Difference between R::runif() and Rcpp::runif() - rcpp

I'm learning to use Rcpp in R. Would you please explain me the difference between R::runif() and Rcpp::runif().
I mean 3 questions:
Do these 2 functions produce the same stream of random numbers given that we set the same seed before running each of them ?
Which function is preferable when using Rcpp ? I mean, it seems to me that the 2 functions produce the same thing, but Rcpp::runif() will run more fastly.
How to call Rcpp::runif() in a .R file ? Is it true that the Rcpp::runif() can be called only from a .cpp file and not in R? (I mean, it seems to me that the function Rcpp::runif() is of extensively used to write other C++ functions, then I will import that function by sourcecpp() to use in R)
Thank you very much for your help!

I suspect this question is a duplicate so I may close this but here goes:
Yes they do. The whole point of the RNG interfaces is guaranteeing just that
Entirely up to you. Sometimes you want to wrap or use a C API example and you have R::runif() for that. Sometimes you want efficient vector operations for which you have Rcpp::runif().
You write a C++ function accessing the C++ API. Note that not all those functions will be faster than calling what R offers when what R offers is already vectorised. Your wrapping of Rcpp::runif() will not be much different in performance from calling stats::runif(). You use the C++ accessor in C++ code writing something you cannot easily get from R.
Edit: This Rcpp Gallery post has some background and examples.


How can I call a Haskell function from Golang?

I am a python developer making the shift to Golang, so I'm sorry for the noob question. I am responsible for taking some Haskell code, for which we have python bindings, and making it callable from Go. I have a shared object file, _foo.so, that I want to somehow import into Go and call a la:
import (
f "_foo.so"
func DoBar() {
return f.Bar()
Is this possible? I don't even have the first idea of where to begin, but I'm hoping that pseudo code gets the idea across.
As already mentioned in the comments, you need to go through C.
Good news: the python binding you have goes through C already. It means that haskell code exposes all the necessary API as C functions, you just need to find out how the API looks like and call it using cgo. You probably don't need to know anything about haskell.
Assuming you have access to the source code, you should look for *.c and *.h files (often located in a cbits folder). If you don't know C, then ask your teammates to help.
If you don't have access to the code, then you may try to guess the C API using the python binding. Though it'll be quite hard.
I was intrigued by this question, so I implemented it.
See this repo: https://github.com/rusq/gohaskell/
Go program calls fibonacci Haskell function.

Rcpp::export - exporting only the C++ interface, not the R functions

I do not need roxygen2 and Rcpp to create for me the R functions (or maybe I do?) for the exported C++ functions - is there any way to tell Rcpp::export not to create them? I would be perfectly happy with just .Call-ing them directly.
I went through Writing R Extensions, and Rcpp Attributes and Writing a package that uses Rcpp vignettes, documentation of roxygen2 and multiple threads on SO (like here) but I did not find anything helpful.
If I understand your question correctly, then it is as simple "well if you don't want a stub function created, do no put an [[Rcpp::export]] tag there".
You also confuse what roxygen2 does for documentation with what the compileAttributes() function does for exporting.
To be plain, only the latter has anything to do with creating interfaces between R and C++. And on the margin, you do want them for the free exception handling and RNG setting they give you. But hey, if you'd rather do without, you can, and that is documented.

Importing modules as a function, with string as input

I want to make a function called 'load' which imports definitions of functions from another file. I know how to import modules, but in my program I want the definitions of the functions to change depending on which module is 'loaded' with this new function. Is there a way to do this? Is there a better way to write my program so that this is not necessary?
I think it's type signature would look something like:
load :: String -> IO ()
where the string is the name of the module to be loaded (and the module is in the same directory).
Edit: Thanks for all the replies. Most people agree that this is not the best way to do what I want. Instead, is there a way to declare a global variable from within an I/O program. That is, I want it so that if I type (function "thing") into a function of type String -> IO(), I can still type 'thing' into GHCi to get the value assigned to it... Any suggestions?
There is almost certainly a better way to write your program so that this is not necessary. It's hard to say what without knowing more details about your situation, though. You could, for instance, represent the generic interface each module implements as a data-type, and have each module export a value of that type with the implementation.
Basically, the set of loaded modules is a static, compile-time property, so it makes no sense to want your program's behaviour to change based on its contents. Are you trying to write a library? Your users probably won't appreciate it doing such evil magic to their import lists :) (And it probably isn't possible without Template Haskell in that case, anyway.)
The exception is if you're trying to implement a Haskell tool (e.g. REPL, IDE, etc.) or trying to do plugins; i.e. dynamically-loaded modules of Haskell source code to integrate into your Haskell program. The first thing to try for those should be hint, but you may find you need something more advanced; in that case, the GHC API is probably your best bet. plugins used to be the de-facto standard in this area, but it doesn't seem to compile with GHC 7; you might want to check out direct-plugins, a simplified implementation of a similar interface that does.
mueval might be relevant; it's designed for executing short (one-line) snippets of Haskell code in a safe sandbox, as used by lambdabot.
Unless you're building a Haskell IDE or something like that, you most likely don't need this (^1).
But, in the case you do, there is always the hint-package, which allows you to embed a haskell interpreter into your program. This allows you to both load haskell modules and to convert strings into haskell values at runtime. There is a nice example of how to use it here
^1: If you're looking for a way to make things polymorphic, i.e. changing some, but not all definitions of in your code, you're probably looking for typeclasses.
With regards to your edit, perhaps you might be interested in IORef.

