Sequelize table name updates - node.js

I have a table in Postgres and for ORM I am using sequelize I need to update the table name so I've tried the below migration for this
queryInterface.renameTable('table1', 'table2', { transaction }
but for some reason, it's creating a new table with table2 with the same data as table 1 but table 1 still exits with blank this correct behavior of this function so'll add a delete query.

This works
queryInterface.renameTable('OldTableName', 'NewTableName');

For that use case i normally rely on raw queries:
const { sequelize } = queryInterface;
await sequelize.query(
RENAME TO table2`,
type: QueryTypes.RAW,
raw: true,


Is there any way to get the group by data with latest entry in sequelize typescript

I have (almost) identical multiple rows in a table in which createdAt is different.
I am using sequelize typescript as ORM for mysql data.
Is there a way how I can use group by on 2 columns of the table lets say colA, colB but get the latest entry in that group?
an equivalent MySQL query for this would be :
SELECT * FROM tableName
FROM tableName
group by tableName.colA,
But I don't want to use id as max, and how can I get it in sequelize typescript?
With the normal group by col such as:
where: {
createdAt: { []: today }
group: ['colA','colB']
I was able to retrieve the grouped columns' first createdAt entry whereas I want the last entry.
Any help would be appreciated.
Plesae try with order by
where: {
createdAt: { []: today }
order : [['createdAt','DESC']],
group: ['colA','colB']

Sequelize - Update table that has trigger on it - not working

I am kinda of new with Sequelize and Node.js
I am trying to use Sequelize with a MSSQL database and figure out what i can do with it.
I've established the connection, created a model based on a existing table.
Such table has multiple triggers on it.
When i try to execute something like this
where: {ID: 0},
silent: true
where "sampletable" is an imported model
var sampletable = sequelize.import('./models/sampletable.js');
that was created with with "SequelizeAuto" (based on existing table's structure)
var SequelizeAuto = require('sequelize-auto')
var auto = new SequelizeAuto(config.database, config.username, config.password, config); (err) {
if (err) throw err;
i get following error
"Unhandled rejection SequelizeDatabaseError: The target table 'sampletable' of the DML statement cannot have any enabled triggers if the statement contains an OUTPUT clause without INTO clause."
Statement executed
Executing (default): UPDATE [sampletable] SET [NAME]=N'test' OUTPUT INSERTED.* WHERE [id] = 0
Is it possible to update table with triggers with sequelize??
If yes, can anybody point me in the right direction??
I've googled, checked doco, but i can;t find much about it.
Try adding hasTrigger: true to your model options. This prevents Tedious from trying to output the results from the base table, and uses a temp table instead.

Fetch data from Table using sequelizejs in Node.js

I am new in node.js, i want to fetch the data from table of the postgresql using sequelize ORM in node.js. I am using below code but its not working.
const apisListModel = sequelize.define('apisList', {});
Its give me error
Executing (default): SELECT "id", "createdAt", "updatedAt" FROM
"apisLists" AS "apisList";
{ SequelizeDatabaseError: relation "apisLists" does not exist
But apiList table exist in my DATABASE
Sequelize changes the tableName to plural implicitly. You can define options as
const apisListModel = sequelize.define('apisList', {}, {
tableName: 'apisList'
The query trying to fetch data from apisLists but your table name is apiList. Note the "s" in table name.
If this is the case, you can specify the table name using the option
tableName: 'apiList'
Here is the Documentation link

