Cannot automatically push commits from script - linux

I used the following script ( to update my git repository automatically using SSH whenever I make a change to the local repository in raspberry pi 3B.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
if [[ -n $(git status -s) ]]; then
echo "Changed found. Pushing changes..."
git add -A && git commit -m "$1: Update files" && git push origin main
echo "No changes found. Skip pushing."
Then I call a script that calls the above script whenever the internet is connected ( I used 4G dongle USB). Something like
cd ~/data; bash $DATE
However, when I run sudo bash it encountered the errors (It has made a commit but not push). Without sudo it works fine.
Permission denied(public key)
I checked from GitHub document by regenerating the ssh key as well as verified the public key but it did not solve at all. When I pushed commits in a separate terminal it works fines so I do not think the issue relates to the SSH key. I doubt that to run the script successfully it with sudo, the SSH keygen must also be generated with sudo at first.
What could be the reasons for it?

Without sudo it works fine.
So why use sudo in the first place.
As commented, using sudo alone means using commands as root.
At least, a sudo -u <auser> would means the ~ in cd ~/data would be resolved by the appropriate /home/auser, instead of /root.


How to make Ubuntu bash script wait on password input when using scp command

I want to run a script that deletes a files on computer and copies over another file from a connected host using scp command
Here is the script:
echo "Moving Production Folder Over"
cd ~
sudo rm -r Production
scp -r host# /home/user2/Production
I would want to cd into the Production directory after it is copied over. How can I go about this? Thanks!

Is there a way to auto update my github repo?

I have a website running on cloud server. Can I link the related files to my github repository. So whenever I make any changes to my website, it get auto updated in my github repository?
Assuming you have your cloud server running an OS that support bash script, add this file to your repository.
Let's say your files are located in /home/username/server and we name the file below /home/username/server/AUTOUPDATE.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
cd $(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})
if [[ -n $(git status -s) ]]; then
echo "Changes found. Pushing changes..."
git add -A && git commit -m 'update' && git push
echo "No changes found. Skip pushing."
Then, add a scheduled task like crontab to run this script as frequent as you want your github to be updated. It will check if there is any changes first and only commit and push all changes if there is any changes.
This will run every the script every second.
*/60 * * * * /home/username/server/AUTOUPDATE
Don't forget to give this file execute permission with chmod +x /home/username/server/AUTOUPDATE
This will always push the changes with the commit message of "update".

How to sudo run a local script over ssh

I try to sudo run a local script over ssh,
ssh $HOST <
and I tried
ssh -t $HOST "sudo -s && bash" <
Actually, I searched a lot in google, find some similar questions, however, I don't find a solution which can sudo run a local script.
Reading the error message of
$ ssh -t $HOST "sudo -s && bash" <
Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
makes it pretty clear what's going wrong here.
You can't use the ssh parameter -t (which sudo needs to ask for a password) whilst redirecting your script to bash's stdin of your remote session.
If it is acceptable for you, you could transfer the local script via scp to your remote machine and then execute the script without the need of I/O redirection:
scp $HOST:/tmp/ && ssh -t $HOST "sudo -s bash /tmp/"
Another way to fix your issue is to use sudo in non-interactive mode -n but for this you need to set NOPASSWD within the remote machine's sudoers file for the executing user. Then you can use
ssh $HOST "sudo -n -s bash" <
To make Edward Itrich's answer more scalable and geared towards frequent use, you can set up a system where you only run a one line script that can be quickly ported to any host, file or command in the following manner:
Create a script in your Scripts directory if you have one by changing the name you want the script to be (I use this format frequently to change 1 word for my script name and create the file, set permissions and open for editing):
touch $newscript && chmod +x $newscript && nano $newscript
In nano fill out the script as follows placing the directory and name information of the script you want to run remotely in the variable lines of need to edit lines 1-3):
scp $PATHtoSCRIPT$SCRIPTname $HOSTtoCONTROL:/tmp/ && ssh -t $HOSTtoCONTROL "sudo -s bash /tmp/$SCRIPTname"
Then just run:
sh ./
Keep open in a tabbed text editor for quick updating, go ahead and create a bash alias for the script and you have yourself an app-ified version of this frequently used operation.
First of all divide your objective in 2 parts. 1) ssh to the host. 2) run the command you want as sudo. After you are certain that you can 1) access the host and 2) have sudo privileges then you can combine the two commands with &&. What x_cmd && y_cmd does is that the y_cmd gets executed after x_cmd has exited successfully.

