remove string which contains special character by python regular expression - python-3.x

my code:
s = '$ascv abs is good'
'$ascv abs is good'
the output what i want:
'abs is good'
I want to remove string which contains special character by python regular expression. I thought my code was right but the output is wrong.
How can i fix my code to make the output right?

invalid_chars = ['#'] # Characters you don't want in your text
# Determine if a string has any character you don't want
def if_clean(word):
for letter in word:
if letter in invalid_chars:
return False
return True
def clean_text(text):
text = text.split(' ') # Convert text to a list of words
text_clean = ''
for word in text:
if if_clean(word):
text_clean = text_clean+' '+word
return text_clean[1:]
# This will print 'abs is good'
print(clean_text('$ascv abs is good'))


Split string with commas while keeping numeric parts

I'm using the following function to separate strings with commas right on the capitals, as long as it is not preceded by a blank space.
def func(x):
y = re.findall('[A-Z][^A-Z\s]+(?:\s+\S[^A-Z\s]*)*', x)
return ','.join(y)
However, when I try to separate the next string it removes the part with numbers.
Input = '49ersRiders Mapple'
Output = 'Riders Mapple'
I tried the following code but now it removes the 'ers' part.
def test(x):
y = re.findall(r'\d+[A-Z]*|[A-Z][^A-Z\s]+(?:\s+\S[^A-Z\s]*)*', x)
return ','.join(y)
Output = '49,Riders Mapple'
The output I'm looking for is this:
'49ers,Riders Mapple'
Is it possible to add this indication to my regex?
Thanks in advance
Maybe naive but why don't you use re.sub:
def func(x):
return re.sub(r'(?<!\s)([A-Z])', r',\1', x)
inp = '49ersRiders Mapple'
out = func(inp)
# Output
49ers,Riders Mapple
Here is a regex re.findall approach:
inp = "49ersRiders"
output = ','.join(re.findall('(?:[A-Z]|[0-9])[^A-Z]+', inp))
print(output) # 49ers,Riders
The regex pattern used here says to match:
[A-Z] a leading uppercase letter (try to find this first)
| OR
[0-9] a leading number (fallback for no uppercase)
[^A-Z]+ one or more non capital letters following

How to write High order function in Python?

I am trying to solve this question, on Codewars,
This kata is the first of a sequence of four about "Squared Strings".
You are given a string of n lines, each substring being n characters long: For example:
s = "abcd\nefgh\nijkl\nmnop"
We will study some transformations of this square of strings.
Vertical mirror: vert_mirror (or vertMirror or vert-mirror)
vert_mirror(s) => "dcba\nhgfe\nlkji\nponm"
Horizontal mirror: hor_mirror (or horMirror or hor-mirror)
hor_mirror(s) => "mnop\nijkl\nefgh\nabcd"
or printed:
vertical mirror |horizontal mirror
abcd --> dcba |abcd --> mnop
efgh hgfe |efgh ijkl
ijkl lkji |ijkl efgh
mnop ponm |mnop abcd
My Task:
--> Write these two functions
--> high-order function oper(fct, s) where
--> fct is the function of one variable f to apply to the string s (fct will be one of vertMirror, horMirror)
s = "abcd\nefgh\nijkl\nmnop"
oper(vert_mirror, s) => "dcba\nhgfe\nlkji\nponm"
oper(hor_mirror, s) => "mnop\nijkl\nefgh\nabcd"
The form of the parameter fct in oper changes according to the language. You can see each form according to the language in "Sample Tests".
Bash Note:
The input strings are separated by , instead of \n. The output strings should be separated by \r instead of \n.
Here's the code below:
def vert_mirror(strng):
# your code
def hor_mirror(strng):
# your code
def oper(fct, s):
# your code
"I'Have tried using reverse [::-1] but it doesn't work..
The if statement at the bottom is for testing, remove it if you want to use the code somewhere else.
def vert_mirror(string):
rv = []
separator = '\n'
words = string.split(separator)
for word in words:
rv = separator.join(rv)
#return the representation of rv, bc \n will be displayed as a newline
return repr(rv)
def hor_mirror(string):
rv = []
separator = '\n'
words = string.split(separator)
rv = words[::-1]
rv = separator.join(rv)
#return the representation of rv, bc \n will be displayed as a newline
return repr(rv)
def oper(fct, s):
return fct(s)
if __name__ == '__main__':
s = "abcd\nefgh\nijkl\nmnop"
print(oper(vert_mirror, s))
print(oper(hor_mirror, s))
EDIT: I've just seen the note "The input strings are separated by , instead of \n. The output strings should be separated by \r instead of \n.", if you need to change separators, just change the value of "separator" accordingly.
Or remove the repr(), if you want the raw string.

