Splitting a column into multiple columns - python-3.x

I have a pandas dataframe as below :
| A | Value |
|ABC001035 | 34 |
|USN001185 | 45 |
|UCT010.75 | 23 |
|ATC001070 | 21 |
I want to split the column in A (based on last three digits in A) into columns X and Y, and it should look like below
| A | Value | X | Y |
|ABC001035 | 34 | ABC001 | 035 |
|USN001185 | 45 | USN001 | 185 |
|UCT010.75 | 23 | UCT01 | 0.75|
|ATC001070 | 21 | ATC001 | 070 |
So how to split the column A ?

You can index all strings in a series with the .str accessor:
>>> df['X'] = df['A'].str[:-3]
>>> df['Y'] = df['A'].str[-3:]
>>> df
A Value X Y
0 ABC001035 34.0 ABC001 035
1 USN001185 45.0 USN001 185
2 UCT010.75 23.0 UCT010 .75
3 ATC001070 21.0 ATC001 070

Split your problem into smaller ones, easier to solve! :)
How to split a string (take the last 3 characters):
'Hello world!'[-3:0]
# Returns: ld!
How to apply a function over a DataFrame value?
df.A.apply(lambda x: x[-3:])
# Returns pandas.Series: [035, 185, 0.75, 070]
How to save a Series to a new DataFrame column?
# Create Y column.
df['Y'] = df.A.apply(lambda x: x[-3:])


Drop rows in Pandas where column value is not equal to specific suffix

Suppose, I have a df having rows values
ID Name Age
ABC-123 XYZ 22
ABC-345 LMK 12
ABC-123-1 MNO 22
After applying a filter on column ID,
I need only the first two rows to be returned in this dataset case.
ID Name Age
ABC-123 XYZ 22
ABC-345 LMK 12
You see all the rows are excluded from the final result which doesn't match the pattern. All rows should be returned that match the pattern like ABC-123.
Note: Suffix number can be anything so I think it should be done with some regex to check for string pattern.
import pandas
df = pd.DataFrame(dict(id=['ABC-123','ABC-345','ABC-123-1'], age=[22,12,22]))
| | id | age |
| 0 | ABC-123 | 22 |
| 1 | ABC-345 | 12 |
| 2 | ABC-123-1 | 22 |
df.query('id.str.len() <= 7')
| | id | age |
| 0 | ABC-123 | 22 |
| 1 | ABC-345 | 12 |

Combine multiple rows into Single row based on specific column using python

I need to modify available value in billable and non-billable utilization, earlier its default now the value is dynamic.
I have a Billable column value as 'Yes' and 'No'
If Value is 'Yes' then it will sum row-wise and created new columns as 'Billable Utilization'
Billing_utilization = df[Billing_utilization] * sum/available * 100
If value is 'No' then it will be sum row-wise and created new column as 'Non-Billable Utilization'.
Non-Billing_utilization = df[Non-Billing_utilization] * sum/ available1 * 100
| Employee Name | Java | Python | .Net | React | Billable |
| Priya | 10 | | 5 | | Yes |
| Priya | | 10 | | 5 | No |
| Krithi | | 10v | 20 | | No |
Priya is in both billable and non-billable, priya name appears in two rows. I need to merge in single row with Employee Name. So expected output should be
| Employee Name | Java | Python | .Net | React | Total | Billing | Non-Billing |
| Priya | 10 | 10 | 5 | 5 | 30 | 8.928571429 | 8.928571429 |
| Krithi | 10 | 20 | | | 30 | | 17.85714286 |
df['Billable Status'] = np.where ( df['Billable Status'] == 'Billable', 'Billable Utilization','Non Billable Utilization' )
df2 = (df.groupby ( ['Employee Name', 'Billable Status'])[list_column].sum ().sum ( axis=1 ).unstack ().div (available2).mul(100)).round ( 2 ))
df = df1.join ( df2 ).reset_index ()
df.index = df.index
# Round the column value
df['Total'] = df['Total'].round ( 2 )
# df= df.round(2)
cols = df.select_dtypes ( 'number' ).columns.tolist ()
df['Total'] = df.groupby('Employee Name')[cols].transform('sum').sum(1)
df['Billing'] = df.mask(df['Billable'] == 'No')[cols].sum(1) / df['Total']
df['Non-Billing'] = df.mask(df['Billable'] == 'Yes')[cols].sum(1) / df['Total']
aggfuncs = dict(zip(cols, ['sum']*len(cols)))
aggfuncs.update({'Total': 'first', 'Billing': 'sum', 'Non-Billing': 'sum'})
out = df.pivot_table(aggfuncs, 'Employee Name', aggfunc=aggfuncs,
sort=False, fill_value=0)[aggfuncs].reset_index()
>>> out
Employee Name Java Python .Net React Total Billing Non-Billing
0 Priya 10 10 5 5 30 0.5 0.5
1 Krithi 0 10 20 0 30 0.0 1.0

