Capturing Outlook address with Excel VBA - excel

I've a custom VBA function in Excel that's supposed to pick up the associated Office user's email address. It triggers arbitrarily for some users - sometimes it works, other times it doesn't.
My end-users aren't all on the latest version of Excel, but this is the only VBA function that's causing trouble. For affected users it tends to work more the first time they open the file, and then goes inert on subsequent opens.
Function UserName() As String
Dim OL As Object, olAllUsers As Object, oExchUser As Object, oentry As Object, myitem As Object
Dim User As String
Set OL = CreateObject("outlook.application")
Set olAllUsers = OL.Session.AddressLists.Item("All Users").AddressEntries
User = OL.Session.CurrentUser.Name
Set oentry = olAllUsers.Item(User)
Set oExchUser = oentry.GetExchangeUser()
UserName = oExchUser.PrimarySmtpAddress
End Function
I tried some solutions from the web to no avail, as well as trying to force the cell to recalculate, but it seems that for impacted users once the function has decided it doesn't do anything, recalculation is irrelevant.

The code can be simplified a bit:
Function UserName() As String
Dim OL As Object, oExchUser As Object, oentry As Object, myitem As Object
Dim User As String
Set OL = CreateObject("outlook.application")
' use NameSpace.Logon if required
Set oentry = OL.Session.CurrentUser.AddressEntry
' here you can also check whether it is an Exchange account
Set oExchUser = oentry.GetExchangeUser()
UserName = oExchUser.PrimarySmtpAddress
End Function


Pulling e-mail addresses into excel with VBA from outlook

At work I have two e-mail accounts in outlook. One is an individual e-mail and the other is a general department e-mail.
How would I use VBA to get excel to access the general e-mail and pull the sender of each e-mail into a string? I need to iterate over each e-mail in the inbox ignoring e-mails in any sub folders.
Here's the code I've written so far. Hopefully I'm at least on the right track.
Public Sub test()
Dim emailApp As Outlook.Application, emailNamespace As Outlook.Namespace
Dim oFolder As MAPIFolder, oMail As Outlook.MailItem
Dim iSelect As Outlook.AccountSelector, iBox As Outlook.Account
Dim tEmailAddress As String
Set emailApp = New Outlook.Application
Set emailNamespace = OutlookApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set oFolder = emailNamespace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
'I think im on the right track here.......
Set iBox = iSelect.SelectedAccount
For Each oMail In oFolder.Items
tEmailAddress = oMail.SenderEmailAddress
'Do other stuff for the project.........
End Sub
EDIT: Posting a completed code sample for the next person who is having this problem.
Public Sub test()
Dim emailApplication As Outlook.Application, emailAccounts As Outlook.Accounts
Dim emailAccount As Outlook.Account, tAccount As Outlook.Account
Dim emailStore As Outlook.Store, emailInbox As Outlook.Folder, tMail As Variant
Set emailApplication = New Outlook.Application
Set emailAccounts = emailApplication.Session.Accounts
For Each tAccount In emailAccounts
If tAccount.DisplayName = "" Then: Set emailAccount = tAccount
Set emailStore = emailAccount.DeliveryStore
Set emailInbox = emailStore.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
On Error Resume Next
For Each tMail In emailInbox.Items
Debug.Print tMail.SenderEmailAddress
End Sub
The following code is not required:
'I think im on the right track here.......
Set iBox = iSelect.SelectedAccount
Instead, you may just rely on the GetDefaultFolder method which allows retrieving default folders (from the delivery store):
Set oFolder = emailNamespace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
If you need to choose a specific store in the profile you may find the required account by using the Namespace.Accounts property which returns an Accounts collection object that represents all the Account objects in the current profile. The Account.DeliveryStore property returns a Store object that represents the default delivery store for the account. The Store.GetDefaultFolder method returns a Folder object that represents the default folder in the store and that is of the type specified by the FolderType argument. This method is similar to the GetDefaultFolder method of the NameSpace object. The difference is that this method gets the default folder on the delivery store that is associated with the account, whereas NameSpace.GetDefaultFolder returns the default folder on the default store for the current profile.
I need to iterate over each e-mail in the inbox ignoring e-mails in any sub folders.
The current folder is processed only when you deal with Folder.Items collection.

