ModuleNotFoundError: There is not a labextensions at . when exec "jupyter labextension develop . --overwrite" in terminal - jupyter-lab

Summary of the problem.
I am developing an extension of jupyterlab.
The extension has both frontend part and server(python) part.
However, after I install the extension according to tutorial and The jupyterlab cannot load the server. I try to run the commands again, run into the problem of:
ModuleNotFoundError: There is not a labextensions at .
when executing
"jupyter labextension develop . --overwrite" in terminal.
The tutorial:
The likes:
# Clone the repo to your local environment
# Change directory to the athena_jupyter directory
# Install package in development mode
pip install -e .
# Link your development version of the extension with JupyterLab
jupyter labextension develop . --overwrite
# Server extension must be manually installed in develop mode
jupyter server extension enable athena_jupyter
# Rebuild extension Typescript source after making changes
jlpm run build
What I have tried.
2.1 follow the readme.txt several times.
2.2 create a new conda environment, the initial project worked. However, when I add something, rebuild, it failed again.
2.3 remove something about the jupyterlab extension config. because it has other warning log: my extension is not found.
2.4 in fact, i meet this problem server times. I tried lot of things and it is solved, but i don't know what's the problem and cannot get a summary solution to this problem, and this time i cannot solve it.
Thanks in advance!

This error can be reproduced by removing the _jupyter_labextension_paths from the extension's
E.g.,something like this should be in the file.
def _jupyter_labextension_paths():
return [{
"src": "labextension",
"dest": data["name"]
Perhaps newer versions of the cookiecutter produce a project that does not depend on the presence of _jupyter_labextension_paths in


Numpy and pygame not imported as it should [duplicate]

My Flask App server is running but I have three imports that cannot be resolved.
I have tried:
reinstalling the imports individually
reinstalling requirements.txt
I configured VSCode Workspace with an extra path to my project folder (there is now a .vscode file within the root of my project folder where it was not before)
I have updated my venv path settings in VSCode
Here is my file structure:
- > .vscode
- > client *(React front end)*
- > data
- > server *(Python/Flask back end)*
- > app
- > venv
- requirements.txt *(this contains the 3 unresolved, along with several that are resolving)*
- .env
- .flaskenv
- .gitignore
- requirements.txt
Unfortunately none of these things have resolved my imports issue and my routes are still not working. Any ideas/suggestions?
Open the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P), then select the Python: Select Interpreter. From the list, select the virtual environment in your project folder that starts with .env.
Run Terminal: Create New Integrated Terminal (Ctrl+Shift+` or from the Command Palette), which creates a terminal and automatically activates the virtual environment by running its activation script.
Install sqlalchemy and mongoengine with command pip install. Once installing them successfully, there will intellisense when you import them and no warnings shown.
Besides, the folder .vscode is to store Workspace settings as well as debugging and task configurations.
If you are using a virtual environment, and even after trying pip installing all the necessary libraries, you have to select the python interpreter that exists in the virtual environment folder.
(Ctrl+Shift+P) then search for "Python: Select Interpreter"
Click "Enter interpreter path" followed by "Find.."
Navigate to your project virtual environment folder
Go into "Scripts" folder and then select "python.exe" as the interpreter.
These steps allow you to select the right python interpreter associated with the project's virtual environment.
Open the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P), then select Python: Clear Cache and Reload window.
Voila, all the import errors vanished.
I specified a path to the python interpreter I'm using within the settings.json file contained in the project repo's .vscode folder.
"python.pythonPath": "path-to-interpreter.python.exe"
Thanks to the following resource!
I ran into this error after an upgrade of my local python version (brew -> manual install), even though the specified interpreter was already /usr/local/bin/python3.
CMD + Shift + P and re-selecting the [same] interpreter fixed the error.
In hindsight, I suspect that a restart of VSCode could have also fixed this. 🤷‍♂️
Perhaps VSCode is using the incorrect Python path for this reason. A base interpreter should be used instead of the vscode interpreter, if necessary.
After verifying my Python interpreter was sourced correctly in VS Code, I simply cleaned my env and reinstalled the project locally and the import errors disappeared. I personally had an odd VS Code/Pylance cache and reinstalling the dependencies and modules fixed it for me.
I was getting the very same error you have and none of the solutions presented here worked me.
I work on a windows machine. I use miniconda to manage my virtual environments. And when I'm coding I launch every program from the command prompt (cmd), including Vscode.
Even tough inside Vscode the python evironment was correctly settled I was getting the very same import error that you mention. The interesting part of it was that I wasn't having any problems to run the code, it was working as usuall. But when coding I wasn't able to see the functions related to the libraries with the import error.
The solution:
Activate the correct conda env for the project before launch Vscode from the command prompt.
Why does this happen?
I BELIVE that this happen because when you don't activate any conda env before launch Vscode. The base conda env is loaded as default. That generates the import conflict. (You can chek this out installing those packagues into the environment and running everything just as you have been doing)

