SNS SDK for NodeJS won't create FIFO topic - node.js

When I create a topic using the sns.createTopic (like the code below) it won't accept the booleans and say 'InvalidParameterType: Expected params.Attributes['FifoTopic'] to be a string', even though the docs say to provide boolean value, and when I provide it with a string of 'true' it still doesn't set the topic type to be FIFO, anyone knows why?
Here's the code:
const TOPIC = {
Name: 'test.fifo',
Attributes: {
FifoTopic: true,
ContentBasedDeduplication: true
Tags: [{
Key: 'test-key',
Value: 'test-value'

Used aws-sdk V2
I sent FifoTopic and ContentBasedDeduplication as strings.
The below code works fine for me
const TOPIC = {
Name: 'test.fifo',
Attributes: {
FifoTopic: "true",
ContentBasedDeduplication: "true"
Tags: [{
Key: 'test-key',
Value: 'test-value'
let sns = new AWS.SNS();
let response3 =await sns.createTopic(TOPIC).promise();
Note: Make sure your lambda has correct permissions.
You will be getting attributes like FifoTopic and ContentBasedDeduplication when performing the getTopicAttributes.
let respo = await sns.getTopicAttributes({
please find the screenshot


Node Discord.js Axios API Indexing

I want to index through a list of items stored in a json file and call to each API and bring back data. The below code shows indexing/map working by building an API link, but how do I get the whole API call and message to be inside the indexing so each list item is called and returned by the API:
// {"342671641006047252":["MSFT","AMZN","CVNA","TEAM"]}
// This is indexing through the list and bulding the link
const tickers = list
.map((ticker, index) => `${ticker}?apikey=6c7ee1f3c7a666228979fa0678fa22a3`)
// This is going to the api for list[0]
axios.get(''+list[0]+'?apikey=6c7ee1f3c7a666228979fa0678fa22a3').then(resp => {
let symbol =[0].symbol;
let price =[0].price;
let changesPercentage =[0].changesPercentage;
return{embed: {
color: 8311585,
fields: [{
name: "Ticker",
value: `${symbol}`,
inline: "true"
name: "Price",
value: `${price}`,
inline: "true"
name: "Change %",
value: `${changesPercentage}`,
inline: "true"
Nevermind on this one! I used forEach instead of .map and got it working!

YubiKey + Webauth: userHandle is always null

When I authenticate using WebAuthn and my YubiKey, the response.userHandle property is always null. That is the user id and displayName that I registered the credential with does not get returned. Is this becuase of something I am doing wrong during the registration / authentication process:
async function register() {
const publicKeyCredentialCreationOptions = {
challenge: Uint8Array.from("this-is-a-test", (c) => c.charCodeAt(0)),
rp: {
name: "Webauthn Test",
id: "localhost",
user: {
id: Uint8Array.from("a1b2c3d4e5f6", (c) => c.charCodeAt(0)),
name: "just-a-test",
displayName: "MrUser",
pubKeyCredParams: [{ alg: -7, type: "public-key" }],
authenticatorSelection: {
authenticatorAttachment: "cross-platform",
timeout: 60000,
attestation: "direct",
const credential = await navigator.credentials.create({
publicKey: publicKeyCredentialCreationOptions,
This is the code I use to authenticate:
async function authenticate() {
const publicKeyCredentialRequestOptions = {
challenge: Uint8Array.from("test", (c) => c.charCodeAt(0)),
allowCredentials: [
id: credentialId,
type: "public-key",
transports: ["usb", "ble", "nfc"],
timeout: 60000,
const assertion = await navigator.credentials.get({
publicKey: publicKeyCredentialRequestOptions,
What I end up with is:
rawId: ArrayBuffer(64),
id: "U-nitqhlORmmdltp7TLO3i18KNoWsSebFyrtc3OIRvcktvwlz-dJZCA1_1gxXrNHzqReU7xGAHdfVP75N2aJSw",
response: {
authenticatorData: ArrayBuffer(37) {}
clientDataJSON: ArrayBuffer(101) {}
signature: ArrayBuffer(71) {}
userHandle: null
type: "public-key"
As you can see: userHandle is null. Can anyone tell me why?
The userHandle can be null depending on which type of WebAuthn credential the relying party requested to be created.
The default WebAuthn behavior will create a non-discoverable credential and the userHandle returned in the assertion will be null. No data is stored on the authenticator for this type of credential so there is nothing to return.
To create a WebAuthn client-side discoverable credential, a.k.a. resident key, you must set the requireResidentKey member to true. This will store credential data on the authenticator and will return the userHandle in the assertion. Refer to the AuthenticatorSelectionCriteria in the W3C WebAuthn spec for the details.
Here is an example:
authenticatorSelection: {
authenticatorAttachment: "cross-platform",
requireResidentKey: true
See Yubico's WebAuthn Dev Guide to learn more about resident keys and the userHandle.
I have tried to understand what you are dealing with. I played with to get a feeling for the data flow. As a result of authentication I have received a response like:
Got response:
"keyHandle": "F74UNCdNv1d43zw7hqxYgkjR3O6dcevopiSb3jrcB3rMFRUM486LbsVExJD0R3ESC5MCb3zeFGdxvS3ksZ7sCA",
"clientData": "eyJ0eXAiOiJuYXZpZ2F0b3IuaWQuZ2V0QXNzZXJ0aW9uIiwiY2hhbGxlbmdlIjoiTXpPTjhXRHpvSDlhZHU0bTk5YWF0ZyIsIm9yaWdpbiI6Imh0dHBzOi8vdTJmLmJpbi5jb2ZmZWUiLCJjcm9zc09yaWdpbiI6ZmFsc2UsImV4dHJhX2tleXNfbWF5X2JlX2FkZGVkX2hlcmUiOiJkbyBub3QgY29tcGFyZSBjbGllbnREYXRhSlNPTiBhZ2FpbnN0IGEgdGVtcGxhdGUuIFNlZSBodHRwczovL2dvby5nbC95YWJQZXgifQ",
"signatureData": "AQAAAAUwRAIgEqi5POKKUraU97W3vbfn34DSWqXwiZwEi5g9QPPtS6MCIBbLYW1_b3aRjHQivSRZQUAfBobx6CZnQ0_VVvuu1LJJ"
Now I assume the keyHandle here is your authenticatorData, the clientData here is your clientDataJSON and that signatureData is your signature. Whatever this userHandle is you are missing, it does not seem to be required.
Look at this picture too:
If the userHandle were the handle, the authentication would not work with a null value. But it does if I understand your example correctly.
So I believe you are dealing with a field that is reserved for future purposes or other flows than that which you need at the moment.