Look through 2 outlook root folders in Excel with VBA

I have managed to get access to the items in 2 folders in Outlook from Excel by using VBA, but now I want to search for the email address in both aI know how to search each one individually, but once, and sort for the most recent one. The piece I am stuck on is how to look through both folders at once.
I am using Microsoft Office 2016
Obviously, this dummy line does not do the trick: Set olJoinedFldr = olCleanUp + olFldr
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Dim olApp As Outlook.Application 'set app
Dim olNs As Object 'get namespace
Dim olFldr As Outlook.Folder 'to be the inbox
Dim olArchive As Outlook.Folder 'the archive folder
Dim olCleanUp As Outlook.Folder ' the archive subfolder we need
Dim olJoinedFldr As Object 'the to be made joined object to filter....
Dim olItems As Object 'filtered items based on search criteria
Dim olItemReply As Object 'the reply mail
Dim i As Long
Dim emailStr As String
Dim filter As String
Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set olNs = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set olFldr = olNs.GetDefaultFolder(6) ' olFolderInbox
Set olArchive = olNs.Folders(CStr(olNs.Accounts.Item(1))) 'find email of current user
Set olCleanUp = olArchive.Folders("Archive").Folders("Cleanup") ' get the archive sub folder
Set olJoinedFldr = olCleanUp + olFldr
Set emailStr = ""
filter = "[SenderEmailAddress] = """ & emailStr & """" 'this is the email from person x we are searching for in the 2 folders
' from here on it is currently searching just 1 folder
Set olItems = olFldr.Items.Restrict(filter) 'filter the items
olItems.Sort "[ReceivedTime]", True 'sort by date
If olItems.Count > 0 Then
For i = 1 To olItems.Count
If olItems(i).Class = 43 Then
Set olItemReply = olItems(i).ReplyAll
With olItemReply
.HTMLBody = "<p Dear someone, <br><br></p>" & .HTMLBody
End With
Exit For
End If
' have code here to make a brand new email already
End If
Set olApp = Nothing
Set olNs = Nothing
Set olFldr = Nothing
Set olArchive = Nothing
Set olCleanUp = Nothing
Set olJoinedFldr = Nothing
Set olItems = Nothing
Set olItemReply = Nothing
Set i = Nothing
Set emailStr = Nothing
Set filter = Nothing
End Sub
You cannot search through two (or more) folders unless you create a Search object using Application.AdvancedSearch. Even then, it is a PITA to work with - the search is asynchronous, and you would need to use events to figure out when the search is completed.
You'd be better off searching one folder at a time and combining the results (if necessary) in your code.
You need to use the AdvancedSearch method of the Application class. The key benefits of using the AdvancedSearch method in Outlook are:
The search is performed in another thread. You don’t need to run another thread manually since the AdvancedSearch method runs it automatically in the background.
Possibility to search for any item types: mail, appointment, calendar, notes etc. in any location, i.e. beyond the scope of a certain folder. The Restrict and Find/FindNext methods can be applied to a particular Items collection (see the Items property of the Folder class in Outlook).
Full support for DASL queries (custom properties can be used for searching too). You can read more about this in the Filtering article in MSDN. To improve the search performance, Instant Search keywords can be used if Instant Search is enabled for the store (see the IsInstantSearchEnabled property of the Store class).
You can stop the search process at any moment using the Stop method of the Search class.
Read more about this method in the Advanced search in Outlook programmatically: C#, VB.NET article.

VBA - How do I specify the Inbox instead of using my inbox?

