Azure Repository: unlimited merge conflicts in pull request - azure

It seems like I am facing a bug within my Azure Devops repository.
Within my pull request I have merge conflicts.
Every time I solve these and resolve the matching comment, a new merge conflict appears.
Here you can see I resolved all the issues:
Next when I return to the overview page a new merge conflict is shown:
When I solve this and go back to the overview page a new merge conflict is shown.
This keeps on happening.

It is not a bug in Azure DevOps but Way of Working.
Every conflict when manually resolved from the AzureDevops Conflicts tab, will have a comment created. Before completing the PR approval, the peer reviewer needs to resolve this comment related to the conflict resolution.


Gitlab - create branch and merge request from issue

It used to be possible to create a branch from a gitlab issue, however this functionality is no longer there.
Does it need to be explicitly enabled somewhere?
Or is there a new way to create a branch from an issue?
This one tripped me up as well!
Per the Gitlab user documentation,
The Create merge request button doesn’t display if:
A branch with the same name already exists.
A merge request already exists for this branch.
Your project has an active fork relationship.
To make this button appear, one possible workaround is to remove your
project’s fork relationship. After removal, the fork relationship
cannot be restored. This project can no longer be able to receive or
send merge requests to the source project, or other forks.
Otherwise, the button displays as indicated in the post by #Do_Nhu_Vy.
This feature is still exists. Let's see the sceenshot.

Unable to queue build error with Azure DevOps Pull Request

I want to trigger a build before pull request starts for merging (in Azure DevOps). For this option, I have added the Build validation under branch policies. But if I created a new Pull Request, I am getting the message as "Unable to queue build".
Please anyone let me know the option I selected solves my requirement. If yes, how to solve this "Unable to queue build" issue. If no, any option available to achieve my requirement.
Your options is achievable, and the problem now is most likely caused by you triggering the pipeline in the wrong repository.
For example, if you create a pipeline from repository 1 and trigger the pipeline in a pull request created from repository 2, the pipeline will not be queued.
Modify your pipeline or PR repository so that the pipeline and PR use the same repository, this should be resolved.
I had the same problem and i changed the branch policy to include the build pipeline:
Branch policy could be found from:
Repos -> Branches
Click on the 3 dots to the right of the branch that the PR is going to.
I was also facing the same problem, checking pipeline for being disabled or edited anyhow, but no differences.
But by checking the linked work items (tasks/pbis), I saw that one or more had not been completed. After changing the states everything worked fine.

Azure Pipelines DevOps Not Being Triggered by PR

I've been using Azure Pipelines for a while now and haven't changed my azure-pipelines.yml file here in 2 months. Previously, when there was a new PR, the pipeline would trigger and cause the environment to be built and the tests would be run.
Today, there was a new PR but I noticed that the pipeline was not being triggered. Then, to further test this, I forked, cloned, and branched the repository myself and created another new PR and, again, the pipeline was not triggered.
It's not clear to me where things are getting stuck and it's not clear how one would debug this. I've gone through this Azure DevOps documentation but it wasn't useful. I can manually trigger the pipeline to execute and test the master branch but I don't know how to manually trigger the same thing for a PR. Here's my Azure DevOps page for reference.
As normal, you do not need config pr in YAML script if there's no any special demand, we would do pull request trigger for all branches. But, it start broken from 03-13 21:02 (UTC), which caused by us, you do not do anything wrong.
The fix is preparing with our best.
As Alex said, this is the implicit trigger which YAML support only, if you do not configure pr in YAML explicitly.
To avoid such stuck later, except the method that Alex mentioned: add pr into YAML. You can also make use of UI configuration which performance is very stable until now.
Just go Pipeline definition page => Click on three dots of right corner => Select Trigger:
Then you will see Triggers tab which has Continues integration and Pull request validation display below. Open Pull request validation and enable Override the YAML pull request trigger from here:
Additional, Our team has noticed this broken issue, will update whether it is fixed here once we have any fixed release in progress.
Update 3/18/2020:
Fixed has released to all region. Every one can work github pr trigger as the document shows now.

gitlab API - how can I create a branch from an issue

In git lab, you can create an issue, then within the issue you can create a branch. This branch is linked to the issue (I think because of the issue number at the start of the branch name), such that when you do a merge request on that branch it automatically closes the issue.
So my question is - how can you do this via the API? I can create the issue, but there is no control (as far as I can see) within the issue API to create the related branch.
Is that possible?
It would be nice to be able to create an issue with branch in one go - but I don't think that is possible?
Ok - its not perhaps the best answer, but here is what I came up with for a interim solution (in linux bash):
Raise the issue store response in cmd_resp
Extract the issue ID: echo $cmd_resp | grep -o -P '(?<=iid":).*(?=,"project_id)'.
Where the issue ID is found by looking for: iid":<ISSUE-ID>,"project_id
Create a branch with the name: <ISSUE-ID>-some-branch-name - by having the issue ID at the start of the branch name, gitlab automatically makes a relation to that issue.
So - its quite a simple approach, but it does not feel very integrated. I would still prefer to do that from the point of view of the issue.
It is not possible to create a branch related to an issue via the issues API.
However, this is in line with how RESTful APIs should be designed. If you want to create a branch, you need to make a POST request to the branches API.
POST /projects/:id/repository/branches
As you have already found out, GitLab is quite good at automatically linking issues, MRs and branches together.
For a branch to be linked to an issue, simply start the branch with the issue ID. However, usually it is enough if a merge request is linked to an issue. In my opinion, you shouldn't really be concerned with the branch. You can later access the branch via issue->MR->branch
Merge requests are linked to issues whenever a MR's description text links to an issue (e.g. #1). If you add an issue ID to the Closes statement, the issue will also be closed upon MR resolution.
Therefore, you could simply create a branch via the API, name it however you want. Then, create a MR from that issue and include Closes #1 in your MR description, where 1 is your issue ID.
Further, I would recommend using a more sophisticated REST client. You shouldn't have to parse the issue ID yourself. It is properly set as a field in the JSON response.

Gitlab: how to view all issues resolved in a commit

Short version: In gitlab how do I view all issues resolved in a commit (or merge request) given that I close issues using git comments (e.g. 'fix #10')?
Long version: In case there is an alternative solution what I'm ultimately trying to accomplish is this. Let's say developer fixes 10 issues, commits, creates merge request and deploys to the staging server. Now QA team needs to know the list of issues that were released so that they can test them. I know this can be done by manually labeling each issue(or assigning a milestone). But since gitlab already knows what issues were resolved in a commit it should be easy to view all issues associated with a commit/merge request. Is it possible to view them?
