Python scipy interpolation meshgrid data - python-3.x

Dear all I want to interpolate an experimental data in order to make it look with higher resolution but apparently it does not work. I followed the example in this link for mgrid data the csv data can be found goes as follow.
Csv data
My code
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import scipy
[X, Y]=np.meshgrid(x,y)
Vx_df=pd.read_csv("Vx.csv", header=None)
plt.pcolor(X,Y,Vx, shading='nearest');
xi=np.linspace(0.1, 2.5, 30)
yi=np.linspace(0.15, 2.0, 50)
[X1, Y1]=np.meshgrid(xi,yi)
VxNew = scipy.interpolate.bisplev(X1[:,0], Y1[0,:], tck, dx=1, dy=1)
plt.pcolor(X1,Y1,VxNew, shading='nearest')
The image of the low resolution (without iterpolation) is Low resolution and the image I get after interpolation is High resolution
Can you please give me some advice? why it does not interpolate properly?

Ok so to interpolate we need to set up an input and output grid an possibly need to remove values from the grid that are missing. We do that like so
array = pd.read_csv(StringIO(csv_string), header=None).to_numpy()
def interp(array, scale=1, method='cubic'):
x = np.arange(array.shape[1]*scale)[::scale]
y = np.arange(array.shape[0]*scale)[::scale]
x_in_grid, y_in_grid = np.meshgrid(x,y)
x_out, y_out = np.meshgrid(np.arange(max(x)+1),np.arange(max(y)+1))
array =
x_in = x_in_grid[~array.mask]
y_in = y_in_grid[~array.mask]
return interpolate.griddata((x_in, y_in), array[~array.mask].reshape(-1),(x_out, y_out), method=method)
Now we need to call this function 3 times. First we fill the missing values in the middle with spline interpolation. Then we fill the boundary values with nearest neighbor interpolation. And finally we size it up by interpreting the pixels as being a few pixels apart and filling in gaps with spline interpolation.
array = interp(array)
array = interp(array, method='nearest')
array = interp(array, 50)
And we get the following result


Image note correctly displayed after transforming to Hounsfield Units

I am working on CT scans and specifically interested in the liver area. I am trying to convert pixel values to Hounsfield Units using the following function in python:
def transform_to_hu(slices):
images = np.stack([file.pixel_array for file in slices], axis=-1) #axis=-1 for depth in the last channel
images = images.astype(np.int16)
for n in range(len(slices)):
intercept = slices[n].RescaleIntercept
slope = slices[n].RescaleSlope
if slope != 1:
images[n] = slope * images[n].astype(np.float64)
images[n] = images[n].astype(np.int16)
images[n] += np.int16(intercept)
return np.array(images, dtype=np.int16)
After transforming to HU, why does the image looks like it's separated into two regions?
Your n variable is the first index of the numpy array (which corresponds to coronal slices), while you iterate through the number of slices when you apply the rescale operation. Because the number of slices is less than the number of rows the rescale operation doesn't cover the entire volume.
You should be iterating through the axial slices (i.e using the last index of the numpy array images[..., n]). Here's an example how to do it with pydicom's apply_rescale() function:
from import get_testdata_file
from pydicom.pixel_data_handlers import apply_rescale
import numpy as np
ds = get_testdata_file("CT_small.dcm")
ds_stack = [ds, ds, ds]
images = np.stack([ds.pixel_array for ds in ds_stack], axis=-1).astype('float64')
for idx, ds in enumerate(ds_stack):
images[..., idx] = apply_rescale(images[..., idx], ds)

