Is it possible to add custom application data to an email via the Gmail API? - gmail

I am currently sending email via the Gmail API using the Google Node SDK. I am successful in doing so, but my application requires that I be able to attach specific identifiers to emails that I send in order to be able to track and process certain events correctly.
I have heard of custom metadata being added to emails sent through other services such as Mailchimp, Postmark, etc so it seems like some sort of standard to be able to do this in email. I however, have not been able to find how to do this via the Gmail API specifically. Is this even possible?

No, you cannot add custom application data to messages sent via Gmail API.
The corresponding Message resource doesn't include any property for custom metadata.
And the related methods send and insert don't allow this either.
Issue Tracker:
A related feature request was reported in Issue Tracker, I'd suggest you to star it:
Add Custom Metadata to Email Messages via Gmail Api
I'd suggest you to use labels to identify messages.


API call for "Check mail from other accounts > Check mail now"?

Is there an Gmail API call that corresponds to "Check mail from other accounts > Check mail now"?
Neither Gmail API nor Apps Script's GmailApp have a way to force to update the messages from the other accounts pulled with POP3.
There may be an easy way to update those accounts from the app. Asking how to do this may bring people that knows how to do so and may be able to help you (but that know nothing about Gmail API) :)
As a side note, if you don't find a way of doing it, you may request Google to implement a refresh method in their Gmail API.
Gmail API resource summary (Gmail API reference)
Class GmailApp (Apps Script reference)
Getting started (Google Issue Tracker documentation)

How to send information from an app to another e-mail without using e-mail?

I am programming a quiz-app where the player should have the possibility to sent his own questions to a customer feedback email address with his own question suggestions. The question I have now, is it possible to sent the data that the user types in the EditText fields to an E-mail address without using the address of the player?
I presume you will have a server and REST API for authentication, serve quiz questions, verify answer etc.
Add one more REST API to above list to accept feedback. Your Android App should capture data from text field, and call REST API just like it would have called any other API. REST API can derive user information from an auth token. REST API on server can use third party email service eg. Sendgrid or AWS SES to eventually send an email to target email address.
If you are not performing user authentication, Android application can optionally send some additional information about user to the REST API.
If you are not using server itself, then you will have to consider using a server and maintain your own REST API, or opt for server-less architecture e.g. AWS Lambda.
In any case, you shall consider using one of the third party email service rather than setting your own email setup.

Chatbase API to get analytics data?

We are using Chatbase for multiple clients that we identify with a different version number.
See my previous question here: Track multiple context for the same Bot
We have a dashboard for all those clients and would like to show them their own data. A bit like Google analytics allows it.
Is an API in the pipeline (I couldn't find any existing resources)
If not, in what alternative way could we get the data to present it?
We have a .csv export that is currently limited to the first 500 rows of your message variations report. It is on our roadmap to increase the scope of this report, however there is no official timeline for release.
Our recommendation for deploying an integration like you described in your message is as follows:
Have the user create a Chatbase account in order to obtain the API key
Have the user integrate their analytics on your platform by providing the API key
Send the messages from their bot to their Chatbase API
Provide the user deeplinks to the Chatbase reports from within your UI
Alternatively, you could configure your bot to send a redundant message to an internal database, or bigquery table to have access to all of your logs.
If you would like access to data you have sent to Chatbase up to this point, please contact and provide your bot's name and/or api key and we can provide a one-time export.

Can anyone post an example for event notification using docusign java-client sdk?

I want to implement event notification webhook method into my app. I am using docusign-java-client SDK for docusign, but I am unable to find any example using SDK. Can anyone provide some example to achieve this?
I'm sorry to report that we (DocuSign) don't yet have a Java recipe for this. We do have a Python example. Java is on the list of things to do. Perhaps someone else can provide an example in the meantime.
Here is a general description:
First, set up your webhook subscription. You can have an envelope-specific webhook subscription by including the eventNotification fields in your envelope create request.
Or you can set up a more general subscription by using the "Connect" feature. You can setup Connect subscriptions either via the DocuSign web tool, or programmatically.
As part of the subscription you provide your url for the incoming XML notification messages.
To handle them, you write a small web app using whatever web app framework is easiest for you and your stack. Your web server will receive the incoming https calls from DocuSign.
You can see what the incoming XML messages look like by using the beta Recipe Framework. Run it on Heroku. Use the embedded signing recipe and click the button to see the Webhook / Connect messages. You can then see the sorts of messages that you will receive.
Your incoming message web server will simply parse the XML messages and then handle them accordingly.
Thanks for using the webhook system. Please ask more questions here if you have any issues.

Sending email to lists via MailChimp API v3.0?

So it's not possible to create campaigns via MailChimp API v3.0 at this moment. But is it possible to send emails to lists/groups/segments via API v3.0? Or should I use API v2.0 for this functionality?
I have seen this one already: MailChimp send email v3.0
It's now possible to create and send a campaign through the V3.0 API.
See the this page
You can send to a saved segment, but as far as I can tell, there's no way to create a saved segment via the API, or to send to any subset of the list members.
