Results of Kernal PCA and LLE are different for different number of CPU cores provided for the run - scikit-learn

I am doing dimensionality reduction using Scikit-Learns's KPCA and sometimes LLE APIs.
I have dataset which has a shape of around (700X150) all numerical.
I am just trying to pass this data to one of the above mentioned APIs to reduce its features, I have written a simple python script(say for it which I can run from terminal, that also saves the data after reduction.
What issue I am facing is, I am using "taskset" command in linux terminal to assign certain number of CPUs for a particular run. I can give any number of CPUs out of how much I have on my machine, for example, the terminal command could be:
taskset -c 1-3 python when I want to give 3 cores
or taskset -c 1-2 python when I want to use just 2 cores.
or simply just python when I do not want to specify any CPU.
The problem is I am getting different results in all the three cases, by different results i mean output data of there three runs are different from one another, which should not happen since I using the script, same input data, and same algorithm(either KPCA or LLE) for all the three runs, I have also kept 'n_jobs' parameter to 2 because I am at least using 2 CPUs when I am using taskset. I have also supplied a random_state. All these 3 results are totally reproducible fortunately, that means the 1st command(with 3 cores) will produce same output data on every run, similarly 2nd and 3rd command also produces same results in each of their respective runs if run multiple times.
But the question why are these output different from each other ?
Setting up the taskset in my run is important for me because I am using a multi-core machine and I need to schedule different CPUs for different tasks, sometimes I have 2, sometimes I have 3, sometimes n number of CPUs for the same task which I give them accordingly but I don't want the results to be different based on how many CPUs I gave, this is affecting my classification performance as well which is later in the pipeline.
Also, done some experiments , I don't see this behavior when I use Isomap for reducing my data. The results are same doesn't matter how many CPUs I give.
I also used "numactl" command in place of "taskset" but the behavior was same.
Surprisingly, we could also see this same behaviour when using kpca function in R language! When I use R do to the same thing. Is there anything common and fundamental here regarding KPCA that I am missing ?
Please help.

There might be something interesting in understanding exactly how the results differ. Algorithms like LLE, PCA and k-PCA that have a matrix factorization that has a sign ambiguity (e.g. in PCA, you can negate the component vectors and negate the coefficients and have the "same" answer). I'm not exactly what approach is being used for that matrix factorization, and what role randomization plays in that, and how it varies when it is parallelized, but it doesn't surprise me that it might be different when the computation is split across more processors, even with the same random seed.
TL;DR: If the results are different just in that some coordinates are negated, that isn't surprising. If they are more different than that, then I don't have a good answer.


Make focus stacking work faster in Python

I am trying to run tufuse from python using to merge several layers of images and create one focus stack image. The input images are huge and take 20 min on my PC (12 cores, 64 G RAM) to do the job. I want to use multiprocessing or multi-threading or GPU computation to reduce this time. However none of the solutions I tried did work. As far as I understood these methods work on algebraic functions not with Do you have any idea how to make this task runs faster?

