Prompt for User Input From Within a Subshell - node.js

I am using task to run various build steps in parallel. It is like 1000% faster then doing it all synchronously. However, it seems that task uses all these different subshells. I want to be able to prompt the user for their input using a node program. However, when node logs and attempts to prompt from task its restamped with tasks logger and I cannot get the fancy node prompt to show up.
I was wondering what the best way of solving this would be. Ideally, I could use a one-liner that attaches whatever code task runs to the main terminal Window so that the node script can do its thing. However, if that's not possible I'm open to other ideas. I was thinking of creating a bash alias for task that is the front end and then I could post the messages I want logged while node is listening to the socket that task posts onto. I just want to make sure there is no easy way of handling this before I create a custom solution.


Tool to manage multiple scripts run simultaneously

We have multiple scripts to run simultaneously on server, in order to perform some tasks. These scripts are set to run on a frequency via crons.
Using crons for this purpose as so many drawbacks. Like using crons we are unable to track if previous command completed then run it again otherwise wait for its completion. Also we are unable to get the errors occurred during script running and its output. This approach increases CPU load also.
So I need a tool where we can set these scripts, which executes only if previous one is completed and track output of those scripts as well. Firstly I tried to use ActiveMQ for this but I think this tool not suitable for this purpose.
Can someone please suggest me a tool for this requirement?

Generate background process with CLI to control it

To give context, I'm building an IoT project that requires me to monitor some sensor inputs. These include Temperature, Fluid Flow and Momentary Button switching. The program has to monitor, report and control other output functions based on those inputs but is also managed by a web-based front-end. What I have been trying to do is have a program that runs in the background but can be controlled via shell commands.
My goal is to be able to do the following on a command line (bash):
pi#localhost> monitor start
sensors are now being monitored!
pi#localhost> monitor status
Temp: 43C
Flow: 12L/min
My current solution has been to create two separate programs, one that sits in the background, and the other is just a light-weight CLI. The background process listens to a bi-directional Linux Socket File which the CLI uses to send it commands. It then sends responses back through said socket file for the CLI to then process/display. This has given me many headaches but seemed the better option compared to using network sockets or mapped memory. I just have occasional problems with the socket file access when my program is improperly terminated which then requires me to "clean" the directory by manually deleting the socket file.
I'm also hoping to have the program insure there is only ever one instance of the monitor program running at any given time. I currently achieve this by capturing my pid and saving it to a file which I can look for when my program is starting. If the file exists, I self terminate with error. I really don't like this approach as it just feels too hacky for me.
So my question: Is there a better way to build a background process that can be easily controlled via command line? or is my current solution likely the best available?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

How to run application on linux in the background but leave possibility to interact with it?

I want to run my application on linux in the background (at startup of course).
I want to be able to call start/stop/restart commands directly from console (it have to be simple just like for /etc/init.d - just call simple command directly from console).
I want to be able to call status - and I want that this command will somehow get the actual status of application returned by itself. I thought that I can call some method which returns String or just use stdin to send command but when I do noup .. &, or start-stop-daemon, then the stdin is detached. Is there a simple way to attach stdin back to the application (I've seen that I can create a pipe, but this is pretty complitated). Or what is the best way to communicate with application after it is started as a daemon (I can make a socket and connect through telnet for example, but I am looking for simpler solution and possibility to do it directly from console, without starting telnet first)? Ideally it will be great to get the possibility to send any command, but simple status will be sufficient (but again - it have to communicate with the application to get that status somnehow)
I have found many different answers. Some of them says to simply use nohup and &, and some others says that nohup and & is old fashion. Some answers says to use start-stop-daemon or JSvc (for java). But it seems that none of them will suffice this 3 requirements from me.
So... What are the simplest possibilities for all of 3 requirements to be met?
PS. I don't want to use screen. The application must be run as a linux daemon.
PPS. Application is written in Java but I am looking for generic soluction which is not limited to java.
You should create a command line tool for communicate with a daemon in way you need. The tool itself can use TCP/IP or named pipes.
And then use cli-tool start|stop|restart|status from console.
If you need to start a daemon at startup sequence (before user login) you have to deal with init system (init.d, systemd, OpenRC, etc...).
Dragons be here:
Be sure that init doesn't restart your daemon after manual stop via cli.
Command line tool itself runs with unprivileged user rights, so restart may be hard if first startup script use superuser rights or application-specific user and, especially in case deep init integration, you might have to use sudo cli-tool start.
To avoid this one possible solution is to make wrapper daemon, that runs forever via init and control the underlying application (start-stop) with proper rights.
Cons: Develop two additional tools for a daemon.
Pros: Wrapper daemon can operate as a circuit breaker between superuser/specific user and userspace.

