Convert Images to webp with Node - node.js

I have a script to convert images to node, but am having an issue where I receive the successful message, yet nothing is output.
import imagemin from "imagemin";
import webp from "imagemin-webp";
var outputFolder = "./FSS-assets/webp"; // Output folder
var PNGImages = "./FSS-assets/*.png"; // PNG images
var JPEGImages = "./FSS-assets/*.jpg"; // JPEG images
imagemin([PNGImages], outputFolder, {
plugins: [webp({
lossless: true // Losslessly encode images
}).then(function() {
console.log("Images converted!");
imagemin([JPEGImages], outputFolder, {
plugins: [webp({
quality: 65 // Quality setting from 0 to 100
}).then(function() {
console.log("Images converted!");
I am running
node v14.16.0
imagemin v8
imagemin-webp v6
I have also tried using a relative folder path to no avail. This is on Windows 10.

That's because imagemin has 2 params input and options You are giving 3params.
From the Doc:
imagemin(input, options?)
Returns Promise<object[]> in the format {data: Buffer, sourcePath: string, destinationPath: string}.
So for your code it will be:
imagemin([PNGImages], {
destination: outputFolder,
plugins: [webp({
lossless: true // Losslessly encode images
}).then(function() {
console.log("Images converted!");

It looks like you just need to adjust your parameter structure slightly. To be ([images], { destination: ‘/output directory’, plugins: {});
const files = await imagemin(['images/*.{jpg,png}'], {
destination: 'build/images',
plugins: [
quality: [0.6, 0.8]
Hope this helps & works.


Storing and serving images in NestJS

I'm figuring out how to enable a local upload folder for a profile image.
Now, i've come as far as storing a file in the uploads folder. However, when I return that file it has no extension and its a JFIF binary file:
���� JFIF �� cmp3.10.3.3Lq4 0xa61382cc�� C
// etcetera...
The controller I've created is:
export class UserProfileController {
#UseInterceptors(FileInterceptor('image', { dest: './uploads' }))
#Param('id', ParseIntPipe) id: number,
#UploadedFile() image
) {
console.log('===> ', image);
return this.userProfileService.saveUserProfilePhotoLocation(id, image.path);
): any {
// '15c924f42ffaa67b3f14a5be05f0a312' is the file name that is created by the upload
return new StreamableFile(createReadStream(join(process.cwd(), 'uploads', '15c924f42ffaa67b3f14a5be05f0a312')))
The image object in the console log is:
===> {
fieldname: 'image',
originalname: '526dad4edd250b689eeb1394c3c6eb41.jpg',
encoding: '7bit',
mimetype: 'image/jpeg',
destination: './uploads',
filename: '590b454b4315009660273deac082b4ed',
path: 'uploads\\590b454b4315009660273deac082b4ed',
size: 45842
Then I store the path to the database.
export class UserProfileService {
private userProfileRepostory: Repository<UserProfileEntity>
) {}
async saveUserProfilePhotoLocation(id, path): Promise<UserProfileEntity> {
const result = await this.userProfileRepostory.createQueryBuilder()
photo: path
return result.raw;
And finally I've configured the express server to be able to serve static files from the uploads folder:
async function bootstrap() {
const app = await NestFactory.create<NestExpressApplication>(AppModule);
app.useStaticAssets(join(__dirname, '..', 'uploads'), {
index: false,
prefix: 'uploads',
await app.listen('3000');
Now when I do a get on the end point /:id/profile-photo it does not return me a rendered image. Ïnstead it returns a file with a random set of characters in it which is probably because of the encoding.
What should I do so that I can serve an jpeg file to my application?
What is happening here?
When setting the content header (thanks Jay McDoniel) to 'image/jpeg' and creating a readable stream it returns the image:
#Res({ passthrough: true }) res: Response
): StreamableFile {
res.set({'Content-Type': 'image/jpeg'});
const imageLocation = join(process.cwd(), 'uploads', '15c924f42ffaa67b3f14a5be05f0a312');
const file = createReadStream(imageLocation);
return new StreamableFile(file);

Vite plugin for SvelteKit: Generated files aren't added to the build output

I am currently working on another plugin, that should in the end generate the webmanifest and all images and splash screens needed for a PWA (minus the service worker). I am planning on making this a plugin for vite (rollup), with a special focus on sveltekit, because that's where I plan on using it.
I currently have this setup as a package that exports both mjs and cjs, and should for all I know have a working version to test with. Sadly, the output emitted using this.emitFiles doesn't appear in the build output, even though prior function returns an assetId that resolves to a URL.
import { Plugin } from 'vite'
import { PluginOptions } from './types.js'
import { readFileSync } from 'fs'
import { generateResizedWebpIcon, generateResizedJpegIcon } from './utils.js';
export default (options: PluginOptions): Plugin => {
const iconResolutions = [16, 48, 128, 512]
return {
name: 'vite-plugin-pwa',
async transformIndexHtml() {
// add images and manifest to build output
// generate icons and emit them, store the urls
const icon = readFileSync(options.image.src)
let icons = await Promise.all( res => {
const resolveID = this.emitFile({
type: 'asset',
name: `icon-${res}x${res}.webp`,
source: await generateResizedWebpIcon({...})
return {
type: 'image/webp',
sizes: `${res}x${res}`,
src: this.getFileName(resolveID)
}, this))
if (options.image.output?.jpeg) {
icons.push(...await Promise.all( res => {
const resolveID = this.emitFile({
type: 'asset',
name: `icon-${res}x${res}.jpeg`,
source: await generateResizedJpegIcon({...})
return {
type: 'image/jpeg',
sizes: `${res}x${res}`,
src: this.getFileName(resolveID)
}, this)))
const packageInfo = JSON.parse(readFileSync('package.json').toString())
const manifest = {
name: || 'name',
description: packageInfo.description || 'description',
...options.manifest || {},
const manifestUrl = this.getFileName(
type: 'asset',
name: 'manifest.json',
source: Buffer.from(JSON.stringify({
// generate manifest with icons, save the url
// generate apple splashes and emit them, save the urls
// add links to manifest and apple meta tags
return [
tag: 'link',
attrs: {
rel: 'manifest',
href: manifestUrl
injectTo: 'head'
In this example, the <link rel="manifest" href="_app/manifest.webmanifest"> turns up in the html and chrome tries to fetch it. But the server returns a 404 Not Found code. It appears vite emits the file, but it is somehow overwritten by the sveltekit build process?
Does anyone know how to make this emit a file that also turns up in the final build output?

