stelluti#dev4side.com",
"url": "https://dev.azure.com/dev4side/"
"retentionPolicy": {
"daysToKeep": 30,
"releasesToKeep": 3,
"retainBuild": true
"processParameters": {}
"artifacts": [],
"variables": {},
"variableGroups": [],
"triggers": [],
"lastRelease": null,
"tags": [],
"path": "\\test-poc",
"properties": {
"DefinitionCreationSource": "ReleaseNew",
"IntegrateJiraWorkItems": "false",
"IntegrateBoardsWorkItems": false
"releaseNameFormat": "Release-$(rev:r)",
"description": ""
Where do this is agent is set? Anyone knows how to do it properly?
Any help really appreciated.
Giacomo S. S.
I've found the solution in this question.
"deploymentInput": {
"parallelExecution": {
"parallelExecutionType": 0
"agentSpecification": null,
"skipArtifactsDownload": false,
"artifactsDownloadInput": {},
"queueId": 1039,
"demands": [],
"enableAccessToken": false,
"timeoutInMinutes": 0,
"jobCancelTimeoutInMinutes": 1,
"condition": "succeeded()",
"overrideInputs": {},
"dependencies": []
agentSpecification must be null and queueId must be set.

Copyindex in deploying dashboard resources Azure ARM

I am deploying a custom Azure Dashboard with a tile that makes use of a resource.
To call the resource I use following code
"[resourceId(parameters('analysisServiceResourceGroup'), '/Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers', parameters('analysisServiceName'))]"
But in one of the tiles I need multiple resources so I tried something out to make a parameter file with following value
"analysisService": {
"value": [
"ResourceGroup": "RG",
"Name": "analysis1",
"Color": "#47BDF5"
"ResourceGroup": "RG",
"Name": "analysis2",
"Color": "#7E58FF"
"ResourceGroup": "RG",
"Name": "analysis3",
"Color": "#EB9371"
In my dashboard template i use following code to get the name and resource group.
"resourceId": "[resourceId(parameters('analysisService')[copyIndex()].ResourceGroup, '/Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers', parameters('analysisService')[copyIndex()].Name)]"
The problem I got at the moment my copy object is not placed in the right place. I got this error
'The template function 'copyIndex' is not expected at this location. The function can only be used in a resource with copy specified. Please see https://aka.ms/arm-copy for usage details.'"
This says that my copy index block is not used in the right resource bracelet but I don't know where i can place this copy Index , tried to put this in every possible place where the copy index can access this but nothing works does anyone know what I do wrong or what I do wrong. It may be possible that copyindex doesn't work inside a dashboard resource.
"12": {
"position": {
"x": 12,
"y": 9,
"colSpan": 6,
"rowSpan": 4
"metadata": {
"inputs": [
"name": "sharedTimeRange",
"isOptional": true
"name": "options",
"value": {
"charts": [
"metrics": [
"name": "CurrentUserSessions",
"resourceMetadata": {
"resourceId": "[resourceId(parameters('analysisService')[copyIndex()].ResourceGroup, '/Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers', parameters('analysisService')[copyIndex()].Name)]"
"aggregationType": 1,
"copy": {
"name": "AnalysisServiceCopy",
"count": "[length(parameters('analysisService'))]"
"title": "Avg Current User Sessions for analysis1, analysis1, and analysis1",
"visualization": {
"chartType": 2,
"legend": {
"isVisible": true,
"position": 2,
"hideSubtitle": false
"axis": {
"x": {
"isVisible": true,
"axisType": 2,
"min": 1546508634047,
"max": 1546595034047
"y": {
"isVisible": true,
"axisType": 1
"timeBrushEnable": false
"itemDataModel": {
"id": "3464BA29-9AF2-4EAE-9CF4-A246059DDF46",
"chartHeight": 1,
"metrics": [
"id": {
"resourceDefinition": {
"id": "[resourceId(parameters('analysisService')[copyIndex()].ResourceGroup, '/Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers', parameters('analysisService')[copyIndex()].Name)]"
"name": {
"id": "CurrentUserSessions",
"displayName": "Current User Sessions"
"namespace": {
"name": "microsoft.analysisservices/servers"
"metricAggregation": 4,
"color": "[parameters('analysisService')[copyIndex()].Color]"
"copy": {
"name": "AnalysisServiceCopy",
"count": "[length(parameters('analysisService'))]"
"priorPeriod": false,
"horizontalBars": true,
"showOther": false,
"aggregation": 1,
"palette": "multiColor",
"jsonDefinitionId": "59DCE403-7D8D-4E9F-9CDA-7AE7AC9D9220",
"version": {
"major": 1,
"minor": 0,
"build": 0
"filters": {
"filterType": 0,
"id": "C81486BB-3934-48C7-9251-A4EE633DB2BB",
"OperandFilters": [],
"LogicalOperator": 0
"yAxisOptions": {
"options": 1
"title": "Avg Current User Sessions for analysis1, analysis1, and analysis1",
"titleKind": "Auto",
"visualization": {
"chartType": 2,
"legend": {
"isVisible": true,
"position": 2,
"hideSubtitle": false
"axis": {
"x": {
"isVisible": true,
"axisType": 2,
"min": 1546508634047,
"max": 1546595034047
"y": {
"isVisible": true,
"axisType": 1
"timeBrushEnable": false
"v2charts": true,
"version": 1
"isOptional": true
"type": "Extension/HubsExtension/PartType/MonitorChartPart",
"settings": {
"content": {
"options": {
"charts": [
"metrics": [
"name": "CurrentUserSessions",
"resourceMetadata": {
