Using Spark Connector for Databricks and Snowflake on AWS - apache-spark

I'm looking at using both Databricks and Snowflake, connected by the Spark Connector, all running on AWS. I'm struggling to understand the following before triggering a decision:
How well does the Spark Connector perform? (performance, extra costs, compatibility)
What comparisons can be made between Databricks SQL and Snowflake SQL in terms of performance and standards?
What have been the “gotchas” or unfortunate surprises about trying to use both?

Snowflake has invested in the Spark connector's performance and according to benchmarks[0] it performs well.
The SQL dialects are similar. "Databricks SQL maintains compatibility with Apache Spark SQL semantics." [1] "Snowflake supports most of the commands and statements defined in SQL:1999." [2]
I haven't experienced gotchas. I would avoid using different regions. The performance characteristics of DataBricks SQL are different since 6/17 when they made their Photon engine default.
As always, the utility will depend on your use case, for example:
If you were doing analytical DataBricks SQL queries on partitioned compressed Parquet DeltaLake, then the performance ought to be roughly similar to Snowflake -- but if you were doing analytical DataBricks SQL queries against a JDBC MySQL connection then performance of Snowflake should be vastly better.
If you were doing wide table scan style queries (e.g. select * from foo (no where, no limit)) in DataBricks SQL and then doing analysis in a kernel (or something) then switching to Snowflake isn't going to do much for you.
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Spark SQL vs Databricks SQL

I recently started working with spark and was eager to know if I have to perform queries which would be better spark sql or databricks sql and why?
We need to distinguish two things here:
Spark SQL as a dialect of the SQL language. Originally started as Shark & Hive on Spark projects (blog), it's now going close to ANSI SQL.
Spark SQL as execution engine inside Spark.
As was mentioned in this answer, Databricks SQL as language is primarily based on Spark SQL with some additions specific to Delta Lake tables (like CREATE TABLE CLONE, ...). ANSI compatibility in Databricks SQL is controlled with ANSI_MODE setting, and will be enabled by default in the future.
But when it comes to the execution, Databricks SQL is different from Spark SQL engine because it uses Photon engine heavily optimized for modern hardware and BI/DW workloads. With Photon you can get significant speedup (2-3x) compared to standard Spark SQL engine on the complex queries that process a lot of data.
In basic nut shell, you can download Apache Spark with pre-built Hadoop. You need to download the package from free. Additionally you can add Delta Lake and other third-party software.
Now Databricks is platform where you have to pay, it contains Apache SPARK + Delta Lake + many built in extras.
As expected, performance and SQL dialect between Hadoop and Delta Lake are different since they are different databases.
You can install Delta Lake in Apache Spark so you compare Hadoop vs Delta Lake

Processing of queries using SparkSQL on difference databases

I want to use Spark SQL (installed on Machine 1) with connectors for different data stores like HBase, Hive, Cassandra, and MySQL (installed on Machine 2 to perform simple analytics like Min/Max, averaging, etc.
My Question: Is the processing of these queries done on Machine 1 or Spark SQL acts as just an interface to perform different analytics but on the data store end (ie. Machine 2)?
Yes and no. It depends on your spark job.
Spark SQL is a separate implementation. It is datastore agnostic. When you implement a spark sql job , spark transforms it into something called DAG.
It is a similar technique to a database query plan, but running completely on the spark cluster.
In case of simple min / max, it might be translated into a direct underlying store query. But it might also be translated into something which is preselecting bunch of records, then doing an own data processing. This way it is also possible to join and aggregate data from different data sources.
You can analyze the spark sql plan with common explain statement or via spark web ui.

Spark as execution engine or spark as an application?

