what does the condition "\>" mean in an if statement in bash? - linux

Hi I can't seem to find this anywhere. What does this forward slash> mean in an if statement in bash?
if [ "$count" \> 0 ]; then
echo hello
echo goodbye

The characters < and > (among others) are special in shell scripts: they perform input/output redirection. So when you're trying to use them in a test expression like this, with their "normal meaning" of "less than" and "greater than", you need to escape them, preventing them from being treated specially by the shell.
It's similar to the way you might write
cat file\ name
to cat a file with a space in its name, or
cat it\'s
to cat a file with a single quote character in its name. (That is, normally, the space character is "special" in that it separates arguments, and the single quote character is special in that it quotes things, so to allow these characters to actually be used as part of a file name, you have to quote them, in this case using \ to turn off their special meaning.)
Quoting ends up being complicated in the Unix/Linux shells, because there are typically three different quote characters: ", ', and \. They all work differently, and the rules (while they mostly make sense) are complicated enough that I'm not going to repeat them here.
Another way to write this, avoiding the ugly quoting, would be
if [ "$count" -gt 0 ]
And it turns out this is preferable for another reason. If you use -gt, it will do the comparison based on the numeric values of $count and 0, which is presumably what you want here. If you use > (that is, \>), on the other hand, it will perform a string comparison. In this case, you'd probably get the same result, but in general, doing a string comparison when you meant to compare numerically can give crazy results. See Charles Duffy's comment for an example.

BASH has diferent meaning for backslash symbol \
in your example \> is a symbol, not two things like \ + >
For numbers you use > BUT ALSO take in consideration the [ ] for arithmetic operations you would use (( ))
A constructor in bash is with this symbol [[ ]] it's used to compare with these symbols inside double brackets
&&, ||, <, and >
IF YOU USE single brackets [ ] with THE ABOVE symbols, YOU GET ERRORS IN BASH SCRIPT, you need the double brackets.
Other Meanings of BACKSLASH
As mentioned before, in bash, you use forward slash / for PATH /home/user/Desktop/file1.txt but if your file NAME has spaces, you need to ESCAPE the blank space, and you do it with backslash \, example given
file name with spaces.txt
/home/alex/Desktop/file\ name\ with\ spaces.txt
file name with symbols -> [Stackoverflow]fileName.txt
You need to escape each BRACKET [ ] LIKE this \[ \]
Bash Constructors |
Bash operators |
Ascii Table


