Jenkins npm: not found, despite node plugin - node.js

I have a multibranch pipeline that uses many agents. The agents are all the same (supposedly) - they are all openstack instances created from the same snapshot. All of these instances have node and npm installed globally, which I confirmed by ssh'ing in to each one under various usernames and checking node -v and npm -v, and getting expected version numbers. I had been running into problems with Jenkins throwing npm: not found, so I followed this answer from "Jenkins unable to find npm", which was to use the node plugin. In my pipeline:
pipeline {
agent {
node {
label 'agent-1'
options {
tools {
nodejs 'NodeJS 14.10.1'
stages {
stage ('Parallel tests'){
steps {
script {
parallel parallelStages
Where parallelStages is a collection that contains a bunch of parallel stages, each one running on its own agent, and requiring use of npm. To avoid question bloat, I'll leave that code out, but you can see it in my other question here. Adding nodejs under tools helped solve this npm: not found problem the first time.
I just added a new stage to parallelStages, with a newly minted agent. I am again running into that old issue of npm: not found on this new agent only. I am using the nodejs plugin in my tools. I manually checked that npm is available on my new agent. When ssh'ing to the agent, which npm gave the path of /home/jenkins_user/.nvm/versions/node/v14.16.1/bin/npm. This is the case for all my agents. However, when putting sh 'which npm' in the steps for each of the parallel stages, the working nodes return /home/jenkins_user/tools/, and the non-working node returns nothing, and the stage fails there.
Just to be sure, I added this path to the tool locations in "Node Properties" in the jenkins UI:
The error persists. I checked that Jenkins is using the same credentials for all agents, and those credentials indeed work. Why is Jenkins not finding npm? Is this a problem with Jenkins? With my agent? I'm struggling to find the disconnect here.


Is it possible to install and run docker inside node container in Jenkins?

This is somewhat complicated situation, but I have Jenkins installed inside a docker container. I'm trying to run some tests in node.js app, but this test environment requires docker+docker-compose to be enabled. At the moment, the Jenkins configuration is through pipeline code
So far, I've tried pulling docker inside a stage, as follow:
pipeline {
agent {
docker {
image 'node'
stages {
stage("Checkout") {
steps {
git url: ....
stage("Docker") {
steps {
script {
def image = docker.image('docker')
image.inside() {
sh 'docker --version'
sh 'docker-compose --version'
with error returning 'docker: not found'. I was expecting the script to succeed because I've tried exactly the same with 'agent any' which had no problem, but inside node image it doesn't seem to work.
I'm also not sure if this is the right way to do so because as I understand correctly, this way of running docker inside a docker is not recommended. One method that I have found is that when running docker, it is recommended to run docker -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock ... but currently I am running on docker-compose, with installation steps from (instead of individual docker, I've combined both jenkins and jenkins-blueocean into a docker-compose file), and that did not work.
At this moment, I'm out of idea and any solutions or other suggestions as to how to run both node.js and docker in the same environment, would be greatly appreciated.
You can try to use docker-in-docker image

I can not use private repo as npm dependency in circleci deploys

I'm using circle ci to deploy a serverless built in nodejs. And I added as dependency of the main repo,a private github repo. E.g:
// package.json
"dependencies": {
"my-private-github-repo": "git+ssh://",
The problem is that I need to give access the deploy process to read and clone the private repo when npm install runs
I have configured my ssh user-keys in circle ci,I followed the steps in this documentation: creating-a-bitbucket-user-key, and I m also adding it in my config.yml like this:
// .circleci/config.xml
- add_ssh_keys:
- "My fingerprint"
But during the cicd it throws this message: 'There are no configured ssh keys to install'
There are no configured ssh keys to install
and, of course, npm install fails because can not access to the repo
Any clue? Thanks anyway
This thread mentions:
When this error appears, it typically means that the ssh keys have not been configured in all locations.
SSH keys will need to be set in both the project setting's page and within the config.yml.
Just in case, double-check the URL<your organization name>/<project name>/ssh and see if it matches Checkout SSH Keys page mentioned in the official documentation

Docker and AzureKeyVault: unable to load shared library ''