"resourceId": "[resourceId(parameters('analysisService')[copyIndex()].ResourceGroup, '/Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers', parameters('analysisService')[copyIndex()].Name)]"
"aggregationType": 1
"copy": {
"name": "AnalysisServiceCopy",
"count": "[length(parameters('analysisService'))]"
"title": "Avg Current User Sessions for analysis1, analysis1, and analysis1",
"visualization": {
"chartType": 2,
"legend": {
"isVisible": true,
"position": 2,
"hideSubtitle": false
"axis": {
"x": {
"isVisible": true,
"axisType": 2,
"min": 1546508634047,
"max": 1546595034047
"y": {
"isVisible": true,
"axisType": 1
"timeBrushEnable": false
"itemDataModel": {
"id": "3464BA29-9AF2-4EAE-9CF4-A246059DDF46",
"chartHeight": 1,
"metrics": [
"id": {
"resourceDefinition": {
"id": "[resourceId(parameters('analysisService')[copyIndex()].ResourceGroup, '/Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers', parameters('analysisService')[copyIndex()].Name)]"
"name": {
"id": "CurrentUserSessions",
"displayName": "Current User Sessions"
"namespace": {
"name": "microsoft.analysisservices/servers"
"metricAggregation": 4,
"color": "[parameters('analysisService')[copyIndex()].Color]"
"copy": {
"name": "AnalysisServiceCopy",
"count": "[length(parameters('analysisService'))]"
"priorPeriod": false,
"horizontalBars": true,
"showOther": false,
"aggregation": 1,
"palette": "multiColor",
"jsonDefinitionId": "59DCE403-7D8D-4E9F-9CDA-7AE7AC9D9220",
"version": {
"major": 1,
"minor": 0,
"build": 0
"filters": {
"filterType": 0,
"id": "C81486BB-3934-48C7-9251-A4EE633DB2BB",
"OperandFilters": [],
"LogicalOperator": 0
"yAxisOptions": {
"options": 1
"title": "Avg Current User Sessions for analysis1, analysis1, and analysis1",
"titleKind": "Auto",
"visualization": {
"chartType": 2,
"legend": {
"isVisible": true,
"position": 2,
"hideSubtitle": false
"axis": {
"x": {
"isVisible": true,
"axisType": 2,
"min": 1546508634047,
"max": 1546595034047
"y": {
"isVisible": true,
"axisType": 1
"timeBrushEnable": false
"disablePinning": true
"v2charts": true,
"version": 1
"copy": {
"name": "AnalysisServiceCopy",
"count": "[length(parameters('analysisService'))]"
so, as a general rule, you can only use copy loop to create arrays, not object, so to construct you metrics array you would do something like this:
"charts": [
"copy": [
"name": "metrics",
"count": "[length(parameters('analysisService'))]",
"input": {
"name": "CurrentUserSessions",
"resourceMetadata": {
"resourceId": "[resourceId(parameters('analysisService')[copyIndex('metrics')].ResourceGroup, '/Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers', parameters('analysisService')[copyIndex('metrics')].Name)]"
"aggregationType": 1
"title": "Avg Current User Sessions for analysis1, analysis1, and analysis1",
"visualization": { redacted for brievity },
"itemDataModel": { redacted for brievity },
"disablePinning": true
you would need to do this everywhere you need to construct an array. as a workaround (if they are identical) you can use the same construct to create a variable and use that variable:
"variables": {
"copy": [
"name": "metrics",
"count": "[length(parameters('analysisService'))]",
"input": {
"name": "CurrentUserSessions",
"resourceMetadata": {
"resourceId": "[resourceId(parameters('analysisService')[copyIndex('metrics')].ResourceGroup, '/Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers', parameters('analysisService')[copyIndex('metrics')].Name)]"
"aggregationType": 1
the above will create a variable called "metrics" which you can use anywhere in the template like so:
I tried it like this , I directly get an green error line beneath copy that this varbiable never is used.
"variables": {
"copy": [
"name": "metrics",
"count": "[length(parameters('analysisService'))]",
"input": {
"name": "qpu_metric",
"resourceMetadata": {
"resourceId": "[resourceId(parameters('analysisService')[copyIndex('metrics')].ResourceGroup, 'Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers', parameters('analysisService')[copyIndex('metrics')].Name)]"
"aggregationType": 1
In my code I call the variable like this
"charts": [
"metrics" : "[variables('metrics')]",
"title": "Avg QPU",
"visualization": {

Mongoose find document by key whose value is a complex object

I am using Mongoose to do a search for documents in a collection based on the criteria described below:
"_id": {
"$oid": "5a60621e20205641281f7c2f"
"key1": [
"available": true,
"required": true,
"name": "Name-1"
"available": true,
"required": true,
"name": "Name-2"
"available": true,
"required": true,
"name": "Name-3"
"__v": 0
I want to perform a search based on property key1. So basically what I want to do is pass the json object as search pattern below and get the result as the document above in return
"available": true,
"required": true,
"name": "Name-1"
"available": true,
"required": true,
"name": "Name-2"
"available": true,
"required": true,
"name": "Name-3"
Is there a way that I can achieve this?
You can check $eq in mongodb docs $eq.
const selector = [
"available": true,
"required": true,
"name": "Name-1"
"available": true,
"required": true,
"name": "Name-2"
"available": true,
"required": true,
"name": "Name-3"
Model.find({key1: {$eq: selector}}, (error, result) => {
if(!err) {
Model is the collection you fetch from.
