How to add compressed scripts in Rust-Rocket? - rust

I'm new in Rust and Rocket. I mount my static files in Rocket as follows:
.mount("/", StaticFiles::new("static", options))
It works good for images or styles but it's not quite what I expect from adding of scripts. I want to use compressed script files like *.js.gz instead of *.js. The HTML that links the script looks like:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/index.js.gz"></script>
How can I add headers to response in order to allow the use of compressed scripts? I assume I shouldn't use rocket_contrib::serve::StaticFiles for script files here.
In ASP.NET Core I do this as follows:
app.UseStaticFiles(new StaticFileOptions
OnPrepareResponse = content =>
if (!content.File.Name.EndsWith(".js.gz")) return;
content.Context.Response.Headers["Content-Type"] = "text/javascript";
content.Context.Response.Headers["Content-Encoding"] = "gzip";
Is there the same way for Rust-Rocket? Thanks!


React: add HTML from generic file path at server-side build time

The use case I'm trying to fulfill:
Admin adds SVG along with new content in CMS, specifying in the CMS which svg goes with which content
CMS commits change to git (Netlify CMS)
Static site builds again
SVG is added inline so that it can be styled and/or animated according to the component in which it occurs
Now - I can't figure out a clean way to add the SVG inline. My logic tells me - everything is available at build time (the svgs are in repo), so I should be able to simply inline the svgs. But I don't know how to generically tell React about an svg based on variables coming from the CMS content. I can import the svg directly using svgr/weback, but then I need to know the file name while coding, which I don't since it's coming from the CMS. I can load the svg using fs.readFileSync, but then the SVG gets lost when react executes client-side.
I added my current solution as an answer, but it's very hacky. Please tell me there's a better way to do this with react!
Here is my current solution, but it's randomly buggy in dev mode and doesn't seem to play well with next.js <Link /> prefetching (I still need to debug this):
I. Server-Side Rendering
Read SVG file path from CMS data (Markdown files)
Load SVG using fs.readFileSync()
Sanitize and add the SVG in React
II. Client-Side Rendering
Initial Get:/URL response contains the SVGs (ssr worked as intended)
Read the SVGs out of the DOM using HTMLElement.outerHTML
When React wants to render the SVG which it doesn't have, pass it the SVG from the DOM
Here is the code.
import reactParse from "html-react-parser";
import DOMPurify from "isomorphic-dompurify";
import * as fs from "fs";
const svgs = {}; // { urlPath: svgCode }
const createServerSide = (urlPath) => {
let path = "./public" + urlPath;
let svgCode = DOMPurify.sanitize(fs.readFileSync(path));
// add id to find the SVG client-side
// the Unique identifier is the filepath for the svg in the git repository
svgCode = svgCode.replace("<svg", `<svg id="${urlPath}"`);
svgs[urlPath] = svgCode;
const readClientSide = (urlPath) => {
let svgElement = document.getElementById(urlPath);
let svgCode = svgElement.outerHTML;
svgs[urlPath] = svgCode;
const registerSVG = (urlPath) => {
if (typeof window === "undefined") {
} else {
return true;
const inlineSVGFromCMS = (urlPath) => {
if (!svgs[urlPath]) {
return reactParse(svgs[urlPath]);
export default inlineSVGFromCMS;

