How to handle error in async/await function? - node.js

I have a function like this:
async getPatient(patientId: string): Promise<PatientDTO> {
const patient = await PatientDAO.getPatients({ id: patientId })
if (patient.length === 0) {
throw new NotFoundError("Patient Not Found!")
return patient[0]
But I got an error
UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Patient Not Found!
This happened cause I have used async function. How can I make this code running properly?

In order to manage errors in an async function, you have to use a try/catch block:
async getPatient(patientId: string): Promise<PatientDTO> {
try {
const patient = await PatientDAO.getPatients({ id: patientId })
return patient[0]
} catch (error) {
// Do whatever you may want with error
throw error;
I should mention, that if you simply want to throw the error thats received from getPatients theres no need for a try/catch block at all. Its only needed if you wish to modify the error or perform an extra action according to the error that was thrown.

You have 2 options:
First one is try/catch block with await keyword. Please notice that await has to be used in async function.
try {
const patient = await getPatient(foo);
// handle your data here
} catch(e) {
// error handling here
Second one is catch function
.then(patient => {
// handle your data here
}).catch(error => {
// error handling here


Try catch block doesn`t catch error in node.js

class AuthController {
static methods = {
GET: {
'/auth/signup': {
func: AuthService.signUp,
response: (data, res) => {
res.statusCode = 200;
static use(req, res) {
const route = this.methods[req.method][req.url];
if (!route) {
res.statusCode = 404;
res.end(JSON.stringify({ message: 'Not found 404!' }));
try {
const data = JSON.parse(req?.body?.data || '{}');
const result = route.func({ });
route.response(result, res);
} catch (err) {
console.log(err, 'here');
res.statusCode = err.statusCode || 500;
class AuthService {
static async signUp({ login, password }) {
if (!login || !password) throw new BaseError(400, 'kl', 'Custom error');
It shows the error in console but try catch block doesn't see it.
Here is the traceback.
I don't know what the reason is because the function which throws error is inside of the block. Help please!
The trace back that you attached tells you exactly what the problem is and what you need to do:
This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch()
You can't catch an exception thrown by an async function with a try..catch block outside of that function, because script execution reaches the catch block before the async execution is finished. You therefor have to use .catch(..) instead:
const result = route.func({ }).catch((err) => {
console.log("catched error: ", err);
I see one issue. You have declared signUp() to be async. That means it always returns a promise and it means that any throw operations inside it reject that promise that it returns (the exception doesn't propagate synchronously). But, when you attempt to call it here:
const result = route.func({ });
You don't await it so when signUp() rejects, the promise goes into result, but nobody ever handles the fact that the promise rejected and you get UnhandlePromiseRejectionWarning from the system.
I can't see the whole overall design (of all the other routes), but perhaps you just need to add await to this:
const result = await route.func({ });
And, you would have to make .use() be async also.
Or, if signUp() doesn't actually need to be async, then just remove the async from its declaration and the throw will be synchronous (instead of being turned into a rejected promise) and your try/catch will catch it then.

Struggling with calling a function that uses promises in node.js

I am struggling with some code... The 2 examples below I would think would work the same but the second example throws an error? I am also struggling to figure out the error, it's not bubbling up? Admittedly I am not a seasoned node developer so any guidance would be much appreciated! If it's relevant the create method in the module is calling the sequelize create.
This works
var p1 = deliverabiltyConfigs.create2(cfgObject);
return Promise.all([p1]).then(function([res1]) {
res.json({result: res1})
This does not
deliverabiltyConfigs.create2(cfgObject).then(res1 =>{
res.json({result: res1})
Here is the function that I am calling in a controller module
exports.create2 = (dConfig) => {
.then(data => {
return data
.catch(err => {
return {
err.message || "Some error occurred while createing this config."
The create2 function always returns null, so neither invocation will work. Promise.all([p1]) hides the problem, returning a promise to perform an array of no promises.
create2(cfgObject).then(res1 =>{ attempts to invoke then() on null, generating a more obvious error. But neither way works.
Fix by deciding which promise syntax you want, using each as follows:
Using original promise syntax....
exports.create2 = dConfig => {
// note the return
return DeliverabilityConfig.create(dConfig)
.catch(err => {
const message = err.message || "Some error occurred while createing this config.";
return { message };
// caller
deliverabiltyConfigs.create2(cfgObject).then(result =>{
With recent syntactic sugar...
exports.create2 = async (dConfig) => {
try {
// its fine to not await here, since the caller will await
// but just to illustrate how you might perform more async work here...
return await DeliverabilityConfig.create(dConfig);
} catch (err) {
const message = err.message || "Some error occurred while createing this config."
return { message }
// caller
var result = await deliverabiltyConfigs.create2(cfgObject);
Use Promise.all() to run >1 promise concurrently. You've only got one promise in the OP, so no reason for it here.

