having this nasm:
%define O_RDONLY 0
%define PROT_READ 0x1
%define MAP_PRIVATE 0x2
section .data
fname: db 'test.txt', 0
section .text
global _start
mov r15, [rdi]
add r15, 1 ; have tried `inc byte[rdi]` - did not work either
mov [rdi], r15
; else is according to book (so correct)
push rdi
call str_len
pop rsi
mov rdx, rax
mov rax, 1
mov rdi, 1
xor rax, rax
cmp byte [rdi+rax], 0
je .end
inc rax
jmp .loop
;call open
mov rax, 2
mov rdi, fname
mov rsi, O_RDONLY
mov rdx, 0
mov r8, rax
mov rax, 9
mov rdi, 0
mov rsi, 4094
mov rdx, PROT_READ
mov r10, MAP_PRIVATE
mov r9, 0
mov rdi, rax ;returned address
call print
mov rax, 60
xor rdi, rdi
The file test.txt contains only one char at the beginning - 5.
I got address from region asked by mmap in rax, which I then move to rdi.
And I simply want to increment the value (at that address - now being in rdi):
mov r15, [rdi]
add r15, 1 ; have tried `inc byte[rdi]` - did not work either
mov [rdi], r15
push rdi
So i temporary move the value on r15, the increment it (add it 1), and try to move it back to address of that region (address still in rdi). But then segfault.
Why is that? Why cannot I use the value on the address (to the acquired region from mmap), which contain 5 - one byte (on which the rdi points), and use it in arithmetic?
If that would be address declared in data segment, then there would be no problem (I have tried). But the address is from mmap, So how does it differ, and how to fix that?
Writing to read-only memory segfaults (mov [rdi], r15 qword store, or inc byte [rdi] byte RMW).
You need PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE if you want to be able to write as well as read.
(Note that writing to a MAP_PRIVATE mapping triggers a copy-on-write, leaving you with a private page that's no longer backed by the file, just like if you'd done a read into a MAP_ANONYMOUS page.)
So i am writing a program in linux x86_64 assembly, the program needs to open a test directory specified in a "section data" , then list the bytes readed from a file with system call "getdents64" , then parse the bytes to get the filenames since "getdents64" returns the number of bytes.
here is the code
global _start
section .data
dir : db "test",0
len: equ 1024 ;define buffer size
section .bss
buffer: resb len
section .text
;open folder
mov rax, 2 ;sys_open
mov rdi, dir ;folder to open
mov rsi, 0 ;read only
mov rdx, 0
cmp rax, 0 ;if there is no folder go to exit
jbe exit
mov rdi, rax ;directory in rdi
mov rax, 217 ;sys_getdents64
mov rsi, buffer
mov rdx, len ;length of the buffer
xchg r10, rax ;save buffer in r10 to loop through it
xor rax, rax ;zero out rax for the next system call
mov rax, 3 ;sys_close
; look for the sequence 0008 which occurs before the start of a filename
add r15, 1
cmp r15, len
jge exit
cmp byte [buffer+r15],
jnz find_fname_start
add r15, 1
cmp byte [buffer+r15], 0x08
jnz find_fname_start
xor rcx, rcx
; look for the 00 which denotes the end of a filename
add r15, 1 ;
cmp r15, len
jge exit
mov rdi, [buffer+r15] ;<<< PROBLEM
mov [r15+rcx], rdi
inc rcx ;increment offset stored in rcx
cmp byte [buffer+r15], 0x00 ;denotes end of the filename
jnz find_fname_end
mov byte [r15+rcx], 0x00 ;filename should be in r15
;delete the file
jmp find_fname_start
cmp r10, 0 ;if done, exit the program
jbe exit
mov rax, 87 ;sys_unlink
mov rdi, buffer ;list of files
jmp unlink
mov rax, 60 ;sys_exit
mov rdi, 80
i used gdb to investigate the problem and at the in "find_fname_end", when i try to move byte from a file to a buffer it gets an error
"Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0000000000400136 in find_fname_end ()"
i put a arrow in code to show you the line that gets this output
Below is a multithreaded (4-core) NASM 64 program. It's not minimal, but it's complete; I posted the complete code because a minimal example may not reveal the problem in this code.
This is my first multithreaded multicore program in NASM, and I was happy to see yesterday afternoon that it worked correctly (all four cores) and returned the values I was expecting. I ran it successfully several times yesterday and again several times this morning.