Dynamically update virtual environment

I have created a virtual environment for my Python project and have installed my requirement.txt in it and every time my Python code ex executes it first activate my virtual environment and then run the .py code which is what I want.
I have an issue here - I want to do everything programmatically.
Below are the high level steps i'm looking for :
1)pipreqs requirements.txt using py code
2)check if .txt file has changed, create a flag(1,0)
3)check if virtualenv is created
2.1 - if not created, create and install 1 and run py code
2.2 - if created - check if flag=1 then re-install 1 and run py code
if flag=0 , just run py code
I'm struggling hard to achieve this. Could somebody help.
pip install -r requirements.txt
is a good starting point (if your paint point is to manually install all the required libraries). It installs all the libraries listed in requirements.txt.
If this is not enough putting this command in a bash / cmd file might be an option.

How to install python plugin before running pytest tests?

I need to install a python plugin that is a simple python file before the starting tests using pytest. I have used entry_points in My problem is a bit complex so let's get into the problem with an example and we will come back to the problem later.
There are two packages- one is core and another one is mypackage.
Core provided functionality to add a plugin with group name 'my.plugin'.
core package logic
from importlib_metadata import entry_points
def plugin_method(some_data):
plugins = entry_points()['my.plugin']
loaded_plugins = []
for p in plugins:
#Does some processing on the data and decides which method to call from plugin
#call plugin method
return result
mypackage logic
entry_points={'my.plugin': 'plugin1= plugin1.logic'}
def method1(method_data):
print('method1 called')
return 1
def method2(method_data):
print('method1 called')
return 2
def method_uses_plugin()
# create data
The plugin works fine. :)
I have written a test case for the method_uses_plugin method. It works fine if I have installed pypackage on my machine but it fails if installation is not done (in jenkins pipeline 🙁 )
We don't usually install the package to run test cases because test cases should use source code directly.
We might need to do something with pytest to register the plugin in entry_points. I have tried many links but nothing worked.
My use case a bit complex but a similar question can be found here
There is two usecase to run the test on the actual source code.
In your Local machine
If you want to test the source code while working, you can simply install your package in editable mode with the command:
pip install -e .
Documentation of -e from the man page:
-e,--editable <path/url>
Install a project in editable mode (i.e. setuptools "develop mode") from a local project path or a VCS url.
This will link the package to the . location of the code, meaning that any change made to the source code will be reflected on the package.
In Continuous Integration (CI)
As your CI is running on a docker container, you can simply copy the source code inside it, install it with pip install . and finally run pytest.
If all else fails you can try to convert your code into an executable and use batch commands to run pip install for as many packages as you need and then run your program. I believe in Jenkins you can run batch files as an administrator.
Invoke pip install from batch file
Run Batch file as an administrator in Jenkins

Getting Error: 'No module named flask' in VSCode even when I have installed flask

