WAIT CONDITION IN BLUEPRISM [closed] - blueprism

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I am going through the Foundation training for Blue Prism. I am trying to add a wait condition to a process, but the wait condition option is blurred and can not be set.

Processes do not implement Wait stages. Waits are specifically for object-level application interactions.
If you need to pause execution for whatever reason at the Process level, import the Utility - Environment VBO and use the Sleep action.
I would recommend you re-read the Foundation Training Guide more closely, as this is addressed directly in the Object Studio -> Wait section:
The Wait stage [is] used to enable a Business Object to pause and wait for an application element. This allows a Business Object to deal with potentially erratic application performance. There are different element conditions to wait for but the most common is simply to wait for the element to exist.


What is the best way to generate and run concurent threads from a for loop over an Arc<Mutex<Vec>>? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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Im running both a uni and multi threaded version of an application. There is no speed advantage. That said, what is the best way to access an Arc<Mutex<Vec>> and process each entry concurrently?
You cannot process an Arc<Mutex<Vec<T>>> concurrently - the mutex wraps the entire vector, so no other thread other than the one that locked it will be able to access it.
If you know the number of elements up front, you can use an Arc<Vec<Mutex<T>>>. This has a mutex per-element, so threads will lock only the elements. However you won't be able to grow or shrink the Vec since its shared.
There are also more specialized structures in the Concurrency section of http://lib.rs, with varying semantics, that may fit your needs.

What is a simple definition for a CPU intensive application to answer in an interview? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I got asked during an online interview:- What is CPU Intensive Application? Answer it in 3-4 lines (briefly). I just want the simple definition that can be explained with few-real world examples.
Doesn't get any simpler than this forever loop:
while (true) {}
To explain this, just remember that nodejs is single-threaded, so anything that blocks the event-loop is bound to turn the process into a CPU-hungry beast. Of course the kernel is free to schedule the nodejs process as it sees fit, but the truth of the matter is that only that loop will get a chance to do anything meaningful in your program.
See also Don't Block the Event Loop

write an eventloop instead of using existing asyncio evenloop [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Ok, so one can write a custom made eventloop over using given asyncio's eventloop (Writing an EventLoop without using asyncio)
Now the question rises is why? Why prefer writing a custom made over asyncio's eventloop?
Why prefer writing a custom made over asyncio's eventloop?
Usually you invent something new if existing approach doesn't fit your needs. Or may be if you think you can do things more efficiently or conveniently.
First of all it worth noting that asyncio itself provides multiple event loop implementations. Reason for this is that they built on top of different low-level OS API an can behave differently. You can select (or write your own event loop) that fits your task best.
Sometimes people create their own event loop implementations for better performance. Good example of such case is uvloop.
Sometimes people create event loops on top of other non-asyncio event loops. For example quamash provides event loop on top of Qt. It allows to write asynchronous programs using PyQt.

what is the best practice for multiple threads writing to one file [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm writing a multi-threaded program and all these threads should write their data to a single file.
these threads only writing different strings for some kind of append-only logging
whats the best practice for sharing a file between threads for out put?
For logging (for future questions, make sure you put that information into the question rather than just a comment) there's a strong preference to not have the threads do file access they don't have to; as it means that logging negatively impacts performance for the rest of that thread.
For that reason, NathanOliver's suggestion of having the threads write to a shared container and then one dedicated to dumping that container to file would probably be the best option for you.

Will the Nest API support reading the state of the system? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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The API doesn't give any information on the state of the HVAC system, i.e. heating, cooling, fan. Will this be added in the future?
You can determine the cooling/heating mode using the "hvac_mode" property (https://developer.nest.com/documentation/api#hvac_mode), and "fan_timer_active" to check if the fan timer is running. You can also query the target properties, starting with "target_temperature_f" (https://developer.nest.com/documentation/api#target_temperature_f)
No, HVAC mode isn't the same as HVAC state. My system could be in cooling mode but not actively making a call for cooling. If you know the swing value you can guess based on the difference between set point and actual temp but that really isn't reliable.
Presumably this might be to prevent replication of existing Nest functionality?
