native-package-manager and sbt-git plugins not found on maven repo - sbt-native-packager

I believe that the two plugins are not available anymore on maven central repository. I am not able to add them to the project. Everytime I get the error about unknown artifact. This has stopped working recently. Any idea if about how can I get these two plugins??

Previously most SBT plugins were hosted on bintray which has been taken offline. sbt-native-packager moved to maven central since 1.9.1 and the organization in the maven coordinates had to change for that reason.
Please the the current readme for the up to date coordinates 😊


Azure Artifacts Feed is much slower than maven central

I'm working on a project in Azure DevOps and, as recommended in the doc, I created an Artifacts Feed with maven central as upstream source to store all my dependencies (I don't really need to publish artifacts for now).
So I configured my local maven to fetch all the dependencies from my feed instead of maven central and it all works fine, except that it's very slow compared to maven central.
When I start from an empty .m2 on my local machine, it takes 1 min 15 secs to build my project when downloading the dependencies from maven central, but it takes over 8 minutes to do the same when downloading the dependencies from the Feed (which contains already all the dependencies).
I could live with that, since the download of everything happens only on the first build.
But the issue is that it's also slower when building my project from Azure Pipelines, which I really didn't expect since it's a connection from Azure to Azure and within the same organization. In this case, it takes at least twice the time when using the feed rather than maven central. And this will be true every time since Azure Pipelines gives you a fresh VM each time you build (I'm using a hosted agent), so there's no dependencies caching in this case.
It's really annoying since my project is just a HelloWorld so far, so it will only get worse over time.
Using a repository manager/feed is the best practice according to both Maven and Azure, but at this point I'm really thinking of going for the bad practice of getting everything from maven central instead of my feed, at least in my pipeline, to improve the performance.
Am I the only one having this issue ? What are your thoughts about this ?
Finally, after diving into the documentation for Azure Pipelines recently, I found out there is a way to cache the maven repository between runs so it partially solves my issue since the full download of the dependencies will happen only once.
Here is the doc in question for those who are interested.

How to use the MRTK Spectator View Feature?

I wanted to check out the inner workings of the Spectator View feature, but I got stuck.
Checking out the Repo, Unity complains about missing the HololensForCV.dll. I didn't get very far.
I found the Microsoft HoloLensForCV repository, but could not compile it. I'm not even sure, if it did, that it will spit out the desired dll.
How do I get the branch to work?
We have migrated to a new repository with samples and better documentation, please take a look here:
Could you please try checking out this branch:
We have documentation for SpectatorView specifically here:
Please give it a try, and let me know if that helped.
The feature/spectatorView branch in the Microsoft MixedRealityToolkit-Unity repo no longer has any scripts with dependencies on the dlls built out of HoloLensForCV. It may be worth checking your commit log to see if it matches with the current commit history for the feature/spectatorView.
FWIW, the main feature/spectatorView branch is undergoing a lot of refactoring/breaking changes. We forked the prerelease/ branch so that folks could start looking at ASA localization for spectator view without having to be broken by rapid development underway in the feature branch. This prerelease only supports ASA localization for an android and HoloLens (1 or 2) device. ArUco marker and QR code based localization is in progress but not yet supported.

GitLab not able to sync fork

I recently installed GitLab, however, I can't figure out how to use forks properly. I have the following versions installed:
GitLab 7.7.1
GitLab Shell 2.4.1
GitLab API v3
Ruby 2.1.4p265
Rails 4.1.1
I have found out the URL for forks (by creating another user and adding it to the project, but it doesn't show up in the GUI on own projects, link<user>/<repo>/fork/new works though), and once a fork has been made, it is not possible to sync the fork. At least, there's nothing I can find on Google nor the documentation for GitLab, but it is mentioned in changelogs at places or issues that apparently have been accepted (can't find the source anymore though).
Can anyone explain me how forking works and how I can sync the fork once the original repository has been updated?
how I can sync the fork once the original repository has been updated?
Simply by adding a remote reference to the original repo: see "Pull new updates from original Github repository into forked Github repository".
The opposite (from fork to original repo) is done using merge request: see "GitLab Flow"

Clone maven repository (Archiva manager)

I have an maven repository (managed with Archiva) in my environment to use it for application development. Since it is a mirror of central repository, it has all dependencies I need for my application.
If I want to give the application sources to someone who doesn't have external connection, how can I clone my Archiva repository on its environment? Is there a way to do that?
Thank you.
simply copy the disk content from repositories directory

Retriving POM files from Maven Repository

I need to search for all POM files at Maven Repository. For this I used Nexus repository manager and its Rest API. I used keyword search where I went through all the letters and numbers separately. However I don't think that I got all the artifacts and their descriptions in this way. Is there any other solution to this? Or any proposals regarding my solution.
Are you forced to use the repository REST API? If you have access to the Nexus file system, a simple find command will do the job.
find /opt/sonatype-work/nexus/storage -name "*.pom"