rolling average and aggregate more than one column in pandas

How do I also aggregate the 'reviewer' lists together with average of 'quantities'?
For a data frame like below I can successfully calculate the average of the quantities per group over every 3 years. How do I add an extra column that aggregates the values of column 'reviewer, for every period as well? for example for company 'A' for year 1993, the column would be [[p1,p2],[p3,p2],[p4]].
df= pd.DataFrame(data=[
['A', 1990, 2,['p1','p2']],
['A', 1991,3,['p3','p2']],
['A', 1993,5,['p4']],
['B',2000,1, ['p3']],
['B',2002,3,['p10','p1']]], columns=['company', 'year','quantity', 'reviewer'])
df['rolling_average'] = (df.groupby(['company'])
.rolling(3).agg({'quantity':'mean'}).reset_index(level=[0], drop=True))
The output currently looks like:
| index | company | year | quantity | reviewer | rolling_average |
| :---- | :------ | :--- | :------- | :------- | :-------------- |
| 0 | A | 1990 | 2 | [p1, p2] | NaN |
| 1 | A | 1991 | 3 | [p3, p2] | NaN |
| 2 | A | 1993 | 5 | [p4] | 3.33 |
| 3 | A | 2000 | 4 | [p5, p7] | 4.00 |
| 4 | B | 2000 | 1 | [p3] | NaN |
| 5 | B | 2001 | 2 | [p6, p9] | NaN |
| 6 | B | 2002 | 3 | [p10, p1]| 2.00 |
Since the rolling can not take non-numeric , we need self-define the rolling here
n = 3
df['new'] = df.groupby(['company'])['reviewer'].apply(lambda x :[x[y-n:y].tolist() if y>=n else np.nan for y in range(1,len(x)+1)]).explode().values
company year quantity reviewer new
0 A 1990 2 [p1, p2] NaN
1 A 1991 3 [p3, p2] NaN
2 A 1993 5 [p4] [[p1, p2], [p3, p2], [p4]]
3 A 2000 4 [p1, p5, p7] [[p3, p2], [p4], [p1, p5, p7]]
4 B 2000 1 [p3] NaN
5 B 2001 2 [p6, p9] NaN
6 B 2002 3 [p10, p1] [[p3], [p6, p9], [p10, p1]]

Pandas groupby compare count equal values in 2 columns in excel with subrows

I have an excel file like this:
| | ID | Shareholder - Last name | DM Cognome |
| 1. | 01287560153 | MASSIRONI | Bocapine Ardaya |
| | | CAGNACCI | |
| 2. | 05562881002 | | Directors |
| 3. | 04113870655 | SABATO | Sabato |
| | | VILLARI | |
| 4. | 01419190846 | SALMERI | Salmeri |
| | | MICALIZZI | Lipari |
| | | LIPARI | |
I open this file with pandas and ffill the ID column since there are subrows. Then groupby by ID to get the count of any equal values on the Shareholder - Last name and DM\nCognome columns. However I can't. In this case the result should be 0 row1 0 row2 1 row3 2 row4.
It should be noted that row 4 is consist of 3 subrow and row3 also consist of 2 subrow.(ex)
I have 2 questions:
What is the best way to read an unorganised excel file like above and do lots of comparisons, replacing values etc.
How can I achieve the results that I mentioned earlier.
Here is what I did, but it doesn't work:
data['ID'] = data['ID'].fillna(method='ffill')
data.groupby('ID', sort=False, as_index=False)['Shareholder - Last name', 'DM\nCognome'].apply(lambda x: (x['Shareholder - Last name']==x['DM\nCognome']).count())
First, read as input the table (keeping the ID as string instead of float):
df = pd.read_excel("Workbook1.xlsx", converters={'ID':str})
df = df.drop("Unnamed: 0", axis=1) #drop this column since it is not useful
Fill the ID and if a shareholder is missing replace Nan with "Missing":
df['ID'] = df['ID'].fillna(method='ffill')
df["Shareholder - Last name"] = df["Shareholder - Last name"].fillna("missing")
Convert to lowercase the surnames:
df["Shareholder - Last name"] = df["Shareholder - Last name"].str.lower()
Custom function to count how many householders occur in the other column:
def f(group):
s = pd.Series(group["DM\nCognome"].str.lower())
count = 0
for surname in group["Shareholder - Last name"]:
count += s.str.count(surname).sum()
return count
And finally get the count for each ID:
df.groupby("ID",sort=False)[["Shareholder - Last name", "DM\nCognome"]].apply(lambda x: f(x))
01287560153 0.0
05562881002 0.0
04113870655 1.0
01419190846 2.0

Python selecting different number of rows for each group of a mutlilevel index

I have a data frame with a multilevel index. I would like to sort this data frame based on a specific column and extract the first n rows for each group of the first index, but n is different for each group.
For example:
| Index1| Index2| Sort_In_descending_order | How_manyRows_toChoose |
| 1 | 20 | 3 | 2 |
| | 40 | 2 | 2 |
| | 10 | 1 | 2 |
| 2 | 20 | 2 | 1 |
| | 50 | 1 | 1 |
the result should look like this:
| Index1| Index2| Sort_In_descending_order | How_manyRows_toChoose |
| 1 | 20 | 3 | 2 |
| | 40 | 2 | 2 |
| 2 | 20 | 2 | 1 |
I got this far:
However the .head(2) picks 2 element of each group independent of the number in the column "How_manyRows_toChoose".
Some pice of code would be great!
Thank you!
Use lambda function in GroupBy.apply with head and add parameter group_keys=False for avoid duplicated index values:
#original code
df = (df.groupby(level[0,1])
df = (df.groupby('Index1', group_keys=False)
.apply(lambda x: x.head(x['How_manyRows_toChoose'].iat[0])))
print (df)
Sort_In_descending_order How_manyRows_toChoose
Index1 Index2
1 20 3 2
40 2 2
2 20 2 1