In my excel spreadsheet I have column A and column B. In column A I have email addresses, in column B I have unique variables. The code below is designed to look into an inbox, compare if any of the subject lines match the unique variable in column B and if they do then forward the email to the email address from column A of that unique variable. This is the code currently:
Public Sub Forward_Email(findSubjectLike As String, forwardToEmailAddresses As String)
Dim NSession As Object
Dim NMailDb As Object
Dim NViewObj As Object
Dim NInboxView As Object
Dim NDocument As Object
Dim NUIWorkspace As Object
Dim NUIDocument As Object
Dim NFwdUIDocument As Object
Set NSession = CreateObject("Lotus.NotesSession")
Call NSession.Initialize("password")
Set NUIWorkspace = CreateObject("Notes.NotesUIWorkspace")
Set NMailDb = NSession.GetDatabase("", "TEST.nsf")
Set NViewObj = NMailDb.GetView("Inbox")
Set NDocument = Find_Document(NInboxView, findSubjectLike)
If Not NDocument Is Nothing Then
Set NUIDocument = NUIWorkspace.EditDocument(False, NDocument)
Set NFwdUIDocument = NUIWorkspace.CurrentDocument
Sleep 100
NFwdUIDocument.GoToField "To"
Sleep 100
NFwdUIDocument.InsertText forwardToEmailAddresses
NFwdUIDocument.GoToField "Body"
NFwdUIDocument.InsertText "This email was forwarded at " & Now
NFwdUIDocument.InsertText vbLf
Set NUIDocument = NUIWorkspace.CurrentDocument
Sleep 100
Loop While NUIDocument Is Nothing
MsgBox vbCrLf & findSubjectLike & vbCrLf & "not found in Inbox"
End If
Set NUIDocument = Nothing
Set NFwdUIDocument = Nothing
Set NDocument = Nothing
Set NMailDb = Nothing
Set NUIWorkspace = Nothing
Set NSession = Nothing
End Sub
Private Function Find_Document(NView As Object, findSubjectLike As String) As Object
Dim NThisDoc As Object
Dim thisSubject As String
Set Find_Document = Nothing
Set NThisDoc = NView.GetFirstDocument
While Not NThisDoc Is Nothing And Find_Document Is Nothing
thisSubject = NThisDoc.GetItemValue("Subject")(0)
If LCase(thisSubject) = LCase(findSubjectLike) Then Set Find_Document = NThisDoc
Set NThisDoc = NView.GetNextDocument(NThisDoc)
End Function
The issue is that now the code looks within the user inbox of the logged in user (in this case being me). I have another inbox open (lets call it TEST) am I able to specify this code to view the information from the open TEST inbox instead. Right now it compares the information from my inbox with TEST as it triggers the error line "not found in inbox".
What it does currently is it looks for the unique variable within my finds it, then tries to compare with TEST for that subject line to forward it. I want it to both look in TEST and then compare with TEST.
You state "The issue is that now the code looks within the user inbox of the logged in use". It doesn't. It uses NSession.CurrentDatabase,, and your NotesSession is loaded into VBA using the Notes OLE classes. It's the OLE classes becuase you are using Notes.NotesSession instead of Lotus.NotesSesion. In the COM classes, that are loaded if you use Lotus.NotesSession., the CurrentDatabase property isn't defined. In the OLE classes, I honestly don't know what the expected behavior is in the OLE classes, but I know for sure that you can't rely on the current database always being the current user's mailbox database.
In any case, if you want to access another user's Inbox, first you have to open that user's mailbox database. To do that, you have to know what server that mailbox database is on, and what the path to the mailbox is on that server. You do that by writing code to read that information from that user's Person document in the Domino Directory, or you can put that information into your spreadsheet for each user. With that, you can use NotesSession.GetDatabase, open the database, and access it more or less the way you are accessing your own mailbox database.

How to retrieve current user's Outlook email address with late binding?

I was trying to figure out how to use late binding in an excel module to retrieve the current user's email address for 'auto-emailing' upon execution of a macro.
I'll post the solution below. I am using Excel 2010 but it works on 2013 as well.
Dim OL, olAllUsers, oExchUser, oentry, myitem As Object
Dim User As String
Set OL = CreateObject("outlook.application")
Set olAllUsers = OL.Session.AddressLists.Item("All Users").AddressEntries
User = OL.Session.CurrentUser.Name
Set oentry = olAllUsers.Item(User)
Set oExchUser = oentry.GetExchangeUser()
msgbox oExchUser.PrimarySmtpAddress

