Android Studio ArticFox compiling fine but showing red errors everywhere - android-studio

I have a multi module Android Compose project. One module is an android app, others are android libraries or kotlin libraries. I'm running AS Artic Fox 2020.3.1 Beta 5 on MacOS 11.4 Big Sur.
After a library upgrade (probably AGP to use compose, I don't remember when exactly) Android Studio started to show syntax errors everywhere, both in .kts and .kt files.
Compilation and execution are working fine, only those weird JDK errors are displayed.
Here are some examples :
in a .kt file from a kotlin library module, in a .kts file from the buildSrc module
It seems that there is an error with the JDK somewhere, but I don't understand how to fix it.
I Googled/StackOverflowed before posting here and I already tried :
to check the JDK used Project Structure > SDK Location > Gradle. It is using the Embedded JDK 11.0.10
to reinstall AS using Jetbrains Toolbox
to invalidate cache and restart
to clone my project again
to delete ~/.gradle
But none of those actions helped...
Thanks in advance !
Update 22/07
I tried to create a new empty Compose project with .kts support, but no luck, everything is in red
Because of a bug preventing to update, I updated manually to RC_1. Here is my current setup.
I tried to change from Embedded JDK to a separately installed OpenJDK 11 and reimport but not luck (#alexey-belkov suggestion)
I checked the logs but found nothing obvious (#andy suggestion)
ℹ️ Finally I tried to create a new empty Android project with only .gradle support, and no errors ! Could it be a kotlin script plugin problem ?


Newest Android Studio 2021.3.1.17 release gets stuck on launch screen

I've installed the newest version of Android Studio with the installer on my Windows 10, currently it's version 2021.3.1.17 Dolphin.
Upon launching it, the splash screen appears and the little bar loads to the end and then it gets stuck indefinitely on that screen. All I'm seeing is this:
I've tried the following stuff already:
Completely uninstalling Android Studio, making sure all the files have been removed correctly before re-installing it (except the JetBrains folder, since I have other JetBrains stuff in it)
Re-Downloading the installer from the official Android Studio Website to make sure it was not corrupted.
Run as Administrator.
Was previously installed on a non-primary drive D:/, and I've also tried installing it on my primary drive C:/ just in case, same issue with C:/ installation too.
Ran studio.bat to see any errors, however, I'm assuming that bat file itself is buggy. It tells me that it does not find any JRE or JDK installation within the path. So to fix it I've set the newest Oracle JDK19 as my JAVA_HOME and the /bin accordingly, however, the studio.bat will then continue a long java error which seems honestly unfixable, so I won't even bother posting it here. Me setting the path shouldn't even be necessary, as Android Studio comes bundled with a JDK... and it should be using that one anyway.
So I'm out of things to try. I cannot make it work. My only lead was the Java error, but according to some Google search, I shouldn't even have to deal with it as it comes bundled with Android Studio. Looking into the files, there is indeed a jre folder within the Android Studio installation. Is it not using that one? What could be the reason that it is not using it if that is the case?
So, I was able to fix it myself after trying a few hours more. I've had also other Java installations (Java JDK 8, JDK 19) that interfered somehow with Android Studio. I've uninstalled everything related to Android Studio and I've uninstalled every Java version I had.
Additionally, I've removed every reference to Java or Android Studio from all of my system and environment variables. Also removed a path to Android SDK that was within my system variables.
After rebooting and installing Android Studio, it worked. Haven't installed any Java version so far, so not sure if the issues will return if I install my Java versions again.

