Upload/import file from 2 differents servers - node.js

I'm wondering how to deal with importing files, when I work with a frontend hosted on OVH, and a backend hosted on Heroku.
So, here is my logic, I would like to know if it makes sense to you :
I create a route in my API that will store the file in my backend server
I update the user profile with a string that correspond to the path of the file
From the front, I ask a route that will ask the file to the backend with the path stored in mongoDB
Does that make sense ?

I think what you described makes a lot of sense. However I suggest a minor change, Instead of saving file path in user profile, save the complete hosted URL of the file. This will come in handy if you choose to change your image hosting solution later on and also reduces the dependency between your client and backend.


custom formats to hide threejs software backend working

To render on threejs, we need some images(jpg/png) and , jsons(uv data). All these files are stored in respective folders and the files visible for clients to look at.
I use django/python to start a local server, python code is compiled to .pyc & js code is obfuscated. But the folder structure is accessible for Casual Users. In threejs, we use tex_loader and json_loader functions to which the file paths are given as inputs. Was looking at ways of securing the behind the scenes work.
Happened to read about custom binary formats, but that felt like a lot of work.
or giving access to files only for certain process starting through django/web browser?
Are there any available easy to deploy solutions to protect our IP ?
An option would be to only serve the files to authenticated users. This could be achieved by having an endpoint on your backend like:
and the controller in the backend would receive the file name(data.json), the code could check if the user requesting the endpoint is authenticated and if so read the file from the file system(my-private-folder/assets/data.json) and return it as file with correct mime-type to the browser.

how to access a different module in multi target application

I'm new to cloud foundry, so I'm not sure, if my thoughts and plans are right. Maybe someone can explain or discuss it with me.
What I want to do:
Implement a MTA (Multitarget Application) with a a html5-module as frontend and a nodeJS-module as backend. Furthermore there should be a mongodb instance, which will be accessed from the nodejs-module. Later it should also get multitenant.
What I already did:
I implemented a simple nodejs-app and connected it to the db. Persisting and calling data with rest works already fine. I implemented a simple sapui5 app, which consumes data from the db with ajax. For now, the node startscript is in the html5 module, so it works somehow. But now I want to separate the modules.
So I created a mta-project with the two modules in webide and imported the two apps.
What I expect to do for it:
For now, I have an approuter, which is in my nodejs-module, but I can not access the webapp folder in the html5-module from here: file not found error: /home/vcap/app//. Is there a possibility to access the webapp-folder in another module over the path "/home/vcap/app/"? Or can I lookup the app-directory anywhere?
I have read, that an approuter-module (nodejs) can be needed, but I don't know exactly what it does. I think it serves the index.html file when opening the url of the whole app?

MEAN Stack- Where should I store images meant for particular users?

I am using the MEAN stack for my project. I read online that it is not advisable to store image in the database itself and hence I am not doing that.
For solving this issue, now I have set up a local server (Using express) and I am serving my static image files from there.
Now I am able to use that image by using the URLs, for example:
I am planning to host this express app eventually by using some service like heroku.
In my main website, I am achieving authentication(Sign In and Sign Up) by using MongoDb and NodeJs.
I want the images to be shown according to the specific logged in user.
Should I store my images in folder named by username of that user, so that I can genarate the URL string accordingly and access the image by :
Is the flow of my application correct? Is this the way I should be accessing the images for particular users?
I read somewhere that there would be a security issue because anyone having the url of the image can access it. I am not much concerned with security now as this a small project which is not meant for many users. But any suggestions for a way in which there won't be such a security issue would be helpful.
I am new to this and any advice would be helpful.
Thanks in advance.
You could use firebase for this .
Its super easy
Over there you could just create a folder with any name ans save all the images.
In the database you could just save their firebase generated link which can easily be mapped using a user_id or something like it.