Handling errors in nodejs in (nested) try/catch/finally blocks

I'm refactoring my nodejs code. I'm implementing transactions using node-postgres. My code now looks like this:
const controller = async (req, res, next) => {
const client = await pool.connect()
try {
// get the user ID out of the params in the URL
const { user_id } = req.params
let query, values, result
try {
await client.query('BEGIN')
} catch (err) {
throw new CustomError(err)
try {
query = 'QUERY_1'
values = ['VALUES_1']
result = await client.query(query, values)
} catch (err) {
throw new CustomError(err)
// handle some stuff
try {
query = 'QUERY_2'
values = ['VALUES_2']
result = await client.query(query, values)
} catch (err) {
throw new CustomError(err)
// handle some more stuff
try {
await client.query('COMMIT')
} catch (err) {
throw new CustomError(err)
return res.status(200).json({ response: 'ok' })
} catch (err) {
await client.query('ROLLBACK')
return next(new CustomHandleError(400, 'something_went_wrong'))
} finally {
This code works, but I have some questions. I'm a beginner at nodejs.
1) In my 'finally' block, I release the client back to the pool. But when everything is OK, I return the response in the 'try' block. Online I read that the 'finally' block is ALWAYS executed, so is it OK to return a (good) response in the try block and releasing the client in the finally block?
2) Is it OK (or is it anti-pattern) to nest multiple try catch blocks. The reason is that the node-postgres throws errors but I want to return all errors to a custom error handler, so I catch those errors first and then throw them again in my CustomError handler.
Thanks in advance!
You can significant simplify your try/catch handling since all the inner catch blocks all do the same thing and are not necessary:
const controller = async (req, res, next) => {
const client = await pool.connect()
try {
// get the user ID out of the params in the URL
const { user_id } = req.params
let query, values, result;
await client.query('BEGIN');
query = 'QUERY_1'
values = ['VALUES_1']
result = await client.query(query, values)
// handle some stuff
query = 'QUERY_2'
values = ['VALUES_2']
result = await client.query(query, values)
// handle some more stuff
await client.query('COMMIT')
return res.status(200).json({ response: 'ok' })
} catch (err) {
await client.query('ROLLBACK')
return next(new CustomHandleError(400, 'something_went_wrong'))
} finally {
Then, to your questions:
1) In my 'finally' block, I release the client back to the pool. But
when everything is OK, I return the response in the 'try' block.
Online I read that the 'finally' block is ALWAYS executed, so is it OK
to return a (good) response in the try block and releasing the client
in the finally block?
Yes, this is a good use of finally.
2) Is it OK (or is it anti-pattern) to nest multiple try catch blocks. The reason is that the node-postgres throws errors but I want to return all errors to a custom error handler, so I catch those errors first and then throw them again in my CustomError handler.
It's OK (not an anti-pattern when it achieves a specific goal), but in this case it is not necessary because all your inner catch() blocks all do the same thing and are all just caught by your outer catch block so you can just keep the outer catch and get rid of all the inner ones. All your await statements will just go directly to your outer catch if they reject in my code above which all you were doing anyway with all your inner catch statements so they were redundant.
Some reasons for needing the inner catch are:
You want to create a custom error (that is different for each async operation) that you will actually use in the final result of the function.
You want to "handle" an error locally and continue processing down a different code path that is not just an immediate error return. For example, you attempt to load a config file, catch the error and just proceed with the rest of the code in your function with defaults if the config file is not present.
1) Yes, this is good practice.
2) I don't think it's automatically an anti-pattern, but I'd avoid it if I can find a cleaner way to do it.
Rule of thumb from Robert C. Martin's suggestion from his book 'Clean Code':
if the keyword 'try' exists in a function, it should be the very first word in the function and that there should be nothing after the catch/finally blocks.
If you have a chance, then avoid nesting try-catches.
Blocks out into separate functions

Why doesn't multilayered async functions catch error thrown at lowest level in node?