Unable to load css referenced assets with wkwebview

Swift 5 wkwebview appears to ignore requests for relative files from css referenced assets / images / fonts. inline nor .css files work.
This happens regardless if using the local bundle paths or a website stored in its own folder in the app documents.
Javascript runs fine, however all relative file calls in css fail.
I've set the baseURL to the appropriate folder, and many direct-linked files work fine. Just not css relative pathed referenced assets.
Background images and fonts do not load when referenced in a css file using relative file paths, example:
background-image: url("images/background.jpg");
background-image: url("/images/background.jpg");
All relative referenced files fail from css calls. Checked via safari debug of the application.
In the main bundle I have an www folder where the following folder structure is:
www/index.html ( references all support files relative path - works )
www/css/style.css ( references image and font assets relative path - fails )
www/fonts/ { various fonts }
This exact folder is also copied to the app's document folder to test loading from the documents folder over a main bundle resource folder. Both fail.
I've tested and verified the above web app using a node http server, no issues.
In both cases, the actual HTML loads, and relative path javascript and css files load, javascript runs fine, however all files referenced within the style.css in relative path form do not load.
Using safari on the emulated iOS device I can see the working files that are referenced are given a system file reference for loading instead of relative paths, re:
file:///Users/{ username }/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/ {...device serial number... }/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/{ ... application serial ... }/
However the failed .css referenced files are referenced as:
So baseURL doesn't seem to work or is ignored?
Example funcs - both do not work regarding this issue:
func loadLocalURL(refDir: String, entryPt: String, ext: String, param: String? = nil) -> Void {
let sUrl: String = entryPt + (param != nil ? "/?\(String(describing: param))" : "")
do {
let url = Bundle.main.url(
forResource: sUrl,
withExtension: ext,
subdirectory: refDir)
if (url != nil) {
let request = URLRequest(url: url!)
} else {
print("FAILED. URL: \(refDir)/\(sUrl).\(ext)")
} catch {
print("ERROR LOADING APP AT \(refDir)\(sUrl)\nerror: \(error) ")
func loadLocalDocsURL(url: URL, entryPoint: String) {
let folderURL = url.deletingPathExtension()
let htmlPath = folderURL.appendingPathComponent(entryPoint).path
let folderPath = folderURL.path
let baseUrl = URL(fileURLWithPath: folderPath, isDirectory: true)
let htmlURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: htmlPath, isDirectory: false)
self.webView.allowsBackForwardNavigationGestures = false
// self.webView.loadFileURL(htmlURL, allowingReadAccessTo: baseUrl) // Same asset relative path problem
self.webView.loadHTMLString(try! String(contentsOf: htmlURL), baseURL: htmlURL.deletingLastPathComponent()) // same relative path app problem
self.view = self.webView
Per documentation I expect that once a baseURL is set, the relative path requests should service just as if it were served via http service.

Using jsrender to render and return a pdf-file from jsreport

How to pass jsrender template to jsreport?
jsreport content section requires html. How can I use that jsrender template in jsreport content section
var jsreport = require('jsreport');
// Require the jsrender node module
var jsrender = require('jsrender');
// Load a template
var tmpl = jsrender.templates('./personTemplate.html');
// Render
var html = tmpl.render({data: 'hello'});
// Generating PDF file using jsreport
template: {
content: ,
engine: "jsrender",
recipe: "phantom-pdf"
jsreport will compile and render jsrender template for you. You are suppose to pass the template string to content.
template: {
//content: '{{:foo}}'
content: fs.readFileSync('personTemplate.html'),
engine: "jsrender",
recipe: "phantom-pdf",
data: { 'foo': 'hello' }
If you want compile and render the template on your own, you can set the engine to none and provide final html to the content.
As you know the content for the Jsreport is .html file. So first you have to read the .html file using your server side code and pass that as the content for your jsreport.
Let me assume that you are using c# as your server side and your content.html file(template) is in the location like this.
string _contentPath = #"D:/WF/DemoApp/Templates/content.html";
now let's read the file content as following.
public string ReadContent()
return File.ReadAllText(_contentPath);
Now pass the the content in Jsreport as following.
template: {
content: ReadContent(),
engine: "jsrender",
recipe: "phantom-pdf"
This is what I have done and fixed the similar issue in my project.
Further Read the article about Getting Started with JsReport for more Information.

How to serve rendered Jade pages as if they were static HTML pages in Node Express?