Exporting Outlook Email information to Excel Workbook

I receive an automated email message (in Outlook) every time a room is reserved in a scheduling system but then have to go over and mirror that reservation in another system (which necessitates checking each reservation for specific information and searching through the inbox). I am trying to determine if there is a way to pull the information from the message section (I have found some code that pulls the date received, and subject line as well as read status, but cannot determine how to pull the message body information that I need)
The code that I am running is courtesy of Jie Jenn:
Sub ListOutlookEmailInfoinExcel()
Dim olNS As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim olTaskFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim olTask As Outlook.TaskItem
Dim olItems As Outlook.Items
Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Dim xlWB As Excel.Workbook
Dim x As Long
Dim arrHeaders As Variant
Set olNS = GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set olTaskFolder = olNS.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
Set olItems = olTaskFolder.Items
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
xlApp.Visible = True
Set xlWB = xlApp.Workbooks.Add
On Error Resume Next
x = 2
arrHeaders = Array("Date Created", "Date Recieved", "Subject", "Unread?")
xlWB.Worksheets(1).Range("A1").Resize(1, UBound(arrHeaders)).Value = ""
With xlWB.Worksheets(1)
If Not (olItems(x).Subjects = "" And olItems(x).CreationTime = "") Then
.Range("A1").Resize(1, UBound(arrHeaders) + 1) = arrHeaders
.Cells(x, 1).Value = olItems(x).CreationTime
.Cells(x, 2).Value = olItems(x).ReceivedTime
.Cells(x, 3).Value = olItems(x).Subject
.Cells(x, 4).Value = olItems(x).UnRead
x = x + 1
End If
End With
Loop Until x >= olItems.Count + 1
Set olNS = Nothing
Set olTaskFolder = Nothing
Set olItems = Nothing
Set xlApp = Nothing
Set xlWB = Nothing
End Sub
With the above code, I get a readout of the Subject line, the date created/received and whether or not it has been read. I am trying to see if I can, in addition, get some of the unique string data within the message itself. The format of the emails that I receive is as follows:
Message-ID: sample info
User: test
Content1: test
Content2: test
Content3: test
Please submit a service request if you are receiving this message in error.
-Notice of NEW Room Request
Sponsored By:
Event Type: Meeting
Event Title: Test
Date of Reservation: 2015-12-02
Room: 150
From: 13:00
To: 14:00
The information will vary with each request, but I was wondering if anyone had any idea on how to capture the unique strings that will come through so that I can keep a log of the requests that is much faster than the current manual entry and double-checks?
As requested in follow up, the following code splits the message body into individual lines of information. A couple of notes: I copied your message exactly from your post, then searched for "Notice of NEW Room Request". Needless to say, this string should always start the block of information that you need. If it varies, then we have to account for the type of messages that may come through. Also, you may have to test how your message body breaks up individual lines. When I copied and pasted your message into Excel, each line break was 2 line feeds (Chr(10) in VBA). In some cases, it may be only one line feed. Or it can be a Carriage Return (Chr(13)), or even both.
Without further ado, see the code below and let us know of questions.
Sub SplitBody()
Dim sBody As String
Dim sBodyLines() As String
sBody = Range("A1").Value
sBodyLines() = Split(Mid(sBody, InStr(sBody, "Notice of NEW Room Request"), Len(sBody)), Chr(10) & Chr(10))
For i = LBound(sBodyLines) To UBound(sBodyLines)
MsgBox (sBodyLines(i))
Next i
End Sub
Below is an example connecting to an Outlook session, navigating to the default Inbox, then looping through items and adding unread emails to the spreadsheet. See if you can modify the code to your needs, and post back if specific help is needed.
Sub LinkToOutlook()
Dim olApp As Object
Dim olNS As Object
Dim olFolderInbox As Object
Dim rOutput As Range
Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set olNS = olApp.getNamespace("MAPI")
Set olFolderInbox = olNS.GetDefaultFolder(6) 'Gets the default inbox folder
Set rOutput = Sheet1.Range("A1")
For Each itm In olFolderInbox.items
If itm.unread = True Then 'check if it has already been read
rOutput.Value = itm.body
Set rOutput = rOutput.Offset(1)
End If
Next itm
End Sub
Alternatively, you can write code in Outlook directly that looks for new mail arrival, and from there, you can test if it meets your criteria, and if it does, it can write to Excel. Here's a link to get you started. Post back for added help.
Using VBA to read new Outlook Email?