Parsing a string with quotes in GETOPTS

I am trying to accept a space delimited string in place of $OPTARG while parsing an option
For example
./script -k '1 2 ad'ias'
As seen the third string can contain any special character. Is there a way that I can overlook the quote in between as I want to parse the entire string and process some options
Tried inserting the \ character but that does not work for my case because I cannot insert any character in my string.
while getopts "a:k:" option
echo "${option}"
case ${option} in
function_a ${OPTARG} # <-- no quotes
function_k "${OPTARG}" # <-- quotes
I'm not sure I fully understand what the difficulty is; handling strings with special characters is a bit tricky, but (except the NUL character) basically doable. The main things to watch out for are:
When you represent a string literal (in a script, or when passing arguments to a script), you must use a valid shell representation of that string, not just the raw string. For example, suppose you want to pass/use this string:
12 34 kla#42#!' 2 M$" rtqas;::#
There are a number of ways of representing this string for use in a shell script or command line. You can leave it unquoted but escape the individual special characters, like this:
12\ 34\ kla\#42#\!\'\ 2\ M\$\"\ rtqas\;::\#
Or you could wrap it in double-quotes, and escape just those characters that retain special meaning inside double-quotes (that is, double-quotes, backquotes, and dollar signs, and if it's a bash interactive shell exclamation marks):
"12 34 kla#42#!' 2 M\$\" rtqas;::#" # For a non-interactive shell
"12 34 kla#42#\!' 2 M\$\" rtqas;::#" # For an interactive shell
If it didn't contain single-quotes, you could single-quote it; since it does, you can't use that method. But you can mix methods, e.g. using single-quotes around the parts that don't contain single-quotes and escaping or double-quoting the single quote:
'12 34 kla#42#!'\'' 2 M$" rtqas;::#' # Single-quote is escaped
'12 34 kla#42#!'"'"' 2 M$" rtqas;::#' # Single-quote is double-quoted
In bash (but not some other shells), there's also ANSI-C-escaped strings, written with $' ... ':
$'12 34 kla#42#!\' 2 M$" rtqas;::#' # Single-quote is the only character that needs escaping
Note that all of the above are just different ways of representing the exact same string; once the shell parses it, it comes out the same from any of them. You can use whatever's convenient, but you must use a syntactically valid representation of the string.
Once the string is stored in a parameter/variable, you must put double-quotes around references to that variable. In most shell contexts, when a variable is used without quotes, the shell will split it into words (based on spaces or whatever's in IFS), and try to expand anything that looks like a file wildcard; you don't want this. But if it's in double-quotes, the variable gets expanded and no further parsing is done, it's just passed through unmolested.
Actually, you should almost always double-quote variable references in shell scripts even if you don't expect them to contain special characters. We see so many shell questions here that have the answer "if you double-quoted your variable references, you wouldn't have this problem"...
Here's an example, based on your script:
printopt() {
printf '%s value is: <<%s>>\n' "$1" "$2" # Double-quotes required here
while getopts "a:k:" option
case "${option}" in # This is one of the few places it's safe to leave off double-quotes. But they don't hurt.
printopt "-a" "${OPTARG}" # Double-quotes required here
printopt "-k" "${OPTARG}" # Double-quotes required here
And running it with various representations of strings:
$ ./argtest.sh -a 12\ 34\ kla\#42#\!\'\ 2\ M\$\"\ rtqas\;::\# -k "1 2 ad'ias"
-a value is: <<12 34 kla#42#!' 2 M$" rtqas;::#>>
-k value is: <<1 2 ad'ias>>
$ ./argtest.sh -a '12 34 kla#42#!'"'"' 2 M$" rtqas;::#' -k $'1 2 ad\'ias'
-a value is: <<12 34 kla#42#!' 2 M$" rtqas;::#>>
-k value is: <<1 2 ad'ias>>
Ok, ok, there are a few situations where it's more complicated than that:
There are some situations where a string will be run through the shell parsing process multiple times, such as when it's being run over ssh (the command gets processed by the local shell, passed to the remote computer, then processed by that shell and executed), or used as a shell alias (the alias command gets parsed, result stored, then parsed again when you use it). In these cases, you essentially need two (or possibly more) layers of quoting/escaping: take the raw string, quote/escape by any of the above methods, then take that string and quote/escape that (probably by a different method).
Some versions of echo will parse escape (backslash) sequences in the string (using different rules than the shell itself does), which can cause confusion. I recommend using printf instead when this might be an issue; the only problem is that it's more complex than echo: it doesn't just print its arguments, it uses the first argument is a format string which controls how the rest of the arguments are printed. See my examples in the script above.
If you are passing the string to another script that doesn't use double-quotes around its parameter & variable references, you are doomed. In this case, the only thing that can be done is to fix that other script.

strange characters when redirecting to file in bash script [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Prevent "echo" from interpreting backslash escapes
(1 answer)
Closed 4 years ago.
I have a bash script that contains lines:
svc_arg_x86="%SYSTEMROOT%\\$(basename $remote_temp_dir)\\$(basename $INSTALLER_BAT)"
svc_arg_x64="%SYSTEMROOT%\\$(basename $remote_temp_dir)\\$(basename $INSTALLER_BAT)"
echo "$svc_arg_x86" > $remote_installer_svc_args
echo "$svc_arg_x64" >> $remote_installer_svc_args
It should produce a file that looks like this (in notepad++ on windows):
instead the file looks like this:
or in vim:
What is wrong with the script? Because when I copy those lines into bash it works, only if I run the script it does produce those strange characters...
You've run into part of the mess of inconsistent behavior that plagues the echo command. Specifically, some versions of echo (in some modes) interpret escape (backslash) sequences in the string they're asked to print. Others don't. When you ask echo to print %SYSTEMROOT%\era_rd_6HbUKJTR\EraAgentInstaller.bat, it might see the \e part and think it's supposed to convert that to the ASCII escape character.
Note that there are two different characters being called "escape" here: The backslash is used by the shell as an escape character, meaning that it and the characters immediately following it have some special meaning. The ASCII escape, on the other hand, is treated as a special character by the terminal (and vim and some other things) in a somewhat similar manner. Since the ASCII escape is a nonprinting character, when notepad++ and vim have to display it, they show some sort of alternate representation ("ESC" or "^]").
Anyway, since echo is inconsistent about its treatment of the backslash character, it's best to avoid it for strings that might contain backslash. Use printf instead (see "Why is printf better than echo?" on unix.se). It's a little more complicated to use, but not too bad. The main things to realize are that the first argument to printf is a "format" string that's used to control how the rest of the arguments are printed, and that unlike echo it doesn't automatically add a newline to the end.
What you want to use is:
printf '%s\n' "$svc_arg_x86" > $remote_installer_svc_args
printf '%s\n' "$svc_arg_x64" >> $remote_installer_svc_args
Or you can simplify it to:
printf '%s\n' "$svc_arg_x86" "$svc_arg_x64" > $remote_installer_svc_args
That first argument, %s\n, says to print a plain string followed by a newline. Backslash escapes in the format string are always interpreted, but strings formatted with the %s format never have escapes interpreted. Note that in the single-command version, the format string gets applied to each of the other two arguments, so each gets a newline at the end, so each winds up on a separate line in the output file.