Usually you render a Jade page in a route like this:
app.get('/page', function(req, res, next){
But I want to serve all Jade pages (automatically rendered), just like how one would serve static HTML
Is there a way to do something similar for Jade?
"static" means sending existing files unchanged directly from disk to the browser. Jade can be served this way but that is pretty unusual. Usually you want to render jade to HTML on the server which by definition is not "static", it's dynamic. You do it like this:
app.get('/home', function (req, res) {
res.render('home'); // will render home.jade and send the HTML
If you want to serve the jade itself for rendering in the browser, just reference it directly in the url when loading it into the browser like:
$.get('/index.jade', function (jade) {
Assume the following structure of your project:
Let's make jade files from /views/partials web accessable:
var jadeStatic = require('connect-jade-static');
app = express();
app.configure(function() {
baseDir: path.join(__dirname, '/views/partials'),
baseUrl: '/partials',
jade: { pretty: true }
Now, if you start your web server and request /views/partials/file.html in browser you
should be able see the compiled jade template.
Connect-jade-static is good, but not the perfect solution for me.
To begin with, here are the reasons why I needed jade:
My app is a single page app, there are no HTMLs generated from templates at runtime. Yet, I am using jade to generate HTML files because:
Mixins: lots of repeated / similar code in my HTML is shortened by the use of mixins
Dropdowns: I know, lots of people use ng-repeat to fill the options in a select box. This is a waste of CPU when the list is static, e.g., list of countries. The right thing to do is have the select options filled in within the HTML or partial. But then, a long list of options makes the HTML / jade hard to read. Also, very likely, the list of countries is already available elsewhere, and it doesn’t make sense to duplicate this list.
So, I decided to generate most of my HTML partials using jade at build time. But, this became a pain during development, because of the need to re-build HTMLs when the jade file changes. Yes, I could have used connect-jade-static, but I really don’t want to generate the HTMLs at run time — they are indeed static files.
So, this is what I did:
Added a 'use' before the usual use of express.static
Within this, I check for the timestamps of jade and the corresponding html file
If the jade file is newer, regenerate the html file
Call next() after the regeneration, or immediately, if regeneration is not required.
next() will fall-through to express.static, where the generated HTML will be served
Wrap the ‘use’ around a “if !production” condition, and in the build scripts, generate all the HTML files required.
This way, I can also use all the goodies express.static (like custom headers) provides and still use jade to generate these.
Some code snippets:
var express = require('express');
var fs = require('fs')
var jade = require('jade');
var urlutil = require('url');
var pathutil = require('path');
var countries = require('./countries.js');
var staticDir = 'static'; // really static files like .css and .js
var staticGenDir = 'static.gen'; // generated static files, like .html
var staticSrcDir = 'static.src'; // source for generated static files, .jade
if (process.argv[2] != 'prod') {
app.use(‘/static', function(req, res, next) {
var u = urlutil.parse(req.url);
if (pathutil.extname(u.pathname) == '.html') {
var basename = u.pathname.split('.')[0];
var htmlFile = staticGenDir + basename + '.html';
var jadeFile = staticSrcDir + basename + '.jade';
var hstat = fs.existsSync(htmlFile) ? fs.statSync(htmlFile) : null;
var jstat = fs.existsSync(jadeFile) ? fs.statSync(jadeFile) : null;
if ( jstat && (!hstat || (jstat.mtime.getTime() > hstat.mtime.getTime())) ) {
var out = jade.renderFile(jadeFile, {pretty: true, countries: countries});
fs.writeFile(htmlFile, out, function() {
} else {
} else {
app.use('/static', express.static(staticDir)); // serve files from really static if exists
app.use('/static', express.static(staticGenDir)); // if not, look in generated static dir
In reality, I have a js file containing not just countries, but various other lists shared between node, javascript and jade.
Hope this helps someone looking for an alternative.

How to use Node.js to build pages that are a mix between static and dynamic content?