How to create a nodejs instance to run cron jobs at set schedule?

I need to create a nodejs "server" which wont actually serve any assets or content, but will just run some scheduled job to fetch contents from one database and update another database. The schedule of the job should be configurable and should be able to cancel the job at any time. Basically what I need is to run a node script periodically. In past, I have created node/express projects, but I am having a hard time understanding how to implement such a node instance which will run on a remote machine and how to start or terminate it. I found a npm package called "node-schedule" which runs the job periodically, but how to put this package on a remote machine instance and run it?
One possibility that was considered was to schedule a cron job on remote machine which will execute "node updateDB.js" on set schedule, but it is a requirement to keep everything in node package and not depend on cron.
Sounds like a job for ssh.
Personally I wouldn't use NodeJS for this, this should be pretty trivial to do, with Node or otherwise, not sure why you are stuck, honestly. I have nothing against Node, but I don't see why it would be necessary for this task, but certainly you could use it for such a thing.
EDIT: After reading your comment I'm convinced someone thinks Node is a good tool for this task. I guess I don't understand where you are stuck. What part are you stuck on?
I think you should be able to puzzle this out pretty fast. The link below should be enough to put this together.
If you need to execute ad hoc commands on a remote server you could use Node to call an Ansible playbook, in that case you'll need to share the public ssh key on the target instance(s) with the instance issuing the commands. There are other ways to skin this cat, but based on the information given, that's how I'd do it. I'd use Node and Ansible (requires python) + SSH.
Oh neato, maybe if I were forced to use NodeJS I'd use this package.
Did you find an answer to your problem? Share it here.

How do I create an application that runs in the background and is interactive in Linux?

I want to create an application that runs in the background in Linux (daemon) that will basically at set times (5 times) play a music file or any sound given every single day. I want this daemon to start when the computer is started in terminal mode (non-GUI). I want to know if this is possible and if so, What considerations, tools, and programming language would be the most efficient in doing so? This will be a dedicated computer that will only be executing this task, so if any recommendations on how I can maximize efficiency while disabling other features that are not required for this task will be appreciated. Also, could you please explain how processes and tasks work in terminal (non-GUI)? I always thought terminal was something like CMD in Windows and can only run tasks one at a time.
EDIT: I need the sound to run at variable times, I'll be fetching these times from a website. Any suggestions regarding how to achieve this?
Thanks for the help and sorry for any shortcoming in the questions or my research.
Look at using cron to run your tasks. cron is a very flexible scheduling utility built in to most Linux distributions.
Basically, with cron you specify a task to run (your main program, or maybe just a sound-playing program), all of its arguments, and when it runs. cron takes care of running it, and will even send you "mail" if the job produces any output (such as errors).
You can make processes fork into a subprocess of your terminal, i.e. you are able to run more than one task at a time by putting a & after your terminal command:
> cmd&
> [you can type other commands here but the "cmd" program is still running]
However, for services you generally don't have to worry about starting it as a subprocess because the system already knows to do this. Here's a good question from Super User that has an example of a working service. Simply place your service as a shell script in the /etc/init.d and it will be automatically started as a service.