BASH script matching a glob at the begining of a string

I have folders in a directory with names giving specific information. For example:
So I have a structure similar to this: [company]_title_[topic]. The script has to match the file naming structure to variables in a script in order to extract the information:
TITLE='remarkable points'
The folders do not contain a constant number of characters, so I can't use indexed matching in the script. I managed to extract $TITLE and $TOPIC, but I can't manage to match the first string since the variable brings me back the complete folders name.
This is the line is giving me grief:
COMPANY=`expr $FOLDERNAME : '\(\[.*\]\)'`
I tried to avoid the greedy behaviour by placing ? in the regular expression:
COMPANY=`expr $FOLDERNAME : '\(\[.*?\]\)'`
but as soon as I do that, it returns nothing
Any ideas?
expr isn't needed for regular-expression matching in bash.
[[ $FOLDERNAME =~ (\[[^]]*\]) ]] && COMPANY=${BASH_REMATCH[1]}
Use [^]]* instead of .* to do a non-greedy match of the bracketed portion. An bigger regular expression can capture all three parts:
[[ $FOLDERNAME =~ (\[[^]]*\])_([^_]*)_(\[[^]]*\]) ]] && {
Bash has built-in string manipulation functionality.
for f in *; do
company=${company#\[} # strip off leading [
topic=${f%\]} # strip off trailing ]
The construct ${variable#wildcard} removes any prefix matching wildcard from the value of variable and returns the resulting string. Doubling the # obtains the longest possible wildcard match instead of the shortest. Using % selects suffix instead of prefix substitution.
If for some reason you do want to use expr, the reason your non-greedy regex attempt doesn't work is that this syntax is significantly newer than anything related to expr. In fact, if you are using Bash, you should probably not be using expr at all, as Bash provides superior built-in features for every use case where expr made sense, once in the distant past when the sh shell did not have built-in regex matching and arithmetic.
Fortunately, though, it's not hard to get non-greedy matching in this isolated case. Just change the regex to not match on square brackets.
COMPANY=`expr "$FOLDERNAME" : '\(\[[^][]*\]\)'`
(The closing square bracket needs to come first within the negated character class; in any other position, a closing square bracket closes the character class. Many newbies expect to be able to use backslash escapes for this, but that's not how it works. Notice also the addition of double quotes around the variable.)
If you're not adverse to using grep, then:
COMPANY=$(grep -Po "^\[.*?\]" $FOLDERNAME)

How to store output from printf with formatting in a variable? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
I just assigned a variable, but echo $variable shows something else
(7 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I would like to store the output of printf with formatting in a variable, but it strips off the formatting for some reason.
This is the correct output
$ printf "%-40s %8s %9s %7s" "File system" "Free" "Refquota" "Free %"
File system Free Refquota Free
And now the formatting is gone
$ A=$(printf "%-40s %8s %9s %7s" "File system" "Free" "Refquota" "Free %")
$ echo $A
File system Free Refquota Free %
echo will print each of it's arguments in order, separated by one space. You are passing a bunch of different arguments to echo.
The simple solution is to quote $A:
A=$(printf "%-40s %8s %9s %7s" "File system" "Free" "Refquota" "Free %")
echo "$A"
This is because you are not quoting the variable. If you do, the format will show perfectly:
echo "$A" #although $a would be best, uppercase vars are not good practise
That is, your var=$(printf ) approach is completely fine, you just fail to echo properly.
You may want to know why. Find it in Why does my shell script choke on whitespace or other special characters?
Why do I need to write "$foo"? What happens without the quotes?
$foo does not mean “take the value of the variable foo”. It means
something much more complex:
First, take the value of the variable. * Field splitting: treat
that value as a whitespace-separated list of fields, and build the
resulting list. For example, if the variable contains foo * bar ​
then the result of this step is the 3-element list foo, *, bar.
Filename generation: treat each field as a glob, i.e. as a wildcard pattern, and replace it by the list of file names that match this
pattern. If the pattern doesn't match any files, it is left
unmodified. In our example, this results in the list containing foo,
following by the list of files in the current directory, and finally
bar. If the current directory is empty, the result is foo, *,
Note that the result is a list of strings. There are two contexts in
shell syntax: list context and string context. Field splitting and
filename generation only happen in list context, but that's most of
the time. Double quotes delimit a string context: the whole
double-quoted string is a single string, not to be split. (Exception:
"$#" to expand to the list of positional parameters, e.g. "$# is
equivalent to "$1" "$2" "$3" if there are three positional
parameters. See What is the difference between $* and $#?)
The same happens to command substitution with $(foo) or with
`foo`. On a side note, don't use `foo`: its quoting rules are
weird and non-portable, and all modern shells support $(foo) which
is absolutely equivalent except for having intuitive quoting rules.
The output of arithmetic substitution also undergoes the same
expansions, but that isn't normally a concern as it only contains
non-expandable characters (assuming IFS doesn't contain digits or
See When is double-quoting necessary? for more details about the
cases when you can leave out the quotes.
Unless you mean for all this rigmarole to happen, just remember to
always use double quotes around variable and command substitutions. Do
take care: leaving out the quotes can lead not just to errors but to

