Gitlab runner does not always update environment - gitlab

I have a gitlab job that does not seem to update the repository before being run. Sometimes it leaves some files in their old states and run the script... Any idea ?
For instance when I have a
stage: package
- .\scripts\PackagePython.ps1
- myServer
- .\python\cache\
- python/**/*

I finally managed to understand what was happening :
I realised that the gitlab-runner did not use exactly the same path for each run on my server, and my script assumed that it did... So I ended up pointing on a build made on the wrong path.
I guess if you think that it is not updating the repository (like I did) make sure you are not referencing hardcoded path/package in your scripts that could refer to previous versions !


gitlab-ci.yml cannot resolve predefined environment variables

In my .gitlab-ci.yml i'm trying to deploy on merge request.
My pipeline works, script is executed , everything is ok and running , but i'm not able to read any predefined environment variables. My files looks like :
stage: check
- merge_requests
But $CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME is not resolved. I need to know source branch for the merge_request in order to pull the code and make a deployment. I have tried other variables like : $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME, $CI_JOB_STAGE , but non of them are resolved.
My GitLab version : GitLab Community Edition 13.4.2
The problem was that in the pipeline job monitor the variable wasn't resolved and that's confused me. It was looking like :
So, for anyone who is fighting with such things, keep that in mind and also, keep in mind differences in syntax between powershell , bash and so on ..

Gitlab - cache error message about no URL

I have the following logic in my GitLab-ci:
- build
- deploy
- test123
image: node:10.19
stage: build
- npm install
- make
- make source-package
- node_modules/
- test.bz2
expire_in: 2 days
When the job runs, I see the following message:
17 Restoring cache
18 Checking cache for master...
19 No URL provided, cache will not be downloaded from shared cache server. Instead a local version of cache will be extracted.
20 Successfully extracted cache
I'm just new to Gitlab... and so I can't tell if this is an error or not. I basically don't want to have to download the same npm modules every single time this build runs.
I found a similar post here: GitLab CI caching key
But I'm already using the correct gitlab CI variable.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
In my GitLab-CI setup at home I am getting this warning (in my case I am not considering it to be an error) in all of my build jobs. According to and there seem to be cases where this is a message to be taken seriously.
This is especially true if you are uploading (and later on downloading / extracting) the cache to a particular URL, which is used by several runners to get and sync the cache. In a general case though - meaning that if the cache is stored on a single GitLab-Runner rather than on a shared source, which is supposed to be used by several GitLab-Runners, I don't think this message has any real meaning. On my GitLab-Runners, which usually are project- or group-specific, this never was a problem and I always had the cache properly extracted in a local manner.

Gitlab: How to trigger a script when a file is changed?

I have a repository in Gitlab and what I wish to have is a setup in which when a specific file in a specific branch is changed, I want a script/job to be triggered, which will read and make operations based on this new version of the changed file.
That script can be in another machine and be accessed through SSH, or it can be inside the same repository and be executed somehow.
Is there any way to do this with Gitlab CI/CD?
Edit: I'm using GitLab Enterprise Edition 11.2.3-ee aadca99
You can use only/except changes to do this.
It has been introduced in Gitlab 11.4 and it works with files and directories within your repository, example :
docker build:
script: docker build -t my-image:$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG .
- Dockerfile
- docker/scripts/*
- dockerfiles/**/*
- more_scripts/*.{rb,py,sh}

GitLab CI/CD pull code from repository before building ASP.NET Core

I have GitLab running on computer A, development environment (Visual studio Pro) on computer B and Windows Server on computer C.
I set up GitLab-Runner on computer C (Windows server). I also set up .gitlab-ci.yml file to perform build and run tests for ASP.NET Core application on every commit.
I don't know how can I get code on computer C (Windows server) so I can build it (dotnet msbuild /p:Configuration=Release "%SOLUTION%"). It bothers me that not a single example .gitlab-ci.yml I found on net, doesn't pull code form GitLab, before building application. Why?
Is this correct way to set-up CI/CD:
User create pull request (a new branch is created)
User writes code
User commit code to branch from computer B.
GitLab runner is started on computer C.
It needs to pull code from current branch (CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME)
Build, test, deploy ...
Should I use common git command to get the code, or is this something GitLab runner already do? Where is the code?
Why no-one pull code from GitLab in .gitlab-ci.yml?
I get error
'"git"' is not recognized as an internal or external command
. Solution in my case was restart GitLab-Runner. Source.
#MilanVidakovic explain that source is automatically downloaded (which I didn't know).
I just have one remaining problem of how to get correct path to my .sln file.
Here is my complete .gitlab-ci.yml file:
SOLUTION: missing_path_to_solution #TODO
- dotnet restore
- build
stage: build
- echo "Building %CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME% branch."
- dotnet msbuild /p:Configuration=Release "%SOLUTION%"
- tags
I need to set correct variable for SOLUTION. My dir (where GitLab-Runner is located) currently holds this folder/files:
- config.toml
- gitlab-runner.exe
- builds/
- 7cab42e4/
- 0/
- web/ # I think this is project group in GitLab
- test/ # I think this is project name in GitLab
- .sln
- AND ALL OTHER PROJECT FILES #Based on first look
- testm.tmp
So, what are 7cab42e4, 0. Or better how to get correct path to my project structure? Is there any predefined variable?
I'm not sure I follow completely.
On every commit, Gitlab runner is fetching your repository to C:\gitlab-runner\builds.. on the local machine (Computer C), and builds/deploys or does whatever you've provided as an action for the stage.
Also, I don't see the need for building the source code again. If you're using Computer C for both runner and tests/acceptance, just let the runner do the building and add Artifacts item in your .gitlab-ci.yaml. Path defined in artifacts will retain your executables on Computer C, which you are then able to use for whatever purposes.
Hope it helps.
Edit after comment:
When you push to repository, Gitlab CI/CD automatically checks your root folder for .gitlab-ci.yaml file. If its there, the runner takes over, parses the file and starts executing jobs/stages.
As soon as the file itself is valid and contains proper jobs and stages, runner fetches the latest commit (automatically) and does whatever script item tells it to do.
To verify that everything works correctly, go to your Gitlab -> CI / CD -> Pipelines, and check out whats going on. You should see something like this:
Maybe it would be best if you posted your .yaml file, there could be a number of reasons your runner is not picking up the code. For instance, maybe your .yaml tags are not matching what runner is created to pick up etc.

GitLab Pages deployment step fails after successfull build

I am trying to host a reveal.js presentation via gitlab pages. The repository can be found here:
My .gitlab-ci.yml is fairly simple:
image: node:4.2.2
- node_modules/
- npm install
- node_modules/.bin/gulp
- build
- master
After a commit to master though, something goes wrong. The pages task itself is executed and runs just fine. It even shows in the logs that my build directory has been scanned and that the artefacts have been found.
Oddly, the subsequent pages:deploy task fails. It only says :
pages failed to extract
Any help would be greatly appreciated, since I have no clue where to look to next. The documentation itself isn't really helpful when trying to implement an deployment flow with npm.
Thanks in advance folks !
Apparently a page can only be published from a folder in under the artifacts that is called "public".
From the GitLab Pages documentation:
To make use of GitLab Pages, the contents of .gitlab-ci.yml must follow the rules below:
A special job named pages must be defined
Any static content which will be served by GitLab Pages must be placed under a public/ directory
artifacts with a path to the public/ directory must be defined
Also mentioned (somewhat tangentially) in the "GitLab Pages from A to Z" guide:
... and GitLab Pages will only consider files in a directory called public.