Android Studio “cannot resolve symbol R” but project compiles and runs

Android Studio displays in all java files in red : “cannot resolve symbol R” but the project compiles and runs.
I have tried every solution here:
Android Studio "cannot resolve symbol" but project compiles and works, but with no luck.
I tried to :
invalidate caches and restart android studio
delete .gradle and .idea folders
clean and rebuild the project
install a new version of android studio
mess up with gradle file then undo changes and sync project
One thing that I want to try, but I don't know how to achieve, is to reopen the project from scratch as I was opening it for the first time, but I don't know how to do this.
I also tried answers from here:
Android Studio says "cannot resolve symbol" but project compiles,
but again with no luck.
Android studio version = 3.2.1
dependency versions in gradle project file:
classpath ''
classpath ''
For some reason that i do not understand ,
this combination of build versions made the issue :
grade version = 4.10.1
classpath ''
when i switched to these build versions :
grade version = 4.6
classpath ''
The issue was solved !
File -> Close project
Open an existing Android Studio Project
Open you project
Hope it will work.
sometimes, R file is not generated because of package name on android manifest is not match with package module that you have.
Is any wrong syntax or spelling in your xml?
Check your layout or any xml file.
Android Studio seems to have a caching issue with occasionally. I rarely have a problem with this, but when I do, I actually open (double press shift and type "") or navigate to under "app/build/generated/source" directory, opening the file and checking if the relevant XML id has been created. If it has, it forces Android Studio to now recognise the id's that are not being resolved. It's quick to try, and doesn't require clean and rebuild.
From your programs menu, open android studio. instead of opening your project from the recent files, select to open a project from your computer and then locate the path to your project. When all else fails, sometimes this works.
Also, try commenting out the support libraries from your gradle implementation, sync your project, and after sync fails comment them back in and sync again. (not sure if that's what you tried already when you said you messed with the gradle file)
In my case,
I am using
- Android Studio version 3.3.1 at home
- Android Studio version 3.2.1 at office
When i pulled projects to my office computer that are firstly created at my home computer ,
Android Studio can not resolved R file but runs application with no error. Because projects gradle and Android Studio version are incompatible.
Only thing that you sholud do, change the gradle version in project level gradle file
classpath ''
classpath ''
I was facing same issue,
first thought the issue might because of some xml file or naming of drawable resources incorrectly. After analysing, this case wasn't applicable to me.
Updating Android studio from older version 3.2 to newer version 3.3.2 along with new build tool version from SDK manager resolved this issue
for me.
I've tried invalidate cache and Restart AS with clean rebuild all the options but didn't work for me.
It says cannot resolve symbol, but it can run.
In my case, I just reload the needed *.jar files to the libs folder.
File >> invalidate caches/restart
Rebuild Project
Works for me!
It looks like the library did not load my "imports" properly the first time.
That's why the import methods cannot be seen in my main_activity.xml.
This happened to me when I was going back and forth between different SDK versions.
Apparently SDK manager copied all the source files but it didn't finish cleanly. As a result I could compile and run my project just fine but IDE didn't recognize the SDK and reported all java symbols unresolved.
None of the above and other solutions in SO didn't work for me, but just uninstalling/reinstalling the specific SDK version did a job.
If you renamed your package (inside java folder), make sure you change your Manifest package name to the same
The only thing that worked for me was,
import package_name.R
import package_name.*
simply go to project settings : settings.gradel and change the to your current name = "write the project name here"

Finish can only be called once : Android

Recently updated Build: 2.3.1, AI-162.3871768, 20170401,
AI-162.3871768, JRE 1.8.0_112-release-b06x64 JetBrains s.r.o, OS Mac OS X(x86_64) v10.11.6 unknown, screens 1440x900; Retina
Switching back to Android 2.2.2 did not help either. Successfully able to build from command Line though(MacOX Terminal)
Delete your $HOME/.gradle directory (or on Windows, %HOME%\.gradle folder). The next execution of gradle will rebuild this. (It will require some downloads, so make sure you have an internet connection).
You can try just deleting $HOME/.gradle/caches, but this will not solve the problem in all cases.
I have similar issue on 2.3.1
I tried using the Android 2.4 Preview 4 but that did not help. I am able to build from command line too.
It happens when Android Studio creates two instances of gradle. I tried clearing the gradle cache or even deleting the .gradle but did not help. All this problem started when I deleted my old project repo and re-pulled it and imported to my Android Studio.
Best is to delete all your gradle instance from your home directly before your re-import your project Android Studio.
Android Studio started behaving like this after I tried building with the command line(osx) using ./gradlew
What helps is running the studio with sudo:
sudo /Applications/Android\
I wonder if theres a fix to this problem that allows the studio to be started normally as well.

Android Studio 2 error

I have the latest Java version installed as you can see, but it still tells me the message. Moreover, I can not load any projects because it gets stuck in the gradle building process. Any idea?
It is working fine after reinstalling the JDK(500mb) pack, rather than the update (66mb).

Missing generated folders in Android Studio

I'm using Android Annotations in my project and I followed the instructions in this blog post
Everything worked fine.
Today I updated Android Studio to latest version (build of 5th june). This requires an update of gradle build tools from 19.0.3 to 19.1.0. And i configured this in my build.gradle.
Annotaion processing still works. The generated files are located in build/source/apt. But this folder isn't visible any more in project explorer. And starting the build complains about the configuration.
But the project seems to run correctly.
This behavior is very annoying. Do I have to change anything in Android Studio? Has anyone a solution or is this just a bug in Android Studio?
The author of android-apt has already updated his plugin to support Gradle's new version, just change this line in your build.gradle
classpath 'com.neenbedankt.gradle.plugins:android-apt:1.2+'
classpath 'com.neenbedankt.gradle.plugins:android-apt:1.3'
The Android Studio Team changed the behavior of the IDE "for better IDE integration". Therefore the output directory of the apt-plugin v 1.2 will not be recognized as generated sources folder any more.
the plugin author knows about it and will provide a fix
