Extract item for each spider in scrapy project - python-3.x

I have over a dozen spiders in a scrapy project with variety of items being extracted from different sources, including others elements mostly i have to copy same regex code over and over again in each spider for example
item['element'] = re.findall('my_regex', response.text)
I use this regex to get same element which is defined in scrapy items, is there a way to avoid copying? where do i put this in project so that i don't have to copy this in each spider and only add those that are different.
my project structure is default
any help is appreciated thanks in advance

So if I understand your question correctly, you want use the same regular expression across multiple spiders.
You can do this:
create a python module called something like regex_to_use
inside that module place your regular expression.
# regex_to_use.py
regex_one = 'test'
You can access this express this one in your spiders.
# spider.py
import regex_to_use
import re as regex
find_string = regex.search(regex_to_use.regex_one, ' this is a test')
# output
<re.Match object; span=(11, 15), match='test'>
You could also do something like this in your regex_to_use module
# regex_to_use.py
import re as regex
class CustomRegularExpressions(object):
def __init__(self, text):
:param text: string containing the variable to search for
self._text = text
def search_text(self):
find_xyx = regex.search('test', self._text)
return find_xyx
and you would call it this way in your spiders:
# spider.py
from regex_to_use import CustomRegularExpressions
find_word = CustomRegularExpressions('this is a test').search_text()
# output
<re.Match object; span=(10, 14), match='test'>
If you have multiple regular expressions you could do something like this:
# regex_to_use.py
import re as regex
class CustomRegularExpressions(object):
def __init__(self, text):
:param text: string containing the variable to search for
self._text = text
def search_text(self, regex_to_use):
regular_expressions = {"regex_one": 'test_1', "regex_two": 'test_2'}
expression = ''.join([v for k, v in regular_expressions.items() if k == regex_to_use])
find_xyx = regex.search(expression, self._text)
return find_xyx
# spider.py
from regex_to_use import CustomRegularExpressions
find_word = CustomRegularExpressions('this is a test').search_text('regex_one')
# output
<re.Match object; span=(10, 14), match='test'>
You can also use a staticmethod in the class CustomRegularExpressions
# regex_to_use.py
import re as regex
class CustomRegularExpressions:
def search_text(regex_to_use, text_to_search):
regular_expressions = {"regex_one": 'test_1', "regex_two": 'test_2'}
expression = ''.join([v for k, v in regular_expressions.items() if k == regex_to_use])
find_xyx = regex.search(expression, text_to_search)
return find_xyx
# spider.py
from regex_to_use import CustomRegularExpressions
# find_word would be replaced with item['element']
# this is a test would be replaced with response.text
find_word = CustomRegularExpressions.search_text('regex_one', 'this is a test')
# output
<re.Match object; span=(10, 14), match='test'>
If you use docstrings in the function search_text() you can see the regular expressions in the Python dictionary.
Showing how all this works...
This is a python project that I wrote and published. Take a look at the folder utilities. In this folder I have functions that I can use throughout my code without having to copy and paste the same code over and over.

There is a lot of common data that is usual to use across multiple spiders, like regex or even XPath.
It's a good idea to isolate them.
You can use something like this:
Isolate functionalities with a common purpose.
# handle_responses.py
# imports ...
from re import search
def get_specific_commom_data(text: str):
# probably is a good idea handle predictable errors here (`try except`)
return search('your_regex', text)
And just use where is needed that functionality.
# your_spider.py
# imports ...
import scrapy
from site_data.handle_responses import get_specific_commom_data
class YourSpider(scrapy.Spider):
# ... previous code
def your_method(self, response):
# ... previous code
item['element'] = get_specific_commom_data(response.text)
Try to keep it simple and do what you need to solve your problem.