I have core Xunit integration tests that connect to MongoDb to test basic repositories on collections. The tests are built and run in a container in AKS. I have setup the test fixture to connect Azure Key Vault to retrieve connection string to a MongoDb.
var pathToSetting= Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
var configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder()
var secretClient = new SecretClient(
new Uri("url_to_Azure_keyVault"),
new DefaultAzureCredential(),
new SecretClientOptions()
Retry =
Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2),
MaxDelay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4),
MaxRetries = 2,
Mode = RetryMode.Exponential
configuration.AddAzureKeyVault(secretClient, new KeyVaultSecretManager());
I am using the following Docker file for the integration tests:
#Grab an OS image made to run the .Net Core SDK
FROM AS build
#copy files for build
WORKDIR /testProject
COPY . .
RUN dotnet build tests/integrationTest.csproj --output /testProject/artifacts
FROM AS final
COPY --from=build ["/testProject/artifacts", "/testProject/artifacts"]
ENTRYPOINT dotnet test /testProject/artifacts/integrationTest.dll
The tests run fine locally from Visual Studio but fail with exception below when run in container both locally and in AKS.
[ 00:00:03.10] IntegrationTest1 [FAIL]X
Test1 [1ms]
Error Message:
System.AggregateException : One or more errors occurred. (SharedTokenCacheCredential authentication failed: Persistence check failed. Inspect inner exception for details) (The following constructor parameters did not have matching fixture data: TestFixture testFixture)
---- Azure.Identity.AuthenticationFailedException : SharedTokenCacheCredential authentication failed: Persistence check failed. Inspect inner exception for details
-------- Microsoft.Identity.Client.Extensions.Msal.MsalCachePersistenceException : Persistence check failed. Inspect inner exception for details
------------ System.DllNotFoundException : Unable to load shared library '' or one of its dependencies. In order to help diagnose loading problems, consider setting the LD_DEBUG environment
variable: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Any ideas how to troubleshoot this error ?
I came across this potential fix while working on my own issue:
Wherever you create new DefaultAzureCredentialOptions, you should also set the property ExcludeSharedTokenCacheCredential to true.
In your WSL environment install libsecret-1-dev. In Ubuntu for example, run the command sudo apt install libsecret-1-dev. This will add to your system so that MSAL can find it.
It didn't work for me, but I am using a docker container that doesn't have full access to apt. I can't install libsecret-1-dev.
Not a root cause, but same error popped up for me this morning. Rolling Microsoft.Web.Identity package down from 1.7.0 to 1.6.0 did the trick.
Looks like from the GitHub issues on other Azure packages, wrapping these exceptions is a common bug that gets logged.
Switching Azure.Identity 1.2.3 to 1.2.2 did the trick for me (this page helped me

Run npm command during post deploy powershell step in Octopus

I have a nodejs application that I've built/packaged via teamcity as well as deploy to one of our servers (which has node installed) through the Octopus deploy portal.
Everything works ok until i come to the post deploy powershell script from within octopus.
In one of the code blocks I have npm commands that throws an error npm not recognised.When I run the power-shell scripts on the server, everything works but when I try to run this via the octopus post deploy script I get the error as stated above.
I know that node /npm are installed and that the environment variables re:nodejs is set correctly, unless there is something else i'm missing , it still isn't working.
a simple pseudo-code of what i'm trying to do is this:
$deploymentDir = 'D:\Apps\<appname>\<octopus-version-number>'
$name = "service"
cd $deploymentDir
Write-Host "link node-windows..."
npm link node-windows //node-windows is installed globally
Unless there is something I'm missing , how can I get this to run via octopus ?
There is a possibility that Octopus master/tentacle service runs on different user, check the environment variable for that user also.
If you unable to find the root cause, the alternate is define one Target scoped variable called "npmPath" ( value may be different based on target ) in octopus to store npm path
Now, you can use $npmPath variable in script.

Jenkins - env: ‘node’: No such file or directory

I have a jenkins server that is configured using
I am running a blue ocean pipeline using a simple Jenkinsfile and the jenkins NodeJS plugin
pipeline {
agent any
tools {
nodejs 'node10'
stages {
stage ('Checkout Code') {
steps {
checkout scm
stage ('Install dependencies') {
steps {
sh "echo $PATH"
sh "npm install"
I made sure to add the node10 global tool as well w/c is used above
When the pipeline gets to the script sh "npm install" i am running through this error
this is the output of the command echo $PATH
so i think it's not a path issue
Also, it also wasn't able to add the global package
More info that might help:
Docker Jenkins server: FROM jenkins/jenkins:2.131-alpine
Blue ocean version: 1.7.0
NodeJS Plugin: 1.2.6
Multiple server restarts already
Any ideas why the jenkins server does not know where node is?
Big thanks in advance!
Thanks to #JoergS for some insight! The culprit in this case is: using alpine image as the docker base. So switching from jenkins/jenkins:2.131-alpine to jenkins/jenkins:2.131 solved the NodeJS plugin issue.
I have faced the same issue with jenkinsci/blueocean. I have resolved this by installing nodejs with below command(inside docker) not as jenkins plugin
apk add nodejs
I have faced the same issue with jenkinsci/blueocean. No jenkins nodejs plugin needed.
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage ('Checkout Code') {
steps {
checkout scm
stage ('Install dependencies') {
steps {
sh "apk add nodejs"
sh "echo $PATH"
sh "npm install"
Make a symbolic link like this:
sudo ln -s /var/lib/jenkins/tools/ /usr/bin/node
I want to highlight Mitch Downey's comment, it can't be just a comment because after spending 4 hours with no solution this comment helped me to resolve the solution
My issue ended up being with the jenkinsci/blueocean image. I was able
to just replace that image with jenkins/jenkins:lts and the NodeJS
plugin began working as expected