All pages on my 5 page site should be output using a Node.js server.
Most of the page content is static. At the bottom of each page, there is a bit of dynamic content.
My node.js code currently looks like:
var http = require('http');
http.createServer(function (request, response) {
console.log('request starting...');
response.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/html' });
var html = '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>My Title</title></head><body>';
html += 'Some more static content';
html += 'Some more static content';
html += 'Some more static content';
html += 'Some dynamic content';
html += '</body></html>';
response.end(html, 'utf-8');
I'm sure there are numerous things wrong about this example. Please enlighten me!
For example:
How can I add static content to the
page without storing it in a string as a variable value with += numerous times?
What is the best practices way to build a small site in Node.js where all pages are a mix between static and dynamic content?
Personally, I'd use a server that has higher level constructs. For instance, take a look at the expressjs framework -
The constructs you'll be interested in from this package are:
Truly static files (assets etc): app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));
A templating language such as jade, mustache, etc:
You'll want to look up 'locals' and 'partials' for embedding small bits of dynamic content in mostly static content
For example in jade:
!!! 5
title= pageTitle
if (foo) {
h1 Jade - node template engine
- if (youAreUsingJade)
p You are amazing
- else
p Get on it!
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<script type="text/javascript">
if (foo) {
<h1>Jade - node template engine</h1>
<div id="container">
<p>You are amazing</p>
If you prefer something a little less drastic I would say look at mustache or one of the other engines that looks a bit more like regular-sauce html.
Alternative you can just use jsDOM. This means you have a DOM object you can manipulate on the server to add your dynamic content, then you can just flush the DOM as a HTML file / string
These days the answer is not so straightforward.
If you don't need to be indexed by Google, consider making a single-page application using and client-side templates such as jQuery Templates. There are even emerging node.js frameworks for this type of architecture, e.g. socketstream.
If you need to be indexed by Google, do you need your dynamic content to be indexed? If yes,
consider using express and server-side templates such as ejs, jade or mustache. Another (discouraged) approach might be to generate XML from JSON on server and use an XSLT front-end.
If you need only static content to be indexed, consider using express on server, but don't generate any dynamic HTML on server. Instead, send your dynamic content in JSON format to client using AJAX or, and render it using client-side templates such as jQuery Templates.
Don't consider server-side DOM: DOM doesn't scale for complex layouts, you will sink in a sea of selectors and DOM calls. Even client-side developers understood that and implemented client-side templates. A new promising approach is weld library. It offers best of both worlds, but it is not mature yet to be used in production (e.g. simple things like conditional rendering are not supported yet).
One good way is to use a templating engine. You can store the templates as separate files, and the templating engine has the ability to make the content dynamic. Personally I use yajet ( which is written for the web but works fine with node, and there are numerous template engines for node on npm.
One of the best things I found is to use NodeJS, Express and Mustache...
You can create your HTML pages as you normally would using Mustache syntax for placeholders for your variables {{name}}...
When a user hits your site, express routs the slug to the correct template...
NodeJS get's the file...
NodeJS get's the dataset from a DB...
Run it through Mustache on the server...
Send the completed page to the client...
Here is a scaled back version I wrote on my blog. It's simple but the idea is pretty sound. I use it to quickly deploy pages on my site.
I went this route because I didn't want to learn all of the extra syntax to write a language I already knew (html). It makes more sense and follows more of a true MVC pattern.
First deliver only static HTML files from server to the client. Then use something like AJAX / to serve the dynamic content. IMO Jade is really ugly for writing HTML code and its better to use a template engine.
I did some Google and found some code by this fellow, its good if you are doing it for PoC / learning.
var server = require('./server');
var controller = require("./controller");
var urlResponseHandlers = require("./urlResponseHandlers");
var handle = {};
handle["/"] = urlResponseHandlers.fetch;
handle["/fetch"] = urlResponseHandlers.fetch;
handle["/save"] =;
server.start(controller.dispatch, handle);
Here is how the logic for handling URLs is displayed -
var staticHandler = require('./staticHandler');
function dispatch(handler, pathname, req, res) {
console.log("About to dispatch a request for " + pathname);
var content = "Hey " + pathname;
if (typeof handler[pathname] === 'function') {
content += handler[pathname](req);
res.writeHead(200, {
'Content-Type': 'text/html'
} else {
console.log("No request handler found for " + pathname);
staticHandler.handleStatic(pathname, res);
Here is how static files can be handled -
function handleStatic(pageUrl, response) {
var filename = path.join(process.cwd(), pageUrl);
path.exists(filename, function (exists) {
if (!exists) {
console.log("not exists: " + filename);
response.writeHead(404, {
'Content-Type': 'text/html'
response.write('404 Not Found\n');
//Do not send Content type, browser will pick it up.
var fileStream = fs.createReadStream(filename);
fileStream.on('end', function () {
exports.handleStatic = handleStatic;
I liked the idea. All code copied from this link!
A solution have found to this, without using any other modules and or other script is to make the calling script into a module and include it with the function require().
With this solution I can use javascript which ever way I want
What I would do is make an ajax call to a nodejs script (
script.js would need to be built like a module with the exports.functionName=function(){...}
After that include it in your webserver function require(pathToTheScript).functionName(res,req)
You will also need to end the response in the functionName(res,req) by doing res.end();
