Introduce a box with special symbols in Gnuplot - gnuplot

I want to have a gnuplot with a box on the right top corner like the one below. My difficulties are both:
how to get \hat{Q} in a the legend?
how to add a box containing the titles?

set term cairolatex eps standalone size 3in,3in
set output 'Q.tex'
set key box opaque samplen 0.5
plot for [i=1:4] sinc(x)**i title sprintf('\tiny${\hat{Q}=%d}$',i) lw 2
The standalone keyword wraps the output in minimal LaTeX commands so that you can run latex Q directly. Omit this if you want to produce a LaTeX fragment for including in a larger document.
I show how to construct a formatted title that includes a LaTeX font size. Note that the format uses single quotes rather than double quotes.
This example uses cairolatex eps because you specifically asked about an eps file. Normallay I would use cairolatex png or cairolatex pdf and process afterwards with pdflatex rather than plain latex.

If you want to include your figure into LaTeX, you should use the terminal cairolatex, then you can include LaTeX code in your plots:
plot "" title '$\hat{Q}=10$'
Concerning your second question, have a look at the manual concerning set key.


Gnuplot Postscript Special Characters Math Equation

I`d like to write the math stuff into a plot using gnuplot 5:
I am using the terminal postscript enhanced because as far as I know this terminal is the only only capable of doing such things.
I used this code:
set label 1 at 400,200 '{/Symbol=50\362#_{/=15 350}^{/=15\154}}' front
This gets me everything except the subscribed averageunder the lambda symbol.
I tried everything with {,}and so on but I think I missing the part where I can escape the /SymbolStyle.
Many terminals support enhanced text, not only the postscript terminal.
In order to use another font than /Symbol for the subscript you could change the font explicitely to a different one for this. However, a better approach is to change the nesting so that /Symbol affects only two parts:
set label 1 at 0,0 '{/=50{/Symbol \362}#_{/=15 350}^{/=15{/Symbol \154}_{/=10 average}}' front
plot x
Output with gnuplot 5.0 with wxt is
If you're using the postscript terminal anyway, you could give a try to the epslatex terminal (or cairolatex):
set terminal epslatex standalone color colortext
set output 'equation.tex'
set label 1 at -5,5 '$\displaystyle\int_{350}^{\lambda_{\mathrm{average}}}$'
plot x
set output
system('latex equation.tex')
system('dvips equation.dvi')

Consistent figure sizes with gnuplot

I am trying to make figures with gnuplot that will be included in a latex document. I want all figures to have the same dimensions and font size. To achieve it I found that I should specify the size of the figure in advance, which I do as such:
set terminal postscript eps size 3.4004,2.104 enhanced color
However, the resulting .eps figures have a lot of whitespace around them so I use the fixbb script to remove all unnecessary space. This changes the final size of the figure as well, which wouldn't be a problem as long as it is consistent. However, the amount of whitespace seems to vary from figure to figure, so my final figures have all different sizes.
This seems especially a problem with 3D plots.
Is there a way to make the size consistent while removing all unnecessary white space? In matplotlib there is the plt.tight_layout() command which does exactly that.
If by fixing the size of the figure you refer to the rectangle within which the data is plotted, you can set the margins manually. What I usually do for figures I put on my papers is use the epslatex terminal with the desired size and font, then set the margins, and then compile to pdf followed by a cropping to remove the white space. Example
set term epslatex color size 3.5,2.5 font 6
set output "gnuplot.eps"
set lmargin at screen 0.2
set rmargin at screen 0.98
set tmargin at screen 0.98
set bmargin at screen 0.1
plot sin(x) title '$\sin (x)$'
I embed this into a .tex file (which I call plot.tex):
And run the following:
pdflatex plot.tex
pdfcrop plot.pdf
You will have a plot-crop.pdf with no white space around. Using different modifications of the above you can very precisely modify the size of your graph.
Finally, note that the epslatex terminal also allows the standalone option to avoid needing an external latex document to wrap your graph.

Gnuplot: is there a way to add small gif icon on the plot?