I can copy regex in multiple spiders instead of importing object from other .py files, i understand they have the use case but here i don't want to add anything to any of the spiders but still want the element in result
There are some good answers to this but don't really solve the problem so after searching for days i have come to this solution i hope its useful for others looking for similar answer.
import yourproject.items import youritem()
#find the function and add your element
def process_spider_output(self, response, result, spider):
item = YourItem()
item['element'] = re.findall('my_regex', response.text)
now uncomment middleware from
'yourproject.middlewares.YoursprojectMiddleware': 543,
For each spider you will get element in result data, i am still searching for better solution and i will update the answer because it slows the spider,


Unsuccessful in trying to convert a column of strings to integers in Python (hoping to sort)

I am attempting to sort a dataframe by a column called 'GameId', which are currently of type string and when I attempt to sort the result is unexpected. I have tried the following but still return a type string.
TEST['GameId'] = TEST['GameId'].astype(int)
One way to make the data life easier is using dataclasses!
from dataclasses import dataclass
# here will will be calling the dataclass decorator to send hints for data type!
class Columns:
channel_id : int
frequency_hz : int
power_dBmV : float
name : str
# this class will call the data class to organise the data as data.frequency data.power_dBmV etc
class RadioChannel:
radio_values = ['channel_id', 'frequency', 'power_dBmV']
def __init__(self, data): # self is 'this' but for python, it just means that you mean to reference 'this' or self instance
self.data = data # this instances data is called data here
data = Columns(channel_id=data[0], frequency=data[1], power_dBmv=data[4], name=data[3]) # now we give data var a val!
def present_data(self):
# this is optional class method btw
from rich.console import Console
from rich.table import Table
console = Console()
table = Table(title="My Radio Channels")
for item in self.radio_values:
table.add_row(data.channel_id, data.frequency_hz, data.power_dBmv)
# ignore this if its confusing
# now inside your functional part of your script
if __name__ == '__main__':
myData = []
# calling an imaginary file here to read
with open("my_radio_data_file", 'r') as myfile:
mylines = myfile.readlines()
for line in myline:
#my data would look like a string ["value", value, 00, 0.0, "hello joe, from: world"]
ch1 = radioChannel(data=myData[0])
This way you can just call the class object on each line of a data file. and print it to see if it lines up. once you get the hang of it, it starts to get fun.
I used rich console here, but it works well with pandas and normal dataframes!
dataclasses help the interpreter find its way with type hints and class structure.
Good Luck and have fun!

Three strings of code repeat in three different view-functios

I have three view-functions in views.py in django project that using a same three arguments in them:
paginator = Paginator(post_list, settings.POSTS_LIMIT)
page_number = request.GET.get('page')
page_obj = paginator.get_page(page_number)
How can I put em in a single function (make an utility) to use one string of code in my view-functions, instead of repeat using three?
Thats my first question here, thank you :)
As you note, you can create a single function to handle this, taking the info it needs as arguments. You can include this as a helper function in your views.py or separate it out into a utils.py and then import it. Assuming the latter, for tidiness and future-proofing
from django.core.paginator import Paginator
from django.conf.settings import POSTS_LIMITS #you may have another place for your settings
from .utils import make_pagination #utils.py file in same directory
def make_pagination(request, thing_to_paginate, num_per_page=POSTS_LIMITS)
paginator = Paginator(thing_to_paginate, num_per_page)
page_number = request.GET.get('page')
page_obj = paginator.get_page(page_number)
return page_obj
from .utils import make_pagination
def records(request):
#we'll use the provided settings-based default for num_per_page
page_obj = make_pagination(request, post_list)
return render(request, 'template.html', {'page_obj': page_obj})
If you wanted more than just the page_obj for some reason, you can return more than the one value, eg,
return page_obj, paginator
views py
page_obj, paginator = make_pagination(request, post_list)
I've gotten the page number in the function itself, but you can also do that either in the view itself, or even in the function call in the view eg,
make_pagination(request.GET.get('page') or 1, post_list)
(If you go this path, don't forget to change the function to accommodate the different argument)

python: multiple functions or abstract classes when dealing with data flow requirement