Multiple python calls from bash but no speed-up

I want to run a Python3 process multiple times with different hyperparameters. To fully utilize the available CPU's, I want to spawn the process multiple times. However, I hardly observe any speed-up in practice. Below I will reproduce a small test that illustrates the effect.
First a Python test script:
import numpy as np
import time
now = time.time()
for i in range(50):
A single call: python3 prints 10.0 seconds.
However, when I try to run 2 processes in parallel:
python3 & python3 & wait prints 18.6 18.9.
parallel python3 ::: {1..2} prints 18.3 18.7.
It seems as if parallelization hardly buys me anything here (two executions in almost twice the time). I know I can't expect a linear speed-up, but this seems to be very little difference. My system has 1 socket with 2 cores per socket and 2 threads per core (4 CPUs in total). I see the same effect on a 8 CPU Google Cloud instance. Roughly, the computational time improves no more than ~10-20% per process, when running in parallel.
Finally, pinning CPUs to processes does not help much either:
taskset -c 0-1 python3 & taskset -c 2-3 python3 & wait prints 17.1 17.8
I thought each Python process could only utilize 1 CPU due to the Global Interpreter Lock. Is there anyway to speed-up my code?
Thanks for the reply #TomFenech, I should have added the CPU usage information indeed:
Local (4 vCPU): Single call = ~390%, double call ~190-200% each
Google cluster (8 vCPUs): single call ~400%, double call ~400% each (as expected)
Conclusion of toy-example: You are right. When I call htop, I actually see 4 processes per started job, not 1. So the job is internally distributing itself. I think this is related, distributing happens for (matrix) multiplication by BLAS/MKL.
Continuation for true job: So, the above toy-example was actually more involved and not a perfect case for my true script. My true (machine learning) script only partially relies on Numpy (not for matrix multiplication), but most heavy computation is performed in PyTorch. When I call my script locally (4 vCPU), it uses ~220% CPU. When I call that script on the Google Cloud cluster (8 vCPU), it - suprisingly - gets even up to ~700% (htop indeed shows 7-8 processes). So PyTorch seems to be doing an even better job at distributing itself.
(The Numpy BLAS version can be retrieved with My local Numpy uses OpenBlas, the Google cluster uses MKL (Conda installation). I can't find a similar command to check for the BLAS version of PyTorch, but assume it uses the same.)
In general, the conclusion seems that both Numpy and PyTorch itself already take care of distributing code when it comes to matrix multiplication (and all CPUs are locally visible, i.e. no cluster/server setting). Therefore, if most of your script is matrix multiplication, then there is less reason than (at least I) expected to distribute scripts yourself.
However, not all of my code is matrix multiplication. Therefore, in theory I should still be able to get a speed-up from parallel processes. I wrote a new test, with 50/50 linear and matrix multiplication code:
import time
import torch
import random
now = time.time()
for i in range(12000):
[random.random() for k in range(10000)]
print('Linear time',round(time.time()-now,1))
now = time.time()
for j in range(350):
print('Matrix time',round(time.time()-now,1))
Running this on Google Cloud (8 vCPU):
Single process gives Linear time 12.6, Matrix time 9.2. (CPU during first part 100%, second part 500%)
Parallel process python3 & python3 gives Linear time 12.6, Matrix time 15.4 for both processes.
Adding a third process gives Linear time ~12.7, Matrix time 25.2
Conclusion: Although there are 8 vCPU here, the Pytorch/matrix (second) part of the code actually gets slower with more than 2 processes. The linear part of the code does of course increase (up to 8 parallel processes). I think this altogether explains why in practice, Numpy/PyTorch code may not show that much improvement when you start multiple concurrent processes. And that it may not always be beneficial to naively start 8 processes when you see 8 vCPUs. Please correct me if I am wrong somewhere here.

Is there a standard constant *nix benchmark, and if not, how to make a `bogobench`?