I am looking for a way to add small icons on the plot, like OK or KO symbols, flags, arrows and such.
So far I've seen an example where you can add a background image, but nothing that actually allow me to set a point on the plot, like I could do with a label, and apply there an icon.
Is there a way to do so?
Call me obsessive but as usual this can be done with the epslatex terminal, embedding the image using a set label statement as you would do in regular latex. If your image is so-icon.png, then within gnuplot do:
set terminal epslatex standalone header "\\usepackage{graphicx}"
set output "plot.tex"
set label at screen 0.5,0.5 '\includegraphics{so-icon.png}'
plot sin(x)
And now run pdflatex
pdflatex plot.tex
Your output will be named plot.pdf and look like this:
Change the positioning of the label (help set label for more info) to wherever you want. You can also use the formatting options of \includegraphics{}, for example \includegraphics[width=2cm]{} for a 2cm wide version of your image (sorry, I don't do inches!).
Note that if you want to embed PNG, JPEG, GIF, PDF and so on, the pdflatex command is required, you cannot use regular latex for those.

bold enhanced text in gnuplot

UPDATE: this issue has been resolved in newer versions (>5.0) of gnuplot; see #andyras' answer.
I am having difficulty getting gnuplot to create labels with bold and enhanced text in non-postscript terminals. The following script
#!/usr/bin/env gnuplot
set terminal pdfcairo enhanced color lw 3 size 3,2 font 'Arial-Bold'
set output 'output.pdf'
set tics scale 0
plot -x title 'normal text', \
-2*x t 'enhanced_{text}', \
-3*x t '{/Arial-Bold attempt to specify_{font}}'
set terminal pngcairo enhanced color lw 3 size 400,300 font 'Arial-Bold'
set output 'output.png'
set terminal postscript enhanced color lw 3 size 6,4 font 'Arial-Bold'
set output 'output.eps'
Produces the following eps (converted to png with convert output.eps -rotate 90 outputeps.png):
which is fine. However, when I use the pdf or png terminals the result looks like this:
Note that while all the label text should be bold, only the label without any enhanced text is bold. In addition, when I try to manually specify the font (last line title) the font is different (reverts to the default?).
Is this behavior I should expect when not using the postscript terminal? Is there another way to specify fonts (i.e. is the naming scheme different outside of postscript)?
Since version 5.0, gnuplot has a new syntax to handle this issue:
"normal text {/Times:Bold boldface-newfont} {/:Italic slanted-default-font } back to normal text"]
These brackets can also be nested.
For Better results in pdf format.
Plot the curves using enhanced eps terminal. Then use Imagemagic to convert your output to pdf format. using the commands
convert myPlot.eps myPlot.pdf
Default resolution with this commands generates a poor output. This can be overcome by using density option with a value of 300. Modified command looks like
convert -density 300 myPlot.eps myPlot.pdf
I found that this preserves all the text formatting of eps file in pdf file.

Plus/minus symbol in gnuplot?

I'm generating .eps figures in gnuplot for inclusion into papers typeset with LaTeX, using
set terminal postscript eps enhanced "Helvetica" 14
This generally works perfectly, but i'm now trying to put together a figure using a label that includes a ± symbol. If I use it directly, e.g.
set label "-56±2"
then it appears correctly on the default 'wxt' terminal but is prefixed by an A with a circumflex (i.e. -56±2) in the postscript output. Using
set label "-56^+/-2"
works but looks rubbish. In the past i've used the 'Angstrom' character (Å) by doing
set encoding iso_8859_1
set xlabel "wavelength (\305)"
but I haven't managed to get this to work either for the unicode representation of ± which I think is \261 (see, i.e.
set label "-56 \261 2"
but I just get an empty space between the -56 and 2. Any ideas on how to do this? Ubuntu 10.10 and Gnuplot 4.4 patchlevel 0, if it's important.
Just for the record, from the Gnuplot perspective the correct answer does appear to be this:
set encoding iso_8859_1
set label "-56 \261 2"
which gives a label
-56 ± 2
It works perfectly on a different machine (same Gnuplot level) so i'm not sure why there's an issue on the original Ubuntu machine; both machines display the resultant .eps file correctly.
To get a more beautiful label, I suggest epslatex terminal. It produces graph part in eps format and text part in latex format. Then you can edit your tex file and inset any special characters latex support.