Suddenly, about 10 minutes after my last run, without making any changes to the code, without re-assembling the dll, I ran it again and this time the threads execute randomly -- not all threads execute, and the configuration of threads that execute varies from run to run -- sometimes thread 1 only; sometimes threads 2-4 but not thread 1, sometimes only thread 2 and 4, etc.
My code did not have ExitThread or CloseHandle calls, so I added them in (see label_899:), rebooted and ran it again. The first run after a fresh reboot still shows random execution of threads.
I thought the problem may be that CreateThread was failing, so I also returned the thread handles. Every time, all four thread handles were created even though all did not execute, so that's not it.
I have done a lot of research but I haven't seen this issue discussed at all. Even though this is NASM, the same thing could also be applicable to C or C++ multithreading. I use WaitForMultipleObjects to wait on all threads to complete.
This is a dll, and the entry point is Main_Entry_fn. The dll is called from Python using ctypes, but I doubt that makes any difference. I use ctypes frequently and have never had a problem with it.
Thanks for any ideas.
P.S. ignore the realloc code because the buffers are large enough that realloc is never called.
UPDATE: Here is how I constructed the progam flow: the entry point is Main_Entry_fn toward the bottom of the program listing (it's an export because it has to be exported for a dll call). Main_Entry_fn takes the input data from the calling function, preserves registers (because the whole program is register optimized) and allocates output buffers. Main_Entry_fn then calls Init_Cores_fn (top of program listing), where we create four arrays with data for the registers on entry to each core (remember all vars are stored in registers -- see the call to DupThreadInfo), and creates four threads in a loop. The threads all call Prime_Number_fn, and the threads are set to start immediately upon creation.
Register assignments:
r15 list_of_results_ptr (pointer to list_of_results)
r14 list_of_results_ctr (counter for list_of_results)
r13 list_of_results_length
r12 numbers_ptr (pointer to "numbers" input array)
r11 numbers_ctr
r10 numbers_length
r9 num
r8 i
xmm15 num_float
xmm14: result
; Header Section
[BITS 64]
[default rel]
extern malloc, calloc, realloc, free
global Main_Entry_fn
export Main_Entry_fn
global FreeMem_fn
export FreeMem_fn
extern CreateThread, CloseHandle, ExitThread
extern WaitForMultipleObjects, GetCurrentThread
section .data align=16
Return_Pointer_Array: dq 0, 0, 0
Input_Length_Array: dq 0, 0,
list_of_results_ptr: dq 0
list_of_results_ctr: dq 0
list_of_results_length: dq 0
data_master_ptr: dq 0
initial_dynamic_length: dq 0
internal_dynamic_length: dq 5000
XMM_Stack: dq 0, 0, 0
numbers_ptr: dq 0
numbers_length: dq 0
numbers: dq 0
list_of_results: dq 0
num_float: dq 0.0
loop_counter_401: dq 0
numbers_ctr: dq 0
num: dq 0
result: dq 0
const_1: dq 1
i: dq 0
range_loop_start_i: dq 0
range_loop_end_i: dq 0
const_0: dq 0
; New vars for threads:
ThreadCount: times 4 dq 0
ThreadInfo: times 10 dq 0
ThreadInfo2: times 10 dq 0
ThreadInfo3: times 10 dq 0
ThreadInfo4: times 10 dq 0
TestInfo: times 4 dq 0
ThreadHandles: times 4 dq 0
Return_Data_Array: times 8 dq 0 ; ptr,ptr,ptr,ptr,length,length,length,length
StartByte: dq 0
stride: dq 8
output_buffer_pointers: times 4 dq 0 ; for malloc
Division_Size: dq 0
Division_Start: dq 0
section .text
; ______________________________________
; Calculate the data divisions
mov rax,r10
mov rbx,4 ;cores
xor rdx,rdx
div rbx
mov [Division_Size],rax
mov [Division_Start],rax
