Unix find command display file size in gigabyte - linux

I want to find files in a certain directory using find command and display the file size as well after finding. Here is what I have come up with so far.
find /my_search_directory -type f -name "abc*" -printf "%f %k KB\n"
%k displays the file size in kbs,I want this to be in gbs. Can anyone help me out with this?

du -BG filename
writes to stdout the size of filename in GB.

You can use -exec to run du for each file found, passing -B GiB to show the size in GiB rather than bytes:
find /my_search_directory -type f -name "abc*" -exec du -B GiB {} \;
You can also use -h instead of -B GiB to make du choose an appropriate unit; this is probably more useful to you because -B rounds upwards. You can also add --apparent-size to show the perceived file size instead of the size taken up on disk.
As an extra tip, sort -h can be used to process the output of du -h:
find /my_search_directory -type f -name "abc*" -exec du h {} \; | sort -h


How to find the count of and total sizes of multiple files in directory?

I have a directory, inside it multiple directories which contains many type of files.
I want to find *.jpg files then to get the count and total size of all individual one.
I know I have to use find wc -l and du -ch but I don't know how to combine them in a single script or in a single command.
find . -type f name "*.jpg" -exec - not sure how to connect all the three
Supposing your starting folder is ., this will give you all files and the total size:
find . -type f -name '*.jpg' -exec du -ch {} +
The + at the end executes du -ch on all files at once - rather than per file, allowing you the get the frand total.
If you want to know only the total, add | tail -n 1 at the end.
Fair warning: this in fact executes
du -ch file1 file2 file3 ...
Which may break for very many files.
To check how many:
$ getconf ARG_MAX
That's what is configured on my system.
This doesn't give you the number of files though. You'll need to catch the output of find and use it twice.
The last line is the total, so we'll use all but the last line to get the number of files, and the last one for the total:
OUT=$(find . -type f -name '*.jpg' -exec du -ch {} +)
N=$(echo "$OUT" | head -n -1 | wc -l)
SIZE=$(echo "$OUT" | tail -n 1)
echo "Number of files: $N"
echo $SIZE
Which for me gives:
Number of files: 143
584K total

How to get combined disc space of all files in a directory with help of du in linux [duplicate]

I've got a bunch of files scattered across folders in a layout, e.g.:
And I need to find the total disk space used for the MP4 files only. This means it's gotta be recursive somehow.
I've looked at du and fiddling with piping things to grep but can't seem to figure out how to calculate just the MP4 files no matter where they are.
A human readable total disk space output is a must too, preferably in GB, if possible?
Any ideas? Thanks
For individual file size:
find . -name "*.mp4" -print0 | du -sh --files0-from=-
For total disk space in GB:
find . -name "*.mp4" -print0 | du -sb --files0-from=- | awk '{ total += $1} END { print total/1024/1024/1024 }'
You can simply do :
find -name "*.mp4" -exec du -b {} \; | awk 'BEGIN{total=0}{total=total+$1}END{print total}'
The -exec option of find command executes a simple command with {} as the file found by find.
du -b displays the size of the file in bytes.
The awk command initializes a variable at 0 and get the size of each file to display the total at the end of the command.
This will sum all mp4 files size in bytes:
find ./ -name "*.mp4" -printf "%s\n" | paste -sd+ | bc

Why "find -mmin -1 -exec du -cb {} + | grep total | head -1" and "find -mmin -1 -exec du -ch {} + | grep total | head -1" are different