Google Cloud Vision annotateImage feature types don't exist

I'm trying to get more than 10 results in GC Vision with Node.js.
Since I cannot pass the custom request directly to webDetection() I've tried to use annotateImage() instead:
const vision = require('#google-cloud/vision');
const client = new vision.ImageAnnotatorClient();
const webSearchRequest = {
image: {
source: {
imageUri: `gs://${}/${filePath}`
features: [{
maxResults: 50,
type: vision.types.Feature.Type.WEB_DETECTION
return client.annotateImage(webSearchRequest).then(webResults => {
The output is Cannot read property 'Feature' of undefined
For visibility purpose I am posting my solution from the comments as an answer.
After doing some research and testing with this tool I've seen that the attribute type should be as follow: type: WEB_DETECTION instead of type: vision.types.Feature.Type.WEB_DETECTION.

How do you exclude a top level EmbeddedEntity property index in Google Datastore with NodeJS?

I need to exclude a top level property from being indexed by Datastore (payload in the example below). The value of payload can really vary and the keys will easily have over 1500 bytes which Datastore limits in EmbeddedEntitites.
payload does not seem to be excluded from being indexed. Datastore throws the error that content is longer than 1500 bytes.
How do I exclude payload from being indexed? Thanks.
const transformedEvent = {
id: "someString",
name: "Some Name",
payload: {
content: "a very long string",
foo: "bar"
const entity = {
key: datastore.key('Event'),
excludeFromIndexes: ['payload'],
data: transformedEvent
In your example, content and foo would also need to be added to the excludeFromIndexes array in order to be excluded. There is currently an open issue regarding this on GitHub.
const transformedEvent = {
id: "someString",
name: "Some Name",
payload: {
content: "a very long string",
foo: "bar"
const entity = {
key: datastore.key('Event'),
excludeFromIndexes: ['payload', 'payload.content', ''],
data: transformedEvent

Trying to understand why simple jsonix unmarshalling is failing

I am new to jsonix and interested mostly in using it to unmarshall xml data. I wrote a very basic test example but have been unsuccessful in getting it to work.
var MyModule = {
name: 'MyModule',
typeInfos: [{
type: 'classInfo',
localName: 'AnyElementType',
propertyInfos: [{
type: 'anyElement',
allowDom: true,
name: 'any',
collection: false
elementInfos: [{
elementName: 'sos:Capabilities',
typeInfo: 'MyModule.AnyElementType'
var context = new Jsonix.Context([MyModule], {namespacePrefixes: {'':'sos'}});
var unmarshaller = context.createUnmarshaller();
var data = unmarshaller.unmarshalString('<sos:Capabilities version=\"2.0.0\">hello</sos:Capabilities>');
return data;
I hardcoded a single simple element that has a namespace and contains 'hello' for the test xml. I was interested in the 'any element mapping' for generic unmarshalling. I feel like I have the namespace configured appropriately etc when creating the context yet I keep getting the following error:
Element [sos:Capabilities] could not be unmarshalled as is not known in this context and the property does not allow DOM content. Thoughts? and thanks in advance.
Disclaimer: I am the author of Jsonix.
There are two issues here.
First, you're missing xmlns:sos="" in your XML.
Second, currently you'll need to define the element name as an object with namespaceURI and localPart. If you just use string, Jsonix will use defaultElementNamespaceURI (which is not defined here). The namespacePrefixes option is currently not applied in elementInfos. This would be a fine feature, please file an issue if you want this.
Here's a working JSFiddle with you module.
var MyModule = {
name: 'MyModule',
typeInfos: [{
type: 'classInfo',
localName: 'AnyElementType',
propertyInfos: [{
type: 'anyElement',
allowDom: true,
allowTypedObject: true,
name: 'any',
collection: false
elementInfos: [{
elementName: {
namespaceURI: '',
localPart: 'Capabilities'
// 'sos:Capabilities',
typeInfo: 'MyModule.AnyElementType'
var context = new Jsonix.Context([MyModule], {
namespacePrefixes: {
'': 'sos'
var unmarshaller = context.createUnmarshaller();
var data = unmarshaller.unmarshalString('<sos:Capabilities version=\"2.0.0\" xmlns:sos=\"\">hello</sos:Capabilities>');