; Populate the ThreadInfo array with vars to pass
; ThreadInfo: length, startbyte, stride, vars into registers on entry to each core
mov rdi,ThreadInfo
mov rax,0 ;ThreadInfoLength
mov [rdi],rax ; length (number of vars into registers plus 3 elements)
mov rax,[stride]
mov [rdi+16],rax ; 8 x number of cores (32 in this example)
; Vars (these registers are populated on main entry)
mov rbp,output_buffer_pointers
mov rax,[rbp]
mov [rdi+24],rax ;for r15
mov [rdi+32],r14
mov [rdi+40],r13
mov [rdi+48],r12
mov rax,[Division_Start]
mov [rdi+56],rax
mov rax,0
mov [rdi+64],rax
call DupThreadInfo
mov rbp,rsp ; preserve caller's stack frame
sub rsp,56 ; Shadow space (was 32)
; _____
mov rax,[StartByte]
cmp rax,0
jne sb2
mov rdi,ThreadInfo
jmp sb5
sb2:cmp rax,8
jne sb3
mov rdi,ThreadInfo2
jmp sb5
sb3:cmp rax,16
jne sb4
mov rdi,ThreadInfo3
jmp sb5
sb4:cmp rax,24
jne sb5
mov rdi,ThreadInfo4
; _____
; Create Threads
mov rcx,0 ; lpThreadAttributes (Security Attributes)
mov rdx,0 ; dwStackSize
mov r8,PrimeNumber_fn ; lpStartAddress (function pointer)
mov r9,rdi ; lpParameter (array of data passed to each core)
mov rax,0
mov [rsp+32],rax ; use default creation flags
mov rdi,ThreadCount
mov [rsp+40],rdi ; ThreadID
call CreateThread
; Move the handle into ThreadHandles array (returned in rax)
mov rdi,ThreadHandles
mov rcx,[StartByte]
mov [rdi+rcx],rax
mov rax,[StartByte]
add rax,8
mov [StartByte],rax
mov rbx,32 ; Four cores
cmp rax,rbx
jl label_0
; _____
; Wait
mov rcx,4 ;rax ; number of handles
mov rdx,ThreadHandles ; pointer to handles array
mov r8,0 ; wait for all threads to complete
mov r9,5000 ; milliseconds to wait
call WaitForMultipleObjects
; _____
mov rsp,rbp
jmp label_900
; ______________________________________
; Populate registers
;(note: rcx is the return value for ThreadProc)
mov rdi,rcx
mov rax,[rdi]
mov r15,[rdi+24]
mov r13,[rdi+40]
mov r12,[rdi+48]
mov r10,[rdi+56]
xor r11,r11
xor r9,r9
mov r8,[rdi+8] ; start byte
pxor xmm15,xmm15
pxor xmm15,xmm14
pxor xmm15,xmm13
; Get the ThreadID based on startbyte
mov rax,[rdi+72] ; 0, 8, 16, 24 for 4-core
push rax
mov rdi,r12 ; Pointer
cmp r8,r10
jge label_899
movsd xmm0,qword[rdi+r8]
movsd xmm15,xmm0
add r8,8
cvttsd2si rax,xmm15
mov r9,rax
cmp r9,[const_1]
jle label_401
mov rax,2
sub rax,1
movq xmm13,rax
movq rcx,xmm13
movq xmm1,[const_1]
addsd xmm13,xmm1
movq rcx,xmm13
mov rdx,r9
cmp rcx,rdx
jge label_12020
mov rax,r9
movq rbx,xmm13
xor rdx,rdx
div rbx
mov rax,rdx
mov rdx,0
cmp rax,rdx
jne label_16020
movq xmm14,[const_0]
movq rax,xmm14
cvtsi2sd xmm0,rax
movsd [r15+r14],xmm14
add r14,8
mov rax,r13
cmp r14,rax
jl next_17
;[Irrelevant code omitted]
jmp label_401
mov rax,r9
cvtsi2sd xmm14,rax
movq rax,xmm14
cvtsi2sd xmm0,rax
movsd [r15+r14],xmm14
add r14,8
mov rax,r13
cmp r14,rax
jl next_21
;[Irrelevant code omitted]
jmp label_1201
movq xmm14,[const_0]
movq rax,xmm14
cvtsi2sd xmm0,rax
movsd [r15+r14],xmm14
add r14,8
mov rax,r13
cmp r14,rax
jl next_25
;[Irrelevant code omitted]
jmp label_401
pop rax
mov rdi,Return_Data_Array
mov [rdi+rax],r15
mov [rdi+rax+32],r14 ; 32 = four cores
call ExitThread
call GetCurrentThread
mov rcx,rax
call CloseHandle
; __________
mov rdi,Return_Data_Array ; Final return to the calling process
mov rax,rdi
;Free the memory
sub rsp,40
call free
add rsp,40
; __________
; Main Entry
push rdi
push rbp
push rbx
push r15
xor r15,r15
push r14
xor r14,r14
push r13
xor r13,r13
push r12
xor r12,r12
push r11
xor r11,r11
push r10
xor r10,r10
push r9
xor r9,r9
movsd [XMM_Stack+0],xmm15
movsd [XMM_Stack+8],xmm14
movsd [XMM_Stack+16],xmm13
push r8
xor r8,r8
mov [numbers_ptr],rcx
mov [data_master_ptr],rdx
; Now assign lengths
lea rdi,[data_master_ptr]
mov rbp,[rdi]
xor rcx,rcx