lftp: "FEAT negotiation" message when I try to sync a remote (no SSL) folder with a local folder

I want to sync a remote folder with a local folder using lftp.
When I installed the first time "lftp" and I created this script:
#get username and password
USER=... #Your username
PASS=... #Your password
HOST="..." #Keep just the address
echo Sync started ...
LCD="/var/www/myfolder/app" #Your local directory
RCD="/app" #FTP server directory
lftp -f "
open $HOST
user $USER $PASS
lcd $LCD
mirror --continue --reverse --delete --no-symlinks --exclude .gitkeep --exclude .gitignore --exclude .bower.json --verbose $LCD $RCD
Everything worked like a charm.
After that, I tried to compile lftp with SSL support (I downloaded the source, compiled in a deb package and installed it) to sync to an SSL FTP server. I did not figure out, but I did not need any more, so I wanted to come back to the start situation.
Now, even if I remove lftp and I install it again without SSL, when I execute the script I get this message:
mkdir `/app' [FEAT negotiation...]
The command just goes in timeout (I saw it with the debug). How can I solve it?
I have faced the exact same problem. It was resolved by explicitly providing a protocol prefix 'sftp' in the connection string. By default lftp uses 'ftp' as a protocol.
HOST="sftp://<hostname>" # <-- make sure that you have specified the protocol here
lftp <<EOF
set ssl:verify-certificate no
set sftp:auto-confirm yes
mirror $RCD $LCD
I've turned FEAT features off, and it worked like a charm.
Just use this command before opening a connection:
set ftp:use-feat false

some error with the 'ln' scripts

anybody is familiar with the etcd project? Or we'd better forget the project when talk about this issue. The issue is
$ build
ln: `gopath/src/': cannot overwrite directory
when exec the build shell
and the content is:
#!/bin/sh -e
if [ ! -h gopath/src/ ]; then
mkdir -p gopath/src/
ln -s ../../../.. gopath/src/
export GOBIN=${PWD}/bin
export GOPATH=${PWD}/gopath
export GOFMTPATH="./bench ./config ./discovery ./etcd ./error ./http ./log main.go ./metrics ./mod ./server ./store ./tests"
# Don't surprise user by formatting their codes by stealth
if [ "--fmt" = "$1" ]; then
gofmt -s -w -l $GOFMTPATH
go install
go install
Some addition:
My system is windows 7
I run the shell on git bash.
issue reproduce:
step1: open the git bash
step2: git clone
step3: cd etcd
step4: build
As mentioned in "Git Bash Shell fails to create symbolic links" (since you are using the script in a git bash on Windows 7)
the ln that shipped with msysGit simply tries to copy its arguments, rather than fiddle with links. This is because links only work (sort of) on NTFS filesystems, and the MSYS team didn't want to reimplement ln.
A workaround is to run mklink from Bash.
This also allows you to create either a Symlink or a Junction.
So 'ln' wouldn't work as expected by default, in the old shell that ships with Git for Windows.
Here's solution. Tbh it is a workaround, but since you're on Windows, I don't see another way.
Start a command line, and enter there to the directory with the script. There should be a path gopath/src/ (if no such a path, you must create it). Next issue a command
mklink /D "gopath/src/" "../../../../"
Next you should edit the build script to delete a lines with creation symlink and a directory. E.g.
#!/bin/sh -e
export GOBIN=${PWD}/bin
export GOPATH=${PWD}/gopath
export GOFMTPATH="./bench ./config ./discovery ./etcd ./error ./http ./log main.go ./metrics ./mod ./server ./store ./tests"
# Don't surprise user by formatting their codes by stealth
if [ "--fmt" = "$1" ]; then
gofmt -s -w -l $GOFMTPATH
go install
go install
Note, that I am just removed 4 lines of code. Next you run the script, and this should work.
You shouldn't be using git clone and the build sh script. Use the go get command. For example, on Windows 7,
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
C:\>set gopath
C:\>go version
go version go1.3 windows/amd64
C:\>go get -v -u (download)
