Resolve stimulsoft Problems - stimulsoft

I want to calculate the creditor and debtor amounts for each currency and show them at the bottom of the table, but no matter how much I searched, nothing was found. Can anyone help me?
enter image description here

1- You can use summary of text box in footer band or footer page
2- You can use expression of text box in footer band or footer page


Excel Text box doesn't show half of the text

I have created a calculator in excel in which i have used text boxes as input titles. I have tried multiple things to in the formatting section and text appears clear to me on my laptop however my colleagues unable to see those text box completely, all they see is text box is cutting from the end.
I cannot use cells because of the structure of the calculator, hence i have used text boxes with some effects.
Can someone please help me resolve this issue, this is very crucial thing to resolve.
Thank you in advance.
Screenshot of Calculator page is attached.

How to scrape data from webpage without inspect function?

I'm trying to scrape all data from the link below.
However, it seems like there is no option to perform right click, inspect & then us BeautifulSoup...
Any tricks on how to deal with this?
Example on data I would like to scrape (for all rows)
So i'm trying to create an output with in the rows all locations, and columns all prices / codes / ...
Many thanks!
I have checked your site you can make a right click on the option that are on the top for selection of menu, and then drag down to div. Then from this div you can extract your required elements or you can copy your xpath.
Right click on the blue "Home" tab. You will be able to click "inspect"

How can I show the selected item centred of the pivot header in UWP?

By default the item selected from the pivot header appears on the left side. This behavior can be changed so that it appears centered or right side?
I have a list of 20 items and therefore they don't appear all at the pivot header. So it is visually more appealing if the selected item appears centered on the screen.
Currently is working like the follow image:
enter image description here
I would like it will work like the follow image:
enter image description here
Here's what you need, skip to 26:30.
There's a lot to it, but you can do it using the Pivot control.
Best of luck.
please check this post
you need to modify HorizontalContentAllignment property to center the content
Here is some example modifying the style with setters

Big Commerce Formatting - I Need Text Fields in a Row

I don't have much experience with Big Commerce. We've been trying for weeks to accomplish what should be very simple.
We have five text fields, for a customer to enter their eyewear prescription, and our customer wants them in one row. BigCommerce displays them as five rows in one column. I've experimented with the html templates and the css, I've searched here and Google, etc. I haven't figured out how to isolate the individual fields in order to format them.
Can anyone help?
Use a web inspection tool like firebug or the built-in developer tools in firefox, and hover over the text boxes you want to format. That should tell you a class you can target.
The class of your input element is something like "Field validation productAttributeFluidWidth"

Change the color of a link using the ribbon in sharepoint 2010?

A user pasted the content from a word document into a wiki page.
In the word document all the links have the same font and color but on the wiki page some links are blue, some black, some using arial, some using times new roman. I guess the generated HTML screwed it up. Anyhow, when I mark text I can change the color, font, size and so on but when I mark a link the change color button is disabled (but I can change font and size), why is this? Do I need to ask the user to copy the contect back to a word document, edit there and then copy paste it again to the wiki?
Thanks in advance.
There is a good chance that there is some embedded css styles in the text that was pasted which is what is causing you grief. There should be a button that you can use to edit the raw html to get rid of those styles. Otherwise it is helpful if people paste unstyled text i.e. As Text.. rather the styled As HTML.. text.
