Using PowerShell to import PDF to Excel - excel

I am searching for a way, to import a PDF into Excel using PowerShell.
So far I found one link that seems to have a solution:
Following the instructions, I had an error regarding the DLL, which I did unlock as read in some comments. Trying a second attempt, I get the following error:
Is this in combination with [iTextSharp.text.pdf.pdfreader], that it is not able to run the command and if yes, what would I need to do to get it loaded?
Unfortunately, I do not understand, what I am doing wrong and there are no indications or suggestions on the site, that others had a similar issue.
OR maybe:
Within Excel, there is the possibility under "Data" to use "Get-Data --> from File --> From PDF"
Is there a way to use PowerShell to run this step?
Any suggestions and guides welcome, I just try to find a way to have to have PDF files converted and imported into Excel and to automate the process.
Thank you very much for any help and support,


Add page break in excel with the module ImportExcel (Powershell)

I'm actually trying to generate a large report with multiple groups in powershell. I want to seperate each groups of data in a single page, but I'm struggling to find the method to add a horizontal page break with the ImportExcel module.
I'm starting to wonder if it is doable. I know that it is possible with the excel interlop com object, but the script with be run with an elevated user right on a server, so we do not want to install excel on to.
So far I've look at the module methods and I did not find anything. It seems like we have access to the document/sheets xml so if someone knows how to do it in xml, it could also do the trick.
I'll post my answer since I found it. The module ImportExcel is based on the EPPLUS library for c#.
I've take a look in the library and there is a way to add a break line fairy easly, but does not show in powershell.
$Sheet.Row($line).PageBreak = $true
It's that simple. There is just not obvious documentation and the intellisense was not finding it too.

How to create excel 2013 timeline from access

It's my first question here so please be easy on me..
I'm trying to create an excel report from a dataset i've created in MS Access as part of a MS-Access based large project.
This project has to run on many machines and to avoid reference errors i use late-binding.
My problem is that when i try to create (from Access) a Timeline using the "Slicercaches.add2" method my code fires error "5". As a test i've created the timeline from Excel-vba and i found that if i use the "XlTimeline" constant it works, but if i use the "2" value not . Is there a way to use the Xltimeline constant inside Access-Vba without reference to excel libraries??
Thanx in advance
First off, welcome to Stack Overflow. Without seeing your VBA code, answering your question would mostly be speculation. As a common practice, it is always beneficial to show the code you're working with (same concept as a picture is worth 1000 words). With that being said, working with Excel objects (or any other office application) requires that you import the necessary libraries. With the Excel library imported, you can essentially do anything to an excel file using the Excel object. Is there a particular reason you would like to refrain from using the Excel library?

Pass parameters to crystal report automatically and export to PDF

I need to run a crystal report which requires one parameter multiple times. Is there any way to automate running this CR report for a set of different parameters and exporting each report to pdf?
I was thinking of using excel vba but not sure if this is possible and also don't know how to write codes for it. I'm using CR XI but don't have the developer environment installed.
I've looked all over the internet for several days but haven't found a feasible solution.
Any inputs would be appreciated! Thanks.
You could fork my PsCrystal project on GitHub and add the missing functionality. It's a PowerShell wrapper of the Crystal Reports SDK.

How to automate SAS EG 4.1 program daily and put the output in Excel and run VBA and print PDF?

I am totally new to automation, but trying hard to find answers online everywhere for 1 week. I could not able to do what I wanted to do. I have a SAS enterprise guide 4.1 old version and program runs on a SAS server. I have a SAS report due every day at 9:30 AM. I have the code that is already setup and working fine. I need to automate this program to run at 8:00 AM every day, then move the output to a specific excel file in sheet 1 at specific cell range, then invoke the VBA macro button (UPDATE) placed in the sheet 2 and then print out two worksheets in the same file as a single PDF file to somewhere in my computer. I will have to upload this into a CMS. I wanted to automate until the step before the last step, creating the final PDF report on a daily basis.
When I thought about all these I was stunned. I actually created a batch file in notepad and made SAS to open the file at specific time using Task Scheduler in Windows XP control panel. However, SAS did not run the program.
Here is the batch file code:
Start/w C:\PROGRA~1\SAS\ENTERP~1\SEGuide.exe –sysin "Z:\ccccc\vvvvv\Report.egp"
If anyone could please help me, I would like to know how do I make the SAS to run the program in the SAS server and also where do I provide the user name and password for the SAS server authentication. Can anyone please give me an example how to write this code in my batch file. Also, how to export the output into the specific excel file in SHEET 1 and then run the VBA macro. Then how to print out PDF files of two worksheets as a single file and place the final PDF file in the C:\Report folder.
I am sorry it is too much information, but if someone could help me figure out, I would really appreciate all your help!
Enterprise Guide automation is a bigger issue than can be covered in a StackOverflow answer in detail. In general, EG exposes itself to automation through a DLL (SASEGScripting.dll), which you can then automate using VBScript, Powershell, or .NET (C# etc.). You need to read the documentation for the API or read a tutorial.
Chris Hemedinger has several good explanations of how to go about doing this; for example, see this article, or browse his blog articles.

Generating multiple sheets in a single excel document using Grails Export plugin

I'm using Export plugin for Grails( to generate excel sheets. Now I need to create multiple sheets in the same Excel document and if possible, name those individual sheets. Searching around in internet, couldn't find any solution to this problem. Can someone please help on this?
There looks to be no way of doing this currently with that plugin.
Your best bet would be to add it as a feature request on the JIRA for that module -- or better yet -- take the module, add that functionality and submit a patch to the JIRA.
Or you're going to have to look for another way of exporting XLS data.