Query condition missed key schema element : Validation Error

I am trying to query dynamodb using the following code:
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
let dynamo = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({
service: new AWS.DynamoDB(
apiVersion: "2012-08-10",
region: "us-east-1"
convertEmptyValues: true
TableName: "Jobs",
KeyConditionExpression: 'sstatus = :st',
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
':st': 'processing'
}, (err, resp) => {
console.log(err, resp);
When I run this, I get an error saying:
ValidationException: Query condition missed key schema element: id
I do not understand this. I have defined id as the partition key for the jobs table and need to find all the jobs that are in processing status.
You're trying to run a query using a condition that does not include the primary key. This is how queries work in DynamoDB. You would need to do a scan for the info in your case, however, I don't think that is the best option.
I think you want to set up a global secondary index and use that to query for the processing status.
In another answer #smcstewart responded to this question. But he provides a link instead of commenting why this error occurs. I want to add a brief comment hoping it will save your time.
AWS docs on Querying a Table states that you can do WHERE condition queries (e.g. SQL query SELECT * FROM Music WHERE Artist='No One You Know') in the DynamoDB way, but with one important caveat:
You MUST specify an EQUALITY condition for the PARTITION key, and you can optionally provide another condition for the SORT key.
Meaning you can only use key attributes with Query. Doing it in any other way would mean that DynamoDB would run a full scan for you which is NOT efficient - less efficient than using Global secondary indexes.
So if you need to query on non-key attributes using Query is usually NOT an option - best option is using Global Secondary Indexes as suggested by #smcstewart.
I found this guide to be useful to create a Global secondary index manually.
If you need to add it using CloudFormation here is a relevant page.
I was getting this error for a different scenario. Here is my scenario.
(It's very unlikely that anyone else ends up with this case, but incase)
I had a query working on a Table (say table A). Table A had a partition key m_id and sort key u_id.
I had a query to fetch data using m_id. The query was working.
var queryParams = {
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
':m_id': mId
KeyConditionExpression: 'm_id = :m_id',
TableName: "A"
let connections = await docClient.query(queryParams).promise();
I created another Table say Table B. I made some errors in naming keys so I simply deleted and created a table with the same name again, Table B. Table B had partition key m_id, and sort key s_id.
I copied pasted the same query which I was using for Table A, I changed Table name only because partition key had the same name.
To my shock, I get this expectation.
"ValidationException: Query condition missed key schema element"
I rechecked all the names, I compared the query with the working query. Everything was fine.
I thought maybe because, I was deleting recreating Table B, it could be something with that. So I create a fresh Table with a new Name Table B2 with the same key names as Table B.
In my query that was throwing exceptions, I changed only the Table name from B to B2.
And the Exception was gone.
If you are getting this on a fresh table, where no query has worked earlier, creating a new Table with a new name is an option.
If you delete a Table only to change partition key names, it may be safer to use a new name for Table as well (Dynamo could be referring metadata by table names and not by internal identifiers, it is possible that old metadata stays even if you delete a table. Just a guess given I faced this case).
This error does not leave me. My own answer was helpful but one more case, there was a trailing space in name of Key in the table. And Dynamo does not even check for spaces in key names.
You have to create an global secondary index for the status field.
Then, you code could look like smth like this:
TableName: "Jobs",
IndexName: 'status',
KeyConditionExpression: '#s = :st',
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
':st': 'processing'
ExpressionAttributeNames: {
'#s': 'status',
}, (err, resp) => {
console.log(err, resp);
Note: scan operation is indeed very costly, especially if you table is huge in size
i solved the problem using AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient() with scan, for sample (nodejs):
var docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient();
var params = {
TableName: "product",
FilterExpression: "#cg = :data",
ExpressionAttributeNames: {
"#cg": "categoria",
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
":data": category,
docClient.scan(params, onScan);
function onScan(err, data) {
if (err) {
// for the log in server
console.error("Unable to scan the table. Error JSON:", JSON.stringify(err, null, 2));
} else {
console.log("Scan succeeded.");

sequelize for Node.js : ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE

I'm new to sequelize and Node.js.
I coded for test sequelize, but error occured "ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE : Table 'db.node_tests' doesn't exist"
Error is very simple.
However, I want to get data from "node_test" table.
I think sequelize appends 's' character.
There is my source code.
var Sequelize = require('sequelize');
var sequelize = new Sequelize('db', 'user', 'pass');
var nodeTest = sequelize.define('node_test',
{ uid: Sequelize.INTEGER
, val: Sequelize.STRING} );
I already create table "node_test", and inserted data using mysql client.
Does I misunderstood usage?
I found the answer my own question.
I appended Sequelize method option following. {define:{freezeTableName:true}}
Then sequelize not appends 's' character after table name.
Though the answer works nicely, I nowadays recommend the use of the tableName option when declaring the model:
sequelize.define('node_test', {
uid: Sequelize.INTEGER,
val: Sequelize.STRING
}, {
tableName: 'node_test'
Sequelize is using by default the plural of the passed model name. So it will look for the table "node_tests" or "NodeTests". Also it can create the table for you if you want that.
nodeTest.sync().success(function() {
// here comes your find command.
Sync will try to create the table if it does not already exist. You can also drop the existing table and create a new one from scratch by using sync({ force: true }). Check the SQL commands on your command line for more details about what is going on.
When you define a model to an existing table, you need to set two options for sequelize to:
find your table name as-is and
not fret about sequelize's default columns updatedAt and createdAt that it expects.
Simply add both options like so:
var nodeTest = sequelize.define('node_test',
{ uid: Sequelize.INTEGER , val: Sequelize.STRING},
{ freezeTableName: true , timestamps: false} //add both options here
Note the options parameter:
Missing either options triggers respective errors when using sequelize methods such as nodeTest.findAll().
> ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE //freezeTableName
> ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR //timestamps
Alternatively, you can:
create a fresh table through sequelize. It will append "s" to the table name and create two timestamp columns as defaults or
use sequelize-auto, an awesome npm package to generate sequelize models from your existing database programmatically.
Here's the sequelize documentation for option configurations.
In my case, it was due to case. I was having:
sequelize.define('User', {
The correct way is to use lowercase:
sequelize.define('user', {