Ordinary single-threaded *nix programs can be benchmarked with utils like time, i.e.:
# how long does `seq` take to count to 100,000,000
/usr/bin/time seq 100000000 > /dev/null
1.16user 0.06system 0:01.23elapsed 100%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 1944maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (0major+80minor)pagefaults 0swaps
...but numbers returned are always system dependent, which in a sense also measures the user's hardware.
Is there some non-relative benchmarking method or command-line util which would return approximately the same virtual timing numbers on any system, (or at least a reasonably large subset of systems)? Just like grep -m1 bogo /proc/cpuinfo returns a roughly approximate but stable unit, such a benchmark should also return a somewhat similar unit of duration.
Suppose for benchmarking ordinary commands we have a magic util bogobench (where "bogo" is an adjective signifying "a somewhat bogus status", but not necessarily having algorithms in common with BogoMIPs):
bogobench foo
And we run this on two physically separate systems:
a 1996 Pentium II
a 2015 Xeon
Desired output would be something like:
21 bogo-seconds
So bogobench should return about the same number in both cases, even though it probably would finish in much less time on the 2nd system.
A hardware emulator like qemu might be one approach, but not necessarily the only approach:
Insert the code to benchmark into a wrapper script
Copy to a bootable Linux disk image bootimage.iso, within a directory where would autorun then promptly shutdown the emulator. During which it outputs some form of timing data to parse into bogo-seconds.
Run bootimage.iso using one of qemu's more minimal -machine options:
qemu-system-i386 -machine type=isapc bootimage.iso
But I'm not sure how to make qemu use a virtual clock, rather than the host CPU's clock, and qemu itself seems like a heavy tool for a seemingly simple task. (Really MAME or MESS would be more versatile emulators than qemu for such a task -- but I'm not adept with MAME, although MAME currently has some capacity for 80486 PC emulation.)
Online we sometimes compare and contrast timing-based benchmarks made on machine X with one made on machine Y. Whereas I'd like both user X and Y to be able to do their benchmark on a virtual machine Z, with bonus points for emulating X or Y (like MAME) if need be, except with no consideration of X or Y's real run-time, (unlike MAME where emulations are often playable). In this way users could report how programs perform in interesting cases without the programmer having to worry that the results were biased by idiosyncrasies of a user's hardware, such as CPU quirks, background processes hogging resources, etc.
Indeed, even on the user's own hardware, a time based benchmark can be unreliable, as often the user can't be sure some background process, (or bug, or hardware error like a bad sector, or virus), might not be degrading some aspect of performance. Whereas a more virtual benchmark ought to be less susceptible to such influences.
The only sane way I see to implement this is with a cycle-accurate simulator for some kind of hardware design.
AFAIK, no publicly-available cycle-accurate simulators for modern x86 hardware exist, because it's extremely complex and despite a lot of stuff being known about x86 microarchitecture internals (Agner Fog's stuff, Intel's and AMD's own optimization guides, and other stuff in the x86 tag wiki), enough of the behaviour is still a black box full of CPU-design trade-secrets that it's at best possible to simulate something similar. (E.g. branch prediction is definitely one of the most secret but highly important parts).
While it should be possible to come close to simulating Intel Sandybridge or Haswell's actual pipeline and out-of-order core / ROB / RS (at far slower than realtime), nobody has done it that I know of.
But cycle-accurate simulators for other hardware designs do exist: Donald Knuth's MMIX architecture is a clean RISC design that could actually be built in silicon, but currently only exists on paper.
From that link:
Of particular interest is the MMMIX meta-simulator, which is able to do dynamic scheduling of a complex pipeline, allowing superscalar execution with any number of functional units and with many varieties of caching and branch prediction, etc., including a detailed implementation of both hard and soft interrupts.
So you could use this as a reference machine for everyone to run their benchmarks on, and everyone could get comparable results that will tell you how fast something runs on MMIX (after compiling for MMIX with gcc). But not how fast it runs on x86 (presumably also compiling with gcc), which may differ by a significant factor even for two programs that do the same job a different way.
For [fastest-code] challenges over on the Programming puzzles and Code Golf site, #orlp created the GOLF architecture with a simulator that prints timing results, designed for exactly this purpose. It's a toy architecture with stuff like print to stdout by storing to 0xffffffffffffffff, so it's not necessarily going to tell you anything about how fast something will run on any real hardware.
There isn't a full C implementation for GOLF, AFAIK, so you can only really use it with hand-written asm. This is a big difference from MMIX, which optimizing compilers do target.
One practical approach that could (maybe?) be extended to be more accurate over time is to use existing tools to measure some hardware invariant performance metric(s) for the code under test, and then apply a formula to come up with your bogoseconds score.
Unfortunately most easily measurable hardware metrics are not invariant - rather, they depend on the hardware. An obvious one that should be invariant, however, would be "instructions retired". If the code is taking the same code paths every time it is run, the instructions retired count should be the same on all hardware1.
Then you apply some kind of nominal clock speed (let's say 1 GHz) and nominal CPI (let's say 1.0) to get your bogoseconds - if you measure 15e9 instructions, you output a result of 15 bogoseconds.
The primary flaw here is that the nominal CPI may be way off from the actual CPI! While most programs hover around 1 CPI, it's easy to find examples where they can approach 0.25 or whatever the inverse of the width is, or alternately be 10 or more if there are many lengthy stalls. Of course such extreme programs may be what you'd want to benchmark - and even if not you have the issue that if you are using your benchmark to evaluate code changes, it will ignore any improvements or regressions in CPI and look only at instruction count.
Still, it satisfies your requirement in as much as it effectively emulates a machine that executes exactly 1 instruction every cycle, and maybe it's a reasonable broad-picture approach. It is pretty easy to implement with tools like perf stat -e instructions (like one-liner easy).
To patch the holes then you could try to make the formula better - let's say you could add in a factor for cache misses to account for that large source of stalls. Unfortunately, how are you going to measure cache-misses in a hardware invariant way? Performance counters won't help - they rely on the behavior and sizes of your local caches. Well, you could use cachegrind to emulate the caches in a machine-independent way. As it turns out, cachegrind even covers branch prediction. So maybe you could plug your instruction count, cache miss and branch miss numbers into a better formula (e.g., use typical L2, L3, RAM latencies, and a typical cost for branch misses).
That's about as far as this simple approach will take you, I think. After that, you might as well just rip apart any of the existing x862 emulators and add your simple machine model right in there. You don't need to cycle accurate, just pick a nominal width and model it. Probably whatever underlying emulation cachegrind is going might be a good match and you get the cache and branch prediction modeling already for free.
1 Of course, this doesn't rule out bugs or inaccuracies in the instruction counting mechanism.
2 You didn't tag your question x86 - but I'm going to assume that's your target since you mentioned only Intel chips.