Image uploaded works in localhost but not on server (s3)

Well, I have an option in the system where I can see some documents sent by the user. But the images appear as broken icons.
As "localhost" everything works great, but I can't see the images when I run straight from the website. (On the s3 everything is working normally, I can see the images.)
In the brownser console, an error is thrown about the route that the request is being made "" with status code 404.
What I don't understand is why the request is being made there and not directly on amazon s3 (there I have the images loading normally). Someone cal help me with that??
How images appear:
This is the code
Upload config:
const tmpFolder = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', 'tmp');
export const mimeTypesPhotos = [
export const mimeTypesVideos = ['video/webm', 'video/ogg', 'video/mp4'];
export const mimeTypesPng = ['application/pdf'];
const pngRoutes = ['/requests/test', '/test/:id/confirm'];
interface IUploadConfig {
driver: 's3' | 'disk';
tmpFolder: string;
uploadsFolder: string;
multer: multer.Options;
image: {
height: number;
width: number;
config: {
disk: unknown;
aws: {
bucket: string;
export default {
driver: process.env.STORAGE_DRIVER,
uploadsFolder: path.resolve(tmpFolder, 'uploads'),
multer: {
storage: multer.diskStorage({
destination: tmpFolder,
filename: (request, file, callback) => {
const fileHash = crypto.randomBytes(10).toString('hex');
const fileName = `${fileHash}-${file.originalname}`;
return callback(null, fileName);
fileFilter: (request, file, callback) => {
const url = matchId(request.originalUrl);
const mimetypes = [...mimeTypesPhotos];
if (pngRoutes.includes(url)) {
if (!mimetypes.includes(file.mimetype)) {
return callback(new Error("File doesn't supported"));
return callback(null, true);
image: {
width: Number(process.env.MAX_IMAGE_SIZE || '1024'),
height: Number(process.env.MAX_IMAGE_SIZE || '1024'),
config: {
disk: {},
aws: {
bucket: process.env.AWS_BUCKET || 'mybucket',
} as IUploadConfig;
Router file (where is calling the route i mean):
app.use('/files', express.static(uploadConfig.uploadsFolder));
The Media Entity:
#Column({ type: 'varchar' })
type: 'photo';
media: string;
#Expose({ name: 'mediaUrl' })
getMediaUrl(): string | null {
if (! {
return null;
switch (uploadConfig.driver) {
case 'disk':
return `${process.env.APP_API_URL}/files/${}`;
case 's3':
return `https://${}${}`;
return null;
we need to Enable CORS in the API gateway, so click on the resource and then click on the Action button and Enable CORS. In CORS settings the value of Access-Control-Allow-Headers is '' and Access-Control-Allow-Origin is '' , and leave other settings as it is. Click on Enable CORS and replace existing CORS headers.
Now, go to the settings of that API on which you are working. In settings enable Binary Media Types. Set the value of that field like this / , and Save the changes.

How do I output webpack as a string using Node

I am trying to use Webpack to bundle a bunch of files. I have the following in my node code...
entry: "./src/test",
output: {
path: __dirname,
filename: "bundle.js"
}, function(err, stats){
console.log("I would like to output the created js here");
This works fine creating a file called bundle.js but I can't figure out how to output as a string instead.
Basically what you can do is to read the file, and then work with it as you want.
import webpack from 'webpack';
const config = require('../webpack.config');
const compiler = webpack(config);, stats) => {
const data = stats.toJson();
const app =[0] //here you can get the file name
// if you don't have chunks then you should use data.assets;
const file = fs.readFileSync('path to your output ' + app); //read the file
//now you can work with the file as you want.
//Basic webpack.config.js
module.exports = {
devtool: 'source-map',
entry: {
app: 'Some path' // you can have different entries.
entrie2 : ''
.... more entries
output: {
path: 'Some path'
Hope this help.

Gulp imagemin not working for SVG images

Hi i have a little bit of a problem in my Gulp configuration for images, my gulp task is supposed to minify all images in the resources folder and then place the minified version in the public directory, however only the PNG images are being exported correctly...
gulp.task('images', function() {
gulp.src(assets + 'images/**')
progressive: true,
optimizationLevel: 7,
svgoPlugins: [{removeViewBox: false}],
use: [pngquant()]
.pipe(gulp.dest(public + 'images/'));
That is the task that i'm running, i am currently using imagemin version ^2.4.0
Got the same issue, here is my config:
let developmentAssets = "src",
productionAssets = "dist";
module.exports = {
optimize : {
images: {
src: developmentAssets + '/img/**/*.{jpg,jpeg,png,gif,svg}',
options: {
optimizationLevel: 3,
progessive: true,
interlaced: true
and then in your task
This is my particular setting to have everything organized
read this amazing gulp tutorial:
config = require('./gulp/config'),
configImg = config.optimize.images,
Hope that it helps.