bash difference between raw string and string in variable

I wrote a little script in bash, but it only worked when I stored the string as a variable, and I'd like to know why. Here's the summary:
When I use the string itself, bash treats it as a single entity
for word in "this is a sentence"; do
echo $word
# => this is a sentence
If I save the exact same string into a variable, bash iterates over the words
sentence="this is a sentence"
for word in $sentence; do
echo $word
# => this
# is
# a
# sentence
Why are these being treated differently?
Is there a simple way to iterate through the words in the string without first saving the string as a variable?
The quotes tell bash to treat a thing in quotes as a single parameter in a parameter list at the time the expression is evaluated. The quotes (unless protected with \ or ') are removed.
echo "" # prints newlines, no quotes
echo '""' # Print ""
export X='""'
env | grep X # X contains ""
export X=""
env | grep X # X is empty
When you use a variable, bash unpacks it as is (i.e. as if you typed the variable's contents in the variable's place). For a for-loop bash determines the list-elements to iterate over by separating the for-loop's parameters by whitespace, but treating (as always) quote-protected items a single parameter/list-element. Your variable contained no quotes -- items are treated as separate parameters.
As comments suggested, quotes are important. A for loop will step through a list of values terminated by a semicolon, and that list is a set of strings. Unquoted strings are delimited usually by whitespace. Whitespace inside a quoted string does not separate the string from its brethren, it's simply part of the quoted string. There's some truly excellent documentation about quotes in bash at http://mywiki.wooledge.org/Quotes . Read it. Read it now. You'll find a part that says
The quotes are not actually passed along to the command. They are removed by the shell (this process is cleverly called "quote removal").
To step through the words in a sentence that's stored in a variable (if I've inferred your question correctly), you could perhaps use an array to separate the words by whitespace:
sentence="this is a sentence"
IFS=" " read -a words <<< "$sentence"
for word in "${words[#]}"; do
echo "$word"
In bash, read -a will divide a string by $IFS and place the divided parts into elements of the array. See http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashGuide/Arrays for more information about how bash arrays work.
If you want more details in pursuit of a specific problem, you might want to tell us what the problem is, or risk making this an XY problem.
In the assignment
sentence="this is a sentence"
there are no unquoted spaces, so everything to the right of the = is treated as a single word. (Something like sentence=this is a sentence would be parsed as a single assignment sentence=this followed by an attempt to run a program called is.) As a result, the value of sentences is a sequence of 18 characters. It is identical to
sentence=this\ is\ a\ sentence
because again, there are no unquoted spaces.
For the same reason
for word in "this is a sentence"; do
echo $word
has word being set to each word in the following sequence, which only contains a single word because there are no unquoted spaces.
The key difference with your other loop is that parameter expansions are subject to word-splitting after the fact. The loop
for word in $sentence; do
echo $word
after parameter expansion looks like
for word in this is a sentence; do
echo $word
so now word is set to each of the 4 words in the list following the in keyword.
It's not clear what you are actually asking at the end of your question, but the preceding is legal code. There is no requirement that a string be placed in quotes in bash; quotes do not define something as a string value, but simply escape every character that appears within the quotes. "foo" and \f\o\o are the same thing in shell.
Quoting turns any string into a single unit. If you lose the quotes, everything should be fine.