I have more of a design question, but I am not sure how to handle that. I have a script preprocessing.py where I read a .csv file of text column that I would like to preprocess by removing punctuations, characters, ...etc.
What I have done now is that I have written a class with several functions as follows:
class Preprocessing(object):
def __init__(self, file):
self.my_data = pd.read_csv(file)
def remove_punctuation(self):
self.my_data['text'] = self.my_data['text'].str.replace('#','')
def remove_hyphen(self):
self.my_data['text'] = self.my_data['text'].str.replace('-','')
def remove_words(self):
self.my_data['text'] = self.my_data['text'].str.replace('reference','')
def save_data(self):
def preprocessing(file_my):
f = Preprocessing(file_my)
return f
if __name__ == '__main__':
although it works fine, i would like to be able to expand the code easily and have smaller classes instead of having one large class. So i decided to use abstract class:
import pandas as pd
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
my_data = pd.read_csv('/Users/kgz/Desktop/german_web_scraping/file.csv')
class Preprocessing(ABC):
def processor(self):
class RemovePunctuation(Preprocessing):
def processor(self):
return my_data['text'].str.replace('#', '')
class RemoveHyphen(Preprocessing):
def processor(self):
return my_data['text'].str.replace('-', '')
class Removewords(Preprocessing):
def processor(self):
return my_data['text'].str.replace('reference', '')
final_result = [cls().processor() for cls in Preprocessing.__subclasses__()]
So now each class is responsible for one task but there are a few issues I do not know how to handle since I am new to abstract classes. first, I am reading the file outside the classes, and I am not sure if that is good practice? if not, should i pass it as an argument to the processor function or have another class who is responsible to read the data.
Second, having one class with several functions allowed for a flow, so every transformation happened in order (i.e, first punctuation is removes, then hyphen is removed,...etc) but I do not know how to handle this order and dependency in abstract classes.

Overriding of CorpusView.read_block() not taken into account

I want to process a bunch of text files using NLTK, splitting them on a particular keyword. I am therefore trying to "subclass StreamBackedCorpusView, and override the read_block() method", as suggested by the documentation.
class CustomCorpusView(StreamBackedCorpusView):
def read_block(self, stream):
block = stream.readline().split()
return [] # obviously this is only for debugging
class CustomCorpusReader(PlaintextCorpusReader):
CorpusView = CustomCorpusViewer
However my knowledge of inheritance is rusty, and it seems my overriding is not taken into account. The output of
corpus = CustomCorpusReader("/path/to/files/", ".*")
is identical to the output of
corpus = PlaintextCorpusReader("/path/to/files", ".*")
I guess I'm missing something obvious, but what ?
The documentation actually suggests two ways of defining a custom corpus view :
Call the StreamBackedCorpusView constructor, and provide your block reader function via the block_reader argument.
Subclass StreamBackedCorpusView, and override the read_block() method.
It also suggests the first way is easier, and indeed I managed to get it working as the following :
from nltk.corpus import PlaintextCorpusReader
from nltk.corpus.reader.api import *
class CustomCorpusReader(PlaintextCorpusReader):
def _custom_read_block(self, stream):
block = stream.readline().split()
return [] # obviously this is only for debugging
def custom(self, fileids=None):
return concat(
self.CorpusView(fileid, self._custom_read_block, encoding=enc)
for (fileid, enc) in self.abspaths(fileids, True)
corpus = CustomCorpusReader("/path/to/files/", ".*")

How to Call Multiple Methods in Python Class Without Calling Each on Individually?

I have a class that contains a number of methods:
class PersonalDetails(ManagedObjectABC):
def __init__(self, personal_details):
self.personal_details = personal_details
def set_gender(self):
def set_age(self):
I have many such methods, all that begin with the word `set. I want to create a new method within this class that will execute all methods that begin with set, like this:
def execute_all_settings(self):
wrapper for setting all variables that start with set.
Will skip anything not matching regex '^set'
to_execute=[f'''self.{i}()''' for i in dir(self) if re.search('^set',i)
[exec(i) for i in to_execute]
However, this reports an error:
NameError: name 'self' is not defined
How can I go about doing this?
more info
The reason I want to do it this way, rather than simply call each method individually, is that new methods may be added in the future, so I want to execute all methods (that start with "set" no matter what they are)
Do not use either exec or eval. Instead use getattr.
Also note that set_age is both a method and an attribute, try to avoid that.
import re
class PersonalDetails:
def __init__(self, personal_details):
self.personal_details = personal_details
def set_gender(self):
self.gender = 'Male'
def set_age(self):
self.age = 22
def execute_all_settings(self):
wrapper for setting all variables that start with set.
Will skip anything not matching regex '^set'
to_execute = [i for i in dir(self) if re.search('^set', i)]
for func_name in to_execute:
getattr(self, func_name)()
pd = PersonalDetails('')
# ['set_age', 'set_gender']
# Male
This solution will work as long as all the "set" methods either do not expect any arguments (which is the current use-case), or they all expect the same arguments.
