Excel Data validation list with array formula - excel

I have a table with duplicated values in a column. How can I use this column, to provide unique values as a dropdown options in another cell? I want to be able to enter new rows in my table that might include already existing or new values and dropdown should automatically reflect this.
What I tried with UNIQUE(MyTable[MyColumn]):
Excel is not accepting this formula as a data validation source
I can spill UNIQUE(MyTable[MyColumn]) to range and name this range and use it as a data validation source, but the named range will not expand/contract automatically when my table data change
Excel will not accept UNIQUE(MyTable[MyColumn]) in a new table

You are on the right way - and yes: this is annoying and definitly not intuitiv.
You have to add a # after the reference to your range when naming it:
Then use the name for your validation list. It will now expand when you add a new row to the table.
D3: UNIQUE-Formula referencing the table-column
Name "lstValues": referencing $D$3#
then use lstValues

Alternative solution
Insert Power Query referencing original table as a source: = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="MyTable"]}[Content]
RMB on a column to keep, Remove Other Columns (if any)
RMB on a column, Remove Duplicates
Close and Load to the sheet as a table, name table DropdownTable
Define new named range DropdownValues with reference to =DropdownTable (or =DropdownTable[#All] to include header)
Use =DropdownValues as a data validation source


Excel Function to Exclude rows based on certain values

I to exclude rows in a excel table based on certain values
For example:
I need to exclude all rows if column A is equal to any of these numbers ( 5840,4302,4432, and so on)
As the table data will be huge to filter only the data that I want.
One way is to exploit Excel Table feature together with the FILTER() spreadsheet function. NB. You will need a relatively recent Excel version for this. Using a Table provides some extra useful functionality (such as automatically adding rows and allowing reference by column name).
The OP's input data may already be a Table, if so, this first step can be skipped.
Put the input and filter list into tables. Excel help page. After the table has been created I have used the Table Design menu (which appears in the menu bar when a cell in the table is selected) to turn off the row banding format and header filters. This is also where you can rename the Tables. I have named them "Input" and "Exclude"
For the filtered output, choose where you want the output to start (cell H3 in my example), and enter a formula to copy the headers: =Input[#Headers]. Of course you can copy and paste the headers manually if you like. Here I've used the Format Painter to copy across the cell formats for the headers.
In the next cell down (H4 in my example), enter this formula: =FILTER(Input,(LEN(Input[ID])>0) * ISERROR(MATCH(Input[ID],Exclude[IDs to exclude],0))).
You should be able to add or delete new rows (right-click in the Table and choose Delete) in both the Input and Exclude tables, and the output should react (if you have Calculation set to Automatic).
NB. The Output range is NOT a Table. Excel doesn't let you convert dynamic ranges into Tables.
EDIT: If you don't want to use Tables, you can simply supply the ranges as the parameters to the FILTER function.
In this example =FILTER(B4:D13,(LEN(B4:B13)>0) *ISERROR(MATCH(B4:B13,F4:F5,0)))

So apparently the INDIRECT function doesn't work with data validation in Excel when using a dynamic named range

Trying to create a drop-down list in a cell where the source is a dynamic named range. The named range refers to:
Essentially the range starts at A2 and extends down to the last value in the column so that when I add or remove a value I don't end up with blanks in my list or the new values missing. I can use the following as the data validation source for my list with no problem:
It provides me with a drop-down list of everything in the named range.
However, when I type the named range's name (Named_Range) into a cell (say F1) and use the following as the data validation source for my list, I don't get the drop-down list:
Searching around revealed that this is a know issue, but I can't get my head around a workaround.
Instead of creating dynamic lists using the method you are using, I suggest using Tables.
Create a table for each dependent drop-down list.
- Be sure to select "my table has headers"
Select the data area of each Table (not the header)
In the Name box to the left of the formula bar, type in the appropriate Name
Hit Enter to confirm the name for the databodyrange.
Repeat for each table.
Since this is a table, the lists will autoadjust as you add/delete rows
You can refer to them with the INDIRECT function as you set up your data validation list formula.