When I run the command:
find / 2>/dev/null -user root -type f -mmin -1 -exec du -cb {} + | grep total | head -1
I get a rather large number in bytes which is expected.
However, when I run the same command but with human-readable instead of bytes, as in:
find / 2>/dev/null -user root -type f -mmin -1 -exec du -ch {} + | grep total | head -1
I get 0. I also tried removing the head -1 thinking I was grabbing the wrong data, but every print out is 0 total. Why is this? Is there an alternative method to get the total size of all files found using find for both bytes and human-readable print outs?
Use -xdev option to find command to exclude other filesystems.
I don't have an explanation why yet, but I think this is related to tmpfs and devtmpfs filesystems such as /proc.
When I ran your scenario's I had the same results because the -b option adds in the size of /proc/kcore
procfs is a bit of dark magic; no files in it are real. It looks like a filesystem, acts like a filesystem, and is a filesystem. But not one that is stored on disk (or elsewhere).
/proc/kcore specifically is a file which maps directly to every available byte in your virtual memory ... I'm not absolutely clear on the details; the 128TB comes from Linux allocating 47ish bits of the 64bits available for virtual memory.
When I use the -ch argument for du it shows /proc/kcore as 0:
0 /proc/kcore
But when I use the -cb it shows my /proc/kcore as:
140737486266368 /proc/kcore
this is because the -b option:
-b, --bytes
equivalent to '--apparent-size --block-size=1'
and --apparent-size :
print apparent sizes, rather than disk usage; although the apparent size is
usually smaller, it may be larger due to holes in ('sparse') files, internal
fragmentation, indirect blocks, and the like
/proc kcore file is huge

calculate total used disk space by files older than 180 days using find

I am trying to find the total disk space used by files older than 180 days in a particular directory. This is what I'm using:
find . -mtime +180 -exec du -sh {} \;
but the above is quiet evidently giving me disk space used by every file that is found. I want only the total added disk space used by the files. Can this be done using find and exec command ?
Please note I simply don't want to use a script for this, it will be great if there could be a one liner for this. Any help is highly appreciated.
Why not this?
find /path/to/search/in -type f -mtime +180 -print0 | du -hc --files0-from - | tail -n 1
#PeterT is right. Almost all these answers invoke a command (du) for each file, which is very resource intensive and slow and unnecessary. The simplest and fastest way is this:
find . -type f -mtime +356 -printf '%s\n' | awk '{total=total+$1}END{print total/1024}'
du wouldn't summarize if you pass a list of files to it.
Instead, pipe the output to cut and let awk sum it up. So you can say:
find . -mtime +180 -exec du -ks {} \; | cut -f1 | awk '{total=total+$1}END{print total/1024}'
Note that the option -h to display the result in human-readable format has been replaced by -k which is equivalent to block size of 1K. The result is presented in MB (see total/1024 above).
Be careful not to take into account the disk usage by the directories. For example, I have a lot of files in my ~/tmp directory:
$ du -sh ~/tmp
3,7G /home/rpet/tmp
Running the first part of example posted by devnull to find the files modified in the last 24 hours, we can see that awk will sum the whole disk usage of the ~/tmp directory:
$ find ~/tmp -mtime 0 -exec du -ks {} \; | cut -f1
But there is only one file modified in that period of time, with very little disk usage:
$ find ~/tmp -mtime 0
$ du -sh ~/tmp/kk
84K /home/rpet/tmp/kk
So we need to take into account only the files and exclude the directories:
$ find ~/tmp -type f -mtime 0 -exec du -ks {} \; | cut -f1 | awk '{total=total+$1}END{print total/1024}'
You can also specify date ranges using the -newermt parameter. For example:
$ find . -type f -newermt "2014-01-01" ! -newermt "2014-06-01"
See http://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/view/8721/find-files-in-a-date-range
You can print file size with find using the -printf option, but you still need awk to sum.
For example, total size of all files older than 365 days:
find . -type f -mtime +356 -printf '%s\n' \
| awk '{a+=$1;} END {printf "%.1f GB\n", a/2**30;}'

How to use du to take the paths from stdin and calculate the total size? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Get total size of folders with find & du
I can use du like this to get the file size of each file from stdin
find . -name "*.java" -exec du -h {} \;
But I can't get the total size.. Does anyone have ideas about that?
Answered here:
How to get total size of folders with find and du?
Use xargs(1) instead of -exec:
find . -name bak -type d | xargs du -ch
executes the command for each file found (check the find(1) documentation). Piping to xargs lets you aggregate those filenames and
only run du once.
In your case it would be:
find . -name "*.java" | xargs du -ch
-c, --total
produce a grand total
