Azure Site Recovery - CentOS 8.3 unsupported kernel - azure

I'm trying to protect a vmware vm centos 8.3, but I'm getting unsupported kernel error.
The current kernel is 4.18.0-240 and I didn't find anywhere centos compatible kernel versions.
Mobility service is being installed in auto mode.
Configuration Server version:
Agent version: 5.1.6784.0
Thanks in advance.

Some kernel versions may have LIS components missing. You can try installing LIS components again and then try to enable the replication.
Support matrix for vmware to azure


Issues in Keras-Ocr Running in GCP VM Notebook

Im running Keras-OCR implementation from the following repository in the Notebook created in GCP VM
The call to prediction_groups = pipeline.recognize(images) kills the Kernel. The error about Kernel has died is thrown.
The GCP VM is :
Version: common-cu113.m87
Based on: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) (GNU/Linux 4.19.0-18-cloud-amd64 x86_64\n)
Can you suggest on how it that to fix this issue?
The issue was with opencv version. I had latest version which is 5.5.5. It worked when downgraded the version to 4.4

Amazon EC2 Linux - Azure devops Agent installation throws an error while run config file

./ line 85: ./bin/Agent.Listener: cannot execute binary file
The build agent does not support x64 based ARM (aarch64, arm64). More details please take a look at this similar issue: ARM agent fails to configure
The agent is based on .NET Core 2.1. You can run this agent on several Linux distributions. We support the following subset of .NET Core supported distributions:
CentOS 7, 6 (see note 1)
Debian 9
Fedora 30, 29
Linux Mint 18, 17
openSUSE 42.3 or later
Oracle Linux 7
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, 7, 6 (see note 1)
SUSE Enterprise Linux 12 SP2 or later
Ubuntu 18.04, 16.04
ARM32 (see note 2)
Debian 9
Ubuntu 18.04
Regardless of your platform, you will need to install Git 2.9.0 or higher. We strongly recommend installing the latest version of Git.
Not familiar with Amazon related product, however you need to make sure that environment meet all prerequisites above. Otherwise, the build agent could not be installed succeed.
Besides, you could also give a try with some other environment to narrow down your issue. Also suggest you to use the latest version of the agent.
More details please kindly refer our official tutorial here: Self-hosted Linux agents

ERROR minimum kernel version required for CoreDNS is 4.14.35 (UEKR5)

I'm trying to setup High available Kubernetes cluster on ORL7 with kernel version as "3.10.0-514.10.2.el7.x86_64". All the pre requisites have been performed as per the link "".
Now when bringing up the cluster with the below command:
$ kubeadm-ha-setup up ~/ha.yaml
I'm getting below error:
[ERROR] minimum kernel version required for CoreDNS is 4.14.35 (UEKR5)
It worked for kubeadm (below command) but i want to know how to acheive the same in kubeadm-ha-setup.
$ kubeadm-ha-setup up ~/ha.yaml --feature-gates=CoreDNS=false
I can't upgade kernel version and using latest supported by our organization.
It seems that you can't. As per documentation "Requirements to Use Oracle Container Services for use with Kubernetes" and "Replacement of KubeDNS with CoreDNS"
A future version of Oracle Linux Container Services for use with Kubernetes will migrate existing single master clusters from KubeDNS to CoreDNS. CoreDNS requires an Oracle Linux 7 Update 5 image or later with the Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel Release 5 (UEK R5).
Existing Oracle Linux Container Services for use with Kubernetes 1.1.9 installations may already run on an Oracle Linux 7 Update 3 image, with Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel Release 4 (UEK R4), but you must upgrade your environment to permit future product upgrades.
kubeadm-ha-setup up ~/ha.yaml --feature-gates=CoreDNS=false

Gitlab on suse linux

I want to install Gitlab on the suse linux OS.
Could some one please suggest me which OS supported Gitlab installer from the available ones on Gitlab site : Ubuntu, Debian and Centos can be used to install Gitlab on Suse linux ?
OS details :
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (x86_64)
I'm afraid that Suse is a complete different system. They use a package manager called YaST that won't be compatible with any of the proposed OS on the GitLab website.
Alternatively, you can try installation via Docker (Hopefully your system is 64bits):
Or the hard way, manually:
Or even pop an instance somewhere in the cloud but this would involve some costs.
For all other OSs it has packages to install all the required components, but for SUSE there is no package, so you will have to install all the required components like ruby, redis, mysql and other dependent libs on your own.
You may like to try this :
Since I found this answer while looking for the installation on SUSE 12 (SP3), there is one of the currently working options (2021).
First, check the version supported on the system, (Gitlab 12.1 in case of SUSE 12 SP3, which corresponds to OpenSUSE 42.3)
After that, get the proper .rpm file using wget.
Install with
sudo EXTERNAL_URL="" rpm -ivh path/to/file/filename
That's it. Some Versions of Omnibus for SUSE are supported directly, but it really depends on the host system version.

Update linux kernel to > 3.15-rc5 and still use CentOS 6.5

I am running CentOS 6.5 on top of Linux kernel 2.6.32-358.6.1.el6.x86_64
I got a warning from my vserver hoster that I need to upgrade to a Linux kernel > 3.15-rc5 because there is a security breach that would allow my server to be taken over.
I did a yumupgrade, but it wouldn't upgrade the kernel to a higher version than 2.6.32-358.6.1.el6.x86_64.
Currently I am confused about how to go on.
Could anybody tell me what is going on and how he would act in my position?
Thank you!
That kernel is a development kernel and will likely require you compile from source to install it. Upgrading from kernel 2.6 to 3.1n will likely break a bunch of packages also. The upgrade path for 3.1n in CentOS would be to upgrade to CentOS7 and then compile that kernel yourself.
CentOS backports security fixes and I certainly haven't heard anything about any security bug, and we manage like 150 centos servers. I would ask your host to specify what the security bug is and which patch applied in the 3.15-rc5 kernel fixes it. Who's the host?
I'm using CentOS 6.5 and have no problem using the ElRepo Long term kernel (currently 3.10.x).
Upgrading was just a case of
yum --enablerepo=elrepo-kernel install kernel-lt
and rebooting.