I'm trying to test a failure mode of some mailing code which at the lowest level may throw an error. All the layers between the test and the function which throws are all async and use await on the functions below them. At the top level (also in an async function I have a try catch block. However node is throwing an unhandled promise exception before the error propages to this level.
My test code looks like this
beforeEach(function() {
//set default values - tests can change them
this.reasons = '';
this.reschedules = 0;
this.params.cid = 35124;
this.startTest = async () => {
/* this.confirmation is an async function under test,
this.mailer is a mock mailer with an async "send" method
which will throw an error in the correct test */
const doner = this.confirmation(this.mailer);
// ..other actions related to mocking database access made by confirmation
await doner;
return this.mailer.maildata; //provide info on parameters passed to this.mailer
it('Failure to send is reported', async function() {
this.mailer.sendResolve = false; //tell mock mailer to fail send request
try {
await this.startTest();
} catch(err) {
the mock mailer is a bit like this
class Mailer {
async send(subject, to, cc, bcc) {
this.maildata.subject = subject;
if (to !== undefined) = to;
if (cc !== undefined) = cc;
if (bcc !== undefined) this.maildata.bcc = bcc;
if (!this.sendResolve) throw new Error('Test Error');
and a summary of the code under test
module.exports = async function(mailer) {
//get confirm data from database
const cData = await confirm(mailer.params.cid, mailer.db);
if (cData.count > 0) {
// ... format the email message and build it into maildata
await mailer.send(
type: 'confirmation',
extra: `Calendar ID ${mailer.params.cid} with procedure ${cData.procedure}`
debug('message sent, update the database');
await mailer.db.exec(async connection => {
} else {
debug('invalid calendarid');
throw new Error('Invalid Calendar ID');
As can be seen the call path from the async send function which throws back up the stack to the try {}catch(){} are all async functions. But when I run this test node outputs an unhandled promise rejection.
I've tried using the visual studio code debugger to single step through this, I get a bit lost caught in the machinery which wraps async functions to turn them into promises providers. As far as I can see, one layer of error is handled correctly and then fails at the next layer up.
Does this mean that every async function must have a try catch block to catch and rethrow any error? I can't find any explanation that says I have to do that.
To answer your question:
Does this mean that every async function must have a try catch block to catch and rethrow any error?
Errors propogate up through await-ed calls like you expected:
const assert = require('assert');
const outer = async () => {
await middle();
const middle = async () => {
await inner();
const inner = async () => {
throw new Error('something bad happened');
it('should catch the error', async () => {
let errorMessage;
try {
await outer();
catch (err) {
errorMessage = err.message;
assert(errorMessage === 'something bad happened'); // Success!
}); no, you don't need a try / catch block at every level.
Tracking down unhandled Promise rejections
I can't see exactly where the await chain might be broken in the code from your sample, but to help track down unhandled Promise rejections you can add a process handler for the unhandledRejection event and look at the logged Promise to see where the rejection began and track backwards through the call stack from there:
const assert = require('assert');
const outer = async () => {
await middle();
const middle = async () => {
inner(); // <= this will cause an Unhandled Rejection
const inner = async () => {
throw new Error('something bad happened');
it('should catch the error', async () => {
let errorMessage;
try {
await outer();
catch (err) {
errorMessage = err.message;
assert(errorMessage === undefined); // Success! (broken await chain)
process.on('unhandledRejection', (reason, p) => {
console.log('Unhandled Rejection at:', p);
console.log('reason:', reason);
...which in this case logs:
Unhandled Rejection at: Promise {
<rejected> Error: something bad happened
at inner (.../code.test.js:12:9)
at inner (.../code.test.js:8:3)
at middle (.../code.test.js:4:9) // <= this is the broken link
at Context.outer (.../code.test.js:18:11)
at callFn (...\node_modules\mocha\lib\runnable.js:387:21)
...which points us to the Error thrown in inner, and by tracing up the chain we find middle to be the broken link.

Azure Function automatic retry on failure UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning

const fetch = require('node-fetch');
let url = '';
module.exports = function(context) {
let a = fetch(url)
a.then(res => {
if(res.status!=200) throw new Error(res.statusText)
context.done(null, res.body);
a.catch(err => {
throw new Error(err)
I have a durable function that calls an activity function like above. I have set automatic retry on failure on this activity function. To retry the function needs to get an error.
So In get request I want to throw an error when i get response like 404 or something similar. But when i throw from catch block i get an error like below
UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This
error originated either by throwing inside of an async function
without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled
with .catch().
function pauses there and stops execution.I have to manually stop and start the execution. How can i handle this so that the function retries?
Your code branches.
Ignoring the detail, what you have is :
let a = <Promise>; // root
a.then(...); // branch_1
a.catch(...); // branch_2
So whereas you catch errors arising in a, any error arising in branch 1 will be uncaught. Hence the warning
Compare that with :
let a = <Promise>; // root
a.then(...).catch(...); // branch
<Promise>.then(...).catch(...); // no assignment necessary
So, you might write :
module.exports = function(context) {
return fetch(url)
.then(res => {
if(res.status!=200) {
throw new Error(res.statusText);
} else {
context.done(null, res.body);
.catch(err => {
throw new Error(err)
Alternatively, depending on the required division of responsibilities between module and caller(s) ...
module.exports = function(context) {
return fetch(url)
.then(res => {
if(res.status!=200) {
throw new Error(res.statusText);
} else {
return res;
... and call .context.done(null, res.body); in a .then() callback in the caller.
In both cases, with return included, then the caller will need to catch errors otherwise you will again get an unhandled error warning.
Found that with the use of async/await this problem goes away and the function re-try after exception is thrown.
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
let url = '';
module.exports = async function(context) {
let res = await fetch(url)
if(res.status!=200) throw new Error(res.statusText);
else return res.body;
