How to print Array with quotation marks in epp? - puppet

Given the hiera list (example values):
- 'host1:8080'
- 'host2:8080'
When using ERB template, this code:
<% #simplekey.sort.each do |key, value| -%>
<%= key %>: <%= value %>,
<% end -%>
results in
hosts: ["host1:8080", "host2:8080"],
When migrating the code to EPP, a similar code:
<% $simplekey.each |$key, $value| { -%>
<%= $key %>: <%= $value %>,
<% } -%>
results in (notice the missing quotation marks):
hosts: [host1:8080, host2:8080],
Is there any way I can print the hosts array with quotation marks?
Puppet version: 6.23.0

Super simple - just put the quotes in the EPP:
<% $simplekey.each |$key, $value| { -%>
"<%= $key %>": <%= $value %>,
<% } -%>


How to render data in groups to ejs

I want to display data that has been grouped into the EJS?
I have the following data:
"results": {
"Angular CLI": [
"category_name": "Angular CLI",
"article_title": "Mengenal Framework Angular CLI"
"Tips dan Trik": [
"category_name": "Tips dan Trik",
"article_title": "Tutorial : Cara Membuat Repositori Github Private"
"category_name": "Tips dan Trik",
"article_title": "Mengenal Fitur Media Query pada CSS"
Following on the EJS file:
<% results.forEach(function(data) { %>
<p><%= data %></p>
<% }); %>
But it does not display data at all.
Dear all, thank you for giving some explanation. So that I can find a solution to this problem.
<% for (let category in results) { %>
<b><%= category %></b>
<% results[category].forEach((data, key) => { %>
<p><%= data.article_title %></p>
<% }) %>
<% } %>
Provided your object is something like this below
var obj = {"results": {
"Angular CLI": [
"category_name": "Angular CLI",
"article_title": "Mengenal Framework Angular CLI"
"Tips dan Trik": [
"category_name": "Tips dan Trik",
"article_title": "Tutorial : Cara Membuat Repositori Github Private"
"category_name": "Tips dan Trik",
"article_title": "Mengenal Fitur Media Query pada CSS"
As your obj.results is object and not array, you could iterate through all properties of obj.results object and display values like this
<% for (var prop in obj.results) { %>
<p><%= prop%> : <%= results[prop] %></p>
<% }); %>
Let me know if I misunderstood your issue

how can I loop through this referenced data (tagged episode) in ejs

I basically want to display the episodes nested in tvSeason which is also nested in seriesMovie
<% seriesMovie.tvSeasons.forEach(function(tvSeason) { %>
<%= tvSeason["episodes"].episode_number %>
<% }) %>
"tvSeasons" : [
"season_id" : "4321",
"episode_count" : "22",
"season_number" : "1",
"overview" : "nothing",
"image_path" : "grey.jpg",
"release_date" : "2005-12-24",
"episodes" : [
"episode_id" : "4553",
"episode_number" : "1",
"episode_title" : "rage",
"image_path" : "rey.jpg",
"video_path" : "rom.mp4",
"episode_runtime" : "42"
episode_number is not defined
Why doesn't it work ?
It seems that episodes is an array... So if you want to access the first episode, just indicate the episode[0] ...
<% seriesMovie.tvSeasons.forEach(function(tvSeason) { %>
<%= tvSeason["episodes"][0].episode_number %>
<% }) %>
Because "episodes" is a list holding objects. You should first access the element you want in that list then call episode number upon that. Somethin like this

How can I pass a dynamic value to another component in twig/ craft cms?

I need the title to show the (current date - 1)
When I hard code a value eg "17"
This is where the component is displaying (in index)
{% include 'home/key-facts' with {
content: {
keyFactsHeading: entry.keyFactsHeading,
keyFacts: entry.keyFacts,
keyFactsSmall: entry.keyFactsSmall,
Which is this file here --->
This is how I've included the date
{% include '_components/bg-type' with {
content: {
title: {{ "now"|date('Y') - 1 }}
} only %}
I am passing content.title into here --->
<div class="bg-type">
<div class="bg-type__text bg-type--large">
{{ content.title }}
When hardcoding the value as below it works fine but when I add
title: {{ "now"|date('Y') - 1}} I get a 500 error.
{% include '_components/bg-type' with {
content: {
title: 17
} only %}
Why is this? Can you also explain why what I'm trying doesn't work?
I've tried dumping {{ "now"|date('Y') - 1}} and I can see the year I want
The {{ ... }} notation is used to output data. In this case you only want to pass data towards an include. Notice you already inside a twig-statement, {% include .... %}
The correct syntax would be
{% include '_components/bg-type' with {
content: {
title: "now"|date('Y') - 1,
} only %}

ejs forEach function not working for json data in node

forEach is not a function when I am iterating json file in ejs using nodejs giving some error while iterating.. below is three section what i have done in .ejs file, json and nodeJS
Here is my JSON Data
"MenuName": "Main Menu Here",
"widget": {
"window": {
"data": "Click Here",
"title": "Sample Konfabulator Widget",
"name": "main_window",
"width": 500,
"height": 500
"window": {
"data": "Click Here",
"src": "Images/Sun.png",
"name": "sun1",
"hOffset": 250,
"vOffset": 250,
"alignment": "center"
"window": {
"data": "Click Here",
"size": 36,
"style": "bold",
"name": "text1",
"hOffset": 250,
"vOffset": 100,
"alignment": "center",
"onMouseUp": "sun1.opacity = (sun1.opacity / 100) * 90;"
This is my ejs
<title><%= title %></title>
<h1> My Name Is <%= title %></h1>
<h1> My Name Is <%= printIt.MenuName %></h1>
<% printIt.widget.forEach(function(item){%>
<% }); %>
in NodeJS
app.locals.printIt = require("./sample.json");
I can able to print
My Name Is <%= title %> and My Name Is <%= printIt.MenuName %>
What i missed here..?
First of all, your JSON data will keep only single record of widget window and which is last one. Because window key will overwrite previous hold value.
Update your script with this one
<% for(var item in printIt.widget){%>
<li><%= printIt.widget[item].data%></li>
<% } %>
Hope this will help to solve your query !!

filter.commentAfter by Emmet in Sublime Text 3 not work

In Emmet by ST3, I tried to customize a little comment after giving tab when creating a label, for example #div or .span
I read that this was a solution in the settings of Emmet (Emmet.sublime-settings):
"preferences": {
"filter.commentAfter" : "<!-- <%= attr('id', '#') %> <%= attr('class', '.') %> -->",
"filter.commentBefore" : "<!-- <%= attr('id', '#') %> <%= attr('class', '.') %> -->"
But not work. Please Help
In your User/Emmet.sublime-settings file make sure you have your structure like this
"preferences": {
"filter.commentAfter" : "<!-- <%= attr('id', '#') %> <%= attr('class', '.') %> -->",
"filter.commentBefore" : "<!-- <%= attr('id', '#') %> <%= attr('class', '.') %> -->"
and it should work.
Make sure you dont forget about the |c at the end
As an extra if you want to automatically add the c filter you should set your syntaxProfiles to something like this
"preferences": {
"syntaxProfiles": {
"html" : {
// auto add the comments
"filters": "html,c"
make sure it's on the same level as preferences