For a web app that allows simple image uploads, how should I store the images? Confused about file system vs. cdn

Every search result says something about storing the images in the file system but store the paths in the database, but I'm not sure exactly what "file system" means. Would that mean you have something like:
/public (assets)
/app (frontend)
/server (backend)
and you'd upload directly to that /public/img directory?
I remember trying something like that in the past with a Node.js app hosted on Heroku, and it wouldn't let me. I had to set up Amazon S3 and upload the images THERE, which leads to my confusion.
Is using something like Amazon S3 the usual practice or do people upload directly to the /img directory (assuming this is the "file system"?) and it just happened to be the case that Heroku doesn't allow this but other hosts do?
I'd characterize the pattern as "store the data in a blob storage service, store a pointer in your database". The uploaded file is the "blob" - once it has left the user's computer and filesystem, is it really a file anymore? :) On the server, a file system can store that "blob". S3 can store that blob. In the first case, you are storing a path. In the second case, you are storing the URL to the S3 object. A database could even store that blob (not at all recommended, though...)
In any case, the question to ask is: "what happens when I need two app servers to support my traffic?". Wherever that blob goes, both app servers need access to it.
In a data center under your control, there are many ways to share a filesystem across servers - network attached storage (NFS- or SMB-mounted volumes), or storage area networks (iSCSI, Fibre Channel). With more limited network/hardware configuration options in cloud-based Infrastructure/Platform-as-a-Service providers, the de facto standard is S3 because it is inexpensive, reliable, easy to use, and can completely offload serving the file from your servers.
For Heroku, though, you don't have much control over the file system. And, know that the file system for each of your dynos is "ephemeral" - it goes away when the dyno restarts. Which will happen when your app goes idle, or every 24 hours, whichever comes first. So that forces the choice a little.
Final point - S3 comes with the ancillary benefit of taking the burden of serving the blob off of your servers. You can also store files directly to S3 from the browser, without routing it through your app (see https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/s3-upload-node). The benefit in both cases is that those downloads/uploads can take up lots of your application's precious time for stuff that's pretty rote.
Uploading directly to a host file system is generally not a best practice. This is one reason services like S3 are so popular.
If you're using the host file system and ever need more than one instance of a server, the file systems will grow out of sync. Imagine one user uploads 'foo.jpg' to server A (A/app/uploads) and another uploads 'bar.jpg' to server B (B/app/uploads). When either of these images is later requested, the request has a 50% chance of failing, depending on whether the load balancer routes the request to server A or server B.
There are several ancillary benefits to avoiding the host filesystem. For instance, you can set the filesystem serving your app to read-only for increased security. Files are a form of state, and stateless web servers allow you to do things like blow away one instance and deploy another instance to take over its work.
You might find this of help:
I used multer in my node.js server file to handle uploading from the front end. Basically I had an html form that would submit the image to the server file, where it would be handled by multer. This actually led it to be saved in the file system (to answer your question concretely, yes, this was to something like the /img directory right in your project file structure). My application is running on heroku, and this feature works on there as well. However, I would not recommending using the file system to store your image like this (I doubt you will have enough space for a large amount of images/files) - using AWS storage or a DB would be better.

AngularJs: How to upload images to another service?

I am building a MEAN application (Angular + node + Express + Mongo).
In this app there are users who can upload a limited amount of pictures (lets say 5).
I really want to avoird storing too many data on my server.
So I am looking for a module that let users upload the images to a service such as picasa, imageshack... The service should be transparent to the user.
When it's done, I save the picture URL in my DB and so I can retrieve it and display pictures easily.
Do you know such module / tutorial to do that? Does it even exists?
I have been looking but it seems to not exists.
The easiest way to have a file upload service with AngularJS as the front end and NodeJS as the backend is to use the jQuery File Upload for use with AngularJS, which can be found here.
It makes use of a directive that you can use to upload your file.
You need to specify a route to which the uploaded file should be POST'ed to.
In this route handle, that is in you Node.js server, you can then post it to the external image hosting servers. This is something that you can write on your own or you can use the node.js modules for the respective hosts (if they exist).
I find a service doing it:
With a nodejs integration:
It seems perfect (free up to 500 MO and 50.000 pictures, far enough for my needs).