How to bin a netcdf data using xarray

I have some spatiotemporal data derived from the CHIRPS Database. It is a NetCDF that contains daily precipitation for all over the world with a spatial resolution of 1x1km2. The DataSet possesses 3 dimensions ('time', 'longitude', 'latitude').
I would like to bin this precipitation data according to each pixel's coordinate ('latitude' & 'longitude') temporal distribution. Therefore, the dimension I wish to apply the binnarization is the 'time' domain.
This is a similar question already discussed in StackOverflow (see in here). The difference between their Issue and mine is that, in my case, I need to binnarize the data according to each specific pixel's temporal distribution, instead of applying a single range of values for binnarization for all my coordinates (pixels). As a consequence, I expect to have different binning thresholds ('n' sets of thresholds), one for each of the 'n' pixels in my dataset.
As far as I understand, the simplest and fastest way to apply a function over each of the coordinates (pixels) of a Xarray's DataArray/DataSet is to use the xarray.apply_ufunc.
For the binnarization, I am using the pandas qcut method, which only requires an array of values and some given relative frequency (i.e.: [0.1%, 0.5%, 25%, 99%]) in order for it to work.
Since pandas binning function requires an array of data, and it also returns another array of binnarized data, I understand that I have to use the argument "vectorize"=True in the U_function (described in here).
Finally, when I run the analysis, The resulted Xarray DataSet ends up losing the 'time' dimension after the processing. Also, I get unsure whether that processing truly returned an Xarray DataSet with data properly classified.
Here is a reproducible snippet code. Notice that the 'time' dimension of the "ds_binned" is lost. Therefore, I have to later insert the binned data back to the original xarray dataset (ds). Also notice that the dimensions are not set in proper order. That also is causing problems for my analysis.
import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('display.width', 50000)
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 50000)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 5000)
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from dask.diagnostics import ProgressBar
ds = xr.tutorial.open_dataset('rasm').load()
def parse_datetime(time):
return pd.to_datetime([str(x) for x in time])
ds.coords['time'] = parse_datetime(ds.coords['time'].values)
def binning_function(x, distribution_type='Positive', b=False):
y = np.where(np.abs(x)==np.inf, 0, x)
y = np.where(np.isnan(y), 0, y)
if np.all(y) == 0:
return x
Classified = pd.qcut(y, np.linspace(0.01, 1, 10))
def xarray_parse_extremes(ds, dim=['time'], dask='allowed', new_dim_name=['classes'], kwargs={'b': False, 'distribution_type':'Positive'}):
filtered = xr.apply_ufunc(binning_function,
#exclude_dims = [dim],
return filtered
with ProgressBar():
da_binned = xarray_parse_extremes(ds['Tair'] ,
dask='allowed') = 'classes'
ds_binned = da_binned.to_dataset()
ds['classes'] = (('y', 'x', 'time'), ds_binned['classes'].values)
mask = (ds['classes'] >= 5) & (ds['classes'] != 0)
ds.where(mask, drop=True).resample({'time':'Y'}).count('time')['Tair'].isel({'time':-1}).plot()
(ds.where(mask, drop=True).resample({'time':'Y'}).count('time')['Tair']
.to_dataframe().dropna().sort_values('Tair', ascending=False)
delayed_to_netcdf = ds.to_netcdf(r'F:\Philipe\temp\',
compute =False)
print('saving data classified')
with ProgressBar():