Which option is better to use, spark as an execution engine on hive or accessing hive tables using spark SQL? And Why?
A few assumptions here are:
Reason to opt for SQL is to stay user friendly, e.g. if you have business users trying to access data.
Hive is in consideration because it provides an SQL like interface and persistence of data
If that is true, Spark-SQL is perhaps the better way forward. It is better integrated within Spark and as an integral part of Spark, it will provide more features (one example is structured streaming). You will still get user friendliness and an SQL like interface to Spark so you will get full benefits. But you will need to manage your system only from Spark's point of view. Hive installation and management will still be there but from a single perspective.
Using Hive with Spark as execution engine will keep you limited based upon how good a translation Hive's libraries are able to do to convert your HQL to Spark. They may do a pretty good job but you will still loose the advanced features of Spark SQL. And new features may take longer to get integrated in Hive compared to Spark SQL.
Also, with Hive exposed to end users, some advanced users or data engineering teams may want access to Spark. This will cause you to manage two tools. System management may get more tedious compared to only using Spark-SQL in this scenario as Spark SQL has the potential to serve both non-technical and advanced users and even if advanced users use pyspark, spark-shell or more, they will still be integrated within the same toolset.

running interactive sql queries over millions of parquet files

I have millions of streaming parquet files being written . I want to support running ad hoc interactive queries for debugging and analytics purpose ( added bonus if i can run streaming queries for some real time monitoring of key metrics as well).
What is a scalable solution for supporting this.
The two ways I have observed is running spark sql interactively over millions of parquet files (not too familiar with spark ecosystem but does this mean running a spark job for every sql user submits or do i need to run some streaming job and submit queries somehow) and second being using a presto sql engine on top of parquet (not exactly sure how presto ingests new incoming parquet files).
Any recommendations or pros and cons of either approach . Any better solutions considering i have > ~10Tb data produced every day .
Let me address your use cases :
Support running ad hoc interactive queries for debugging and analytics purpose
I would recommend building a presto cluster if you care about minimizing the latency of your queries and are willing to invest in many machines with a large amount of memory.
Reason: Presto would run fully in-memory without touching disk (in most cases)
A Spark Cluster can also do the job, however, it won't be as fast as Presto. The advantage of Spark over presto is its fault tolerance capabilities and its ability to fail over to disk in case of out of memory conditions which may be important for you given that you have too much data.
Run streaming queries for some real-time monitoring of key metrics as well
As long as you have basic queries, you can build dashboards on top of Presto which could run these queries every x minutes.
Having a considerable amount of processing may be a good reason to look at Spark streaming if real-time monitoring is important.
If it isn't then you could build an ETL (using Spark) for calculating your metrics, storing the data as a new hive table and then expose for querying via Presto/SparkSQL again.
How presto ingests new incoming parquet files?
I'm now aware of your architecture, but in any case, you need to provide Presto with a Hive connection (Hive Metastore to be precise).
Hive provides Presto with few schemas attached to the directories where you ingest your data. Presto dynamically sees the new data by default. Spark is not different by the way.
Presto has nothing to do with data ingestion. It only starts its job once the data is there.

Possibilities of Hadoop with MSSQL Reporting

I have been evaluating Hadoop on azure HDInsight to find a big data solution for our reporting application. The key part of this technology evaluation is that the I need to integrate with MSSQL Reporting Services as that is what our application already uses. We are very short on developer resources so the more I can make this into an engineering exercise the better. What I have tried so far
Use an ODBC connection from MSSQL mapped to the Hive on HDInsight.
Use an ODBC connection from MSSQL using HBASE on HDInsight.
Use SPARKQL locally on the azure HDInsight Remote desktop
What I have found is that HBASE and Hive are far slower to use with our reports. For test data I used a table with 60k rows and found that the report on MSSQL ran in less than 10 seconds. I ran the query on the hive query console and on the ODBC connection and found that it took over a minute to execute. Spark was faster (30 seconds) but there is no way to connect to it externally since ports cannot be opened on the HDInsight cluster.
Big data and Hadoop are all new to me. My question is, am I looking for Hadoop to do something it is not designed to do and are there ways to make this faster?I have considered caching results and periodically refreshing them, but it sounds like a management nightmare. Kylin looks promising but we are pretty married to windows azure, so I am not sure that is a viable solution.
Look at this documentation on optimizing Hive queries:
Specifically look at ORC and using Tez. I would create a cluster that has Tez on by default and then store your data in ORC format. Your queries should be much more performant then.
If going through Spark is fast enough, you should consider using the Microsoft Spark ODBC driver. I am using it and the performance is not comparable to what you'll get with MSSQL, other RDBMS or something like ElasticSearch but it does work pretty reliably.
