Removal / Cropping of margins on pdf documents | Node / Javascript - node.js

Trying to tackle the scenario where a PDF is a given input. The PDF has a page margin around its content and when this input PDF is compiled in to another document, which has its own resulting margins, the final appearance is off because now the content within the PDF has a "double margin", making the input pdf content smaller.
The goal is to remove margins in an input pdf BEFORE including it in the process that spits out a final document.
I have looked into node modules such as pdf-lib as to hopefully be able to crop a pdf correctly, but when most of the documents that come through seem to have all the same values for its mediabox, artbox, bleedbox, cropbox, etc... it doesn't really give us a jumping off point on how to correctly recrop this pdf. Since all the values of the previous boxes are (0,0, width of document, height of document), there is not much to go with to find where the content is starting
The hope is to do this all server side with out the need for a user to manually fix the issue.
Has anyone tried to tackle this sort of process? Thoughts? Breakdown the pdf ( which could contain almost anything ) with something like pdf2json module and create a new document with pdf-lib ?


Get a notification when an SVG element is visible

I have a web application with a large SVG that may contain thousands of high-resolution images.
I want to load them only when the user can actually see them, and not in advance. Is there any way for me to get an indication when an svg element becomes viewable?

rendering Html forms as pdf

I have two html tables(containing dynamic content stored in variables) along with headings and paragraphs. When the user clicks the download PDF button, he/she should be able to download one PDF of two pages containing the two tables.
I have read a lot of articles but I found no definite answer to this issue.Should I use jspdf or react-pdf for this scenario?
I am using react frontend and Nodejs backend.
JSPDF is a perfect solution for converting tables into PDF in client-side. But if you want to do something from backend
Or you can refer to
for rendering it in the backend, and make express download it.
Looks like you can call the window.print() method in componentDidMount() to print the complete div, though removing the footer through the script can be a challenge.
Using html2canvas with jspdf has a major drawback that the pdfs are blurred and their clarity varies with the page zoom, as it takes the screenshot of that portion. Hence, you must configure it correctly or compromise on quality.

Downloading part of an EJS page as a PDF file

I have little developing experience and I would really appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction with my little project.
Basically, I have this first page where the user fills a form via radio buttons. These choices all represent pieces of texts in the database. When the form is submitted, an EJS page is rendered where these texts are merged. I've managed to make it work this far using Node, Express and MongoDB.
As the next step I'm trying to give the user the option to download the generated text as a nice looking PDF file. What would you recommend me to use?
You can use tools like node-html-pdf which takes a picture from your generated html page from EJS and print it using an headless browser.
Note : Since PhamtomJS is deprectated, node-html-pdf's too.

User uploaded images drag/drop to a Raphael SVG then resize, rotate and fill path

This may be a bit long, but thank you in advance for any assistance.
I am trying to develop a web app that will allow the user to interact with a wireframe 'drawing' of a chosen product and customize each path with either an uploaded image, color/pattern or add whatever text...or all, if they choose (something similar to customizing a greeting card)...for THIS question, I will start with the image part....
Here is what I have so far:
What's the most effective way to able to use any that has been uploaded by the append the fill of a selected path and then be able to drag it around, resize it and rotate BEHIND the selected path (so they can control the part of their image that gets 'cropped'? (*Note: I've searched for months and haven't found anyone else doing this outside of gets really close, but it's all squares and no SVG...I've looked at using ImageMagick and 'dst_in' on the server side...but after hard coding an image into on my seems that this could be done client side)
Should I be using Raphael for this application in the first place? Or?
**Hoping to stay within the Raphael framework (if using at all) in order to maintain the IE support afforded out-of-the-box that it provides; I understand that too much java hacking kills this. Of course, the 'finished' product will need to be downloaded as a .pdf....but that's another question for another time.
EDITED: # Thanks to an answer to my question HERE, I've update my JSFiddle with how to get URL from an uploaded image and use to fill path in Raphael paper. So that leaves 2 questions on this subject that I'm still struggling to resolve:
1. How to use this uploaded image to be able to drag and drop onto path to update fill?
2. How to first select which path I want the uploaded image to fill? (for when drag/drop is not available)
Thank you again in advance of any assistance!

Web image display in iPhone app

I am new to developing on the iPhone so am sorry if this is an easy question, but it has had me stumped for a little while.
Basically the app displays data retrieved from an XML feed. In that feed is an element that contains the path to an image. eg
I want to be able to display that image in the list view of my iPhone app.
Most importantly, I don't want to stop the list drawing for each image, the rest of the data should be displayed immediately and then each image downloads and displays as quickly as data speed etc make it available.
What is the best way of downloading that image and displaying it?
Ideally can someone point to some working example code.
Displaying the image: you could create a UIWebView and just point it to the path - and then it's fully zoomable too.
Displaying in the list view:
//Somehow download your image...
cell.image = Your Image