1-D interpolation using python 3.x

I have a data that looks like a sigmoidal plot but flipped relative to the vertical line.
But the plot is a result of plotting 1D data instead of some sort of function.
My goal is to find the x value when the y value is at 50%. As you can see, there is no data point when y is exactly at 50%.
Interpolate comes to my mind. But I'm not sure if interpolate enable me to find the x value when the y value is 50%. So my question is 1) can you use interpolate to find the x when the y is 50%? or 2)do you need to fit the data to some sort of a function?
Below is what I currently have in my code
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
my_x = [4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30,32,34,36,38,40,42,44,46,48,50,52,54,56,58,60,62,64,66]
my_y_raw=np.array([0.99470977497817203, 0.99434995886145172, 0.98974611323163653, 0.961630837657524, 0.99327633558441175, 0.99338952769251909, 0.99428263292577534, 0.98690514212711611, 0.99111667721533181, 0.99149418924880861, 0.99133773062680464, 0.99143506380003499, 0.99151080464011454, 0.99268261743308517, 0.99289757252812316, 0.99100207861144063, 0.99157171773324027, 0.99112571824824358, 0.99031608691035722, 0.98978104266076905, 0.989782674787969, 0.98897835092187614, 0.98517540405423909, 0.98308943666187076, 0.96081810781994603, 0.85563541881892147, 0.61570811548079107, 0.33076276040577052, 0.14655134838124245, 0.076853147122142126, 0.035831324928136087, 0.021344669212790181])
plt.plot(my_x, my_y,color='k', markersize=40)
plt.scatter(my_x,my_y,marker='*',label="myplot", color='k', edgecolor='k', linewidth=1,facecolors='none',s=50)
plt.legend(loc="lower left")
Using SciPy
The most straightforward way to do the interpolation is to use the SciPy interpolate.interp1d function. SciPy is closely related to NumPy and you may already have it installed. The advantage to interp1d is that it can sort the data for you. This comes at the cost of somewhat funky syntax. In many interpolation functions it is assumed that you are trying to interpolate a y value from an x value. These functions generally need the "x" values to be monotonically increasing. In your case, we swap the normal sense of x and y. The y values have an outlier as #Abhishek Mishra has pointed out. In the case of your data, you are lucky and you can get away with the the leaving the outlier in.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
my_x = [4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30,32,34,36,38,40,42,44,46,
my_y_raw=np.array([0.99470977497817203, 0.99434995886145172,
0.98974611323163653, 0.961630837657524, 0.99327633558441175,
0.99338952769251909, 0.99428263292577534, 0.98690514212711611,
0.99111667721533181, 0.99149418924880861, 0.99133773062680464,
0.99143506380003499, 0.99151080464011454, 0.99268261743308517,
0.99289757252812316, 0.99100207861144063, 0.99157171773324027,
0.99112571824824358, 0.99031608691035722, 0.98978104266076905,
0.989782674787969, 0.98897835092187614, 0.98517540405423909,
0.98308943666187076, 0.96081810781994603, 0.85563541881892147,
0.61570811548079107, 0.33076276040577052, 0.14655134838124245,
0.076853147122142126, 0.035831324928136087, 0.021344669212790181])
# set assume_sorted to have scipy automatically sort for you
f = interp1d(my_y_raw, my_x, assume_sorted = False)
xnew = f(0.5)
print('interpolated value is ', xnew)
plt.plot(my_x, my_y_raw,'x-', markersize=10)
plt.plot(xnew, 0.5, 'x', color = 'r', markersize=20)
plt.plot((0, xnew), (0.5,0.5), ':')
which gives
interpolated value is 56.81214249272691
Using NumPy
Numpy also has an interp function, but it doesn't do the sort for you. And if you don't sort, you'll be sorry:
Does not check that the x-coordinate sequence xp is increasing. If xp
is not increasing, the results are nonsense.
The only way I could get np.interp to work was to shove the data in to a structured array.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
my_x = np.array([4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30,32,34,36,38,40,42,44,46,
48,50,52,54,56,58,60,62,64,66], dtype = np.float)
my_y_raw=np.array([0.99470977497817203, 0.99434995886145172,
0.98974611323163653, 0.961630837657524, 0.99327633558441175,
0.99338952769251909, 0.99428263292577534, 0.98690514212711611,
0.99111667721533181, 0.99149418924880861, 0.99133773062680464,
0.99143506380003499, 0.99151080464011454, 0.99268261743308517,
0.99289757252812316, 0.99100207861144063, 0.99157171773324027,
0.99112571824824358, 0.99031608691035722, 0.98978104266076905,
0.989782674787969, 0.98897835092187614, 0.98517540405423909,
0.98308943666187076, 0.96081810781994603, 0.85563541881892147,
0.61570811548079107, 0.33076276040577052, 0.14655134838124245,
0.076853147122142126, 0.035831324928136087, 0.021344669212790181],
dtype = np.float)
dt = np.dtype([('x', np.float), ('y', np.float)])
data = np.zeros( (len(my_x)), dtype = dt)
data['x'] = my_x
data['y'] = my_y_raw
data.sort(order = 'y') # sort data in place by y values
print('numpy interp gives ', np.interp(0.5, data['y'], data['x']))
which gives
numpy interp gives 56.81214249272691
As you said, your data looks like a flipped sigmoidal. Can we make the assumption that your function is a strictly decreasing function? If that is the case, we can try the following methods:
Remove all the points where the data is not strictly decreasing.For example, for your data that point will be near 0.
Use the binary search to find the location where y=0.5 should be put in.
Now you know two (x, y) pairs where your desired y=0.5 should lie.
You can use simple linear interpolation if (x, y) pairs are very close.
Otherwise, you can see what is the approximation of sigmoid near those pairs.
You might not need to fit any functions to your data. Simply find the following two elements:
The largest x for which y<50%
The smallest x for which y>50%
Then use interpolation and find the x*. Below is the code
my_x = np.array([4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30,32,34,36,38,40,42,44,46,48,50,52,54,56,58,60,62,64,66])
my_y=np.array([0.99470977497817203, 0.99434995886145172, 0.98974611323163653, 0.961630837657524, 0.99327633558441175, 0.99338952769251909, 0.99428263292577534, 0.98690514212711611, 0.99111667721533181, 0.99149418924880861, 0.99133773062680464, 0.99143506380003499, 0.99151080464011454, 0.99268261743308517, 0.99289757252812316, 0.99100207861144063, 0.99157171773324027, 0.99112571824824358, 0.99031608691035722, 0.98978104266076905, 0.989782674787969, 0.98897835092187614, 0.98517540405423909, 0.98308943666187076, 0.96081810781994603, 0.85563541881892147, 0.61570811548079107, 0.33076276040577052, 0.14655134838124245, 0.076853147122142126, 0.035831324928136087, 0.021344669212790181])
tempInd1 = my_y<.5 # This will only work if the values are monotonic
x1 = my_x[tempInd1][0]
y1 = my_y[tempInd1][0]
x2 = my_x[~tempInd1][-1]
y2 = my_y[~tempInd1][-1]
scipy.interp(0.5, [y1, y2], [x1, x2])

