NSIS: makensis crashes with -1073741819 (access violation) - nsis

For apparently no reason NSIS compiler crashes in the middle of nowhere and returns -1073741819 (aka ‭FFFFFFFF C0000005‬ aka access violation) while printing the summary:
15:47:40 Install: 1 page (64 bytes), 1 section (16408 bytes), 91 instructions (2548 bytes), 2576 strings (25354 bytes), 17 language tables (3570 bytes).
15:47:40 Uninstall: 4 pages (320 bytes), 1 section (16408 bytes), 469 instructions (13132 bytes),
It just stops execution in the middle of the line without any error, not even with verbose logging.

After going in circles for days I figured out that it actually works with unicode disabled.
Googling with the additional keyword "unicode" finally brought me to this bug:
Since the bug is about counting strings and the crash happens right before printing the number of total strings it is very likely that the fix expected for 3.07 should fix it.


Are only 2 bytes and a half available for ASLR stack randomization on 64 bits Linux?

I tried running Apache a few times to see the effect of ASLR
I know that because of alignment, the last byte and a half is 0, and because of "canonization" the first two bytes are irrelevant, so that leaves 4 bytes and a half to randomize which is quite a lot
But I noticed that the first two bytes are always 7fff so does that mean only 2 bytes and a half are random ?

Strange behavior of OTP gen_tcp with settings {packet,4} and using NodeJS "frame-stream'' for TCP communication

I've been struggling for a while to get my messages framed correctly between my NodeJS server and my erlang gen_tcp server. I was using {packet,line} successfully until I had to send large data messages and needed to switch to message size framing.
I set gen_tcp to {packet,2}
and I'm using the library from:
for the NodeJS tcp decode side. It is ALSO set to packet size option 2
and I have tried packet size option 4.
I saw for any messages with a length under 127 characters this setup works well, but any messages longer than this has a problem.
I ran a test by sending longer and longer messages from gen_tcp and then reading out the first four bytes received on the NodeJS side:
on message 127:
HEADER: 0 0 0 127
Frame length 127
on message 128:
HEADER: 0 0 0 239 <----- This should be 128
Frame length 239 <----- This should be 128
Some character encoding mismatch since it's on the number 128 (likely?)
Some error in either gen_tcp or the library (highly unlikely?)
Voodoo magic curse that makes me work on human-rights day (most likely)
Data from wireshark shows the following:
The header bytes are encoded properly by gen_tcp past 128 characters since the hex values proceed as follows:
[00][7e][...] (126 length)
[00][7f][...] (127 length)
[00][80][...] (128 length)
[00][81][...] (129 length)
So it must be that the error lies when the library on the NodeJS side calls the Node readUInt16BE(0) or readUInt32BE(0) functions. But I checked the endieness and both are big-endian.
If the header bytes are [A,B] then, in binary, this error occurs after
[00000000 01111111]
In other words, readUInt16BE(0) reads [000000000 10000000] as 0xef ? which is not even an endian option...?
Thank you for any help in how to solve this.
Kind Regards
I figured it out, the problem was caused by setting the socket to receive on UTF-8 encoding which supports ascii up to 127.
Dont do this: socket.setEncoding('utf8').
It seems obvious now but that one line of code is hard to spot.

Understanding Assembly Code

Could anyone provide some insight into the following assembly code:
More Information:
The bootloader is in fact a small 16bit bootloader that decipher using Xor decryption, a bigger one, a linux bootloader located in sectors 3 to 34. ( 1 sector is 512 byte in that disk )
The whole thing is a protection system for an exec running on embedded Linux.
the version where the protection was removed has the linux bootloader already deciphered ( we were able to reverse it using IDA ) so we assume that the xor key must be made only with zero's in the version without the protection.
if we look at offset 0x800 to 0x8FF in the version with protection removed it is not filled with zero's so this cannot be the key otherwise this version couldn't be loaded, it would xor plain data and load nothing but garbage.
the sectors 3->34 are ciphered in original version and in clear in our version ( protection removed ) but the MBR code ( small prebootloader ) is identical in both version.
So could it be that there is a small detail in the assembly code of the MBR that changes slightly the place of the xor key?
This is simply an exercise I am doing to understand assembly code loaders better and I found this one quite a challenge to go through. I thank you for your input so far!
Well, reading assembly code is a lot of work. I'll just stick to answering where does the "key" come from.
The BIOS loads the MBR at 0000:7C00 and sets DL to the drive from which it was loaded.
First, your MBR sets up a stack growing down from 0000:7C00.
Then, it copies itself to 0000:0600-0000:07ff and does the far jump which I assume is to the next instruction, however on the copied version, 0000:061D. (EDIT: this copy is a pretty standard thing for an MBR to do, typically to this address, it leaves the address space above free) (EDIT: it copies itself fully, I misread).
Then, it tries 5 times to read sector 2 into 0000:0700-0000:08ff, and halts with an error message if it fails (loc_78).
Then, it tries 5 times to read 32 sectors starting from sector 3 into 2000:0-2000:3FFF (absolute address 20000-23FFF, that's 16kB starting at 128kB).
If all goes well we are at loc_60 and we know what we have in memory.
The loop on loc_68 will use as destination the buffer holding those 32 sectors.
It will use as source the buffer starting at 0000:0800 (which is the second 256 bytes of the buffer we read into 0:0700-0:08ff, the second 256 bytes of sector 2 of the disk).
On each iteration, LODSW adds 2 to SI.
When SI reaches 840, it is set back to 800 by the AND. Therefore, the "key" buffer goes from 800 to 83F, which is to say the 64 bytes starting at byte 256 of sector 2 of the disk.
I have the impression that the XORing falls one byte short... that CX should have been set to 4000h, not 3FFF. I think this is a bug in the code.
After the 16kB buffer at physical address 20000 has been circularly XORed with that "key" buffer, we jump into it with a far jump to 2000:0.
Right? Does it fit? It the key there?

fread different behaviour on windows VS Linux

I read 8 bytes each time from a file.
the problem is in Windows, when It comes to the last bytes - it finds it less than 8 bytes so fread don't work and returns 0 . so I miss one or more characters from the file.
This behaviour doesn't happen in Linux with the same code.
How can I avoid this ?

How many bytes of memory is a tweet?

140 characters. How much memory would it take up ?
I'm trying to calculate how many tweets my EC2 Large instance Mongo DB can hold.
Twitter uses UTF-8 encoded messages.
UTF-8 code points can be up to six four octets long, making the maximum message size 140 x 4 = 560 8-bit bytes.
This is, of course, just for the raw messages, excluding storage overhead, indexing and other storage-related padding.
e: Twitter successfully let me post the message:
Yes, that's 140 trademark symbols, which are three octets each in UTF-8
Back in September, an engineer at Twitter gave a presentation that suggested it's about 200 bytes per tweet.
Of course you still have to account for overhead for your own metadata and the database itself, but 200 bytes/record is probably a good place to start.
Typically it's two bytes per character if you're storing Unicode as UTF-8, so that would mean 280 bytes max per tweet.
Probably 284 bytes in memory ( 4 byte length prefix + length*2). Inside the DB I cannot say but probably 280 if the DB is UTF-8, you could add some bytes of overhead, for metadata etc.
Potentially of interest:
Anatomy of a Twitter Status Object
Also more about twitter character encoding:
It's technically stored as UTF-8, and in reality, the slide deck from a tweeter guy here http://www.slideshare.net/raffikrikorian/twitter-by-the-numbers gives the real stat about it:
140 characters, ~200 bytes