python: will memory_profiler affect runtime?

I am evaluating the tools that profile my python program. One of the interesting tools here is memory_profiler. Before moving forward, just want to know whethermemory_profiler affects runtime. The reason I am asking this question is that memory_profiler will output a lot of memory usages. So I am suspecting it might affect runtime.
It depends how you are using memory_profiler. This can be used in two different ways:
To get memory usage line-by-line (run with python -m memory_profiler This needs to get memory information (from the OS) for every line executed within the profiled function. How this affects run-time depends on the amount of lines in the function: if it has a lot of lines with fast execution times, it might suppose a significant overhead. On the other hand, if the function to profile has few lines, and each lines has a significant computing time, then the overhead will be negligible.
To get memory as a function of time (run with mprof run and plot with mprof plot). In this case the function that collects the memory usage is in a different process as the one that runs your script, hence the overhead is minimal (unless you are using all CPUs).

How to use Rmpi in R on linux Cluster to increase cores available with DEoptim?

I am using code developed in R to calibrate a hydrological model with 8 parameters using DEoptim (a function that aims to minimise an objective function). The DEoptim code uses the 'parallel' package to detect the number of cores available using 'DetectCores()'. On my PC I have 4 cores with 2 threads each so it detects 8 cores and then sends out the hydrological model to a core with different values of parameters and the results are returned to the centre. It does this hundreds or thousands of times and iterates the parameters to try and find an optimum set. Therefore the more cores available, the faster it will work.
I am at a university and have access to a Linux compute cluster. They have servers with up to 12 cores (i.e. not threads) and if I used this it would work two - three times faster than my PC. Great. However, ideally I would spread the code around other servers so I could have access to more cores and all the info sent back the master.
Therefore, my question is how could I include Rmpi in my code to effectively increase the cores available. As you can probably tell, I am quite new to using clusters.
Many thanks, Antony
If you want to execute DEoptim on multiple nodes of a Linux cluster, I believe you'll need to use foreach by specifying parallelType=2 in the control argument. You can use either the doMPI parallel backend or the doParallel backend with an MPI cluster object. For example:
cl <- makeCluster(mpi.universe.size()-1, type='MPI')
# and eventually...
DEoptim(fn=Genrose, lower=rep(-25, n), upper=rep(25, n),
control=list(NP=10*n, itermax=maxIt, parallelType=2))
You'll need to have the snow package installed in addition to the others. Also, make sure that you execute your script with mpirun using the -np 1 option. If you don't use mpirun, the workers will all be spawned on the local machine.