Index 150 out of bounds in axis0 with size 1

I was making histogram using numpy array in Python with open cv. The code is as follows:
#finding histogram of an image
import numpy as np
import cv2
img = cv2.imread("cr7.jpg")
#finding how many times a particular pixel intensity repeats
for x in range (0,183): #size of gray_img is (184,275)
for y in range (0,274):
g=gry_ img[x,y]
Error is as follows:
IndexError: index 150 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 1
Since you haven't supplied the image, it is only from guessing that it seems you've made a mistake with the dimensions of the image. Alternatively the issue is entirely with the shape of your results array a.
The code you have is rather fragile, and here is a cleaner way to interact with images. I use an image from opencv's data directory: aero1.jpg.
The code here resolves both potential issues identified above, whichever one it was:
fname = 'aero1.jpg'
im = cv2.imread(fname)
gry_img = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
>>> (480, 640)
# note that the image is 640pix wide by 480 tall;
# the numpy array shows the number of rows first.
# rows are in y / columns are in x
# NOTE the results array `a` need only be 1-dimensional, not 2d (1x256)
a=np.zeros((256, ), dtype=np.uint8)
# iterating over all pixels, whatever the shape of the image.
height, width = gry_img.shape
for x in xrange(width):
for y in xrange(height):
g = gry_img[y, x] # NOTE y, x not x, y
a[g] += 1
But note that you could also achieve this easily with a numpy function np.histogram (docs), with slightly careful handling of the bin edges.
histb, bin_edges = np.histogram(gry_img.reshape(-1), bins=xrange(0, 257))
# check that we arrived at the same result as iterating manually:
(a == histb).all()
>>> True

Plotting a chart a plot in which the Y text data and X numeric data from dictionary. Matplotlib & Python 3 [duplicate]