hello friends i cant execute my else condition

The program must accept a string S as the input. The program must replace every vowel in the string S by the next consonant (alphabetical order) and replace every consonant in the string S by the next vowel (alphabetical order). Finally, the program must print the modified string as the output.
z=[let for let in s]
a=[let for let in alpa]
vow=[let for let in v]
for let in z:
if(let=="a"or let=="e" or let=="i" or let=="o" or let=="u"):
if index!="a"or index!="e"or index!="i"or index!="o"or index!="u":
for let in alpa:
if(i=="a"or i=="e" or i=="i"or i=="o"or i=="u"):
the output is :
i/p orange
the required output is:
i/p orange
I would do it like this:
import string
def dumb_encrypt(text, vowels='aeiou'):
result = ''
for char in text:
i = string.ascii_letters.index(char)
if char.lower() in vowels:
result += string.ascii_letters[(i + 1) % len(string.ascii_letters)]
c = 'a'
for c in vowels:
if string.ascii_letters.index(c) > i:
result += c
return result
# puboif
Basically, I would use string.ascii_letters, instead of defining that anew. Also, I would not convert all to list as it is not necessary for looping through. The consonants you got right. The vowels, I would just do an uncertain search for the next valid consonant. If the search, fails it sticks back to default a value.
Here I use groupby to split the alphabet into runs of vowels and consonants. I then create a mapping of letters to the next letter of the other type (ignoring the final consonants in the alphabet). I then use str.maketrans to build a translation table I can pass to str.translate to convert the string.
from itertools import groupby
from string import ascii_lowercase as letters
vowels = "aeiou"
is_vowel = vowels.__contains__
partitions = [list(g) for k, g in groupby(letters, is_vowel)]
mapping = {}
for curr_letters, next_letters in zip(partitions, partitions[1:]):
for letter in curr_letters:
mapping[letter] = next_letters[0]
table = str.maketrans(mapping)
# 'puboif'

How can create a new string from an original string replacing all non-instances of a character

So Let's say I have a random string "Mississippi"
I want to create a new string from "Mississippi" but replacing all the non-instances of a particular character.
For example if we use the letter "S". In the new string, I want to keep all the S's in "MISSISSIPPI" and replace all the other letters with a "_".
I know how to do the reverse:
word2 = word.replace("S", "_")
word2 gives me MI__I__IPPI
but I can't figure out how to get word2 to be __SS_SS____
(The classic Hangman Game)
You would need to use the sub method of Python strings with a regular expression for symbolizing a NOT character set such as
import re
line = re.sub(r"[^S]", "_", line)
This replaces any non S character with the desired character.
You could do this with str.maketrans() and str.translate() but it would be easier with regular expressions. The trick is you need to insert your string of valid characters into the regular expression programattically:
import re
show = 'S' # augment as the game progresses
print(re.sub(r"[^{}]".format(show), "_", word))
A simpler way is to map a function across the string:
>>> ''.join(map(lambda w: '_' if w != 'S' else 'S', 'MISSISSIPPI'))

Python 2.7 - remove special characters from a string and camelCasing it

Desired output:
My code:
def to_camel_case(text):
lst =['_', '-']
if text is None:
return ''
for char in text:
if text in lst:
text = text.replace(char, '').title()
return text
1) The input could be an empty string - the above code does not return '' but None;
2) I am not sure that the title()method could help me obtaining the desired output(only the first letter of each word before the '-' or the '_' in caps except for the first.
I prefer not to use regex if possible.
A better way to do this would be using a list comprehension. The problem with a for loop is that when you remove characters from text, the loop changes (since you're supposed to iterate over every item originally in the loop). It's also hard to capitalize the next letter after replacing a _ or - because you don't have any context about what came before or after.
def to_camel_case(text):
# Split also removes the characters
# Start by converting - to _, then splitting on _
l = text.replace('-','_').split('_')
# No text left after splitting
if not len(l):
return ""
# Break the list into two parts
first = l[0]
rest = l[1:]
return first + ''.join(word.capitalize() for word in rest)
And our result:
print to_camel_case("hello-world")
Gives helloWorld
This method is quite flexible, and can even handle cases like "hello_world-how_are--you--", which could be difficult using regex if you're new to it.
