Determine whether 4th character in cell is numeric or text - excel-formula

I'm trying to find a way to determine if the 4th character in a cell is either a letter or a number. I found a similar thread but their solution isn't working for me.
My example:
| A Column | B Column to return |
| -------- | -------------- |
| BKGB1000 | BKGB |
| BKG41000 | BKG |
I have also tried
=IF(ISNUMBER(MID(A1&" ",4,1)),3,4)
The above just isn't working. It keeps returning all 4 characters, so in the 2nd row it returns BKG4 instead of just BKG. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

The MID results in text. Multiplying it results in a number provided the character is a number.

Solution. Thanks for the guidence P.b
=IF(ISNUMBER(VALUE(MID(A2&" ",4,1))),LEFT(A2,3),LEFT(A2,4))


Can you write an IF statement based on a character in a string?

In excel I have a column that contains given names. Some of those are one word and some are two words. Think of something like this:
Anne Marie
I want to concatenate this column with another one to create an id, and I am just interested in getting the first word. So my ideal output would look like column 'ID'
Emma | 2D1 | 2D1_Emma
Anthony | 4G3 | 4G3_Anthony
Anne Marie | 8Y2 | 8Y2_Anne
John | 5L9 | 5L9_John
I have tried it with this formula, but it is not working, it retrieves all the text in the first column instead of just the first word:
=CONCAT($B2;"_";IF($A2="* *";(LEFT($A2(FIND(" ";A2;1)-1)));A2))
If I don't use the * as a wildcard, the result I get is the same. Any other combinations I tried give an error.
Any idea how I can get it to pick the text on the left of a blank space if there is any?
Concatenate a space when using FIND:
=B2&"_"&LEFT(A2,FIND(" ",A2&" ")-1)
Since your version of Excel uses ; as the separator:
=B2&"_"&LEFT(A2;FIND(" ";A2&" ")-1)
Use this formula
Assuming E2 has Code and D2 has F-Name
=E2&"_"&LEFT(D2,FIND(" ",D2)-1)

Excel - Forumla to seacrh for mutliple terms and show the matching term

I have the challenge that I need to search in Excel for multiple terms and to get the result back for each cell which of the different terms has matched.
I know there is a formula combination to search for multiple terms but this will not give me the matched term back. The exampel below gives only a "0" or "1" back.
| | A | B |
| 1 | This is TermA | TermA |
| 2 | Some TermB Text | TermB |
| 3 | And TermA Text | TermA |
| 4 | another TermC | TermC |
Background I have to do some normalization of the values and look therefore for some forumla which can identify the values and list the match. The values which are used to search for should be later on another page so it can be easily extended.
Thank you for some hints and approaches which will put me into the right direction.
To return all matching terms:
=INDEX(FILTERXML("<t><s>"&SUBSTITUTE(A1," ","</s><s>")&"</s></t>","//s[.='TermA' or .='TermB' or .='TermC']"),COLUMN(A1))
Wrap in an IFERROR() if no match is found at all.
If one has ExcelO365 and you refer to a range, things got a lot easier:
Formula in E1:
=INDEX(FILTER(C:C,C:C<>""),MATCH(1, COUNTIF(A1, "*"&FILTER(C:C,C:C<>"")&"*"), 0))
For use in office 365 version. If previous version replace FILTER(C:C,C:C<>"") with C$1:C$4 for your example or whatever your range of search values may be. Table reference is also possible.
The formula searches for the first match in your list of values if the text including your term contains a matching value anywhere in that text. It returns the first match.

Substracting part of cell

So lets say that in one row i have in 2 cells some data and I want to extract the data after the second "_" character:
| | A | B |
| 1 | 75875_QUWR | LALAHF_FHJ_75378_WZ44 | <- Input
| 2 | 75875_QUWR | 75378_WZ44 | <- Expected output
I tried using =RIGHT() function but than i will remove text from this first cell and so on, how can i write this function? Maybe I would compare this old cell and than to do if the second row is empty because maybe function deleted it to copy the one from first? No idea
Regardless of the times a "_" is present in your string, it will end up with the last two "words" in your string. Source
Use following formula.

Excel: select the last number or numbers from a cell

Given the following examples,
I would only like to extract the last number or numbers from the string value. So the end result that I'm looking for is:
I've been trying to find a way, but can't seem to find the correct one.
Use thisformula:
Try this:
or this (avoid using INDIRECT):
Replace A2 in the above formula to suit your case.
Here are the data for testing:
| String |
| 16A6 |
| ECCB15 |
| BATT5A6 |
| 16 |
| A1B2C3E0 |
| 16E |
| TEST00004 |
I have an even shorter version: --RIGHT(A2,SUMPRODUCT(--ISNUMBER(--RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(A2,"E",";"),ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(A2)))))))
The difference is the use of SUBSTITUTE in my final formula. I used SUBSTITUTE to replace letter E with a symbol because in the fifth string in the above list, the RIGHT function in my formula will return the following: {"0";"E0";"3E0";"C3E0";"2C3E0";"B2C3E0";"1B2C3E0";"A1B2C3E0"} where the third string 3E0 will return TRUE by ISNUMBER function, and this will result in an incorrect answer. Therefore I need to get rid of letter E first.
Let me know if you have any questions. Cheers :)

How do I reference cell dynamically in Microsoft Excel

I need to combine string values from (fixed column, variable row) + (fixed column, fixed row) how do I do this?
for example:
Any help would be appreciated, thank you!
Assuming top is row one and left is column A for your example, put the following in B2 drag across and down to fill the array.