movsd xmm0,qword[rbp+rcx]
cvttsd2si rax,xmm0
mov [numbers_length],rax
add rcx,8
; __________
; malloc for dynamic arrays
lea rdi,[data_master_ptr]
mov rbp,[rdi]
movsd xmm0,qword[rbp]
cvttsd2si rax,xmm0
mov r8,rax
mov rdx,10
mul rdx
mov rdx,10000000
cmp rax,rdx
jl malloc_next
mov rax,r8
mov rax,50000000
mov [initial_dynamic_length],rax
; Output buffer #1
mov rcx,qword[initial_dynamic_length] ; Initial size
xor rax,rax
sub rsp,40
call malloc
mov rdi,output_buffer_pointers
mov [rdi],rax
add rsp,40
mov rax,qword[initial_dynamic_length]
mov [list_of_results_length],rax
; Output buffer #2
mov rcx,qword[initial_dynamic_length] ; Initial size
xor rax,rax
sub rsp,40
call malloc
mov rdi,output_buffer_pointers
mov [rdi+8],rax
add rsp,40
mov rax,qword[initial_dynamic_length]
mov [list_of_results_length],rax
; Output buffer #3
mov rcx,qword[initial_dynamic_length] ; Initial size
xor rax,rax
sub rsp,40
call malloc
mov rdi,output_buffer_pointers
mov [rdi+16],rax
add rsp,40
mov rax,qword[initial_dynamic_length]
mov [list_of_results_length],rax
; Output buffer #4
mov rcx,qword[initial_dynamic_length] ; Initial size
xor rax,rax
sub rsp,40
call malloc
mov rdi,output_buffer_pointers
mov [rdi+24],rax
add rsp,40
mov rax,qword[initial_dynamic_length]
mov [list_of_results_length],rax
; __________
; Write variables to assigned registers
lea rdi,[rel list_of_results_ptr]
mov r15,qword[rdi]
mov r14,[list_of_results_ctr]
mov r13,[list_of_results_length]
lea rdi,[rel numbers_ptr]
mov r12,qword[rdi]
mov r11,[numbers_ctr]
mov r10,[numbers_length]
mov r9,[num]
movsd xmm15,[num_float]
movsd xmm14,[result]
movsd xmm13,[i]
mov r8,[loop_counter_401]
; __________
call Init_Cores_fn
pop r8
movsd xmm13,[XMM_Stack+0]
movsd xmm14,[XMM_Stack+8]
movsd xmm15,[XMM_Stack+16]
pop r9
pop r10
pop r11
pop r12
pop r13
pop r14
pop r15
pop rbx
pop rbp
pop rdi
mov rdi,ThreadInfo2
; StartByte and EndByte
mov rax,[Division_Start]
mov [rdi+8],rax
add rax,[Division_Size]
mov [Division_Start],rax
sub rax,8
mov [rdi+56],rax
mov rax,[stride]
mov [rdi+16],rax ; 8 x number of cores (32 in this example)
; Vars (these registers are populated on main entry)
mov rbp,output_buffer_pointers
mov rax,[rbp+8]
mov [rdi+24],rax
mov rax,8
mov [rdi+32],rax
mov [rdi+40],r13
mov [rdi+48],r12
; 56 is above
mov rax,8
mov [rdi+64],rax
mov rax,8 ; Thread number based on startbyte, for Return_Data_Array
mov [rdi+72],rax
; _____
mov rdi,ThreadInfo3
; StartByte and EndByte
mov rax,[Division_Start]
mov [rdi+8],rax
mov rbx,[Division_Size]
add rax,rbx
mov [Division_Start],rax
sub rax,8
mov [rdi+56],rax
mov rax,[stride]
mov [rdi+16],rax ; 8 x number of cores (32 in this example)
; Vars (these registers are populated on main entry)
mov rbp,output_buffer_pointers
mov rax,[rbp+16]
mov [rdi+24],rax
mov rax,16
mov [rdi+32],rax
mov [rdi+40],r13
mov [rdi+48],r12
; [rdi+56] is above
mov rax,16
mov [rdi+64],rax
mov rax,16 ; Thread number based on startbyte, for Return_Data_Array
mov [rdi+72],rax
mov rdi,ThreadInfo4
; StartByte and EndByte
mov rax,[Division_Start]
mov [rdi+8],rax
mov rax,[numbers_length] ; final segment goes to the end
mov [rdi+56],rax
mov rax,[stride]
mov [rdi+16],rax ; 8 x number of cores (32 in this example)
; Vars (these registers are populated on main entry)
mov rbp,output_buffer_pointers
mov rax,[rbp+24]
mov [rdi+24],rax
mov rax,24
mov [rdi+32],rax
mov [rdi+40],r13
mov [rdi+48],r12
; [rdi+56] is above
mov rax,24
mov [rdi+64],rax
mov rax,24 ; Thread number based on startbyte, for Return_Data_Array
mov [rdi+72],rax
I am writing a program in AMD64 linux Assembly code (assembler Nasm) that does a whole bunch of stuff. Basicly, my question right now is how can I open a file, and write some data to it.
