How to sort dynamic amount of columns in M - excel

I got table with dynamic amount of columns named Level 1, Level 2, Level 3... etc and i need to apply Table.Sort(x,Order.Ascending) to all of them in same order, as they are.
I tried to create list from Table.ColumnNames and insert it directly into Table.Sort column name parameter, but it doesnt work. I also tried to create function, that would loop thru all columns names and apply sorting to each, but my knowledge of functions in DAX is far too low for this.
Any help will be very welcomed.

Assuming you only want to sort columns whose names start with 'Level', you could use something like this:
Table.Sort(Source, List.Select(Table.ColumnNames(Source), each Text.Start(_, 5) = "Level")


identify when values in a column change in spotfire

I am trying to create a calculated column that flags/counts the changes in values across rows in another column, in Spotfire. Below is an example of the data types I'm looking at and the desired results.
My hope is that for each Location, and ordered along Time, I can identify when the values of "colors" changes and have running count so that each cluster of similar values between changes is given the same label (Cluster Desire 1) for each Location. It would be best if the running count of clusters can restart at each location but this is not crucial. Any help would be more than appreciated!
I thought of a way to do it, relying on one intermediate column (I used two just to make it a bit clearer).
First: the concatenation of values for each row within its Location: called [concatString]
Concatenate(Concatenate([Color]) over (Intersect([Location],AllPrevious([Time]))),', ')
Spotfire defaults to comma followed by space as a separator: I could not find a way of changing that in this kind of expression.
Then within each [concatString] I remove repeated values. The complication is that the last one did not have the comma+space, and I did not manage to make the regular expression I am using understand that. So my workaround was to add a final comma+space to [concatString]. Hence the extra Concatenate(..).
The formula for the column without repetitions, [consolidatString] is:
Then what we have achieved is an individual value for each line we want to group. We can then simply rank [consolidatString] to achieve the desired column:

Excel Dependent Drop Down List with Repetitive Values

I have some data stored in an hierarchical way like this:
And I want to create three drop down lists from where you can select the Product in the Category based on the Store,Something like this:
The tricky thing here is the fact that a product(i.e Frozen Pizza) can be found on both stores while others (Lays) can only be found on one store.
How can I achieve this or how can I store the data in such a way that I can have the same result?.
I've tried things like named range with the data stored in a table like structure and with =INDIRECT (but won't work because of illegal characters like spaces,symbols,etc in the named range).I am looking for a Formula not a VBA.
I think you were on the right track. If not using VBA, I would use data stored in a table with named ranges and the INDIRECT formula.
That approach would be arduous as you would have to build out each list in its own range (e.g. products in category 1 of store 1, products in category 2 of store 1, etc.).
Also, as you mentioned, the named ranges are strict, so you would need to convert spaces and symbols to _ or omit them completely. You could consider using numeric IDs in the drop down lists instead of text, but the user would need to know what the IDs represent. You could then translate the IDs back to text using a lookup table once selected.
VBA would certainly provide a better solution.

Sequential count using 2 columns

Using Excel 2013, I would like to make a unique count using 2 columns, like this:
So basically I would like to count each unique function within each name, but:
I want it to be sequential, within each name.
When the function repeats, within each name, I want it to always have the same value (so if Compliance appears 2 times for a given person, I want both to have the same value in both cases (which is 1, in Jim's case).
Is this possible using only formulas in Excel?
This might work for you. Worked for me with your sample data.