Dynamic Name Ranges with Pivot Table Data

I'm trying to create dynamic name ranges using data presented in a pivot table. See below:
I would like to create a dynamic name range that captures this data. Here is what I wrote:
The first argument of this offset formula is multi-part: I had to first find the first date in column A using INDEX('R1'!$A:$A,MATCH(MIN('R1'!$A:$A), then find the address of that cell, then present it properly for the offset formula using concatenate (to append the sheet name) and indirect.
For the height of this name range, I used a COUNTIF function to get the amount of dates in the column.
However, when I assign that formula to a name range and tested it in a pivot table, I get the error "Reference isn't valid". Any ideas?
#Edmond Liu You should first name the range in on the tab where the data will live. After that then configure the pivot table to place data in the dynamic named range space.
Another option is to place your pivot table in say Column C or D. In column A or B put your dynamic named range along with some logic formulas to extract what you actually need from the pivot table. As the pivot table changes your formulas will automatically update. You can include to IFERROR/ISERROR logic to exclude blank or null cells.

Excel formulas and conditional lookups based on multiple criteria and sheets

I have 2 sheets:
sheet_a is a styled print-ready layout for a single data record
sheet_b is a bulk data table which is continually growing. Each row corresponds to a single complete record
Currently I am using a VLOOKUP to collect the data from sheet_b and put it in the respective cells in sheet_a. I have a drop down list on sheet_a which allows me to select a single record at a time to view.
Now I want to introduce a second drop down list to sheet_a where I want to select 1 of 4 specific conditions relating to the value of a cell in a specific column of each record on sheet_b.
I only want the entries that meet this condition in sheet_b to be made available in the range of records I can view on sheet_a.
Can anyone help?
As I understand it, you are looking for a way to filter the list that is used in the drop-down on Sheet_A.
add a column to the source data and calculate or mark manually which of the four conditions the record belongs to.
on Sheet_a add a drop-down field where the user can select from the four conditions. Name this cell "criterion"
in the source data table, add a column with a formula that returns the row number if the current row matches the selected criterion. Something like this copied down
create another helper column that contains only the items that match the criterion using a formula like this and copied down
use a dynamic range name called "FilteredList" that contains only the values of the result list, not the errors. The formula for "FilteredList" is
change the drop-down that is currently used to select a record to source its values from =FilteredList

Excel Data Validation List using formula with filtering

I have following workbook:
Worksheet Accounts:
Worksheet Posts:
I would like to know if it is possible to define Data Validation of type List to entire column B in sheet Posts using formula, so that Data Validation popup shows only Account Ids from Accounts sheet which Website column matches Website column of a selected row in Posts sheet and which have value Active in Status column?
In SQL-ish or LINQ-ish words:
SELECT Id FROM Accounts WHERE Website =
#SelectedPostRow.Website AND Status = Active
Marks on the second image shows which values should be shown in a drop-down.
Yes you can do this, but it requires some supporting setup.
First for each of your website options, you need to create a named range for the options that would be in the drop down you are seeking to create.
To do this, just highlight the list of cells and right click, the choose Name a Range
Then you need to create a lookup list for your website names to the named range possiblities
Then in your data validation source use a forumla like this:
then whala, the dropdown list changes based upon the website value.
Now if you are also needing to automate the named range bits, you could change them to encompass entire columns and then use a pivot table to pull in the data. Would just need
an independant pivot for each website option.
Each time you pulled in fresh data you would need to refresh the pivots, but it would function.
This problem need a bit of a preparation.
In the same sheet, or in another, copy your data (or add the relevant cells)
In column A you have a number that could be ranked.
I obtained it with (cell A2):
In column B rank the number and exclude the unwanted rows (B2):
Then you can VLOOKUP in column H, using a enum in column G (manually entered). The formula for H1:
Now you could set your validation based on column H
PS: there could be small errors in the formulas as I have translated them from italian and I cannot test in english.
