Excel Plus/Minus symbol in chart legend - excel

I have a chart in Excel that plots a base set of data, and then the user can enter a percentage number into a cell, and the base data plus or minus that percent (pre-calculation), is plotted. So I want to be able to have these labeled in the legend as "Base Data, + x%, - x%" and so on. However, I have not been able to figure out how to achieve this. The x% can be any number the user decides to put in, so the legend entry needs to be dynamic, but what ends up showing is "+Sheet1!A1%", instead of, say, "+5%". Any ideas what's going wrong? Thank you!


How do I create a contour map like the one in the attached image? (preferably in Excel, but open to other options)

I need to create a graph that properly represents the profit-maximizing model of aircraft in different scenarios. I apologize in advance for my lack of understanding in what exactly to call it. As mentioned, I have found the type of graph that would best represent this, but cannot figure out how to code/create it. I have tried using Excel and Think-Cell (and either one of them may work, I just haven't figured out how) and haven't had much luck. The image below represents the ideal graph, linked here:
Does anyone have any idea how to best go about this? Thanks in advance.
Edit: The data I have now looks like this, linked here:
You need to use the data to generate a Stacked Column chart.
Here is how I set up my own example data (before you posted your own data format):
Next, select all rows and only the first four columns of the data (42R x 5C) and Insert-->Charts-->2D Column-->Stacked Column. You should get a chart like this:
Then change the vertical axis options to show Bounds Min=1.0, Max=4.0, Units Major=0.2, Minor=0.1.
Next, select any of the data series in the chart and format the Series Options for Series Overlap=100%, Gap Width=0%.
After that, I deleted the Title and Legend, set the Line Style for both Axis to Solid Fill, Black Color. Then I changed the data series colors to be close to your example. Lastly, make sure the chart is selected (the border is highlighted with the squares at the corners), then Insert a TextBox over your data and type "B747-200P2F" and manually place it over the correct data area. Repeat this for the other series and you get this:
Finally, we'll work on the Jet Fuel price line. This series will be added to the chart, then plotted on the secondary axis and it's chart type changed to Line.
To start, select only the Jet Fuel price column (F1:F42) and then copy that range into the clipboard. Then, make sure the chart is selected and, from the Home ribbon, select Paste Special. Use the default settings, or choose Add cells as New Series, Values (Y) in Columns, check Series Names in First Row, uncheck Categories (X Labels) in First Column, then click OK. (Not much will seem different on the chart yet!)
The next steps are important to take in order (at least for me). Select only the "Jet Fuel Price" series and change the Series Options to Plot on Secondary Axis. Then change the axis options to set the range from 1.0 to 4.0 and set labels to None. Just so we're tracking, here's what I have so far:
The (almost) final step is to select only the "Jet Fuel Price" series again, then right click it and choose Change Series Chart Type. Make sure you select the Combo chart type and make the selections for each of the series chart types as indicated in this picture:
Now (finally!) just add another textbox, put in your label and set the text color to red.

excel half doughnut chart

I am trying to recreate a graph like this one in Excel
I feel the "doughnut" type is the most appropriate - but I can't figure out how to get the graph to display just half a circle. Does the feature exist at all in Excel (which I assume) or what would be the best way to do?
In your data, make the "total" of everything part of the chart's source data, which would make the total be half the total pie chart. Then go to chart format, rotate first slice 270° to get the total on the bottom, then change the fill color to "no fill" for the total, and it will essentially look like a half circle chart. Now, in the legend (if visible), click on "total" and delete it from the legend.

Prevent Excel from changing x-axis on a dynamic chart

I wanted to make a dynamic chart that plots out the graph of a standard curve for a bio assay we perform frequently. Often to boost the fit of the curve you may drop one or two data points on either end of the data set. So using vlookups and if statements I have a scheme that performs that data trimming, such that my data always starts in Row 1 and the column length simply shortens.
My table works great, but my xy scatter chart goes bananas on these changes. I have the plot on a log log scale, which looks fine if the full data set is present. I lose the x axis detail when I perform a trim. The x- axis then resets to range of 1 to length of my data set.
How can I prevent this?
I added some information. I know there are VBA ways to do this but I would prefer to keep the spreadsheet as simple as possible. I would think excel should be able to handle this.
So if I have a bad fit I may want to trim the data series either from the beginning or end of the data set. I accomplish that with the spinner buttons to dynamically change the table but the following happens
My formula that updates the columns looks like the following. Its messy.
In the formulas use NA() instead of "". Filling cell with "" does not result in a true empty cell and is the reason why you are experiencing issues with your chart.
Hope that helps.
I may be missing the obvious here, but just hard-code the graph with a range of your choosing. In the sample screenshot, making the graph auto defaults the max range to 100,000. I went in and hard-coded the maximum to 50,000 (circled). Afterwards, the 5th data point is not displayed in the chart. Doesn't matter what the data shows at this point.

Excel Wrong Graphic

I have this excel's file:
As you can see i also made graphic for it.
The problem is that it is wrong, because i have 2 same "periodo" (201603)
in the graphic, and i don't want it. I want to see it only 1 time, but with 2 columns on it.
Like in this image: (sorry for paint).
I already tried anything: I searched on google and i aksed also to some friends. Please tell me where i'm wrong.
If something isn't clear ask me anything.
1) rearrange you data so that each series, or each bar if you bar is in its own column. See image below. Bob Cat and Dog are the series names. Dates are the axis labels, and the numbers of the series values.
2) make sure the vertical information is in the same row as the vertical information as the bar you want it grouped with.
3) right click on the graph and select "select data"
4) on the left hand side click add series. Select the additional columns for the bar height. make sure you include any blank above the data to keep the size line up with the previous.
5) your labels on the bottom will only show one thing. I would suggest you use your dates. Use your legend to apply series names to the colours.
Caveat: even when there are no values, the series still takes space.
Proof of Concept

jasper reports: consistent colors in charts

I am facing this difficulty :
I want to indicate where my user is in a range of data in a chart, as well as where the average is.
That's not too difficult, that part I figured out already :)
However, if I have several charts in 1 report, my "user bar'" sometimes gets a different color, according whether it's below or above average.
This is very confusing for my users, because they can't think, let's say, "the yellow bar is always me".
The legend always has to be read, and that's not so user-friendly.
I'll illustrate the problem in an attachment.
I know how to have the same series color, but within this series, I want 1 particular color to always represent the value of the average, another to represent my user, etc.
Is this possible ?!
Thanks a lot in advance.
IMAGE CAN BE FOUND HERE : http://www.kava.be/cms_bldn/jaspercharts.jpg
EDIT: I'm working with the ChartCustomizer now :
BarRenderer renderer = (BarRenderer) chart.getCategoryPlot().getRenderer();
renderer.setSeriesPaint(0, Color.blue);
renderer.setSeriesPaint(1, Color.yellow);
renderer.setSeriesPaint(2, Color.green);
renderer.setSeriesPaint(3, Color.red);
Still, this handles the series in the order they arrive from the resultset.
What I'm looking for is how I can use the series expression (as entered in 'series expression' field in the categorie series dialogue), instead of fixed indexes like 0-3.
I would suggest checking whether the sequence of your series is same in both the chart's chart data, plus color series in chart properties is also or not.
If it is same than it should print same.