SUMIFS with intermediate VLOOKUP in the criteria

I have 3 tables, 1 of which I want to fill in columns with data based on the other 2. Tables are roughly structured as follows:
Table 1 (Semi-Static Data)
SubGroup Group
----------- -----------
subgroup(1) group(a)
subgroup(2) group(b)
subgroup(3) group(b)
subgroup(4) group(c)
Table 2 (Variable Data)
SubGroup DataValue
----------- -----------
subgroup(1) datavalue(i)
subgroup(2) datavalue(ii)
subgroup(3) datavalue(iii)
subgroup(4) datavalue(iv)
Table 3 (Results)
Group TotalValue
----------- -----------
group(a) totalvalue(m)
group(b) totalvalue(n)
group(c) totalvalue(o)
Where the TotalValue is the sum of all DataValue's for all subgroups that belong to that particular Group.
e.g. for group(b) ---> totalvalue(n) = datavalue(ii) + datavalue(iii)
I am looking to achieve this calculation without adding any additional columns to the Data tables nor using VBA.
Basically I need to perform a COUNTIFS where there is an additional VLOOKUP matching the subgroup criteria range to the group it belongs to, and then only summing for datavalue's that match the group being evaluated. I have tried using array formulas but I'm having issues making it work. Any assistance would be very appreciated. Thank you,
EDIT: Wanted to add some details surrounding my question. First all Google searches did not provide a suitable answer. All the links had solutions to a slightly different problem were the VLOOKUP term is not dependent on the SUMIFS criteria but rather another single static variable. Stack Overflow offered similar solutions. Please let me know if anymore details are required to make my post suitable for this forum. Thank you again.
You can use the SUMPRODUCT function to do it all at once. The first reference $B$2:$B$5 is for the Group names, the second reference $E$2:$E$5 is for the datavalues. The G2 reference is for the group names in the third table, you can enter this formula for the first reference and then drag and fill for the rest.
=SUMPRODUCT($E$2:$E$5 * (G2 = $B$2:$B$5))
Some cell references, and sample data, would be helpful but something like this might be what you want:
WADR & IMHO, this is simply bad worksheet design. For lack of a single cross-reference column in Table2, any solution would have to be a VBA User Defined Formula or an overly complicated array formula (the latter of which I am not even sure is possible). The data tables are not normalized database tables you can INNER JOIN or GROUP BY ... HAVING.
The formula you are trying to achieve is akin to,
=SUMPRODUCT(SUMIF(D:D, {"subgroup(2)","subgroup(3)"}, E:E))
That only works with hard-coded values as arrayed constants (e.g. {"subgroup(2)","subgroup(3)"}). I know of no way to spit a dynamic list back into the formula using additional native Excel functions but VBA offers some possibilities.
The simple addition of one more column to Table2 with a very basic VLOOKUP reduces all of your problems to a SUMIF.
The formula in the new column D, row 2 is,
The formula in I2 is,
=SUMIF(D:D, H2,F:F )
Fill each down as necessary. Sorry if that is not what you wanted to hear.
Thank you everyone that responded and reviewed this post. I have managed to resolve this using an array formula and some matrix algebra. Please note that I am not using VLOOKUP (this operator cannot be performed on arrays) nor SUMIFS as my title states.
My final formula looks like this:
Very simply, I create an array variable that compares the Group being evaluated (e.g. cell G2) with the Groups column for Table 1 and outputs the corresponding matching SubGroups. This results in an array with as many rows as Table 1 had (N) and 1 column: Nx1. I then transpose that array (1xN) and compare it to the SubGroups column (Mx1, M being the number of rows in Table 2) and output the DataValues column for the rows that have a corresponding SubGroup (MxN). Then I perform a sum of the whole array to return a single value.
Notice that as I didn't include a value_if_false output return on either IF operators, it will just populate with FALSE in the arrays were the conditions are not met. This does not matter though for the final result. In the first IF, FALSE will not match the SubGroups so will be ignored. For the second all values FALSE passed to SUM will be calculated as 0. The more complicated question is that it grows the amount of memory required to process as we are not filtering to just have the values we want.
For this application I decided against filtering the subarray as the trade-off in resource utilization was acceptable. If the data sets were any bigger though, I would definitely try doing it. Another concern was that I did not understand fully the filtering logic that I was using based on so decided to simplify. Will revisit this concept latter as I think it will work. I might have completed this solution but was missing transposing the array to compare properly so abandoned this route.

Is there any Excel bulit-in function for SUMPRODUCT IF?

I have a table (a single table) like the picture below. to find the total $ Order 1, I can use SUMPRODUCT(Price,QTY1), SUMPRODUCT(Price,QTY2), however I would like to know the total $ order but devised into A,B,C. The important things I really like to keep structure of the table.
Is there any function like SUMPRODUCTIF. If not, is there anyway to make achieve what I would like to achieve?
I could make another column and do the QTY*Price to do the SUMIF. However, it adds extra columns
should do the job, with Category being the name of your "Product Category" column (that containing the letters "A", "B", "C").