I want to debug an application using Python and Flask in VSCode. I have installed Flask and the app runs perfectly fine through cmd. But, when I try to debug it through VSCode, it gives the following error:
cd 'c:\Users\Aditi\CleanHandymanApp';
${env:FLASK_APP}='NewApp'; ${env:PYTHONIOENCODING}='UTF-8';
${env:PYTHONUNBUFFERED}='1'; & 'C:\Users\Aditi\envs\CleanHandymanApp\Scripts\python.exe'
'c:\Users\Aditi\.vscode\extensions\ms-python.python-2018.10.1\pythonFiles\experimental\' '--client' '--host'
'localhost' '--port' '63143' '-m' 'flask' 'run' '--no-debugger' '--no-reload'
No module named flask
Can you please help me.
This error message can occur if you installed the python3 version of flask but Visual Studio Code tries to run your project with python2.
Make sure to select the correct version of python in the editor. This can be done by running the command Python: Select Interpreter from the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P).
Activate your virtualenv and run
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
to reinstall all packages inside the venv.
For some reason VS Code thought I was missing all my packages the first time I debugged even though the app was running fine locally.
Sometimes you can get this error if you loaded Flask into a folder which has sub-files. For instance, if you loaded flask into the parent folder with the virtual shell instance but you're running your code in the child file (let's say parent is called crypto_files and inside that is a python source code file called ), then in order to get flask to run properly you'd have to run the file like this:
python crypto_files/
This allows your machine to see Flask running inside crypto_files but also run .
OR, it's possibly you could just reload Flask into the sub(child)file... and then you'd run it from within the subfile.
This complication is mainly due to modern "virtual instances" and shells which are basically like creating a virtual computer-machine inside your ACTUAL hard machine. Flask does this to avoid running everywhere, and since Flask is modular it allows each of your projects to run different modular configurations of Flask to suit each project precisely. The alternative would be awful: you'd have to load the fattest version of Flask with dozens of add-ons for each project, and so all your git and all your projects would have tons of extra code. Flask is built to be very small at the core to avoid this problem (too verbose!).
If you have installed flask in virtual environment, you should have activated it first.
source /path to env dir/bin/activate #in linux
workon 'name of env' #windows
Another option is add sys.path.append('d:/programas/anaconda3/lib/site-packages') in c:\Users\Aditi.vscode\extensions\ms-python.python-2018.10.1\pythonFiles\experimental\
Being that "d:/programas/anaconda3/lib/site-packages" should be modified by your local python packages.
Use this command in the terminal instead of selecting run code:
python3 "insert your file name here without the quotes"
e.g.: python3
I had a variant of the issue mentioned by #confusius. I had installed both Python 3.9 and Python 3.10. I had added Flask to Python 3.10. I had been using one vscode workspace which had selected Python 3.10. I started another project in a different vscode workspace and it had selected Python 3.9 by default, which I didn't notice because I thought it would select the same Python I had already selected in the other workspace.

Upgrading Python 3 on Windows broke all my downloaded modules

I'm using Windows 7 and am up to date on patches. I was using Python 3.5.2 and wanted to upgrade to 3.6, so I went to the Python site, downloaded 3.6.4.exe for Windows, and ran it. The Python seems to work fine and is 3.6.4, but trying to import any of the packages I was using (pandas, numpy, tensorflow, etc) now gives me ModuleNotFoundError: No module named <whichever module it was>. Also, pip list now shows only pip and setuptools.
It appears to be a known issue, for example this from nearly a year ago, which suggests that I should "uninstall the python bindings and install again", but I can't figure out what that means. Fortunately I can still access 3.5.2 by using py -3.5, and then my imports work. Can anyone tell me how to fix this for 3.6 without having to reinstall all my modules manually?
I was thinking possibly I should have upgraded through pip; it seems like that's possible but maybe a bad idea for some reason? On further investigation it looks like what I should have done was save my requirements with pip freeze > requirements.txt, and then after installing the new Python restore them with pip install -r requirements.txt. Is this right?
Hard to say if you have an install problem, but this is what I would try if I were in your place.
Create a virtual environment as per; docs
c:>c:\Python36\python -m venv c:\path\to\myenv
Activate your virtual environment
C:> \Scripts\activate.bat
Run your application from within your activated environment. Each time you get an import error, do a pip-install from within the active environment. (For your own modules, you may need to modify PYTHONPATH in 'activate.bat')
Once you have your application running again, do your pip freeze > requirements.txt, and keep that with your project.
Each time you run your application, do so from within the activated virtual environment.
This will give you a clean requirements.txt that doesn't include a bunch of junk from other projects. Then, when you go to 3.7, just create the virtualenv and run your requirements.txt and wala!
I suspect your issue is simply not running against the correct interpreter, running from within a virtual environment should at least rule it out.