My code I have seems like it should work.
Basically I want to open a .ppm image file and write the header to it. My professor gave me some pseudo code to to help and here is that code for just the part I am trying to accomplish.
fd = open("gradient.ppm", 577, 0o644)
if fd < 0: return 1 (error)
bufsize = writeHeader(buffer, 256, 256)
status = write(fd, buffer, bufsize)
if status < 0: return 2 (error)
Here is my code. My professor has some test program written in c++ that will run my code and test to see if it works correctly, so I am not running directly from this file. (BTW, the writeheader file has been confirmed to work)
global start
extern writeRGB
extern writeHeader
section .data
filename: db "gradient.ppm",0
section .bss
buffer resb 5000
section .text
; rdi,rsi,rdx
push r8
push r9
push r10
push r11
push r12
push r13
push r14
push r15
; open file
; sys_open: rax=2, rdi=char filename, rsi=int flags, rdx=int mode
mov rax, 2 ; 2 is system call number for sys_open
mov rdi, filename ; filname is in data section
mov rsi, 577 ; flag that is just given to me
mov rdx, 0o644 ; Octol number of the mode that is just given to me
syscall ; execute the sys_open system call
mov r9, rax ; r9 will hold file handle (fd)
; check for error
; compare 0 and data returned to rax from opening file.
; if data in rax < 0, store 1 in r11 and jump .error which will return the 1
mov r11, 1
cmp r9, 0
jl .error
; call writeheader
; writeHeader(rdi = buffer, rsi = 256, rdx = 256)
mov rdi, buffer
mov rsi, 256
mov rdx, 256
call writeHeader
mov r8, rax ; store the buffer size (bufsize) in r8
; status = write(fd, buffer, bufsize)
; sys_write: rax=1, rdi=fd, rsi=buffer, rdx=bufsize)
mov rax, 1 ; 1 is the system call number for sys_write
mov rdi, r9 ; the file handle (fd) is stored in r9
mov rsi, buffer ; the buffer is in the .bss section
mov rdx, r8 ; r8 holds the buffer size (bufsize)
syscall ; execute the sys_write system call
mov r10, rax ; status will be stored in r10
; check for error
; compare 0 and data returned to rax from opening file.
mov r11, 2
cmp r9, 0
jl .error
pop r15
pop r14
pop r13
pop r12
pop r11
pop r10
pop r9
pop r8
mov rax, 0
; mov error code in r11 into rax to indicate error, and return it
mov rax, r11 ; rll holds error code
If my code should work, then there is probably something wrong in which the way the test file is accessing it, if thats the case just let me know so that I can focus my resources on fixing that problem rather than fixing my code that already works.
cmp r9, 0
jb .error ; <-- This will never happen!
When testing for a negative number don't use jb. That's reserved to work with unsigned numbers. Use jl.
cmp r9, 0
jl .error
;open file give it a name in section .data file: db "......", 0
mov rsi, 577
mov rdx, 0o644
mov rdi, file
mov rax, sys_open
mov r13, rax ;save file descriptor
cmp rax, 0 ;return error if negative
jl .error
Copy/paste related error in your code!
; status = write(fd, buffer, bufsize)
; sys_write: rax=1, rdi=fd, rsi=buffer, rdx=bufsize)
mov rax, 1 ; 1 is the system call number for sys_write
mov rdi, r9 ; the file handle (fd) is stored in r9
mov rsi, buffer ; the buffer is in the .bss section
mov rdx, r8 ; r8 holds the buffer size (bufsize)
syscall ; execute the sys_write system call
mov r10, rax ; status will be stored in r10
; check for error
; compare 0 and data returned to rax from opening file.
mov r11, 2
cmp r9, 0
jl .error
You have put the status in R10 but are comparing the value in R9.