Is there a standardized way to transform functional code to imperative code?

I'm writing a small tool for generating php checks from javascript code, and I would like to know if anyone knows of a standard way of transforming functional code into imperative code?
I found this paper: Defunctionalization at Work it explains defunctionalization pretty well.
Lambdalifting and defunctionalization somewhat answered the question, but what about datastructures, we are still parsing lists as if they are all linkedlists. Would there be a way of transforming the linkedlists of functional languages into other high-level datastructures like c++ vectors or java arraylists?
Here are a few additions to the list of #Artyom:
you can convert tail recursion into loops and assignments
linear types can be used to introduce assignments, e.g. y = f x can be replaced with x := f x if x is linear and has the same type as y
at least two kinds of defunctionalization are possible: Reynolds-type defunctionalization when you replace a high-order application with a switch full of first-order applications, and inlining (however, recursive functions is not always possible to inline)
Perhaps you are interested in removing some language elements (such as higher-order functions), right?
For eliminating HOFs from a program, there are techniques such as defunctionalization. For removing closures, you can use lambda-lifting (aka closure conversion). Is this something you are interested in?
I think you need to provide a concrete example of code you have, and the target code you intend to produce, so that others may propose solutions.
Would there be a way of transforming the linkedlists of functional languages into other high-level datastructures like c++ vectors or java arraylists?
Yes. Linked lists are represented with pointers in C++ (a structure "node" with two fields: one for the "payload", another for the "next" pointer; empty list is then represented as a NULL pointer, but sometimes people prefer to use special "sentinel values"). Note that, if the code in the source language does not rely on the representation of singly linked lists (in the source language implementation), you can also implement the "cons"/"nil" operations using a vector in the target language (not sure if this suits your needs, though). The idea here is to give an alternative implementations for the familiar operations.
No, there is not.
The reason is that there is no such concrete and well defined thing like functional code or imperative code.
Such transformations exist only for concrete instances of your abstraction: for example, there are transformations from Haskell code to LLVM bytecode, F# code to CLI bytecode or Frege code to Java code.
(I doubt if there is one from Javascript to PHP.)
Depends on what you need. The usual answer is "there is no such tool", because the result will not be usable. However look at this from this standpoint:
The set of Assembler instructions in a computer defines an imperative machine. Hence the compiler needs to do such a translation. However I assume you do not want to have assembler code but something more readable.
Usually these kinds of heavy program transformations are done manually, if one is interested in the result, or automatically if the result will never be looked at by a human.

What programming languages will let me manipulate the sequence of instructions in a method?

I have an upcoming project in which a core requirement will be to mutate the way a method works at runtime. Note that I'm not talking about a higher level OO concept like "shadow one method with another", although the practical effect would be similar.
The key properties I'm after are:
I must be able to modify the method in such a way that I can add new expressions, remove existing expressions, or modify any of the expressions that take place in it.
After modifying the method, subsequent calls to that method would invoke the new sequence of operations. (Or, if the language binds methods rather than evaluating every single time, provide me a way to unbind/rebind the new method.)
Ideally, I would like to manipulate the atomic units of the language (e.g., "invoke method foo on object bar") and not the assembly directly (e.g. "pop these three parameters onto the stack"). In other words, I'd like to be able to have high confidence that the operations I construct are semantically meaningful in the language. But I'll take what I can get.
If you're not sure if a candidate language meets these criteria, here's a simple litmus test:
Can you write another method called clean which:
accepts a method m as input
returns another method m2 that performs the same operations as m
such that m2 is identical to m, but doesn't contain any calls to the print-to-standard-out method in your language (puts, System.Console.WriteLn, println, etc.)?
I'd like to do some preliminary research now and figure out what the strongest candidates are. Having a large, active community is as important to me as the practicality of implementing what I want to do. I am aware that there may be some unforged territory here, since manipulating bytecode directly is not typically an operation that needs to be exposed.
What are the choices available to me? If possible, can you provide a toy example in one or more of the languages that you recommend, or point me to a recent example?
Update: The reason I'm after this is that I'd like to write a program which is capable of modifying itself at runtime in response to new information. This modification goes beyond mere parameters or configurable data, but full-fledged, evolved changes in behavior. (No, I'm not writing a virus. ;) )
Well, you could always use .NET and the Expression libraries to build up expressions. That I think is really your best bet as you can build up representations of commands in memory and there is good library support for manipulating, traversing, etc.
Well, those languages with really strong macro support (in particular Lisps) could qualify.
But are you sure you actually need to go this deeply? I don't know what you're trying to do, but I suppose you could emulate it without actually getting too deeply into metaprogramming. Say, instead of using a method and manipulating it, use a collection of functions (with some way of sharing state, e.g. an object holding state passed to each).
I would say Groovy can do this.
For example
class Foo {
void bar() {
println "foobar"
Foo.metaClass.bar = {->
prinltn "barfoo"
Or a specific instance of foo without effecting other instances
fooInstance.metaClass.bar = {->
println "instance barfoo"
Using this approach I can modify, remove or add expression from the method and Subsequent calls will use the new method. You can do quite a lot with the Groovy metaClass.
In java, many professional framework do so using the open source ASM framework.
Here is a list of all famous java apps and libs including ASM.
A few years ago BCEL was also very much used.
There are languages/environments that allows a real runtime modification - for example, Common Lisp, Smalltalk, Forth. Use one of them if you really know what you're doing. Otherwise you can simply employ an interpreter pattern for an evolving part of your code, it is possible (and trivial) with any OO or functional language.