I can create a simple columnar diagram in a matplotlib according to the 'simple' dictionary:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
D = {u'Label1':26, u'Label2': 17, u'Label3':30}, D.values(), align='center')
plt.xticks(range(len(D)), D.keys())
But, how do I create curved line on the text and numeric data of this dictionarie, I do not know?
ΠΆ_OLD = {'10': 'need1', '11': 'need2', '12': 'need1', '13': 'need2', '14': 'need1'}
Like the picture below
You may use numpy to convert the dictionary to an array with two columns, which can be plotted.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
T_OLD = {'10' : 'need1', '11':'need2', '12':'need1', '13':'need2','14':'need1'}
x = list(zip(*T_OLD.items()))
# sort array, since dictionary is unsorted
x = np.array(x)[:,np.argsort(x[0])].T
# let second column be "True" if "need2", else be "False
x[:,1] = (x[:,1] == "need2").astype(int)
# plot the two columns of the array
plt.plot(x[:,0], x[:,1])
#set the labels accordinly
plt.gca().set_yticklabels(['need1', 'need2'])
The following would be a version, which is independent on the actual content of the dictionary; only assumption is that the keys can be converted to floats.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
T_OLD = {'10': 'run', '11': 'tea', '12': 'mathematics', '13': 'run', '14' :'chemistry'}
x = np.array(list(zip(*T_OLD.items())))
u, ind = np.unique(x[1,:], return_inverse=True)
x[1,:] = ind
x = x.astype(float)[:,np.argsort(x[0])].T
# plot the two columns of the array
plt.plot(x[:,0], x[:,1])
#set the labels accordinly
Use numeric values for your y-axis ticks, and then map them to desired strings with plt.yticks():
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
# example data
times = pd.date_range(start='2017-10-17 00:00', end='2017-10-17 5:00', freq='H')
data = np.random.choice([0,1], size=len(times))
data_labels = ['need1','need2']
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(times, data, marker='o', linestyle="None")
plt.yticks(data, data_labels)
Note: It's generally not a good idea to use a line graph to represent categorical changes in time (e.g. from need1 to need2). Doing that gives the visual impression of a continuum between time points, which may not be accurate. Here, I changed the plotting style to points instead of lines. If for some reason you need the lines, just remove linestyle="None" from the call to plt.plot().
(per comments)
To make this work with a y-axis category set of arbitrary length, use ax.set_yticks() and ax.set_yticklabels() to map to y-axis values.
For example, given a set of potential y-axis values labels, let N be the size of a subset of labels (here we'll set it to 4, but it could be any size).
Then draw a random sample data of y values and plot against time, labeling the y-axis ticks based on the full set labels. Note that we still use set_yticks() first with numerical markers, and then replace with our category labels with set_yticklabels().
labels = np.array(['A','B','C','D','E','F','G'])
N = 4
# example data
times = pd.date_range(start='2017-10-17 00:00', end='2017-10-17 5:00', freq='H')
data = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(labels)), size=len(times))
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15,10))
ax.plot(times, data, marker='o', linestyle="None")
This gives the exact desired plot:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from collections import OrderedDict
T_OLD = {'10' : 'need1', '11':'need2', '12':'need1', '13':'need2','14':'need1'}
T_SRT = OrderedDict(sorted(T_OLD.items(), key=lambda t: t[0]))
plt.plot(map(int, T_SRT.keys()), map(lambda x: int(x[-1]), T_SRT.values()),'r')
ax = plt.gca()
ax.set_yticklabels(['need1', 'need2'])
For Python 3.X the plotting lines needs to explicitly convert the map() output to lists:
plt.plot(list(map(int, T_SRT.keys())), list(map(lambda x: int(x[-1]), T_SRT.values())),'r')
as in Python 3.X map() returns an iterator as opposed to a list in Python 2.7.
The plot uses the dictionary keys converted to ints and last elements of need1 or need2, also converted to ints. This relies on the particular structure of your data, if the values where need1 and need3 it would need a couple more operations.
After plotting and changing the axes limits, the program simply modifies the tick labels at y positions 1 and 2. It then also adds the title and the x and y axis labels.
Important part is that the dictionary/input data has to be sorted. One way to do it is to use OrderedDict. Here T_SRT is an OrderedDict object sorted by keys in T_OLD.
The output is:
This is a more general case for more values/labels in T_OLD. It assumes that the label is always 'needX' where X is any number. This can readily be done for a general case of any string preceding the number though it would require more processing,
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from collections import OrderedDict
import re
T_OLD = {'10' : 'need1', '11':'need8', '12':'need11', '13':'need1','14':'need3'}
T_SRT = OrderedDict(sorted(T_OLD.items(), key=lambda t: t[0]))
x_val = list(map(int, T_SRT.keys()))
y_val = list(map(lambda x: int(re.findall(r'\d+', x)[-1]), T_SRT.values()))
plt.plot(x_val, y_val,'r')
ax = plt.gca()
y_axis = list(set(y_val))
ax.set_yticklabels(['need' + str(i) for i in y_axis])
This solution finds the number at the end of the label using re.findall to accommodate for the possibility of multi-digit numbers. Previous solution just took the last component of the string because numbers were single digit. It still assumes that the number for plotting position is the last number in the string, hence the [-1]. Again for Python 3.X map output is explicitly converted to list, step not necessary in Python 2.7.
The labels are now generated by first selecting unique y-values using set and then renaming their labels through concatenation of the strings 'need' with its corresponding integer.
The limits of y-axis are set as 0.9 of the minimum value and 1.1 of the maximum value. Rest of the formatting is as before.
The result for this test case is:
